*cpp-peglib* tries to provide more expressive parsing experience than common regular expression libraries such as std::regex. This library depends on only one header file. So, you can start using it right away just by including `peglib.h` in your project.
What if we want to extract only tag names in brackets from ` [tag1] [tag2] [tag3] [tag4]... `? It's a bit hard to do it with *std::regex*, since it doesn't support [Repeated Captures](http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_57_0/libs/regex/doc/html/boost_regex/captures.html#boost_regex.captures.repeated_captures). PEG can, however, handle the repetition pretty easily.
auto ret = parser.parse(" [tag1] [tag:2] [tag-3] ");
assert(ret == true);
assert(tags[0] == "tag1");
assert(tags[1] == "tag:2");
assert(tags[2] == "tag-3");
You may have a question regarding '(3) Setup an action'. When the parser recognizes the definition 'TAG_NAME', it calls back the action `[&](const char* s, size_t l)` where `const char* s, size_t l` refers to the matched string, so that the user could use the string for something else.
We can do more with actions. A more complex example is here:
In this example, the actions return values. These samentic values will be pushed up to the parent definition which can be referred to in the parent action `[](const vector<Any>& v)`. In other words, when a certain definition has been accepted, we can find all semantic values which are associated with the child definitions in `const vector<Any>& v`. The values are wrapped by peglib::Any class which is like `boost::any`. We can retrieve the value by using `get<T>` method where `T` is the actual type of the value. If no value is returned in an action, an undefined `Any` will be pushed up to the parent. Finally, the resulting value of the root definition is received in the out parameter of `parse` method in the parser. `long val` is the resulting value in this case.
`const std::vector<std::string>& n` holds names of child definitions that could be helpful when we want to check what are the actual child definitions.
* [Boost Spirit X3](https://github.com/djowel/spirit_x3) - A set of C++ libraries for parsing and output generation implemented as Domain Specific Embedded Languages (DSEL) using Expression templates and Template Meta-Programming