accelerator asm bcx$ bcx_resource bcxversion catch ccode class comment compiler cpp define dll else elseif endclass endif endtry file$ filetest fill fsstatic genfree header hscroll if ifdef ifndef ifnotbcx include iprint_off iprint_on lcc$ leanandmean library linker mt multithread namespace noini nolibmain nolibrary nomain nowin onentry onexit optimizeroff optimizeron pack pelles pelles$ pp pragma prj prjuse project rems resource source test trace try turbo typedef vscroll warnings warnings_on warnings_off zap abs acos acosh addressof alias and andalso ansitowide appactivate append appexename$ appexepath$ argc argv argv$ as asc ascending asin asinh atanh atn auto band bcx_arc bcx_bitmap bcx_blackrect bcx_bmpbutton bcx_bmpheight bcx_bmpwidth bcx_button bcx_checkbox bcx_circle bcx_colordlg bcx_combobox bcx_control bcx_cursor bcx_datepick bcx_dialog bcx_edit bcx_ellipse bcx_floodfill bcx_fontdlg bcx_form bcx_get bcx_get_text$ bcx_get_updown bcx_getpixel bcx_grayrect bcx_group bcx_hinstance bcx_icon bcx_input bcx_label bcx_line bcx_lineto bcx_listbox bcx_listview bcx_loadbmp bcx_loadimage bcx_mdialog bcx_mdichild bcx_mdiclass bcx_mdiclient bcx_olepicture bcx_polybezier bcx_polygon bcx_polyline bcx_popconsolesize bcx_preset bcx_print bcx_progressbar bcx_pset bcx_pushconsolesize bcx_put bcx_radio bcx_rectangle bcx_repeat bcx_resize bcx_resource bcx_richedit bcx_roundrect bcx_scalex bcx_scaley bcx_set_edit_color bcx_set_font bcx_set_form_color bcx_set_label_color bcx_set_text bcx_setclientsize bcx_setcolor bcx_setconsolesize bcx_setsplitpos bcx_slider bcx_splitter bcx_status bcx_str bcx_stricmp bcx_tab bcx_thread bcx_threadend bcx_threadkill bcx_threadresume bcx_threadsuspend bcx_threadwait bcx_tile bcx_toolbar bcx_treeview bcx_updown bcx_whiterect bcxfont bcxlib bcxpath$ bcxsplitpath$ begin bel$ bff$ bin$ bin2dec binary bnot bool$ bor bs$ bstr by byref byte_at c_declare call callback case cbctl cbctlmsg cbhndl cbhwnd cblparam cbmsg cbool cbwparam cdbl center chdir chdrive chr$ cint class clear clipboard_gettext$ clipboard_gettextsize clipboard_reset clipboard_settext clng close closedialog cls color color_bg color_fg com comboboxloadfile command$ comset concat console const containedin control copyfile cos cosh cosl cpad$ cr$ createregint createregstring crlf$ csng csrlin curdir$ cursorx cursory cvd cvi cvl cvs data data$ date$ declare decr del$ delay delete deleteregkey descending dialog dim do doevents double download dpi dq$ drawtransbmp dsplit dynamic each editloadfile ejectpage else elseif enc$ end endif enum environ$ eof eof$ esc$ events exist exit exp export extern extract$ false ff$ filelocked fill fillarray findfirst$ findfirstinstance findintype findnext$ finput fix flush for for_each formload fprint frac free freefile freeglobals function fwrite genfree$ get$ getattr getbmp getbvalue getc getdrive getfilename$ getgvalue getresource getrvalue gettextsize global gosub goto gui hex$ hex2dec hide hiword hypot icompare icon if iif iif$ imod in inchr incr infobox inkey inkey$ inp input inputbox$ inputbuffer inputnumber inpw ins$ instat instr instrrev int integer iremove iremove$ ireplace ireplace$ is isfalse isfile isfolder ishidden isodate$ isptr isreadonly issystem istrue iszero iterate join$ keypress kill lcase$ lccpath$ ldouble left$ leftstr len lf$ lib like line listboxloadfile load_dll loadfile$ loadlibrary loc local locate lof log log10 long longestline loop loword lpad$ lprint ltrim$ macro main max mcase$ mdigui memsize method mid$ min mkd$ mkdir mki$ mkl$ mks$ mod modal modstyle msgbox nest new next next_each nextlinelen not nothing notzero now$ nul$ object object oct$ on open optional or or osversion outp output outpw overloaded panel pause peek$ pellespath$ pixels playwav poke popcolors pos pow powl preserve print printer private program property propget propset ptr pushcolors put$ qbcolor qsort qsortidx randomize raw read read$ rec reccount reclen record redim refresh regint register regstring$ rem remain$ remove remove$ rename repeat repeat$ replace replace$ retain$ return reverse$ rewind rgb right$ rightstr rmdir rnd round rpad$ rtrim$ run savebmp scanerror screen searchpath$ seek select set set_bcx_bitmap set_bcx_bitmap2 set_bcx_bmpbutton set_bcx_icon setattr setdialogscale seteof setformcolor setwindowrtftext sgn shared sharedset shell show sin single sinh sinl sizeof sleep sound space$ spc$ split sprint sqr sqrt sqrtl static stdcall step str$ strarray strim$ string string$ strptr strtoken$ sub swap sysdir$ sysstr tab$ tally tan tanh tanl tempdir$ tempfilename$ textmode then this time$ timer to trim$ true type ubound ucase$ uncom union until unwrap$ using$ val vbs_addcode vbs_eval_num vbs_eval_str$ vbs_reset vbs_run_script vbs_start vbs_stop vchr$ verify vt$ wend while widetoansi$ windir$ with wrap$ write xfor xnext xor