Change init prompt, keep chat context Q&A shorter than max tokens by removing first Q&A

acx 1 year ago
parent d936725fcd
commit 4bb0323d98
  1. 22

@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
SESSION_CHAT_INIT_PROMPT="You are ChatGPT, a Large Language Model created by OpenAI. You will be answering questions from users. Your answers must be helpful, clear and consise. Before each question you will be given the chat history. You were trained on data up until 2021"
# Error handling function
# $1 should be the response body
handleError() {
@ -60,8 +62,7 @@ if [ ! -f ~/.chatgpt_history ]; then
chmod a+rw ~/.chatgpt_history
# start new session
echo "session-`date '+%Y/%m/%d'`-`date '+%H:%M:%S'`">>~/.chatgpt_history
echo "session-$(date '+%Y/%m/%d')-$(date '+%H:%M:%S')" >>~/.chatgpt_history
while $running; do
echo -e "\nEnter a prompt:"
@ -117,15 +118,23 @@ while $running; do
escaped_prompt=${escaped_prompt//$'\n'/' '}
if [ "$CONTEXT" = true ]; then
init="You are a Large Language Model created by OpenAI. You are having a chat with a user and must be very helpful, clear and consise in your answers. Use no more than 6 bullet points when you have long answers to give. You were trained on data up until 2021"
# get last session's chat from history
chat_context=$(sed '/session-/h;//!H;$!d;x' ~/.chatgpt_history)
# escape quotation marks and new lines
chat_context=${chat_context//$'\n'/' '}
chat_context=$(echo "$chat_context" | sed 's/"/\\"/g')
escaped_prompt="$init $chat_context $escaped_prompt"
# check prompt length, 1 word =~ 4 tokens
# reserving 200 tokens for user prompt and session init prompt
while (( $(echo "$chat_context" | wc -c)/4 > (MAX_TOKENS-200) )); do
# remove first/oldest QnA from prompt
chat_context=$(echo "$chat_context" | sed -n '/Question:/,$p' | tail -n +2)
# build session prompt with chat context
escaped_prompt="$SESSION_CHAT_INIT_PROMPT $chat_context $escaped_prompt"
echo -e $MODEL $escaped_prompt
# request to OpenAI API
response=$(curl \
-sS \
@ -137,12 +146,11 @@ while $running; do
"max_tokens": '$MAX_TOKENS',
"temperature": '$TEMPERATURE'
echo $response
handleError "$response"
response_data=$(echo $response | jq -r '.choices[].text' | sed '1,2d')
echo -e "\n\033[36mchatgpt \033[0m${response_data}"
timestamp=$(date +"%d/%m/%Y %H:%M")
echo -e "$timestamp Q:$prompt \nA:$response_data \n" >>~/.chatgpt_history
echo -e "$timestamp Question:$prompt \nAnswer:$response_data \n" >>~/.chatgpt_history
