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synced 2025-03-12 18:05:29 +00:00
Add Silent execution switch
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,3 +1,10 @@
[Parameter(Mandatory=$false,HelpMessage='Execute silently to debloat all')]
#This function finds any AppX/AppXProvisioned package and uninstalls it, except for Freshpaint, Windows Calculator, Windows Store, and Windows Photos.
#Also, to note - This does NOT remove essential system services/software/etc such as .NET framework installations, Cortana, Edge, etc.
@ -753,234 +760,287 @@ Function Restore3dObjects {
#Function DisableLastUsedFilesAndFolders {
# Write-Host = "Disable Explorer to show last used files and folders."
# Invoke-Item (start powershell ((Split-Path $MyInvocation.InvocationName) + "\Individual Scripts\Disable Last Used Files and Folders View.ps1"))
#Interactive prompt Debloat/Revert options
$Button = [Windows.MessageBoxButton]::YesNoCancel
$ErrorIco = [Windows.MessageBoxImage]::Error
$Warn = [Windows.MessageBoxImage]::Warning
$Ask = 'The following will allow you to either Debloat Windows 10 or to revert changes made after Debloating Windows 10.
#Function DisableLastUsedFilesAndFolders {
# Write-Host = "Disable Explorer to show last used files and folders."
# Invoke-Item (start powershell ((Split-Path $MyInvocation.InvocationName) + "\Individual Scripts\Disable Last Used Files and Folders View.ps1"))
Select "Yes" to Debloat Windows 10
#Interactive prompt Debloat/Revert options
$Button = [Windows.MessageBoxButton]::YesNoCancel
$ErrorIco = [Windows.MessageBoxImage]::Error
$Warn = [Windows.MessageBoxImage]::Warning
$Ask = 'The following will allow you to either Debloat Windows 10 or to revert changes made after Debloating Windows 10.
Select "No" to Revert changes made by this script
Select "Yes" to Debloat Windows 10
Select "No" to Revert changes made by this script
Select "Cancel" to stop the script.'
Select "Cancel" to stop the script.'
$EverythingorSpecific = "Would you like to remove everything that was preinstalled on your Windows Machine? Select Yes to remove everything, or select No to remove apps via a blacklist."
$EdgePdf = "Do you want to stop edge from taking over as the default PDF viewer?"
$EdgePdf2 = "Do you want to revert changes that disabled Edge as the default PDF viewer?"
$Reboot = "For some of the changes to properly take effect it is recommended to reboot your machine. Would you like to restart?"
$OneDriveDelete = "Do you want to uninstall One Drive?"
$Unpin = "Do you want to unpin all items from the Start menu?"
$InstallNET = "Do you want to install .NET 3.5?"
$LastUsedFilesFolders = "Do you want to hide last used files and folders in Explorer?"
$LastUsedFilesFolders2 = "Do you want to show last used files and folders in Explorer?"
$ClearLastUsedFilesFolders = "Do you want to clear last used files and folders?"
$AeroShake = "Do you want to disable AeroShake?"
$AeroShake2 = "Do you want to re-enable AeroShake?"
$Prompt1 = [Windows.MessageBox]::Show($Ask, "Debloat or Revert", $Button, $ErrorIco)
Switch ($Prompt1) {
#This will debloat Windows 10
Yes {
#Everything is specific prompt
$Prompt2 = [Windows.MessageBox]::Show($EverythingorSpecific, "Everything or Specific", $Button, $Warn)
switch ($Prompt2) {
Yes {
#Creates a "drive" to access the HKCR (HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT)
Write-Host "Creating PSDrive 'HKCR' (HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT). This will be used for the duration of the script as it is necessary for the removal and modification of specific registry keys."
New-PSDrive HKCR -PSProvider Registry -Root HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT
Start-Sleep 1
Write-Host "Uninstalling bloatware, please wait."
Write-Host "Bloatware removed."
Start-Sleep 1
Write-Host "Removing specific registry keys."
Write-Host "Leftover bloatware registry keys removed."
Start-Sleep 1
Write-Host "Checking to see if any Whitelisted Apps were removed, and if so re-adding them."
Start-Sleep 1
Start-Sleep 1
Write-Host "Disabling Cortana from search, disabling feedback to Microsoft, and disabling scheduled tasks that are considered to be telemetry or unnecessary."
Start-Sleep 1
Write-Host "Cortana disabled and removed from search, feedback to Microsoft has been disabled, and scheduled tasks are disabled."
Start-Sleep 1
Write-Host "Stopping and disabling Diagnostics Tracking Service"
Write-Host "Diagnostics Tracking Service disabled"
Start-Sleep 1
Write-Host "Disabling WAP push service"
Start-Sleep 1
Write-Host "Re-enabling DMWAppushservice if it was disabled"
Start-Sleep 1
Write-Host "Removing 3D Objects from the 'My Computer' submenu in explorer"
Start-Sleep 1
No {
#Creates a "drive" to access the HKCR (HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT)
Write-Host "Creating PSDrive 'HKCR' (HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT). This will be used for the duration of the script as it is necessary for the removal and modification of specific registry keys."
New-PSDrive HKCR -PSProvider Registry -Root HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT
Start-Sleep 1
Write-Host "Uninstalling bloatware, please wait."
Write-Host "Bloatware removed."
Start-Sleep 1
Write-Host "Removing specific registry keys."
Write-Host "Leftover bloatware registry keys removed."
Start-Sleep 1
Write-Host "Checking to see if any Whitelisted Apps were removed, and if so re-adding them."
Start-Sleep 1
Start-Sleep 1
Write-Host "Disabling Cortana from search, disabling feedback to Microsoft, and disabling scheduled tasks that are considered to be telemetry or unnecessary."
Start-Sleep 1
Write-Host "Cortana disabled and removed from search, feedback to Microsoft has been disabled, and scheduled tasks are disabled."
Start-Sleep 1
Write-Host "Stopping and disabling Diagnostics Tracking Service"
Write-Host "Diagnostics Tracking Service disabled"
Start-Sleep 1
Write-Host "Disabling WAP push service"
Start-Sleep 1
Write-Host "Re-enabling DMWAppushservice if it was disabled"
Start-Sleep 1
#Disabling EdgePDF prompt
$Prompt3 = [Windows.MessageBox]::Show($EdgePdf, "Edge PDF", $Button, $Warn)
Switch ($Prompt3) {
$EverythingorSpecific = "Would you like to remove everything that was preinstalled on your Windows Machine? Select Yes to remove everything, or select No to remove apps via a blacklist."
$EdgePdf = "Do you want to stop edge from taking over as the default PDF viewer?"
$EdgePdf2 = "Do you want to revert changes that disabled Edge as the default PDF viewer?"
$Reboot = "For some of the changes to properly take effect it is recommended to reboot your machine. Would you like to restart?"
$OneDriveDelete = "Do you want to uninstall One Drive?"
$Unpin = "Do you want to unpin all items from the Start menu?"
$InstallNET = "Do you want to install .NET 3.5?"
$LastUsedFilesFolders = "Do you want to hide last used files and folders in Explorer?"
$LastUsedFilesFolders2 = "Do you want to show last used files and folders in Explorer?"
$ClearLastUsedFilesFolders = "Do you want to clear last used files and folders?"
$AeroShake = "Do you want to disable AeroShake?"
$AeroShake2 = "Do you want to re-enable AeroShake?"
$Prompt1 = [Windows.MessageBox]::Show($Ask, "Debloat or Revert", $Button, $ErrorIco)
Switch ($Prompt1) {
#This will debloat Windows 10
Yes {
Write-Host "Edge will no longer take over as the default PDF viewer."
No {
Write-Host "You chose not to stop Edge from taking over as the default PDF viewer."
#Prompt asking to delete OneDrive
$Prompt4 = [Windows.MessageBox]::Show($OneDriveDelete, "Delete OneDrive", $Button, $ErrorIco)
Switch ($Prompt4) {
Yes {
Write-Host "OneDrive is now removed from the computer."
No {
Write-Host "You have chosen to skip removing OneDrive from your machine."
#Prompt asking if you'd like to unpin all start items
$Prompt5 = [Windows.MessageBox]::Show($Unpin, "Unpin", $Button, $ErrorIco)
Switch ($Prompt5) {
Yes {
Write-Host "Start Apps unpined."
No {
Write-Host "Apps will remain pinned to the start menu."
#Everything is specific prompt
$Prompt2 = [Windows.MessageBox]::Show($EverythingorSpecific, "Everything or Specific", $Button, $Warn)
switch ($Prompt2) {
Yes {
#Creates a "drive" to access the HKCR (HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT)
Write-Host "Creating PSDrive 'HKCR' (HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT). This will be used for the duration of the script as it is necessary for the removal and modification of specific registry keys."
New-PSDrive HKCR -PSProvider Registry -Root HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT
Start-Sleep 1
Write-Host "Uninstalling bloatware, please wait."
Write-Host "Bloatware removed."
Start-Sleep 1
Write-Host "Removing specific registry keys."
Write-Host "Leftover bloatware registry keys removed."
Start-Sleep 1
Write-Host "Checking to see if any Whitelisted Apps were removed, and if so re-adding them."
Start-Sleep 1
Start-Sleep 1
Write-Host "Disabling Cortana from search, disabling feedback to Microsoft, and disabling scheduled tasks that are considered to be telemetry or unnecessary."
Start-Sleep 1
Write-Host "Cortana disabled and removed from search, feedback to Microsoft has been disabled, and scheduled tasks are disabled."
Start-Sleep 1
Write-Host "Stopping and disabling Diagnostics Tracking Service"
Write-Host "Diagnostics Tracking Service disabled"
Start-Sleep 1
Write-Host "Disabling WAP push service"
Start-Sleep 1
Write-Host "Re-enabling DMWAppushservice if it was disabled"
Start-Sleep 1
Write-Host "Removing 3D Objects from the 'My Computer' submenu in explorer"
Start-Sleep 1
No {
#Creates a "drive" to access the HKCR (HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT)
Write-Host "Creating PSDrive 'HKCR' (HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT). This will be used for the duration of the script as it is necessary for the removal and modification of specific registry keys."
New-PSDrive HKCR -PSProvider Registry -Root HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT
Start-Sleep 1
Write-Host "Uninstalling bloatware, please wait."
Write-Host "Bloatware removed."
Start-Sleep 1
Write-Host "Removing specific registry keys."
Write-Host "Leftover bloatware registry keys removed."
Start-Sleep 1
Write-Host "Checking to see if any Whitelisted Apps were removed, and if so re-adding them."
Start-Sleep 1
Start-Sleep 1
Write-Host "Disabling Cortana from search, disabling feedback to Microsoft, and disabling scheduled tasks that are considered to be telemetry or unnecessary."
Start-Sleep 1
Write-Host "Cortana disabled and removed from search, feedback to Microsoft has been disabled, and scheduled tasks are disabled."
Start-Sleep 1
Write-Host "Stopping and disabling Diagnostics Tracking Service"
Write-Host "Diagnostics Tracking Service disabled"
Start-Sleep 1
Write-Host "Disabling WAP push service"
Start-Sleep 1
Write-Host "Re-enabling DMWAppushservice if it was disabled"
Start-Sleep 1
#Disabling EdgePDF prompt
$Prompt3 = [Windows.MessageBox]::Show($EdgePdf, "Edge PDF", $Button, $Warn)
Switch ($Prompt3) {
Yes {
Write-Host "Edge will no longer take over as the default PDF viewer."
No {
Write-Host "You chose not to stop Edge from taking over as the default PDF viewer."
#Prompt asking to delete OneDrive
$Prompt4 = [Windows.MessageBox]::Show($OneDriveDelete, "Delete OneDrive", $Button, $ErrorIco)
Switch ($Prompt4) {
Yes {
Write-Host "OneDrive is now removed from the computer."
No {
Write-Host "You have chosen to skip removing OneDrive from your machine."
#Prompt asking if you'd like to unpin all start items
$Prompt5 = [Windows.MessageBox]::Show($Unpin, "Unpin", $Button, $ErrorIco)
Switch ($Prompt5) {
Yes {
Write-Host "Start Apps unpined."
No {
Write-Host "Apps will remain pinned to the start menu."
#Prompt asking if you want to install .NET
$Prompt6 = [Windows.MessageBox]::Show($InstallNET, "Install .Net", $Button, $Warn)
Switch ($Prompt6) {
Yes {
Write-Host "Initializing the installation of .NET 3.5..."
DISM /Online /Enable-Feature /FeatureName:NetFx3 /All
Write-Host ".NET 3.5 has been successfully installed!"
No {
Write-Host "Skipping .NET install."
# #Prompt asking if you want to deactivate Last Used Files and Folders
# $Prompt7 = [Windows.MessageBox]::Show($LastUsedFilesFolders, "Deactivate Last Used Files and Folders", $Button, $Warn)
# Switch ($Prompt7) {
# Yes {
# DisableLastUsedFilesAndFolders
# Write-Host "Last Used Files and Folders will no longer been shown!"
# }
# No {
# Write-Host "Skipping Hiding Last used Files and Folders."
# }
# }
#Prompt asking if you want to install .NET
$Prompt6 = [Windows.MessageBox]::Show($InstallNET, "Install .Net", $Button, $Warn)
Switch ($Prompt6) {
Yes {
Write-Host "Initializing the installation of .NET 3.5..."
DISM /Online /Enable-Feature /FeatureName:NetFx3 /All
Write-Host ".NET 3.5 has been successfully installed!"
No {
Write-Host "Skipping .NET install."
# #Prompt asking if you want to deactivate Last Used Files and Folders
# $Prompt7 = [Windows.MessageBox]::Show($LastUsedFilesFolders, "Deactivate Last Used Files and Folders", $Button, $Warn)
# Switch ($Prompt7) {
# Yes {
# DisableLastUsedFilesAndFolders
# Write-Host "Last Used Files and Folders will no longer been shown!"
# }
# No {
# Write-Host "Skipping Hiding Last used Files and Folders."
# }
# }
#Prompt asking if you'd like to reboot your machine
$Prompt0 = [Windows.MessageBox]::Show($Reboot, "Reboot", $Button, $Warn)
Switch ($Prompt0) {
Yes {
Write-Host "Unloading the HKCR drive..."
Remove-PSDrive HKCR
Start-Sleep 1
Write-Host "Initiating reboot."
Start-Sleep 2
#Prompt asking if you'd like to reboot your machine
$Prompt0 = [Windows.MessageBox]::Show($Reboot, "Reboot", $Button, $Warn)
Switch ($Prompt0) {
Yes {
Write-Host "Unloading the HKCR drive..."
Remove-PSDrive HKCR
Start-Sleep 1
Write-Host "Initiating reboot."
Start-Sleep 2
No {
Write-Host "Unloading the HKCR drive..."
Remove-PSDrive HKCR
Start-Sleep 1
Write-Host "Script has finished. Exiting."
Start-Sleep 2
No {
Write-Host "Unloading the HKCR drive..."
Remove-PSDrive HKCR
Start-Sleep 1
Write-Host "Script has finished. Exiting."
Start-Sleep 2
Write-Host "Reverting changes..."
Write-Host "Creating PSDrive 'HKCR' (HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT). This will be used for the duration of the script as it is necessary for the modification of specific registry keys."
New-PSDrive HKCR -PSProvider Registry -Root HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT
#Prompt asking to revert edge changes as well
$Prompt6 = [Windows.MessageBox]::Show($EdgePdf2, "Revert Edge", $Button, $ErrorIco)
Switch ($Prompt6) {
Yes {
Write-Host "Edge will no longer be disabled from being used as the default Edge PDF viewer."
No {
Write-Host "You have chosen to keep the setting that disallows Edge to be the default PDF viewer."
#Prompt asking if you'd like to reboot your machine
$Prompt0 = [Windows.MessageBox]::Show($Reboot, "Reboot", $Button, $Warn)
Switch ($Prompt0) {
Yes {
Write-Host "Unloading the HKCR drive..."
Remove-PSDrive HKCR
Start-Sleep 1
Write-Host "Initiating reboot."
Start-Sleep 2
No {
Write-Host "Unloading the HKCR drive..."
Remove-PSDrive HKCR
Start-Sleep 1
Write-Host "Script has finished. Exiting."
Start-Sleep 2
No {
Write-Host "Reverting changes..."
Write-Host "Creating PSDrive 'HKCR' (HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT). This will be used for the duration of the script as it is necessary for the modification of specific registry keys."
#Creates a "drive" to access the HKCR (HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT)
Write-Host "Creating PSDrive 'HKCR' (HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT). This will be used for the duration of the script as it is necessary for the removal and modification of specific registry keys."
New-PSDrive HKCR -PSProvider Registry -Root HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT
#Prompt asking to revert edge changes as well
$Prompt6 = [Windows.MessageBox]::Show($EdgePdf2, "Revert Edge", $Button, $ErrorIco)
Switch ($Prompt6) {
Yes {
Write-Host "Edge will no longer be disabled from being used as the default Edge PDF viewer."
No {
Write-Host "You have chosen to keep the setting that disallows Edge to be the default PDF viewer."
#Prompt asking if you'd like to reboot your machine
$Prompt0 = [Windows.MessageBox]::Show($Reboot, "Reboot", $Button, $Warn)
Switch ($Prompt0) {
Yes {
Write-Host "Unloading the HKCR drive..."
Remove-PSDrive HKCR
Start-Sleep 1
Write-Host "Initiating reboot."
Start-Sleep 2
No {
Write-Host "Unloading the HKCR drive..."
Remove-PSDrive HKCR
Start-Sleep 1
Write-Host "Script has finished. Exiting."
Start-Sleep 2
Write-Host "Uninstalling bloatware, please wait."
Write-Host "Bloatware removed."
Write-Host "Removing specific registry keys."
Write-Host "Leftover bloatware registry keys removed."
Write-Host "Checking to see if any Whitelisted Apps were removed, and if so re-adding them."
Write-Host "Disabling Cortana from search, disabling feedback to Microsoft, and disabling scheduled tasks that are considered to be telemetry or unnecessary."
Write-Host "Cortana disabled and removed from search, feedback to Microsoft has been disabled, and scheduled tasks are disabled."
Write-Host "Stopping and disabling Diagnostics Tracking Service"
Write-Host "Diagnostics Tracking Service disabled"
Write-Host "Disabling WAP push service"
Write-Host "Re-enabling DMWAppushservice if it was disabled"
Write-Host "Removing 3D Objects from the 'My Computer' submenu in explorer"
Write-Host "Edge will no longer take over as the default PDF viewer."
Write-Host "OneDrive is now removed from the computer."
Write-Host "Start Apps unpined."
Write-Host "Initializing the installation of .NET 3.5..."
DISM /Online /Enable-Feature /FeatureName:NetFx3 /All
Write-Host ".NET 3.5 has been successfully installed!"
Remove-PSDrive HKCR
Reference in New Issue
Block a user