#!/bin/bash GLOBIGNORE="*" CHAT_INIT_PROMPT="You are ChatGPT, a Large Language Model trained by OpenAI. You will be answering questions from users. You answer as concisely as possible for each response (e.g. don’t be verbose). If you are generating a list, do not have too many items. Keep the number of items short. Before each user prompt you will be given the chat history in Q&A form. Output your answer directly, with no labels in front. Do not start your answers with A or Anwser. You were trained on data up until 2021. Today's date is $(date +%m/%d/%Y)" SYSTEM_PROMPT="You are ChatGPT, a large language model trained by OpenAI. Answer as concisely as possible. Current date: $(date +%m/%d/%Y). Knowledge cutoff: 9/1/2021." COMMAND_GENERATION_PROMPT="You are a Command Line Interface expert and your task is to provide functioning shell commands. Return a CLI command and nothing else - do not send it in a code block, quotes, or anything else, just the pure text CONTAINING ONLY THE COMMAND. If possible, return a one-line bash command or chain many commands together. Return ONLY the command ready to run in the terminal. The command should do the following:" CHATGPT_CYAN_LABEL="\033[36mchatgpt \033[0m" PROCESSING_LABEL="\n\033[90mProcessing... \033[0m\033[0K\r" OVERWRITE_PROCESSING_LINE=" \033[0K\r" if [[ -z "$OPENAI_KEY" ]]; then echo "You need to set your OPENAI_KEY to use this script" echo "You can set it temporarily by running this on your terminal: export OPENAI_KEY=YOUR_KEY_HERE" exit 1 fi usage() { cat </dev/null; then echo -e "Your request to Open AI API failed: \033[0;31m$(echo "$1" | jq -r '.error.type')\033[0m" echo "$1" | jq -r '.error.message' exit 1 fi } # request to openAI API models endpoint. Returns a list of models # takes no input parameters list_models() { models_response=$(curl https://api.openai.com/v1/models \ -sS \ -H "Authorization: Bearer $OPENAI_KEY") handle_error "$models_response" models_data=$(echo $models_response | jq -r -C '.data[] | {id, owned_by, created}') echo -e "$OVERWRITE_PROCESSING_LINE" echo -e "${CHATGPT_CYAN_LABEL}This is a list of models currently available at OpenAI API:\n ${models_data}" } # request to OpenAI API completions endpoint function # $1 should be the request prompt request_to_completions() { local prompt="$1" curl https://api.openai.com/v1/completions \ -sS \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -H "Authorization: Bearer $OPENAI_KEY" \ -d '{ "model": "'"$MODEL"'", "prompt": "'"$prompt"'", "max_tokens": '$MAX_TOKENS', "temperature": '$TEMPERATURE' }' } # request to OpenAI API image generations endpoint function # $1 should be the prompt request_to_image() { local prompt="$1" image_response=$(curl https://api.openai.com/v1/images/generations \ -sS \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -H "Authorization: Bearer $OPENAI_KEY" \ -d '{ "prompt": "'"${prompt#*image:}"'", "n": 1, "size": "'"$SIZE"'" }') } # request to OpenAPI API chat completion endpoint function # $1 should be the message(s) formatted with role and content request_to_chat() { local message="$1" escaped_system_prompt=$(escape "$SYSTEM_PROMPT") curl https://api.openai.com/v1/chat/completions \ -sS \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -H "Authorization: Bearer $OPENAI_KEY" \ -d '{ "model": "'"$MODEL"'", "messages": [ {"role": "system", "content": "'"$escaped_system_prompt"'"}, '"$message"' ], "max_tokens": '$MAX_TOKENS', "temperature": '$TEMPERATURE' }' } # build chat context before each request for /completions (all models except # gpt turbo and gpt 4) # $1 should be the escaped request prompt, # it extends $chat_context build_chat_context() { local escaped_request_prompt="$1" if [ -z "$chat_context" ]; then chat_context="$CHAT_INIT_PROMPT\nQ: $escaped_request_prompt" else chat_context="$chat_context\nQ: $escaped_request_prompt" fi } escape() { echo "$1" | jq -Rrs 'tojson[1:-1]' } # maintain chat context function for /completions (all models except # gpt turbo and gpt 4) # builds chat context from response, # keeps chat context length under max token limit # * $1 should be the escaped response data # * it extends $chat_context maintain_chat_context() { local escaped_response_data="$1" # add response to chat context as answer chat_context="$chat_context${chat_context:+\n}\nA: $escaped_response_data" # check prompt length, 1 word =~ 1.3 tokens # reserving 100 tokens for next user prompt while (($(echo "$chat_context" | wc -c) * 1, 3 > (MAX_TOKENS - 100))); do # remove first/oldest QnA from prompt chat_context=$(echo "$chat_context" | sed -n '/Q:/,$p' | tail -n +2) # add init prompt so it is always on top chat_context="$CHAT_INIT_PROMPT $chat_context" done } # build user chat message function for /chat/completions (gpt models) # builds chat message before request, # $1 should be the escaped request prompt, # it extends $chat_message build_user_chat_message() { local escaped_request_prompt="$1" if [ -z "$chat_message" ]; then chat_message="{\"role\": \"user\", \"content\": \"$escaped_request_prompt\"}" else chat_message="$chat_message, {\"role\": \"user\", \"content\": \"$escaped_request_prompt\"}" fi } # adds the assistant response to the message in (chatml) format # for /chat/completions (gpt models) # keeps messages length under max token limit # * $1 should be the escaped response data # * it extends and potentially shrinks $chat_message add_assistant_response_to_chat_message() { local escaped_response_data="$1" # add response to chat context as answer chat_message="$chat_message, {\"role\": \"assistant\", \"content\": \"$escaped_response_data\"}" # transform to json array to parse with jq local chat_message_json="[ $chat_message ]" # check prompt length, 1 word =~ 1.3 tokens # reserving 100 tokens for next user prompt while (($(echo "$chat_message" | wc -c) * 1, 3 > (MAX_TOKENS - 100))); do # remove first/oldest QnA from prompt chat_message=$(echo "$chat_message_json" | jq -c '.[2:] | .[] | {role, content}') done } # parse command line arguments while [[ "$#" -gt 0 ]]; do case $1 in -i | --init-prompt) CHAT_INIT_PROMPT="$2" SYSTEM_PROMPT="$2" CONTEXT=true shift shift ;; --init-prompt-from-file) CHAT_INIT_PROMPT=$(cat "$2") SYSTEM_PROMPT=$(cat "$2") CONTEXT=true shift shift ;; -p | --prompt) prompt="$2" shift shift ;; --prompt-from-file) prompt=$(cat "$2") shift shift ;; -t | --temperature) TEMPERATURE="$2" shift shift ;; --max-tokens) MAX_TOKENS="$2" shift shift ;; -l | --list) list_models exit 0 ;; -m | --model) MODEL="$2" shift shift ;; -s | --size) SIZE="$2" shift shift ;; --multi-line-prompt) MULTI_LINE_PROMPT=true shift ;; -c | --chat-context) CONTEXT=true shift ;; -h | --help) usage exit 0 ;; *) echo "Unknown parameter: $1" exit 1 ;; esac done # set defaults TEMPERATURE=${TEMPERATURE:-0.7} MAX_TOKENS=${MAX_TOKENS:-1024} MODEL=${MODEL:-gpt-3.5-turbo} SIZE=${SIZE:-512x512} CONTEXT=${CONTEXT:-false} MULTI_LINE_PROMPT=${MULTI_LINE_PROMPT:-false} # create our temp file for multi-line input if [ $MULTI_LINE_PROMPT = true ]; then USER_INPUT_TEMP_FILE=$(mktemp) trap 'rm -f ${USER_INPUT}' EXIT fi # create history file if [ ! -f ~/.chatgpt_history ]; then touch ~/.chatgpt_history chmod 600 ~/.chatgpt_history fi running=true # check input source and determine run mode # prompt from argument, run on pipe mode (run once, no chat) if [ -n "$prompt" ]; then pipe_mode_prompt=${prompt} # if input file_descriptor is a terminal, run on chat mode elif [ -t 0 ]; then echo -e "Welcome to chatgpt. You can quit with '\033[36mexit\033[0m' or '\033[36mq\033[0m'." # prompt from pipe or redirected stdin, run on pipe mode else pipe_mode_prompt+=$(cat -) fi while $running; do if [ -z "$pipe_mode_prompt" ]; then if [ $MULTI_LINE_PROMPT = true ]; then echo -e "\nEnter a prompt: (Press Enter then Ctrl-D to send)" cat >"${USER_INPUT_TEMP_FILE}" input_from_temp_file=$(cat "${USER_INPUT_TEMP_FILE}") prompt=$(escape "$input_from_temp_file") else echo -e "\nEnter a prompt:" read -e prompt fi if [[ ! $prompt =~ ^(exit|q)$ ]]; then echo -ne $PROCESSING_LABEL fi else # set vars for pipe mode prompt=${pipe_mode_prompt} running=false CHATGPT_CYAN_LABEL="" fi if [[ $prompt =~ ^(exit|q)$ ]]; then running=false elif [[ "$prompt" =~ ^image: ]]; then request_to_image "$prompt" handle_error "$image_response" image_url=$(echo "$image_response" | jq -r '.data[0].url') echo -e "$OVERWRITE_PROCESSING_LINE" echo -e "${CHATGPT_CYAN_LABEL}Your image was created. \n\nLink: ${image_url}\n" if [[ "$TERM_PROGRAM" == "iTerm.app" ]]; then curl -sS $image_url -o temp_image.png imgcat temp_image.png rm temp_image.png elif [[ "$TERM" == "xterm-kitty" ]]; then curl -sS $image_url -o temp_image.png kitty +kitten icat temp_image.png rm temp_image.png else echo "Would you like to open it? (Yes/No)" read -e answer if [ "$answer" == "Yes" ] || [ "$answer" == "yes" ] || [ "$answer" == "y" ] || [ "$answer" == "Y" ] || [ "$answer" == "ok" ]; then open "${image_url}" fi fi elif [[ "$prompt" == "history" ]]; then echo -e "\n$(cat ~/.chatgpt_history)" elif [[ "$prompt" == "models" ]]; then list_models elif [[ "$prompt" =~ ^model: ]]; then models_response=$(curl https://api.openai.com/v1/models \ -sS \ -H "Authorization: Bearer $OPENAI_KEY") handle_error "$models_response" model_data=$(echo $models_response | jq -r -C '.data[] | select(.id=="'"${prompt#*model:}"'")') echo -e "$OVERWRITE_PROCESSING_LINE" echo -e "${CHATGPT_CYAN_LABEL}Complete details for model: ${prompt#*model:}\n ${model_data}" elif [[ "$prompt" =~ ^command: ]]; then # escape quotation marks, new lines, backslashes... escaped_prompt=$(escape "$prompt") escaped_prompt=${escaped_prompt#command:} request_prompt=$COMMAND_GENERATION_PROMPT$escaped_prompt build_user_chat_message "$request_prompt" response=$(request_to_chat "$chat_message") handle_error "$response" response_data=$(echo $response | jq -r '.choices[].message.content') if [[ "$prompt" =~ ^command: ]]; then echo -e "$OVERWRITE_PROCESSING_LINE" echo -e "${CHATGPT_CYAN_LABEL} ${response_data}" | fold -s -w $COLUMNS dangerous_commands=("rm" ">" "mv" "mkfs" ":(){:|:&};" "dd" "chmod" "wget" "curl") for dangerous_command in "${dangerous_commands[@]}"; do if [[ "$response_data" == *"$dangerous_command"* ]]; then echo "Warning! This command can change your file system or download external scripts & data. Please do not execute code that you don't understand completely." fi done echo "Would you like to execute it? (Yes/No)" read run_answer if [ "$run_answer" == "Yes" ] || [ "$run_answer" == "yes" ] || [ "$run_answer" == "y" ] || [ "$run_answer" == "Y" ]; then echo -e "\nExecuting command: $response_data\n" eval $response_data fi fi add_assistant_response_to_chat_message "$(escape "$response_data")" timestamp=$(date +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") echo -e "$timestamp $prompt \n$response_data \n" >>~/.chatgpt_history elif [[ "$MODEL" =~ ^gpt- ]]; then # escape quotation marks, new lines, backslashes... request_prompt=$(escape "$prompt") build_user_chat_message "$request_prompt" response=$(request_to_chat "$chat_message") handle_error "$response" response_data=$(echo "$response" | jq -r '.choices[].message.content') echo -e "$OVERWRITE_PROCESSING_LINE" # if glow installed, print parsed markdown if command -v glow &>/dev/null; then echo -e "${CHATGPT_CYAN_LABEL}" echo "${response_data}" | glow - else echo -e "${CHATGPT_CYAN_LABEL}${response_data}" | fold -s -w "$COLUMNS" fi add_assistant_response_to_chat_message "$(escape "$response_data")" timestamp=$(date +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") echo -e "$timestamp $prompt \n$response_data \n" >>~/.chatgpt_history else # escape quotation marks, new lines, backslashes... request_prompt=$(escape "$prompt") if [ "$CONTEXT" = true ]; then build_chat_context "$request_prompt" fi response=$(request_to_completions "$request_prompt") handle_error "$response" response_data=$(echo "$response" | jq -r '.choices[].text') echo -e "$OVERWRITE_PROCESSING_LINE" # if glow installed, print parsed markdown if command -v glow &>/dev/null; then echo -e "${CHATGPT_CYAN_LABEL}" echo "${response_data}" | glow - else # else remove empty lines and print formatted_text=$(echo "${response_data}" | sed '1,2d; s/^A://g') echo -e "${CHATGPT_CYAN_LABEL}${formatted_text}" | fold -s -w $COLUMNS fi if [ "$CONTEXT" = true ]; then maintain_chat_context "$(escape "$response_data")" fi timestamp=$(date +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") echo -e "$timestamp $prompt \n$response_data \n" >>~/.chatgpt_history fi done