// // pl0.cc - PL/0 language (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PL/0) // // Copyright (c) 2020 Yuji Hirose. All rights reserved. // MIT License // #include #include #include #include #include "llvm/ExecutionEngine/ExecutionEngine.h" #include "llvm/ExecutionEngine/GenericValue.h" #include "llvm/ExecutionEngine/MCJIT.h" #include "llvm/IR/IRBuilder.h" #include "llvm/IR/ValueSymbolTable.h" #include "llvm/IR/Verifier.h" #include "llvm/Support/TargetSelect.h" using namespace peg; using namespace peg::udl; using namespace llvm; using namespace std; /* * PEG Grammar */ auto grammar = R"( program <- _ block '.' _ block <- const var procedure statement const <- ('CONST' __ ident '=' _ number (',' _ ident '=' _ number)* ';' _)? var <- ('VAR' __ ident (',' _ ident)* ';' _)? procedure <- ('PROCEDURE' __ ident ';' _ block ';' _)* statement <- (assignment / call / statements / if / while / out / in)? assignment <- ident ':=' _ expression call <- 'CALL' __ ident statements <- 'BEGIN' __ statement (';' _ statement )* 'END' __ if <- 'IF' __ condition 'THEN' __ statement while <- 'WHILE' __ condition 'DO' __ statement out <- ('out' __ / 'write' __ / '!' _) expression in <- ('in' __ / 'read' __ / '?' _) ident condition <- odd / compare odd <- 'ODD' __ expression compare <- expression compare_op expression compare_op <- < '=' / '#' / '<=' / '<' / '>=' / '>' > _ expression <- sign term (term_op term)* sign <- < [-+]? > _ term_op <- < [-+] > _ term <- factor (factor_op factor)* factor_op <- < [*/] > _ factor <- ident / number / '(' _ expression ')' _ ident <- < [a-z] [a-z0-9]* > _ number <- < [0-9]+ > _ ~_ <- [ \t\r\n]* ~__ <- ![a-z0-9_] _ )"; /* * Utilities */ string format_error_message(const string& path, size_t ln, size_t col, const string& msg) { stringstream ss; ss << path << ":" << ln << ":" << col << ": " << msg << endl; return ss.str(); } /* * Ast */ struct SymbolScope; struct Annotation { shared_ptr scope; }; typedef AstBase AstPL0; shared_ptr get_closest_scope(shared_ptr ast) { ast = ast->parent.lock(); while (ast->tag != "block"_) { ast = ast->parent.lock(); } return ast->scope; } /* * Symbol Table */ struct SymbolScope { SymbolScope(shared_ptr outer) : outer(outer) {} bool has_symbol(const string& ident, bool extend = true) const { auto ret = constants.count(ident) || variables.count(ident); return ret ? true : (extend && outer ? outer->has_symbol(ident) : false); } bool has_constant(const string& ident, bool extend = true) const { return constants.count(ident) ? true : (extend && outer ? outer->has_constant(ident) : false); } bool has_variable(const string& ident, bool extend = true) const { return variables.count(ident) ? true : (extend && outer ? outer->has_variable(ident) : false); } bool has_procedure(const string& ident, bool extend = true) const { return procedures.count(ident) ? true : (extend && outer ? outer->has_procedure(ident) : false); } shared_ptr get_procedure(const string& ident) const { auto it = procedures.find(ident); return it != procedures.end() ? it->second : outer->get_procedure(ident); } map constants; set variables; map> procedures; set free_variables; private: shared_ptr outer; }; void throw_runtime_error(const shared_ptr node, const string& msg) { throw runtime_error( format_error_message(node->path, node->line, node->column, msg)); } struct SymbolTable { static void build_on_ast(const shared_ptr ast, shared_ptr scope = nullptr) { switch (ast->tag) { case "block"_: block(ast, scope); break; case "assignment"_: assignment(ast, scope); break; case "call"_: call(ast, scope); break; case "ident"_: ident(ast, scope); break; default: for (auto node : ast->nodes) { build_on_ast(node, scope); } break; } } private: static void block(const shared_ptr ast, shared_ptr outer) { // block <- const var procedure statement auto scope = make_shared(outer); const auto& nodes = ast->nodes; constants(nodes[0], scope); variables(nodes[1], scope); procedures(nodes[2], scope); build_on_ast(nodes[3], scope); ast->scope = scope; } static void constants(const shared_ptr ast, shared_ptr scope) { // const <- ('CONST' __ ident '=' _ number(',' _ ident '=' _ number)* ';' // _)? const auto& nodes = ast->nodes; for (auto i = 0u; i < nodes.size(); i += 2) { const auto& ident = nodes[i + 0]->token_to_string(); if (scope->has_symbol(ident)) { throw_runtime_error(nodes[i], "'" + ident + "' is already defined..."); } auto number = nodes[i + 1]->token_to_number(); scope->constants.emplace(ident, number); } } static void variables(const shared_ptr ast, shared_ptr scope) { // var <- ('VAR' __ ident(',' _ ident)* ';' _) ? const auto& nodes = ast->nodes; for (auto i = 0u; i < nodes.size(); i += 1) { const auto& ident = nodes[i]->token_to_string(); if (scope->has_symbol(ident)) { throw_runtime_error(nodes[i], "'" + ident + "' is already defined..."); } scope->variables.emplace(ident); } } static void procedures(const shared_ptr ast, shared_ptr scope) { // procedure <- ('PROCEDURE' __ ident ';' _ block ';' _)* const auto& nodes = ast->nodes; for (auto i = 0u; i < nodes.size(); i += 2) { const auto& ident = nodes[i + 0]->token_to_string(); auto block = nodes[i + 1]; scope->procedures[ident] = block; build_on_ast(block, scope); } } static void assignment(const shared_ptr ast, shared_ptr scope) { // assignment <- ident ':=' _ expression const auto& ident = ast->nodes[0]->token_to_string(); if (scope->has_constant(ident)) { throw_runtime_error(ast->nodes[0], "cannot modify constant value '" + ident + "'..."); } else if (!scope->has_variable(ident)) { throw_runtime_error(ast->nodes[0], "undefined variable '" + ident + "'..."); } build_on_ast(ast->nodes[1], scope); if (!scope->has_symbol(ident, false)) { scope->free_variables.emplace(ident); } } static void call(const shared_ptr ast, shared_ptr scope) { // call <- 'CALL' __ ident const auto& ident = ast->nodes[0]->token_to_string(); if (!scope->has_procedure(ident)) { throw_runtime_error(ast->nodes[0], "undefined procedure '" + ident + "'..."); } auto block = scope->get_procedure(ident); if (block->scope) { for (const auto& free : block->scope->free_variables) { if (!scope->has_symbol(free, false)) { scope->free_variables.emplace(free); } } } } static void ident(const shared_ptr ast, shared_ptr scope) { const auto& ident = ast->token_to_string(); if (!scope->has_symbol(ident)) { throw_runtime_error(ast, "undefined variable '" + ident + "'..."); } if (!scope->has_symbol(ident, false)) { scope->free_variables.emplace(ident); } } }; /* * Interpreter */ struct Environment { Environment(shared_ptr scope, shared_ptr outer) : scope(scope), outer(outer) {} int get_value(const shared_ptr ast, const string& ident) const { auto it = scope->constants.find(ident); if (it != scope->constants.end()) { return it->second; } else if (scope->variables.count(ident)) { if (variables.find(ident) == variables.end()) { throw_runtime_error(ast, "uninitialized variable '" + ident + "'..."); } return variables.at(ident); } return outer->get_value(ast, ident); } void set_variable(const string& ident, int val) { if (scope->variables.count(ident)) { variables[ident] = val; } else { outer->set_variable(ident, val); } } shared_ptr get_procedure(const string& ident) const { return scope->get_procedure(ident); } private: shared_ptr scope; shared_ptr outer; map variables; }; struct Interpreter { static void exec(const shared_ptr ast, shared_ptr env = nullptr) { switch (ast->tag) { case "block"_: exec_block(ast, env); break; case "statement"_: exec_statement(ast, env); break; case "assignment"_: exec_assignment(ast, env); break; case "call"_: exec_call(ast, env); break; case "statements"_: exec_statements(ast, env); break; case "if"_: exec_if(ast, env); break; case "while"_: exec_while(ast, env); break; case "out"_: exec_out(ast, env); break; case "in"_: exec_in(ast, env); break; default: exec(ast->nodes[0], env); break; } } private: static void exec_block(const shared_ptr ast, shared_ptr outer) { // block <- const var procedure statement exec(ast->nodes[3], make_shared(ast->scope, outer)); } static void exec_statement(const shared_ptr ast, shared_ptr env) { // statement <- (assignment / call / statements / if / while / out / in)? if (!ast->nodes.empty()) { exec(ast->nodes[0], env); } } static void exec_assignment(const shared_ptr ast, shared_ptr env) { // assignment <- ident ':=' _ expression env->set_variable(ast->nodes[0]->token_to_string(), eval(ast->nodes[1], env)); } static void exec_call(const shared_ptr ast, shared_ptr env) { // call <- 'CALL' __ ident exec_block(env->get_procedure(ast->nodes[0]->token_to_string()), env); } static void exec_statements(const shared_ptr ast, shared_ptr env) { // statements <- 'BEGIN' __ statement (';' _ statement )* 'END' __ for (auto stmt : ast->nodes) { exec(stmt, env); } } static void exec_if(const shared_ptr ast, shared_ptr env) { // if <- 'IF' __ condition 'THEN' __ statement if (eval_condition(ast->nodes[0], env)) { exec(ast->nodes[1], env); } } static void exec_while(const shared_ptr ast, shared_ptr env) { // while <- 'WHILE' __ condition 'DO' __ statement auto cond = ast->nodes[0]; auto stmt = ast->nodes[1]; while (eval_condition(cond, env)) { exec(stmt, env); } } static void exec_out(const shared_ptr ast, shared_ptr env) { // out <- ('out' __ / 'write' __ / '!' _) expression cout << eval(ast->nodes[0], env) << endl; } static void exec_in(const shared_ptr ast, shared_ptr env) { // in <- ('in' __ / 'read' __ / '?' _) ident int val; cin >> val; env->set_variable(ast->nodes[0]->token_to_string(), val); } static bool eval_condition(const shared_ptr ast, shared_ptr env) { // condition <- odd / compare const auto& node = ast->nodes[0]; switch (node->tag) { case "odd"_: return eval_odd(node, env); case "compare"_: return eval_compare(node, env); default: throw logic_error("invalid AstPL0 type"); } } static bool eval_odd(const shared_ptr ast, shared_ptr env) { // odd <- 'ODD' __ expression return eval_expression(ast->nodes[0], env) != 0; } static bool eval_compare(const shared_ptr ast, shared_ptr env) { // compare <- expression compare_op expression const auto& nodes = ast->nodes; auto lval = eval_expression(nodes[0], env); auto op = peg::str2tag(nodes[1]->token_to_string().c_str()); auto rval = eval_expression(nodes[2], env); switch (op) { case "="_: return lval == rval; case "#"_: return lval != rval; case "<="_: return lval <= rval; case "<"_: return lval < rval; case ">="_: return lval >= rval; case ">"_: return lval > rval; default: throw logic_error("invalid operator"); } } static int eval(const shared_ptr ast, shared_ptr env) { switch (ast->tag) { case "expression"_: return eval_expression(ast, env); case "term"_: return eval_term(ast, env); case "ident"_: return eval_ident(ast, env); case "number"_: return eval_number(ast, env); default: return eval(ast->nodes[0], env); } } static int eval_expression(const shared_ptr ast, shared_ptr env) { // expression <- sign term (term_op term)* const auto& nodes = ast->nodes; auto sign = nodes[0]->token_to_string(); auto sign_val = (sign.empty() || sign == "+") ? 1 : -1; auto val = eval(nodes[1], env) * sign_val; for (auto i = 2u; i < nodes.size(); i += 2) { auto ope = nodes[i + 0]->token_to_string()[0]; auto rval = eval(nodes[i + 1], env); switch (ope) { case '+': val = val + rval; break; case '-': val = val - rval; break; } } return val; } static int eval_term(const shared_ptr ast, shared_ptr env) { // term <- factor (factor_op factor)* const auto& nodes = ast->nodes; auto val = eval(nodes[0], env); for (auto i = 1u; i < nodes.size(); i += 2) { auto ope = nodes[i + 0]->token_to_string()[0]; auto rval = eval(nodes[i + 1], env); switch (ope) { case '*': val = val * rval; break; case '/': if (rval == 0) { throw_runtime_error(ast, "divide by 0 error"); } val = val / rval; break; } } return val; } static int eval_ident(const shared_ptr ast, shared_ptr env) { return env->get_value(ast, ast->token_to_string()); } static int eval_number(const shared_ptr ast, shared_ptr env) { return stol(ast->token_to_string()); } }; /* * LLVM */ struct LLVM { LLVM(const shared_ptr ast) : builder_(context_) { module_ = make_unique("pl0", context_); compile(ast); } void dump() { module_->print(llvm::outs(), nullptr); } void exec() { unique_ptr ee(EngineBuilder(std::move(module_)).create()); std::vector noargs; auto fn = ee->FindFunctionNamed("main"); auto ret = ee->runFunction(fn, noargs); } private: LLVMContext context_; IRBuilder<> builder_; unique_ptr module_; void compile(const shared_ptr ast) { InitializeNativeTarget(); InitializeNativeTargetAsmPrinter(); compile_libs(); compile_program(ast); } void compile_switch(const shared_ptr ast) { switch (ast->tag) { case "assignment"_: compile_assignment(ast); break; case "call"_: compile_call(ast); break; case "statements"_: compile_statements(ast); break; case "if"_: compile_if(ast); break; case "while"_: compile_while(ast); break; case "out"_: compile_out(ast); break; default: compile_switch(ast->nodes[0]); break; } } Value* compile_switch_value(const shared_ptr ast) { switch (ast->tag) { case "odd"_: return compile_odd(ast); case "compare"_: return compile_compare(ast); case "expression"_: return compile_expression(ast); case "ident"_: return compile_ident(ast); case "number"_: return compile_number(ast); default: return compile_switch_value(ast->nodes[0]); } } void compile_libs() { auto printfF = module_->getOrInsertFunction( "printf", FunctionType::get(builder_.getInt32Ty(), PointerType::get(builder_.getInt8Ty(), 0), true)); #if LLVM_VERSION_MAJOR >= 9 auto funccallee = module_->getOrInsertFunction("out", builder_.getVoidTy(), builder_.getInt32Ty()); auto outC = funccallee.getCallee(); #else auto outC = module_->getOrInsertFunction("out", builder_.getVoidTy(), builder_.getInt32Ty()); #endif auto outF = cast(outC); { auto BB = BasicBlock::Create(context_, "entry", outF); builder_.SetInsertPoint(BB); auto val = &*outF->arg_begin(); auto fmt = builder_.CreateGlobalStringPtr("%d\n"); std::vector args = {fmt, val}; builder_.CreateCall(printfF, args); builder_.CreateRetVoid(); } } void compile_program(const shared_ptr ast) { #if LLVM_VERSION_MAJOR >= 9 auto funccallee = module_->getOrInsertFunction("main", builder_.getVoidTy()); auto c = funccallee.getCallee(); #else auto c = module_->getOrInsertFunction("main", builder_.getVoidTy()); #endif auto fn = cast(c); { auto BB = BasicBlock::Create(context_, "entry", fn); builder_.SetInsertPoint(BB); compile_block(ast->nodes[0]); builder_.CreateRetVoid(); verifyFunction(*fn); } } void compile_block(const shared_ptr ast) { compile_const(ast->nodes[0]); compile_var(ast->nodes[1]); compile_procedure(ast->nodes[2]); compile_statement(ast->nodes[3]); } void compile_const(const shared_ptr ast) { for (auto i = 0u; i < ast->nodes.size(); i += 2) { auto ident = ast->nodes[i]->token_to_string(); auto number = stoi(ast->nodes[i + 1]->token_to_string()); auto alloca = builder_.CreateAlloca(builder_.getInt32Ty(), nullptr, ident); builder_.CreateStore(builder_.getInt32(number), alloca); } } void compile_var(const shared_ptr ast) { for (const auto node : ast->nodes) { auto ident = node->token_to_string(); builder_.CreateAlloca(builder_.getInt32Ty(), nullptr, ident); } } void compile_procedure(const shared_ptr ast) { for (auto i = 0u; i < ast->nodes.size(); i += 2) { auto ident = ast->nodes[i]->token_to_string(); auto block = ast->nodes[i + 1]; std::vector pt(block->scope->free_variables.size(), Type::getInt32PtrTy(context_)); auto ft = FunctionType::get(builder_.getVoidTy(), pt, false); #if LLVM_VERSION_MAJOR >= 9 auto funccallee = module_->getOrInsertFunction(ident, ft); auto c = funccallee.getCallee(); #else auto c = module_->getOrInsertFunction(ident, ft); #endif auto fn = cast(c); { auto it = block->scope->free_variables.begin(); for (auto& arg : fn->args()) { arg.setName(*it); ++it; } } { auto prevBB = builder_.GetInsertBlock(); auto BB = BasicBlock::Create(context_, "entry", fn); builder_.SetInsertPoint(BB); compile_block(block); builder_.CreateRetVoid(); verifyFunction(*fn); builder_.SetInsertPoint(prevBB); } } } void compile_statement(const shared_ptr ast) { if (!ast->nodes.empty()) { compile_switch(ast->nodes[0]); } } void compile_assignment(const shared_ptr ast) { auto ident = ast->nodes[0]->token_to_string(); auto fn = builder_.GetInsertBlock()->getParent(); auto tbl = fn->getValueSymbolTable(); auto var = tbl->lookup(ident); if (!var) { throw_runtime_error(ast, "'" + ident + "' is not defined..."); } auto val = compile_expression(ast->nodes[1]); builder_.CreateStore(val, var); } void compile_call(const shared_ptr ast) { auto ident = ast->nodes[0]->token_to_string(); auto scope = get_closest_scope(ast); auto block = scope->get_procedure(ident); std::vector args; for (auto& free : block->scope->free_variables) { auto fn = builder_.GetInsertBlock()->getParent(); auto tbl = fn->getValueSymbolTable(); auto var = tbl->lookup(free); if (!var) { throw_runtime_error(ast, "'" + free + "' is not defined..."); } args.push_back(var); } auto fn = module_->getFunction(ident); builder_.CreateCall(fn, args); } void compile_statements(const shared_ptr ast) { for (auto node : ast->nodes) { compile_statement(node); } } void compile_if(const shared_ptr ast) { auto cond = compile_condition(ast->nodes[0]); auto fn = builder_.GetInsertBlock()->getParent(); auto ifThen = BasicBlock::Create(context_, "if.then", fn); auto ifEnd = BasicBlock::Create(context_, "if.end"); builder_.CreateCondBr(cond, ifThen, ifEnd); builder_.SetInsertPoint(ifThen); compile_statement(ast->nodes[1]); builder_.CreateBr(ifEnd); fn->getBasicBlockList().push_back(ifEnd); builder_.SetInsertPoint(ifEnd); } void compile_while(const shared_ptr ast) { auto whileCond = BasicBlock::Create(context_, "while.cond"); builder_.CreateBr(whileCond); auto fn = builder_.GetInsertBlock()->getParent(); fn->getBasicBlockList().push_back(whileCond); builder_.SetInsertPoint(whileCond); auto cond = compile_condition(ast->nodes[0]); auto whileBody = BasicBlock::Create(context_, "while.body", fn); auto whileEnd = BasicBlock::Create(context_, "while.end"); builder_.CreateCondBr(cond, whileBody, whileEnd); builder_.SetInsertPoint(whileBody); compile_statement(ast->nodes[1]); builder_.CreateBr(whileCond); fn->getBasicBlockList().push_back(whileEnd); builder_.SetInsertPoint(whileEnd); } Value* compile_condition(const shared_ptr ast) { return compile_switch_value(ast->nodes[0]); } Value* compile_odd(const shared_ptr ast) { auto val = compile_expression(ast->nodes[0]); return builder_.CreateICmpNE(val, builder_.getInt32(0), "icmpne"); } Value* compile_compare(const shared_ptr ast) { auto lhs = compile_expression(ast->nodes[0]); auto rhs = compile_expression(ast->nodes[2]); const auto& ope = ast->nodes[1]->token_to_string(); switch (ope[0]) { case '=': return builder_.CreateICmpEQ(lhs, rhs, "icmpeq"); case '#': return builder_.CreateICmpNE(lhs, rhs, "icmpne"); case '<': if (ope.size() == 1) { return builder_.CreateICmpSLT(lhs, rhs, "icmpslt"); } // '<=' return builder_.CreateICmpSLE(lhs, rhs, "icmpsle"); case '>': if (ope.size() == 1) { return builder_.CreateICmpSGT(lhs, rhs, "icmpsgt"); } // '>=' return builder_.CreateICmpSGE(lhs, rhs, "icmpsge"); } return nullptr; } void compile_out(const shared_ptr ast) { auto val = compile_expression(ast->nodes[0]); auto outF = module_->getFunction("out"); builder_.CreateCall(outF, val); } Value* compile_expression(const shared_ptr ast) { const auto& nodes = ast->nodes; auto sign = nodes[0]->token_to_string(); auto negative = !(sign.empty() || sign == "+"); auto val = compile_term(nodes[1]); if (negative) { val = builder_.CreateNeg(val, "negative"); } for (auto i = 2u; i < nodes.size(); i += 2) { auto ope = nodes[i + 0]->token_to_string()[0]; auto rval = compile_term(nodes[i + 1]); switch (ope) { case '+': val = builder_.CreateAdd(val, rval, "add"); break; case '-': val = builder_.CreateSub(val, rval, "sub"); break; } } return val; } Value* compile_term(const shared_ptr ast) { const auto& nodes = ast->nodes; auto val = compile_factor(nodes[0]); for (auto i = 1u; i < nodes.size(); i += 2) { auto ope = nodes[i + 0]->token_to_string()[0]; auto rval = compile_switch_value(nodes[i + 1]); switch (ope) { case '*': val = builder_.CreateMul(val, rval, "mul"); break; case '/': { // TODO: Zero devide error? // auto ret = builder_.CreateICmpEQ(rval, builder_.getInt32(0), // "icmpeq"); // if (!ret) { // throw_runtime_error(ast, "divide by 0 error"); // } val = builder_.CreateSDiv(val, rval, "div"); break; } } } return val; } Value* compile_factor(const shared_ptr ast) { return compile_switch_value(ast->nodes[0]); } Value* compile_ident(const shared_ptr ast) { auto ident = ast->token_to_string(); auto fn = builder_.GetInsertBlock()->getParent(); auto tbl = fn->getValueSymbolTable(); auto var = tbl->lookup(ident); if (!var) { throw_runtime_error(ast, "'" + ident + "' is not defined..."); } return builder_.CreateLoad(var); } Value* compile_number(const shared_ptr ast) { return ConstantInt::getIntegerValue(builder_.getInt32Ty(), APInt(32, ast->token_to_string(), 10)); } }; /* * Main */ int main(int argc, const char** argv) { if (argc < 2) { cout << "usage: pl0 PATH [--ast] [--llvm] [--jit]" << endl; return 1; } // Parser commandline parameters auto path = argv[1]; bool opt_jit = false; bool opt_ast = false; bool opt_llvm = false; { auto argi = 2; while (argi < argc) { if (string("--ast") == argv[argi]) { opt_ast = true; } else if (string("--jit") == argv[argi]) { opt_jit = true; } else if (string("--llvm") == argv[argi]) { opt_llvm = true; } argi++; } } // Read a source file into memory vector source; ifstream ifs(path, ios::in | ios::binary); if (ifs.fail()) { cerr << "can't open the source file." << endl; return -1; } source.resize(static_cast(ifs.seekg(0, ios::end).tellg())); if (!source.empty()) { ifs.seekg(0, ios::beg) .read(&source[0], static_cast(source.size())); } // Setup a PEG parser parser parser(grammar); parser.enable_ast(); parser.log = [&](size_t ln, size_t col, const string& msg) { cerr << format_error_message(path, ln, col, msg) << endl; }; // Parse the source and make an AST shared_ptr ast; if (parser.parse_n(source.data(), source.size(), ast, path)) { try { SymbolTable::build_on_ast(ast); if (opt_ast) { cout << ast_to_s(ast); } if (opt_llvm || opt_jit) { LLVM compiler(ast); if (opt_llvm) { compiler.dump(); } if (opt_jit) { compiler.exec(); } } else { Interpreter::exec(ast); } } catch (const runtime_error& e) { cerr << e.what() << endl; } return 0; } return -1; }