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synced 2025-03-13 02:05:30 +00:00
Issues 68,107,110: Step 2: GUI to easily manage custom white/blacklist
https://github.com/Sycnex/Windows10Debloater/issues/107 1.) dynamic list of all installed apps, indicating current status. This enables instant verification of the effectiveness of running a debloat. 2.) white/blacklists regex/matching name retained. (Doesn't change to match the actual full/installed name.) 3.) indentifies NEW apps not in any black or white list. 4.) notes conflicts between NonRemovable/White/Black lists. Potential enhancements A.) I placed the save button at the top of the form because it was easiest to do. I don't know how to put it at the bottom of a dynamic-length form. B.) Currently the white/blacklist are only updated in the running program when the saveList button is pressed. That means that all of the NEWly found bloats which are checked as bloatware will not be removed, and any changes the user makes also don't take effect until they are saved. I supposed an OK button could handle that (but then a cancel button would also be needed).
This commit is contained in:
@ -178,6 +178,7 @@ Function dotInclude() {
dotInclude 'custom-lists.ps1'
#convert to regular expression to allow for the super-useful -match operator
$global:BloatwareRegex = $global:Bloatware -join '|'
$global:WhiteListedAppsRegex = $global:WhiteListedApps -join '|'
@ -199,18 +200,26 @@ $Debloat.height = 10
$Debloat.location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(9, 8)
$Debloat.Font = 'Microsoft Sans Serif,12,style=Bold,Underline'
$CustomizeBlacklists = New-Object system.Windows.Forms.Button
$CustomizeBlacklists.text = "Customize Blacklist"
$CustomizeBlacklists.width = 140
$CustomizeBlacklists.height = 40
$CustomizeBlacklists.location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(9, 32)
$CustomizeBlacklists.Font = 'Microsoft Sans Serif,10'
$RemoveAllBloatware = New-Object system.Windows.Forms.Button
$RemoveAllBloatware.text = "Remove All Bloatware"
$RemoveAllBloatware.width = 142
$RemoveAllBloatware.height = 40
$RemoveAllBloatware.location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(8, 32)
$RemoveAllBloatware.location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(8, 79)
$RemoveAllBloatware.Font = 'Microsoft Sans Serif,10'
$RemoveBlacklist = New-Object system.Windows.Forms.Button
$RemoveBlacklist.text = "Remove Bloatware With Blacklist"
$RemoveBlacklist.width = 205
$RemoveBlacklist.height = 37
$RemoveBlacklist.location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(9, 79)
$RemoveBlacklist.location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(9, 124)
$RemoveBlacklist.Font = 'Microsoft Sans Serif,10'
$Label1 = New-Object system.Windows.Forms.Label
@ -322,7 +331,7 @@ $DisableDarkMode.Font = 'Microsoft Sans Serif,10'
$Form.controls.AddRange(@($Debloat, $RemoveAllBloatware, $RemoveBlacklist, $Label1, $RevertChange, $Label2, $DisableCortana, $EnableCortana, $StopEdgePDFTakeover, $EnableEdgePDFTakeover, $DisableTelemetry, $RemoveRegkeys, $UnpinStartMenuTiles, $RemoveOnedrive, $FixWhitelist, $RemoveBloatNoBlacklist, $InstallNet35, $EnableDarkMode, $DisableDarkMode))
$Form.controls.AddRange(@($Debloat, $CustomizeBlacklists, $RemoveAllBloatware, $RemoveBlacklist, $Label1, $RevertChange, $Label2, $DisableCortana, $EnableCortana, $StopEdgePDFTakeover, $EnableEdgePDFTakeover, $DisableTelemetry, $RemoveRegkeys, $UnpinStartMenuTiles, $RemoveOnedrive, $FixWhitelist, $RemoveBloatNoBlacklist, $InstallNet35, $EnableDarkMode, $DisableDarkMode))
$DebloatFolder = "C:\Temp\Windows10Debloater"
If (Test-Path $DebloatFolder) {
@ -338,6 +347,149 @@ Else {
Start-Transcript -OutputDirectory "$DebloatFolder"
#region gui events {
$CustomizeBlacklists.Add_Click( {
$CustomizeForm = New-Object system.Windows.Forms.Form
$CustomizeForm.ClientSize = '600,400'
$CustomizeForm.text = "Customize Whitelist and Blacklist"
$CustomizeForm.TopMost = $false
$CustomizeForm.AutoScroll = $true
$SaveList = New-Object system.Windows.Forms.Button
$SaveList.text = "Save custom Whitelist and Blacklist to custom-lists.ps1"
$SaveList.AutoSize = $true
$SaveList.location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(200, 5)
$SaveList.Add_Click( {
$ErrorActionPreference = 'silentlycontinue'
'$global:WhiteListedApps = @(' | Out-File -FilePath $PSScriptRoot\custom-lists.ps1 -Encoding utf8
@($CustomizeForm.controls) | ForEach {
if ($_ -is [System.Windows.Forms.CheckBox] -and $_.Enabled -and !$_.Checked) {
" ""$( $_.Text )""" | Out-File -FilePath $PSScriptRoot\custom-lists.ps1 -Append -Encoding utf8
')' | Out-File -FilePath $PSScriptRoot\custom-lists.ps1 -Append -Encoding utf8
'$global:Bloatware = @(' | Out-File -FilePath $PSScriptRoot\custom-lists.ps1 -Append -Encoding utf8
@($CustomizeForm.controls) | ForEach {
if ($_ -is [System.Windows.Forms.CheckBox] -and $_.Enabled -and $_.Checked) {
" ""$($_.Text)""" | Out-File -FilePath $PSScriptRoot\custom-lists.ps1 -Append -Encoding utf8
')' | Out-File -FilePath $PSScriptRoot\custom-lists.ps1 -Append -Encoding utf8
#Over-ride the white/blacklist with the newly saved custom list
dotInclude custom-lists.ps1
#convert to regular expression to allow for the super-useful -match operator
$global:BloatwareRegex = $global:Bloatware -join '|'
$global:WhiteListedAppsRegex = $global:WhiteListedApps -join '|'
Function AddAppToCustomizeForm() {
[int] $position,
[string] $appName,
[bool] $enabled,
[bool] $checked,
[string] $notes
$label=New-Object system.Windows.Forms.Label
$label.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(2,(30+$position*16))
$label.Text = $notes
$label.width = 300
$label.height= 16
$Label.TextAlign = [System.Drawing.ContentAlignment]::TopRight
$Checkbox = New-Object system.Windows.Forms.CheckBox
$Checkbox.text = $appName
$Checkbox.location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(320,(30+$position*16))
$Checkbox.Autosize = 1;
$Checkbox.Checked = $checked
$Checkbox.Enabled = $enabled
$Installed = @( (Get-AppxPackage).Name )
$Online = @( (Get-AppxProvisionedPackage -Online).DisplayName )
$AllUsers = @( (Get-AppxPackage -AllUsers).Name )
[int]$checkboxCounter = 0
foreach ($item in $NonRemovables) {
$string = ""
if ( $null -notmatch $global:BloatwareRegex -and $item -cmatch $global:BloatwareRegex ) {$string += " ConflictBlacklist "}
if ( $null -notmatch $global:WhiteListedAppsRegex -and $item -cmatch $global:WhiteListedAppsRegex ) {$string += " ConflictWhitelist" }
if ( $null -notmatch $Installed -and $Installed -cmatch $item){ $string += "Installed"}
if ( $null -notmatch $AllUsers -and $AllUsers -cmatch $item) {$string += " AllUsers"}
if ( $null -notmatch $Online -and $Online -cmatch $item) {$string += " Online"}
$string += " NONREMOVABLE"
AddAppToCustomizeForm $checkboxCounter $item $false $false $string
foreach ( $item in $global:WhiteListedApps ) {
$string = ""
if ( $null -notmatch $NonRemovables -and $NonRemovables -cmatch $item ) {$string += " Conflict NonRemovables "}
if ( $null -notmatch $global:BloatwareRegex -and $item -cmatch $global:BloatwareRegex ) {$string += " ConflictBlacklist "}
if ( $null -notmatch $Installed -and $Installed -cmatch $item){ $string += "Installed"}
if ( $null -notmatch $AllUsers -and $AllUsers -cmatch $item) {$string += " AllUsers"}
if ( $null -notmatch $Online -and $Online -cmatch $item) {$string += " Online"}
AddAppToCustomizeForm $checkboxCounter $item $true $false $string
foreach ( $item in $global:Bloatware ) {
$string = ""
if ( $null -notmatch $NonRemovables -and $NonRemovables -cmatch $item ) {$string += " Conflict NonRemovables "}
if ( $null -notmatch $global:WhiteListedAppsRegex -and $item -cmatch $global:WhiteListedAppsRegex ) {$string += " Conflict Whitelist "}
if ( $null -notmatch $Installed -and $Installed -cmatch $item){ $string += "Installed"}
if ( $null -notmatch $AllUsers -and $AllUsers -cmatch $item) {$string += " AllUsers"}
if ( $null -notmatch $Online -and $Online -cmatch $item) {$string += " Online"}
AddAppToCustomizeForm $checkboxCounter $item $true $true $string
foreach ( $item in $AllUsers ) {
$string = "NEW AllUsers"
if ( $null -notmatch $NonRemovables -and $NonRemovables -cmatch $item ) {continue}
if ( $null -notmatch $global:WhiteListedAppsRegex -and $item -cmatch $global:WhiteListedAppsRegex ) {continue}
if ( $null -notmatch $global:BloatwareRegex -and $item -cmatch $global:BloatwareRegex ) {continue}
if ( $null -notmatch $Installed -and $Installed -cmatch $item){ $string += " Installed"}
if ( $null -notmatch $Online -and $Online -cmatch $item) {$string += " Online"}
AddAppToCustomizeForm $checkboxCounter $item $true $true $string
foreach ( $item in $Installed ) {
$string = "NEW Installed"
if ( $null -notmatch $NonRemovables -and $NonRemovables -cmatch $item ) {continue}
if ( $null -notmatch $global:WhiteListedAppsRegex -and $item -cmatch $global:WhiteListedAppsRegex ) {continue}
if ( $null -notmatch $global:BloatwareRegex -and $item -cmatch $global:BloatwareRegex ) {continue}
if ( $null -notmatch $AllUsers -and $AllUsers -cmatch $item) {continue}
if ( $null -notmatch $Online -and $Online -cmatch $item) {$string += " Online"}
AddAppToCustomizeForm $checkboxCounter $item $true $true $string
foreach ( $item in $Online ) {
$string = "NEW Online "
if ( $null -notmatch $NonRemovables -and $NonRemovables -cmatch $item ) {continue}
if ( $null -notmatch $global:WhiteListedAppsRegex -and $item -cmatch $global:WhiteListedAppsRegex ) {continue}
if ( $null -notmatch $global:BloatwareRegex -and $item -cmatch $global:BloatwareRegex ) {continue}
if ( $null -notmatch $Installed -and $Installed -cmatch $item){ continue}
if ( $null -notmatch $AllUsers -and $AllUsers -cmatch $item) { continue}
AddAppToCustomizeForm $checkboxCounter $item $true $true $string
$RemoveBlacklist.Add_Click( {
$ErrorActionPreference = 'silentlycontinue'
Function DebloatBlacklist {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user