SHELL:=/bin/bash CFLAGS=-O2 -Wall -Wpedantic -Werror=vla -std=gnu99 -lcurl -lpthread -lbsd -lcjson -ggdb BINARY_FILE=cmyflix BUILD_DIR=bin/ BINARY_PATH=${BUILD_DIR}${BINARY_FILE} EXTRAS_DIR=extras/ DESTDIR=/ INSTALL_BIN_DIR=${DESTDIR}usr/local/bin/ INSTALL_ETC_DIR=${DESTDIR}etc/cmyflix/ .PHONY: bin clean ctags deb help install run uninstall valgrind callgrind bin: mkdir -p ${BUILD_DIR} ${CC} src/*.c ${CFLAGS} -o ${BINARY_PATH} cp -r ${EXTRAS_DIR}* ${BUILD_DIR} clean: rm -rf ${BUILD_DIR} @rm -rf deb ctags: @ctags -R --exclude=.git -f .tags src/ extras/ help: @echo -e "The following are some of the valid targets for this Makefile:\n\tbin (the default if no target is provided)\n\tclean\n\tctags\n\thelp\n\tinstall\n\trun\n\tuninstall\n\tvalgrind\n\tcallgrind\n\tdeb\n" install: bin ifneq ($(shell id -u), 0) @echo "You must be root to perform this action." else install -d ${INSTALL_BIN_DIR} install -d ${INSTALL_ETC_DIR} install ${BINARY_PATH} ${INSTALL_BIN_DIR} cp -r ${EXTRAS_DIR}* ${INSTALL_ETC_DIR} endif run: bin cd ${BUILD_DIR} && exec ./${BINARY_FILE} && cd ${PWD} uninstall: ifneq ($(shell id -u), 0) @echo "You must be root to perform this action." else rm ${INSTALL_BIN_DIR}${BINARY_FILE} rm -rf ${INSTALL_ETC_DIR} endif valgrind: bin cd ${BUILD_DIR} && valgrind --max-threads=4096 --log-file=valgrindLog.txt --tool=memcheck --leak-check=full --show-leak-kinds=all --track-origins=yes -s ./${BINARY_FILE} && cat valgrindLog.txt callgrind: bin cd ${BUILD_DIR} && valgrind --tool=callgrind --dump-instr=yes --collect-jumps=yes ./${BINARY_FILE} deb: bin @ARCH_STR=$$(if command -v dpkg &> /dev/null; then dpkg --print-architecture; else arch=$$(uname -m); if [[ $$arch == *"i386"* ]]; then echo "i386"; elif [[ $$arch == *"i686"* ]]; then echo "i386"; elif [[ $$arch == *"x86_64"* ]]; then echo "amd64"; elif [[ $$arch == *"aarch64"* ]]; then echo "arm64"; elif [[ $$arch == *"armv8b"* ]]; then echo "arm64"; elif [[ $$arch == *"armv"*"l" ]]; then echo "armhf"; elif [[ $$arch == *"arm"* ]]; then echo "arm"; fi; fi); \ VERSION_STR=$$(grep -i '#define VERSION_STRING "' src/main.c | sed -e 's/\#define VERSION_STRING\ //g;s/\"//g'); \ PKG_DIR=${BINARY_FILE}_$${VERSION_STR}_$${ARCH_STR}; \ PKG_BIN_DIR=deb/$${PKG_DIR}/usr/local/bin/; \ PKG_ETC_DIR=deb/$${PKG_DIR}/etc/${BINARY_FILE}/; \ BIN=${BINARY_PATH}; \ EXTRAS=${EXTRAS_DIR}*; \ mkdir -p $${PKG_BIN_DIR}; \ mkdir -p $${PKG_ETC_DIR}; \ cp $${BIN} $${PKG_BIN_DIR}; \ cp -r $${EXTRAS}* $${PKG_ETC_DIR}; \ mkdir deb/$${PKG_DIR}/DEBIAN; \ echo -e "Package: cmyflix\nVersion: $${VERSION_STR}\nArchitecture: $${ARCH_STR}\nDepends: ffmpeg,imagemagick,libcjson1\nMaintainer: farfalleflickan \nDescription: A static webpage generator for your movies and tv shows.\n For more info see:" > deb/$${PKG_DIR}/DEBIAN/control; \ echo -e "#!/usr/bin/make -f\n%:\n dh $@\noverride_dh_install:\n dh_install $${PKG_ETC_DIR} /etc/${BINARY_FILE}\n" > deb/$${PKG_DIR}/DEBIAN/rules; \ cd deb && dpkg-deb --build --root-owner-group $${PKG_DIR}