2018-10-17 05:04:12 +00:00
Add-Type -AssemblyName System . Windows . Forms
2019-04-21 06:25:13 +00:00
Add-Type -AssemblyName System . Drawing
$ErrorPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
$VerbosePreference = 'Continue'
$form = New-Object System . Windows . Forms . Form
$form . Text = 'Windows10Debloater'
$form . Size = New-Object System . Drawing . Size ( 800 , 600 )
$form . StartPosition = 'CenterScreen'
$OKButton = New-Object System . Windows . Forms . Button
$OKButton . Location = New-Object System . Drawing . Point ( 275 , 40 )
$OKButton . Size = New-Object System . Drawing . Size ( 225 , 23 )
$OKButton . Text = 'Remove Selected Bloatware Packages'
$OKButton . DialogResult = [ System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult ] :: OK
$form . AcceptButton = $OKButton
$form . Controls . Add ( $OKButton )
$RemoveKeys = New-Object system . Windows . Forms . Button
$RemoveKeys . text = " BRUH "
$RemoveKeys . width = 225
$RemoveKeys . height = 23
$RemoveKeys . location = New-Object System . Drawing . Point ( 275 , 305 )
#$WhitelistDebloat.Font = 'Microsoft Sans Serif,10'
$label = New-Object System . Windows . Forms . Label
$label . Location = New-Object System . Drawing . Point ( 10 , 20 )
$label . Size = New-Object System . Drawing . Size ( 280 , 20 )
$label . Text = 'Select Default Bloatware Packages To Remove:'
$form . Controls . Add ( $label )
$listBox = New-Object System . Windows . Forms . ListBox
$listBox . Location = New-Object System . Drawing . Point ( 10 , 40 )
$listBox . Size = New-Object System . Drawing . Size ( 260 , 500 )
#$listBox.Height = 80
$label2 = New-Object System . Windows . Forms . Label
$label2 . Location = New-Object System . Drawing . Point ( 275 , 145 )
$label2 . Size = New-Object System . Drawing . Size ( 280 , 30 )
$label2 . Text = 'This is used to remove other packages besides the ones chosen on the left hand side'
$form . Controls . Add ( $label2 )
$label3 = New-Object System . Windows . Forms . Label
$label3 . Location = New-Object System . Drawing . Point ( 275 , 285 )
$label3 . Size = New-Object System . Drawing . Size ( 500 , 100 )
$label3 . Text = '_______________________________________________________________________________'
$form . Controls . Add ( $label3 )
$label4 = New-Object System . Windows . Forms . Label
$label4 . Location = New-Object System . Drawing . Point ( 275 , 265 )
$label4 . Size = New-Object System . Drawing . Size ( 500 , 100 )
$form . Controls . Add ( $label4 )
$WhitelistDebloat = New-Object system . Windows . Forms . Button
$WhitelistDebloat . text = " Remove extra packages besides the default bloatware "
$WhitelistDebloat . width = 285
$WhitelistDebloat . height = 30
$WhitelistDebloat . location = New-Object System . Drawing . Point ( 275 , 175 )
#$WhitelistDebloat.Font = 'Microsoft Sans Serif,10'
$Form . controls . AddRange ( @ ( $WhitelistDebloat , $RemoveKeys ) )
$WhitelistDebloat . Add_Click ( {
Function DebloatAll {
#Removes AppxPackages
#Credit to /u/GavinEke for a modified version of my whitelist code
$WhitelistedApps = ' Microsoft . ScreenSketch | Microsoft . Paint3D | Microsoft . WindowsCalculator | Microsoft . WindowsStore | Microsoft . Windows . Photos | CanonicalGroupLimited . UbuntuonWindows | `
Microsoft . XboxGameCallableUI | Microsoft . XboxGamingOverlay | Microsoft . Xbox . TCUI | Microsoft . XboxGamingOverlay | Microsoft . XboxIdentityProvider | Microsoft . MicrosoftStickyNotes | Microsoft . MSPaint | Microsoft . WindowsCamera | . NET | Framework | `
Microsoft . HEIFImageExtension | Microsoft . ScreenSketch | Microsoft . StorePurchaseApp | Microsoft . VP9VideoExtensions | Microsoft . WebMediaExtensions | Microsoft . WebpImageExtension | Microsoft . DesktopAppInstaller | WindSynthBerry | MIDIBerry | Slack '
#NonRemovable Apps that where getting attempted and the system would reject the uninstall, speeds up debloat and prevents 'initalizing' overlay when removing apps
$NonRemovable = ' 1527c705 - 839a - 4832 - 9118 - 54d4Bd6a0c89 | c5e2524a-ea46 - 4f67 - 841f - 6a9465d9d515 | E2A4F912 - 2574 - 4A75 - 9BB0 - 0D023378592B | F46D4000-FD22 - 4DB4 -AC8E - 4E1DDDE828FE | InputApp | Microsoft . AAD . BrokerPlugin | Microsoft . AccountsControl | `
Microsoft . BioEnrollment | Microsoft . CredDialogHost | Microsoft . ECApp | Microsoft . LockApp | Microsoft . MicrosoftEdgeDevToolsClient | Microsoft . MicrosoftEdge | Microsoft . PPIProjection | Microsoft . Win32WebViewHost | Microsoft . Windows . Apprep . ChxApp | `
Microsoft . Windows . AssignedAccessLockApp | Microsoft . Windows . CapturePicker | Microsoft . Windows . CloudExperienceHost | Microsoft . Windows . ContentDeliveryManager | Microsoft . Windows . Cortana | Microsoft . Windows . NarratorQuickStart | `
Microsoft . Windows . ParentalControls | Microsoft . Windows . PeopleExperienceHost | Microsoft . Windows . PinningConfirmationDialog | Microsoft . Windows . SecHealthUI | Microsoft . Windows . SecureAssessmentBrowser | Microsoft . Windows . ShellExperienceHost | `
Microsoft . Windows . XGpuEjectDialog | Microsoft . XboxGameCallableUI | Windows . CBSPreview | windows . immersivecontrolpanel | Windows . PrintDialog | Microsoft . VCLibs . 140 . 00 | Microsoft . Services . Store . Engagement | Microsoft . UI . Xaml . 2 . 0 '
Get-AppxPackage -AllUsers | Where { $_ . Name -NotMatch $WhitelistedApps -and $_ . Name -NotMatch $NonRemovable } | Remove-AppxPackage
Get-AppxPackage | Where { $_ . Name -NotMatch $WhitelistedApps -and $_ . Name -NotMatch $NonRemovable } | Remove-AppxPackage
Get-AppxProvisionedPackage -Online | Where { $_ . Name -NotMatch $WhitelistedApps -and $_ . Name -NotMatch $NonRemovable } | Remove-AppxProvisionedPackage -Online
} )
$listBox . SelectionMode = 'MultiExtended'
[ void ] $listBox . Items . Add ( 'Microsoft.BingNews' )
[ void ] $listBox . Items . Add ( 'Microsoft.GetHelp' )
[ void ] $listBox . Items . Add ( 'Microsoft.Getstarted' )
[ void ] $listBox . Items . Add ( 'Microsoft.Messaging' )
[ void ] $listBox . Items . Add ( 'Microsoft.Microsoft3DViewer' )
[ void ] $listBox . Items . Add ( 'Microsoft.MicrosoftOfficeHub' )
[ void ] $listBox . Items . Add ( 'Microsoft.MicrosoftSolitaireCollection' )
[ void ] $listBox . Items . Add ( 'Microsoft.NetworkSpeedTest' )
[ void ] $listBox . Items . Add ( 'Microsoft.News' )
[ void ] $listBox . Items . Add ( 'Microsoft.Office.Lens' )
[ void ] $listBox . Items . Add ( 'Microsoft.Office.OneNote' )
[ void ] $listBox . Items . Add ( 'Microsoft.Office.Sway' )
[ void ] $listBox . Items . Add ( 'Microsoft.OneConnect' )
[ void ] $listBox . Items . Add ( 'Microsoft.People' )
[ void ] $listBox . Items . Add ( 'Microsoft.Print3D' )
[ void ] $listBox . Items . Add ( 'Microsoft.RemoteDesktop' )
[ void ] $listBox . Items . Add ( 'Microsoft.SkypeApp' )
[ void ] $listBox . Items . Add ( 'Microsoft.StorePurchaseApp' )
[ void ] $listBox . Items . Add ( 'Microsoft.Office.Todo.List' )
[ void ] $listBox . Items . Add ( 'Microsoft.Whiteboard' )
[ void ] $listBox . Items . Add ( 'Microsoft.WindowsAlarms' )
[ void ] $listBox . Items . Add ( 'Microsoft.WindowsCamera' )
[ void ] $listBox . Items . Add ( 'microsoft.windowscommunicationsapps' )
[ void ] $listBox . Items . Add ( 'Microsoft.WindowsFeedbackHub' )
[ void ] $listBox . Items . Add ( 'Microsoft.WindowsMaps' )
[ void ] $listBox . Items . Add ( 'Microsoft.WindowsSoundRecorder' )
[ void ] $listBox . Items . Add ( 'Microsoft.Xbox.TCUI' )
[ void ] $listBox . Items . Add ( 'Microsoft.XboxApp' )
[ void ] $listBox . Items . Add ( 'Microsoft.XboxGameOverlay' )
[ void ] $listBox . Items . Add ( 'Microsoft.XboxIdentityProvider' )
[ void ] $listBox . Items . Add ( 'Microsoft.XboxSpeechToTextOverlay' )
[ void ] $listBox . Items . Add ( 'Microsoft.ZuneMusic' )
[ void ] $listBox . Items . Add ( 'Microsoft.ZuneVideo' )
[ void ] $listBox . Items . Add ( '*EclipseManager*' )
[ void ] $listBox . Items . Add ( '*ActiproSoftwareLLC*' )
[ void ] $listBox . Items . Add ( '*AdobeSystemsIncorporated.AdobePhotoshopExpress*' )
[ void ] $listBox . Items . Add ( '*Duolingo-LearnLanguagesforFree*' )
[ void ] $listBox . Items . Add ( '*PandoraMediaInc*' )
[ void ] $listBox . Items . Add ( '*CandyCrush*' )
[ void ] $listBox . Items . Add ( '*Wunderlist*' )
[ void ] $listBox . Items . Add ( '*Flipboard*' )
[ void ] $listBox . Items . Add ( '*Twitter*' )
[ void ] $listBox . Items . Add ( '*Facebook*' )
[ void ] $listBox . Items . Add ( '*Spotify*' )
[ void ] $listBox . Items . Add ( '*Minecraft*' )
[ void ] $listBox . Items . Add ( '*Royal Revolt*' )
[ void ] $listBox . Items . Add ( '*Sway*' )
[ void ] $listBox . Items . Add ( '*Speed Test*' )
[ void ] $listBox . Items . Add ( '*Dolby*' )
[ void ] $listBox . Items . Add ( '*Windows.CBSPreview*' )
[ void ] $listBox . Items . Add ( '*Microsoft.Advertising.Xaml_10.1712.5.0_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe*' )
[ void ] $listBox . Items . Add ( '*Microsoft.Advertising.Xaml_10.1712.5.0_x86__8wekyb3d8bbwe*' )
[ void ] $listBox . Items . Add ( '*Microsoft.BingWeather*' )
[ void ] $listBox . Items . Add ( '*Microsoft.MSPaint*' )
[ void ] $listBox . Items . Add ( '*Microsoft.MicrosoftStickyNotes*' )
[ void ] $listBox . Items . Add ( '*Microsoft.Windows.Photos*' )
[ void ] $listBox . Items . Add ( '*Microsoft.WindowsCalculator*' )
[ void ] $listBox . Items . Add ( '*Microsoft.WindowsStore*' )
$form . Controls . Add ( $listBox )
$form . Topmost = $true
$result = $form . ShowDialog ( )
if ( $result -eq [ System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult ] :: OK )
$x = $listBox . SelectedItems
foreach ( $x in $x ) {
Get-AppxPackage -Name $x | Remove-AppxPackage
Get-AppxProvisionedPackage -Online | Where-Object DisplayName -like $x | Remove-AppxProvisionedPackage -Online
Write-Verbose " Trying to remove $x . "