cpp-peglib ========== [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/yhirose/cpp-peglib.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/yhirose/cpp-peglib) [![Bulid Status](https://ci.appveyor.com/api/projects/status/github/yhirose/cpp-peglib?branch=master&svg=true)](https://ci.appveyor.com/project/yhirose/cpp-peglib) C++11 header-only [PEG](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parsing_expression_grammar) (Parsing Expression Grammars) library. *cpp-peglib* tries to provide more expressive parsing experience in a simple way. This library depends on only one header file. So, you can start using it right away just by including `peglib.h` in your project. The PEG syntax is well described on page 2 in the [document](http://www.brynosaurus.com/pub/lang/peg.pdf). *cpp-peglib* also supports the following additional syntax for now: * `<` ... `>` (Token boundary operator) * `~` (Ignore operator) * `\x20` (Hex number char) * `$<` ... `>` (Capture operator) * `$name<` ... `>` (Named capture operator) This library also supports the linear-time parsing known as the [*Packrat*](http://pdos.csail.mit.edu/~baford/packrat/thesis/thesis.pdf) parsing. If you need a Go language version, please see [*go-peg*](https://github.com/yhirose/go-peg). How to use ---------- This is a simple calculator sample. It shows how to define grammar, associate samantic actions to the grammar, and handle semantic values. ```cpp // (1) Include the header file #include #include using namespace peg; using namespace std; int main(void) { // (2) Make a parser auto syntax = R"( # Grammar for Calculator... Additive <- Multitive '+' Additive / Multitive Multitive <- Primary '*' Multitive / Primary Primary <- '(' Additive ')' / Number Number <- < [0-9]+ > %whitespace <- [ \t]* )"; parser parser(syntax); // (3) Setup actions parser["Additive"] = [](const SemanticValues& sv) { switch (sv.choice()) { case 0: // "Multitive '+' Additive" return sv[0].get() + sv[1].get(); default: // "Multitive" return sv[0].get(); } }; parser["Multitive"] = [](const SemanticValues& sv) { switch (sv.choice()) { case 0: // "Primary '*' Multitive" return sv[0].get() * sv[1].get(); default: // "Primary" return sv[0].get(); } }; parser["Number"] = [](const SemanticValues& sv) { return stoi(sv.token(), nullptr, 10); }; // (4) Parse parser.enable_packrat_parsing(); // Enable packrat parsing. int val; parser.parse(" (1 + 2) * 3 ", val); assert(val == 9); } ``` There are two semantic actions available: ```cpp [](const SemanticValues& sv, any& dt) [](const SemanticValues& sv) ``` `const SemanticValues& sv` contains the following information: - Semantic values - Matched string information - Token information if the rule is literal or uses a token boundary operator - Choice number when the rule is 'prioritized choise' `any& dt` is a 'read-write' context data which can be used for whatever purposes. The initial context data is set in `peg::parser::parse` method. `peg::any` is a simpler implementatin of [boost::any](http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_57_0/doc/html/any.html). It can wrap arbitrary data type. A semantic action can return a value of arbitrary data type, which will be wrapped by `peg::any`. If a user returns nothing in a semantic action, the first semantic value in the `const SemanticValues& sv` argument will be returned. (Yacc parser has the same behavior.) Here shows the `SemanticValues` structure: ```cpp struct SemanticValues : protected std::vector { // Matched string std::string str() const; // Matched string const char* c_str() const; // Matched string start size_t length() const; // Matched string length // Tokens std::vector< std::pair< const char*, // Token start size_t>> // Token length tokens; std::string token(size_t id = 0) const; // Choice number (0 based index) size_t choice() const; // Transform the semantic value vector to another vector template vector transform(size_t beg = 0, size_t end = -1) const; } ``` The following example uses `<` ... ` >` operator, which is *token boundary* operator. ```cpp auto syntax = R"( ROOT <- _ TOKEN (',' _ TOKEN)* TOKEN <- < [a-z0-9]+ > _ _ <- [ \t\r\n]* )"; peg pg(syntax); pg["TOKEN"] = [](const auto& sv) { // 'token' doesn't include trailing whitespaces auto token = sv.token(); }; auto ret = pg.parse(" token1, token2 "); ``` We can ignore unnecessary semantic values from the list by using `~` operator. ```cpp peg::pegparser parser( " ROOT <- _ ITEM (',' _ ITEM _)* " " ITEM <- ([a-z])+ " " ~_ <- [ \t]* " ); parser["ROOT"] = [&](const auto& sv) { assert(sv.size() == 2); // should be 2 instead of 5. }; auto ret = parser.parse(" item1, item2 "); ``` The following grammar is same as the above. ```cpp peg::parser parser( " ROOT <- ~_ ITEM (',' ~_ ITEM ~_)* " " ITEM <- ([a-z])+ " " _ <- [ \t]* " ); ``` *Semantic predicate* support is available. We can do it by throwing a `peg::parse_error` exception in a semantic action. ```cpp peg::parser parser("NUMBER <- [0-9]+"); parser["NUMBER"] = [](const auto& sv) { auto val = stol(sv.str(), nullptr, 10); if (val != 100) { throw peg::parse_error("value error!!"); } return val; }; long val; auto ret = parser.parse("100", val); assert(ret == true); assert(val == 100); ret = parser.parse("200", val); assert(ret == false); ``` *enter* and *leave* actions are also avalable. ```cpp parser["RULE"].enter = [](any& dt) { std::cout << "enter" << std::endl; }; parser["RULE"] = [](const auto& sv, any& dt) { std::cout << "action!" << std::endl; }; parser["RULE"].leave = [](any& dt) { std::cout << "leave" << std::endl; }; ``` Ignoring Whitespaces -------------------- As you can see in the first example, we can ignore whitespaces between tokens automatically with `%whitespace` rule. `%whitespace` rule can be applied to the following three conditions: * trailing spaces on tokens * leading spaces on text * trailing spaces on literal strings in rules These are valid tokens: ``` KEYWORD <- 'keyword' WORD <- < [a-zA-Z0-9] [a-zA-Z0-9-_]* > # token boundary operator is used. IDNET <- < IDENT_START_CHAR IDENT_CHAR* > # token boundary operator is used. ``` The following grammar accepts ` one, "two three", four `. ``` ROOT <- ITEM (',' ITEM)* ITEM <- WORD / PHRASE WORD <- < [a-z]+ > PHRASE <- < '"' (!'"' .)* '"' > %whitespace <- [ \t\r\n]* ``` AST generation -------------- *cpp-peglib* is able to generate an AST (Abstract Syntax Tree) when parsing. `enable_ast` method on `peg::parser` class enables the feature. ``` peg::parser parser("..."); parser.enable_ast(); shared_ptr ast; if (parser.parse("...", ast)) { cout << peg::ast_to_s(ast); ast = peg::AstOptimizer(true).optimize(ast); cout << peg::ast_to_s(ast); } ``` `peg::AstOptimizer` removes redundant nodes to make a AST simpler. You can make your own AST optimizers to fit your needs. See actual usages in the [AST calculator example](https://github.com/yhirose/cpp-peglib/blob/master/example/calc3.cc) and [PL/0 Interpreter example](https://github.com/yhirose/cpp-peglib/blob/master/language/pl0/pl0.cc). Simple interface ---------------- *cpp-peglib* provides std::regex-like simple interface for trivial tasks. `peg::peg_match` tries to capture strings in the `$< ... >` operator and store them into `peg::match` object. ```cpp peg::match m; auto ret = peg::peg_match( R"( ROOT <- _ ('[' $< TAG_NAME > ']' _)* TAG_NAME <- (!']' .)+ _ <- [ \t]* )", " [tag1] [tag:2] [tag-3] ", m); assert(ret == true); assert(m.size() == 4); assert(m.str(1) == "tag1"); assert(m.str(2) == "tag:2"); assert(m.str(3) == "tag-3"); ``` It also supports named capture with the `$name<` ... `>` operator. ```cpp peg::match m; auto ret = peg::peg_match( R"( ROOT <- _ ('[' $test< TAG_NAME > ']' _)* TAG_NAME <- (!']' .)+ _ <- [ \t]* )", " [tag1] [tag:2] [tag-3] ", m); auto cap = m.named_capture("test"); REQUIRE(ret == true); REQUIRE(m.size() == 4); REQUIRE(cap.size() == 3); REQUIRE(m.str(cap[2]) == "tag-3"); ``` There are some ways to *search* a peg pattern in a document. ```cpp using namespace peg; auto syntax = R"( ROOT <- '[' $< [a-z0-9]+ > ']' )"; auto s = " [tag1] [tag2] [tag3] "; // peg::peg_search parser pg(syntax); size_t pos = 0; auto n = strlen(s); match m; while (peg_search(pg, s + pos, n - pos, m)) { cout << m.str() << endl; // entire match cout << m.str(1) << endl; // submatch #1 pos += m.length(); } // peg::peg_token_iterator peg_token_iterator it(syntax, s); while (it != peg_token_iterator()) { cout << it->str() << endl; // entire match cout << it->str(1) << endl; // submatch #1 ++it; } // peg::peg_token_range for (auto& m: peg_token_range(syntax, s)) { cout << m.str() << endl; // entire match cout << m.str(1) << endl; // submatch #1 } ``` Make a parser with parser combinators ------------------------------------- Instead of makeing a parser by parsing PEG syntax text, we can also construct a parser by hand with *parser combinatorss*. Here is an example: ```cpp using namespace peg; using namespace std; vector tags; Definition ROOT, TAG_NAME, _; ROOT <= seq(_, zom(seq(chr('['), TAG_NAME, chr(']'), _))); TAG_NAME <= oom(seq(npd(chr(']')), dot())), [&](const SemanticValues& sv) { tags.push_back(sv.str()); }; _ <= zom(cls(" \t")); auto ret = ROOT.parse(" [tag1] [tag:2] [tag-3] "); ``` The following are available operators: | Operator | Description | | :------- | :-------------------- | | seq | Sequence | | cho | Prioritized Choice | | zom | Zero or More | | oom | One or More | | opt | Optional | | apd | And predicate | | npd | Not predicate | | lit | Literal string | | cls | Character class | | chr | Character | | dot | Any character | | tok | Token boundary | | ign | Ignore semantic value | | cap | Capture character | Unicode support --------------- Since cpp-peglib only accepts 8 bits characters, it probably accepts UTF-8 text. But `.` matches only a byte, not a Unicode character. Also, it dosn't support `\u????`. Sample codes ------------ * [Calculator](https://github.com/yhirose/cpp-peglib/blob/master/example/calc.cc) * [Calculator (with parser operators)](https://github.com/yhirose/cpp-peglib/blob/master/example/calc2.cc) * [Calculator (AST version)](https://github.com/yhirose/cpp-peglib/blob/master/example/calc3.cc) * [PEG syntax Lint utility](https://github.com/yhirose/cpp-peglib/blob/master/lint/peglint.cc) * [PL/0 Interpreter](https://github.com/yhirose/cpp-peglib/blob/master/pl0/pl0.cc) Tested compilers ---------------- * Visual Studio 2015 * Visual Studio 2013 with update 5 * Clang++ 3.5 * G++ 5.4 on Ubuntu 16.04 IMPORTANT NOTE for Ubuntu: Need `-pthread` option when linking. See [#23](https://github.com/yhirose/cpp-peglib/issues/23#issuecomment-261126127). TODO ---- * Unicode support (`.` matches a Unicode char. `\u????`, `\p{L}`) License ------- MIT license (© 2016 Yuji Hirose)