#include "lib/RAEdit.h" #include "raEdit.h" $PRAGMA lib "lib/libRAEditC.a" SUB RaNewEdit() DIM pn DIM AS RECT rc pn = TabCtrl_GetItemCount(ghMainTab) GetClientRect (ghMainTab, &rc) AdjustWindowRect (&rc, 0, 0) IF pn THEN BCX_ADDTAB(ghMainTab, pn, "New.bas") ghEdit[pn] = BCX_CONTROL("RAEdit", ghTab[pn], "This is Page ", pn+6000, rc.left,rc.top,rc.right-rc.left-8,rc.bottom-rc.top-26, _ WS_CHILD OR WS_VISIBLE OR WS_BORDER OR ES_LEFT OR ES_MULTILINE OR STYLE_AUTOSIZELINENUM OR STYLE_NOLINENUMBER OR STYLE_DRAGDROP OR STYLE_NOSIZEGRIP) END IF RaConfigEditor(ghEdit[pn]) END SUB SUB RaConfigEditor(hEDT as HWND) ' Set Editor Font BCX_SET_FONT(hEDT, "Consolas", 12) ' Enable Line Numbers CheckDlgButton(hEDT,-2,TRUE) SendMessage(hEDT, WM_COMMAND, -2, 0) ' Highlite Active Line in Editor SendMessage(hEDT, REM_HILITEACTIVELINE, 0, 2) ' Set the comment character SendMessage(hEDT, REM_SETCHARTAB, ASC(";"), CT_OPER) SendMessage(hEDT, REM_SETCHARTAB, ASC("'"), CT_CMNTCHAR) ' Enable Block Guides SendMessage(hEDT, REM_SETSTYLEEX, STYLEEX_BLOCKGUIDE,0) ' Set up tabbing; 4 spaces, also convert to spaces on load? SendMessage(hEDT, CONVERT_TABTOSPACE, 0, 0) SendMessage(hEDT, REM_TABWIDTH, 4, TRUE) ' SendMEssage(RAEdit, REM_CONVERT, CONVERT_UPPERCASE, 0) SendMessage(hEDT, REM_SETSTYLEEX, STILEEX_STRINGMODEFB, 0) SendMessage(hEDT, REM_SETSTYLEEX, STILEEX_LINECHANGED, 0) ' Set Colors and Keywords RaSetColors(hEDT) RaLoadKeyWords(hEDT) ' Set Folding Words, minimal list ' [$] is a placeholder, [!] disable folding if following word is at eol? ' Optional Number or define at end of function call specifies the type of styling RaSetBlocks(hEDT,"begin events", "end events",0) RaSetBlocks(hEDT,"begin dialog", "end dialog",0) RaSetBlocks(hEDT,"begin modal dialog", "end dialog",0) RaSetBlocks(hEDT,"%private %public Function $","end Function") RaSetBlocks(hEDT,"if $! then", "EndIf|End If") RaSetBlocks(hEDT,"with $", "end with") RaSetBlocks(hEDT,"select case !end select","End Select") RaSetBlocks(hEDT,"%private %public sub $","end sub") RaSetBlocks(hEDT,"enum", "end enum",0) RaSetBlocks(hEDT,"while $ !wend", "wend",0) RaSetBlocks(hEDT,"type!as","End Type",0) RaSetBlocks(hEDT,"do!loop","Loop",0) RaSetBlocks(hEDT,"while $ !wend","wend",0) RaSetBlocks(hEDT,"for $ !next","next",0) SetFocus(hEDT) END SUB ' Sets keyword blocks for folding Function RaSetBlocks OPTIONAL (hEDT as HWND, start_block AS STRING, end_block AS STRING, flag AS INTEGER = 0) AS INTEGER DIM AS RABLOCKDEF blockdef SendMessage(hEDT, REM_SETBLOCKS,0,0) WITH blockdef .lpszStart = start_block .lpszEnd = end_block .lpszNot1 = 0 .lpszNot2 = 0 .flag = flag END WITH FUNCTION = SendMessage(hEDT, REM_ADDBLOCKDEF, 0, &blockdef) END FUNCTION Function RaLoadKeyWords(hEDT AS HWND) As INTEGER DIM AS INTEGER r DIM AS DWORD rcSize r = SendMessage(hEDT, REM_SETHILITEWORDS, 0xc48a4c, (LPCSTR)GetResource(RC_KEYWORDS, RT_RCDATA, &rcSize)) r = SendMessage(hEDT, REM_SETHILITEWORDS, 0x5f5fce, (LPCSTR)GetResource(RC_WINAPI, RT_RCDATA, &rcSize)) FUNCTION = r End Function ' Configure color scheme for RAEdit object SUB RaSetColors(hEDT as HWND) DIM AS RACOLOR colors WITH colors .bckcol = QBCOLOR(0) ' Back color .txtcol = QBCOLOR(11) ' Text color .selbckcol = 0xd89f62 ' Sel back color .seltxtcol = SELTXTCLR ' Sel text color .cmntcol = QBCOLOR(24) ' Comment color .strcol = RGB(0,193,0) ' String color .oprcol = 0x5f5fce ' Operator color .hicol1 = HILITE1 ' Line hilite 1 [ current line color option 1 ] .hicol2 = 0x303030 ' Line hilite 2 [ current line color option 2 ] .hicol3 = HILITE3 ' Line hilite 3 [ current line color option 3 ] .selbarbck = RGB(20,20,20) ' Line numbers panel background .selbarpen = SELBARPEN ' Selection bar pen .lnrcol = 0xffffff ' Line numbers color .numcol = 0x5f5fce ' Numbers & hex color .cmntback = QBCOLOR(0) ' Comment back color .strback = QBCOLOR(0) ' String back color .numback = QBCOLOR(0) ' Numbers & hex back color .oprback = QBCOLOR(0) ' Operator back color .changed = CHANGEDCLR ' Line changed indicator .changesaved = CHANGESAVEDCLR ' Line saved chane indicator END WITH SendMessage(hEDT, REM_SETCOLOR, 0, &colors) END SUB ' Loads file into RAEdit object FUNCTION RaLoadFile(edt AS HWND) AS STRING DIM RetStr$ DIM AS CHARRANGE chrg RetStr$ = GetFileName$("Open File...", "BCX Files|*.BAS;*.INC;*.bi;*.bci") IF Len(RetStr$) THEN EDITLOADFILE(edt, RetStr$) chrg.cpMin = 0 chrg.cpMax = 0 SendMessage(edt, EM_EXSETSEL, 0, &chrg) SendMessage(edt, EM_SCROLLCARET, 0, 0) SendMessage(edt, REM_HILITEACTIVELINE, 0, 2) SendMessage(edt, EM_SETMODIFY, FALSE, 0) SendMessage(edt, REM_SETCHANGEDSTATE, FALSE, 0) SetFocus(edt) END IF FUNCTION = RetStr$ END FUNCTION SUB RaGotoLine(hEDT as HWND, Line AS INTEGER) Dim chrg As CHARRANGE DIM GotoLine GotoLine = SendMessage(hEDT, EM_LINEINDEX, Line, 0) chrg.cpMin = GotoLine chrg.cpMax = GotoLine SendMessage(hEDT, EM_EXSETSEL, 0, &chrg) SendMessage(hEDT, EM_SCROLLCARET, 0, 0) END SUB SUB RaCut(hEDT as HWND) SendMessage(hEDT, WM_CUT, 0, 0) SetFocus(hEDT) END SUB SUB RaCopy(hEDT as HWND) SendMessage(hEDT, WM_COPY, 0, 0) SetFocus(hEDT) END SUB SUB RaPaste(hEDT as HWND) SendMessage(hEDT, WM_PASTE, 0, 0) SetFocus(hEDT) END SUB SUB RaSelectAll(hEDT as HWND) SendMessage(hEDT, EM_SETSEL, 0, -1) SetFocus(hEDT) END SUB SUB RaUndo(hEDT as HWND) SendMessage(hEDT, EM_UNDO, 0, 0) SetFocus(hEDT) END SUB SUB RaRedo(hEDT as HWND) SendMessage(hEDT, EM_REDO, 0, 0) SetFocus(hEDT) END SUB