pull/295/head v1.8.6
yhirose 3 months ago
parent 4e305b423b
commit 6201458f3b
  1. 7
  2. 67
  3. 22

@ -347,6 +347,13 @@ START <- 'This month is ' MONTH '.'
MONTH <- 'Jan' | 'January' | 'Feb' | 'February' | '...'
It supports the case insensitive mode.
START <- 'This month is ' MONTH '.'
MONTH <- 'Jan'i | 'January'i | 'Feb'i | 'February'i | '...'i
Cut operator

@ -377,14 +377,13 @@ template <typename T> T token_to_number_(std::string_view sv) {
class Trie {
Trie() = default;
Trie(const Trie &) = default;
Trie(const std::vector<std::string> &items) {
Trie(const std::vector<std::string> &items, bool ignore_case)
: ignore_case_(ignore_case) {
for (const auto &item : items) {
for (size_t len = 1; len <= item.size(); len++) {
auto last = len == item.size();
std::string_view sv(item.data(), len);
const auto &s = ignore_case ? to_lower(item) : item;
std::string_view sv(s.data(), len);
auto it = dic_.find(sv);
if (it == dic_.end()) {
dic_.emplace(sv, Info{last, last});
@ -402,7 +401,8 @@ public:
auto done = false;
size_t len = 1;
while (!done && len <= text_len) {
std::string_view sv(text, len);
const auto &s = ignore_case_ ? to_lower(text) : std::string(text);
std::string_view sv(s.data(), len);
auto it = dic_.find(sv);
if (it == dic_.end()) {
done = true;
@ -416,6 +416,13 @@ public:
std::string to_lower(std::string s) const {
for (char &c : s) {
c = std::tolower(c);
return s;
struct Info {
bool done;
bool match;
@ -424,6 +431,8 @@ private:
// TODO: Use unordered_map when heterogeneous lookup is supported in C++20
// std::unordered_map<std::string, Info> dic_;
std::map<std::string, Info, std::less<>> dic_;
bool ignore_case_;
@ -1159,7 +1168,8 @@ public:
class Dictionary : public Ope, public std::enable_shared_from_this<Dictionary> {
Dictionary(const std::vector<std::string> &v) : trie_(v) {}
Dictionary(const std::vector<std::string> &v, bool ignore_case)
: trie_(v, ignore_case) {}
size_t parse_core(const char *s, size_t n, SemanticValues &vs, Context &c,
std::any &dt) const override;
@ -1568,8 +1578,9 @@ inline std::shared_ptr<Ope> npd(const std::shared_ptr<Ope> &ope) {
return std::make_shared<NotPredicate>(ope);
inline std::shared_ptr<Ope> dic(const std::vector<std::string> &v) {
return std::make_shared<Dictionary>(v);
inline std::shared_ptr<Ope> dic(const std::vector<std::string> &v,
bool ignore_case) {
return std::make_shared<Dictionary>(v, ignore_case);
inline std::shared_ptr<Ope> lit(std::string &&s) {
@ -3335,16 +3346,17 @@ private:
seq(g["Suffix"], opt(seq(g["LABEL"], g["Identifier"])));
g["Suffix"] <= seq(g["Primary"], opt(g["Loop"]));
g["Loop"] <= cho(g["QUESTION"], g["STAR"], g["PLUS"], g["Repetition"]);
g["Primary"] <=
cho(seq(g["Ignore"], g["IdentCont"], g["Arguments"],
seq(g["Ignore"], g["Identifier"],
npd(seq(opt(g["Parameters"]), g["LEFTARROW"]))),
seq(g["OPEN"], g["Expression"], g["CLOSE"]),
seq(g["BeginTok"], g["Expression"], g["EndTok"]), g["CapScope"],
seq(g["BeginCap"], g["Expression"], g["EndCap"]), g["BackRef"],
g["LiteralI"], g["Dictionary"], g["Literal"], g["NegatedClassI"],
g["NegatedClass"], g["ClassI"], g["Class"], g["DOT"]);
g["Primary"] <= cho(seq(g["Ignore"], g["IdentCont"], g["Arguments"],
seq(g["Ignore"], g["Identifier"],
npd(seq(opt(g["Parameters"]), g["LEFTARROW"]))),
seq(g["OPEN"], g["Expression"], g["CLOSE"]),
seq(g["BeginTok"], g["Expression"], g["EndTok"]),
seq(g["BeginCap"], g["Expression"], g["EndCap"]),
g["BackRef"], g["DictionaryI"], g["LiteralI"],
g["Dictionary"], g["Literal"], g["NegatedClassI"],
g["NegatedClass"], g["ClassI"], g["Class"], g["DOT"]);
g["Identifier"] <= seq(g["IdentCont"], g["Spacing"]);
g["IdentCont"] <= tok(seq(g["IdentStart"], zom(g["IdentRest"])));
@ -3358,6 +3370,9 @@ private:
g["Dictionary"] <= seq(g["LiteralD"], oom(seq(g["PIPE"], g["LiteralD"])));
g["DictionaryI"] <=
seq(g["LiteralID"], oom(seq(g["PIPE"], g["LiteralID"])));
auto lit_ope = cho(seq(cls("'"), tok(zom(seq(npd(cls("'")), g["Char"]))),
cls("'"), g["Spacing"]),
seq(cls("\""), tok(zom(seq(npd(cls("\"")), g["Char"]))),
@ -3365,11 +3380,13 @@ private:
g["Literal"] <= lit_ope;
g["LiteralD"] <= lit_ope;
g["LiteralI"] <=
auto lit_case_ignore_ope =
cho(seq(cls("'"), tok(zom(seq(npd(cls("'")), g["Char"]))), lit("'i"),
seq(cls("\""), tok(zom(seq(npd(cls("\"")), g["Char"]))), lit("\"i"),
g["LiteralI"] <= lit_case_ignore_ope;
g["LiteralID"] <= lit_case_ignore_ope;
// NOTE: The original Brian Ford's paper uses 'zom' instead of 'oom'.
g["Class"] <= seq(chr('['), npd(chr('^')),
@ -3720,7 +3737,11 @@ private:
g["Dictionary"] = [](const SemanticValues &vs) {
auto items = vs.transform<std::string>();
return dic(items);
return dic(items, false);
g["DictionaryI"] = [](const SemanticValues &vs) {
auto items = vs.transform<std::string>();
return dic(items, true);
g["Literal"] = [](const SemanticValues &vs) {
@ -3735,6 +3756,10 @@ private:
auto &tok = vs.tokens.front();
return resolve_escape_sequence(tok.data(), tok.size());
g["LiteralID"] = [](const SemanticValues &vs) {
auto &tok = vs.tokens.front();
return resolve_escape_sequence(tok.data(), tok.size());
g["Class"] = [](const SemanticValues &vs) {
auto ranges = vs.transform<std::pair<char32_t, char32_t>>();

@ -374,6 +374,28 @@ TEST(GeneralTest, Word_expression_test_Dictionary) {
TEST(GeneralTest, Word_expression_case_ignore_test_Dictionary) {
parser parser(R"(
Identifier < !Keyword [a-z][a-z]* >
Keyword 'def'i | 'to'i
%whitespace [ \t\r\n]*
%word [a-z]+
TEST(GeneralTest, Word_expression_syntax_error_test_Dictionary) {
parser parser(R"(
Identifier < !Keyword [a-z][a-z]* >
Keyword 'def' | 'to'i
%whitespace [ \t\r\n]*
%word [a-z]+
TEST(GeneralTest, Skip_token_test) {
parser parser(" ROOT <- _ ITEM (',' _ ITEM _)* "
" ITEM <- ([a-z0-9])+ "
