2020-09-06 03:42:13 +00:00
<# This form was created using POSHGUI . com a free online gui designer for PowerShell
#This will self elevate the script so with a UAC prompt since this script needs to be run as an Administrator in order to function properly.
<# $ErrorActionPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
$Button = [ System.Windows.MessageBoxButton ] :: YesNoCancel
$ErrorIco = [ System.Windows.MessageBoxImage ] :: Error
$Ask = ' Do you want to run this as an Administrator ?
Select " Yes " to Run as an Administrator
Select " No " to not run this as an Administrator
Select " Cancel " to stop the script . '
If ( ! ( [ Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal][Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity ] :: GetCurrent ( ) ) . IsInRole ( [ Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole ] 'Administrator' ) ) {
$Prompt = [ System.Windows.MessageBox ] :: Show ( $Ask , " Run as an Administrator or not? " , $Button , $ErrorIco )
Switch ( $Prompt ) {
#This will debloat Windows 10
Yes {
Write-Host " You didn't run this script as an Administrator. This script will self elevate to run as an Administrator and continue. "
Start-Process PowerShell . exe -ArgumentList ( " -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File `" {0} `" " -f $PSCommandPath ) -Verb RunAs
No {
} #>
$DebloatFolder = " C:\Temp\Windows10Debloater "
If ( Test-Path $DebloatFolder ) {
Write-Host " ${DebloatFolder} exists. "
Else {
Write-Host " The folder ${DebloatFolder} doesn't exist. This folder will be used for storing logs created after the script runs. Creating now. "
Start-Sleep 1
New-Item -Path " ${DebloatFolder} " -ItemType Directory
Write-Host " The folder ${DebloatFolder} was successfully created. "
Start-Transcript -OutputDirectory " ${DebloatFolder} "
Add-Type -AssemblyName System . Windows . Forms
[ System.Windows.Forms.Application ] :: EnableVisualStyles ( )
$Form = New-Object system . Windows . Forms . Form
$Form . ClientSize = '875,616'
$Form . text = " Windows 10 Debloater "
$Form . TopMost = $false
$ListBox1 = New-Object system . Windows . Forms . ListBox
$ListBox1 . text = " listBox "
$ListBox1 . width = 300
$ListBox1 . height = 494
$ListBox1 . location = New-Object System . Drawing . Point ( 3 , 116 )
$ListBox1 . SelectionMode = 'MultiExtended'
$TextBox1 = New-Object system . Windows . Forms . RichTextBox
$TextBox1 . multiline = $True
$TextBox1 . width = 535
$TextBox1 . height = 400
$TextBox1 . location = New-Object System . Drawing . Point ( 325 , 200 )
$TextBox1 . Font = 'Microsoft Sans Serif,10'
$Button1 = New-Object system . Windows . Forms . Button
$Button1 . text = " Uninstall "
$Button1 . width = 80
$Button1 . height = 30
$Button1 . location = New-Object System . Drawing . Point ( 5 , 80 )
$Button1 . Font = 'Microsoft Sans Serif,10'
$Button2 = New-Object system . Windows . Forms . Button
$Button2 . text = " Apply Checkbox Changes "
$Button2 . width = 175
$Button2 . height = 30
$Button2 . location = New-Object System . Drawing . Point ( 685 , 165 )
$Button2 . Font = 'Microsoft Sans Serif,10'
2020-09-06 03:57:28 +00:00
$Label1 = New-Object system . Windows . Forms . Label
$Label1 . text = " ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "
$Label1 . AutoSize = $true
$Label1 . width = 50
$Label1 . height = 10
$Label1 . location = New-Object System . Drawing . Point ( 305 , 108 )
$Label1 . Font = New-Object System . Drawing . Font ( 'Microsoft Sans Serif' , 10 )
$CheckBox1 = New-Object system . Windows . Forms . CheckBox
$CheckBox1 . text = " Enable Cortana "
$CheckBox1 . AutoSize = $false
$CheckBox1 . width = 125
$CheckBox1 . height = 20
$CheckBox1 . location = New-Object System . Drawing . Point ( 325 , 175 )
$CheckBox1 . Font = New-Object System . Drawing . Font ( 'Microsoft Sans Serif' , 10 )
$CheckBox2 = New-Object system . Windows . Forms . CheckBox
$CheckBox2 . text = " Disable Cortana "
$CheckBox2 . AutoSize = $false
$CheckBox2 . width = 125
$CheckBox2 . height = 20
$CheckBox2 . location = New-Object System . Drawing . Point ( 325 , 150 )
$CheckBox2 . Font = New-Object System . Drawing . Font ( 'Microsoft Sans Serif' , 10 )
$CheckBox3 = New-Object system . Windows . Forms . CheckBox
$CheckBox3 . text = " Uninstall OneDrive "
$CheckBox3 . AutoSize = $false
$CheckBox3 . width = 140
$CheckBox3 . height = 20
$CheckBox3 . location = New-Object System . Drawing . Point ( 475 , 150 )
$CheckBox3 . Font = New-Object System . Drawing . Font ( 'Microsoft Sans Serif' , 10 )
$CheckBox4 = New-Object system . Windows . Forms . CheckBox
$CheckBox4 . text = " Unpin Tiles From Start Menu "
$CheckBox4 . AutoSize = $false
$CheckBox4 . width = 200
$CheckBox4 . height = 20
$CheckBox4 . location = New-Object System . Drawing . Point ( 475 , 175 )
$CheckBox4 . Font = New-Object System . Drawing . Font ( 'Microsoft Sans Serif' , 10 )
2020-09-06 03:42:13 +00:00
$Form . controls . AddRange ( @ ( $ListBox1 , $Button1 , $Button2 , $TextBox1 , $CustomizeBlacklists , $CustomizeForm , $SaveList , $CustomizeBlacklists , $Checkbox1 , $Checkbox2 , $CheckBox3 , $CheckBox4 , $Label1 ) )
$global:Bloatware = @ (
" Microsoft.PPIProjection "
" Microsoft.BingNews "
" Microsoft.GetHelp "
" Microsoft.Getstarted "
" Microsoft.Messaging "
" Microsoft.Microsoft3DViewer "
" Microsoft.MicrosoftOfficeHub "
" Microsoft.MicrosoftSolitaireCollection "
" Microsoft.NetworkSpeedTest "
" Microsoft.News " # Issue 77
" Microsoft.Office.Lens " # Issue 77
" Microsoft.Office.OneNote "
" Microsoft.Office.Sway "
" Microsoft.OneConnect "
" Microsoft.People "
" Microsoft.Print3D "
" Microsoft.RemoteDesktop " # Issue 120
" Microsoft.SkypeApp "
" Microsoft.StorePurchaseApp "
" Microsoft.Office.Todo.List " # Issue 77
" Microsoft.Whiteboard " # Issue 77
" Microsoft.WindowsAlarms "
" microsoft.windowscommunicationsapps "
" Microsoft.WindowsFeedbackHub "
" Microsoft.WindowsMaps "
" Microsoft.WindowsSoundRecorder "
" Microsoft.Xbox.TCUI "
" Microsoft.XboxApp "
" Microsoft.XboxGameOverlay "
" Microsoft.XboxGamingOverlay "
" Microsoft.XboxIdentityProvider "
" Microsoft.XboxSpeechToTextOverlay "
" Microsoft.ZuneMusic "
" Microsoft.ZuneVideo "
#Sponsored Windows 10 AppX Apps
#Add sponsored/featured apps to remove in the "*AppName*" format
" EclipseManager "
" ActiproSoftwareLLC "
" AdobeSystemsIncorporated.AdobePhotoshopExpress "
" Duolingo-LearnLanguagesforFree "
" PandoraMediaInc "
" CandyCrush "
" BubbleWitch3Saga "
" Wunderlist "
" Flipboard "
" Twitter "
" Facebook "
" Spotify " # Issue 123
" Minecraft "
" Royal Revolt "
" Sway " # Issue 77
" Dolby " # Issue 78
#Optional: Typically not removed but you can if you need to for some reason
#$Windows10AppsFolder = Get-Item -path "C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\*"
foreach ( $Bloat in $Bloatware ) {
#$Apps = $App.Trim("C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\")
$ListBox1 . Items . Add ( $Bloat )
$ListBox1 . Sorted = $True
$SelectedBloatware = $ListBox1 . SelectedItems
$Button1 . Add_Click ( {
ForEach ( $Selected in $SelectedBloatware ) {
$TextBox1 . AppendText ( " Trying to remove $Selected ...
" )
Try {
If ( Test-Path " C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\* $Selected * " ) {
Get-AppxPackage | Where-Object { ( $_ . Name -match $Selected ) } | Remove-AppxPackage
Get-AppxProvisionedPackage -Online | Where-Object { ( $_ . Name -match $Selected ) } | Remove-AppxProvisionedPackage -Online
Get-AppxPackage -AllUsers | Where-Object { ( $_ . Name -match $Selected ) } | Remove-AppxPackage
$TextBox1 . AppendText ( " Successfully removed $Selected !
" )
2020-09-06 03:57:28 +00:00
2020-09-06 03:42:13 +00:00
Else {
If ( ! ( Test-Path " C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\* $Selected * " ) ) {
$TextBox1 . AppendText ( " $Selected doesn't exist on this machine!
" )
Catch {
$TextBox1 . AppendText ( " $_ " )
2020-09-06 03:57:28 +00:00
} )
2020-09-06 03:42:13 +00:00
2020-09-06 03:57:28 +00:00
$Button2 . Add_Click ( {
2020-09-06 03:42:13 +00:00
2020-09-06 03:57:28 +00:00
If ( $CheckBox1 . Checked ) {
$Textbox1 . AppendText ( " Re-enabling Cortana to be used in your Windows Search " )
$Search = " HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Search "
If ( Test-Path $Search ) {
Set-ItemProperty $Search AllowCortana -Value 1
2020-09-06 03:42:13 +00:00
2020-09-06 03:57:28 +00:00
If ( $CheckBox2 . Checked ) {
Write-Host " Stopping Cortana from being used as part of your Windows Search Function "
$Search = 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Search'
If ( Test-Path $Search ) {
Set-ItemProperty $Search AllowCortana -Value 0
2020-09-06 03:42:13 +00:00
2020-09-06 03:57:28 +00:00
If ( $CheckBox3 . Checked ) {
$RemoveOnedrive . Add_Click ( {
If ( Test-Path " $env:USERPROFILE \OneDrive\* " ) {
Write-Host " Files found within the OneDrive folder! Checking to see if a folder named OneDriveBackupFiles exists. "
Start-Sleep 1
If ( Test-Path " $env:USERPROFILE \Desktop\OneDriveBackupFiles " ) {
Write-Host " A folder named OneDriveBackupFiles already exists on your desktop. All files from your OneDrive location will be moved to that folder. "
else {
If ( ! ( Test-Path " $env:USERPROFILE \Desktop\OneDriveBackupFiles " ) ) {
Write-Host " A folder named OneDriveBackupFiles will be created and will be located on your desktop. All files from your OneDrive location will be located in that folder. "
New-item -Path " $env:USERPROFILE \Desktop " -Name " OneDriveBackupFiles " -ItemType Directory -Force
Write-Host " Successfully created the folder 'OneDriveBackupFiles' on your desktop. "
Start-Sleep 1
Move-Item -Path " $env:USERPROFILE \OneDrive\* " -Destination " $env:USERPROFILE \Desktop\OneDriveBackupFiles " -Force
Write-Host " Successfully moved all files/folders from your OneDrive folder to the folder 'OneDriveBackupFiles' on your desktop. "
Start-Sleep 1
Write-Host " Proceeding with the removal of OneDrive. "
Start-Sleep 1
Else {
Write-Host " Either the OneDrive folder does not exist or there are no files to be found in the folder. Proceeding with removal of OneDrive. "
Start-Sleep 1
Write-Host " Enabling the Group Policy 'Prevent the usage of OneDrive for File Storage'. "
$OneDriveKey = 'HKLM:Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\OneDrive'
If ( ! ( Test-Path $OneDriveKey ) ) {
Mkdir $OneDriveKey
Set-ItemProperty $OneDriveKey -Name OneDrive -Value DisableFileSyncNGSC
Set-ItemProperty $OneDriveKey -Name OneDrive -Value DisableFileSyncNGSC
2020-09-06 03:42:13 +00:00
2020-09-06 03:57:28 +00:00
Write-Host " Uninstalling OneDrive. Please wait... "
2020-09-06 03:42:13 +00:00
2020-09-06 03:57:28 +00:00
New-PSDrive HKCR -PSProvider Registry -Root HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT
$onedrive = " $env:SYSTEMROOT \SysWOW64\OneDriveSetup.exe "
$ExplorerReg1 = " HKCR:\CLSID\{018D5C66-4533-4307-9B53-224DE2ED1FE6} "
$ExplorerReg2 = " HKCR:\Wow6432Node\CLSID\{018D5C66-4533-4307-9B53-224DE2ED1FE6} "
Stop-Process -Name " OneDrive* "
Start-Sleep 2
If ( ! ( Test-Path $onedrive ) ) {
$onedrive = " $env:SYSTEMROOT \System32\OneDriveSetup.exe "
Start-Process $onedrive " /uninstall " -NoNewWindow -Wait
Start-Sleep 2
Write-Host " Stopping explorer "
Start-Sleep 1
taskkill . exe / F / IM explorer . exe
Start-Sleep 3
Write-Host " Removing leftover files "
If ( Test-Path " $env:USERPROFILE \OneDrive " ) {
Remove-Item " $env:USERPROFILE \OneDrive " -Force -Recurse
If ( Test-Path " $env:LOCALAPPDATA \Microsoft\OneDrive " ) {
Remove-Item " $env:LOCALAPPDATA \Microsoft\OneDrive " -Force -Recurse
If ( Test-Path " $env:PROGRAMDATA \Microsoft OneDrive " ) {
Remove-Item " $env:PROGRAMDATA \Microsoft OneDrive " -Force -Recurse
If ( Test-Path " $env:SYSTEMDRIVE \OneDriveTemp " ) {
Remove-Item " $env:SYSTEMDRIVE \OneDriveTemp " -Force -Recurse
Write-Host " Removing OneDrive from windows explorer "
If ( ! ( Test-Path $ExplorerReg1 ) ) {
New-Item $ExplorerReg1
Set-ItemProperty $ExplorerReg1 System . IsPinnedToNameSpaceTree -Value 0
If ( ! ( Test-Path $ExplorerReg2 ) ) {
New-Item $ExplorerReg2
Set-ItemProperty $ExplorerReg2 System . IsPinnedToNameSpaceTree -Value 0
Write-Host " Restarting Explorer that was shut down before. "
Start-Process explorer . exe -NoNewWindow
Write-Host " OneDrive has been successfully uninstalled! "
Remove-item env : OneDrive
} )
2020-09-06 03:42:13 +00:00
2020-09-06 03:57:28 +00:00
If ( $CheckBox4 . Checked ) {
#Credit to Vikingat-Rage
#Unpins all tiles from the Start Menu
Write-Host " Unpinning all tiles from the start menu "
( New-Object -Com Shell . Application ) .
NameSpace ( 'shell:::{4234d49b-0245-4df3-b780-3893943456e1}' ) .
Items ( ) |
% { $_ . Verbs ( ) } |
? { $_ . Name -match 'Un.*pin from Start' } |
% { $_ . DoIt ( ) }
2020-09-06 03:42:13 +00:00
2020-09-06 03:57:28 +00:00
} )
2020-09-06 03:42:13 +00:00
[ void ] $Form . ShowDialog ( )