#define CATCH_CONFIG_MAIN #include "catch.hh" #include #include #if !defined(PEGLIB_NO_UNICODE_CHARS) TEST_CASE("Simple syntax test (with unicode)", "[general]") { peg::parser parser( u8" ROOT ← _ " " _ <- ' ' " ); bool ret = parser; REQUIRE(ret == true); } #endif TEST_CASE("Simple syntax test", "[general]") { peg::parser parser( " ROOT <- _ " " _ <- ' ' " ); bool ret = parser; REQUIRE(ret == true); } TEST_CASE("Empty syntax test", "[general]") { peg::parser parser(""); bool ret = parser; REQUIRE(ret == false); } TEST_CASE("String capture test", "[general]") { peg::parser parser( " ROOT <- _ ('[' TAG_NAME ']' _)* " " TAG_NAME <- (!']' .)+ " " _ <- [ \t]* " ); std::vector tags; parser["TAG_NAME"] = [&](const peg::SemanticValues& sv) { tags.push_back(sv.str()); }; auto ret = parser.parse(" [tag1] [tag:2] [tag-3] "); REQUIRE(ret == true); REQUIRE(tags.size() == 3); REQUIRE(tags[0] == "tag1"); REQUIRE(tags[1] == "tag:2"); REQUIRE(tags[2] == "tag-3"); } using namespace peg; using namespace std; TEST_CASE("String capture test2", "[general]") { vector tags; Definition ROOT, TAG, TAG_NAME, WS; ROOT <= seq(WS, zom(TAG)); TAG <= seq(chr('['), TAG_NAME, chr(']'), WS); TAG_NAME <= oom(seq(npd(chr(']')), dot())), [&](const SemanticValues& sv) { tags.push_back(sv.str()); }; WS <= zom(cls(" \t")); auto r = ROOT.parse(" [tag1] [tag:2] [tag-3] "); REQUIRE(r.ret == true); REQUIRE(tags.size() == 3); REQUIRE(tags[0] == "tag1"); REQUIRE(tags[1] == "tag:2"); REQUIRE(tags[2] == "tag-3"); } TEST_CASE("String capture test3", "[general]") { auto syntax = " ROOT <- _ TOKEN* " " TOKEN <- '[' < (!']' .)+ > ']' _ " " _ <- [ \t\r\n]* " ; parser pg(syntax); std::vector tags; pg["TOKEN"] = [&](const SemanticValues& sv) { tags.push_back(sv.token()); }; auto ret = pg.parse(" [tag1] [tag:2] [tag-3] "); REQUIRE(ret == true); REQUIRE(tags.size() == 3); REQUIRE(tags[0] == "tag1"); REQUIRE(tags[1] == "tag:2"); REQUIRE(tags[2] == "tag-3"); } TEST_CASE("Cyclic grammer test", "[general]") { Definition PARENT; Definition CHILD; PARENT <= seq(CHILD); CHILD <= seq(PARENT); } TEST_CASE("Visit test", "[general]") { Definition ROOT, TAG, TAG_NAME, WS; ROOT <= seq(WS, zom(TAG)); TAG <= seq(chr('['), TAG_NAME, chr(']'), WS); TAG_NAME <= oom(seq(npd(chr(']')), dot())); WS <= zom(cls(" \t")); AssignIDToDefinition defIds; ROOT.accept(defIds); REQUIRE(defIds.ids.size() == 4); } TEST_CASE("Token check test", "[general]") { parser parser( " EXPRESSION <- _ TERM (TERM_OPERATOR TERM)* " " TERM <- FACTOR (FACTOR_OPERATOR FACTOR)* " " FACTOR <- NUMBER / '(' _ EXPRESSION ')' _ " " TERM_OPERATOR <- < [-+] > _ " " FACTOR_OPERATOR <- < [/*] > _ " " NUMBER <- < [0-9]+ > _ " " _ <- [ \t\r\n]* " ); REQUIRE(parser["EXPRESSION"].is_token == false); REQUIRE(parser["FACTOR"].is_token == false); REQUIRE(parser["FACTOR_OPERATOR"].is_token == true); REQUIRE(parser["NUMBER"].is_token == true); REQUIRE(parser["_"].is_token == true); } TEST_CASE("Lambda action test", "[general]") { parser parser( " START <- (CHAR)* " " CHAR <- . "); string ss; parser["CHAR"] = [&](const SemanticValues& sv) { ss += *sv.c_str(); }; bool ret = parser.parse("hello"); REQUIRE(ret == true); REQUIRE(ss == "hello"); } TEST_CASE("enter/leave handlers test", "[general]") { parser parser(R"( START <- LTOKEN '=' RTOKEN LTOKEN <- TOKEN RTOKEN <- TOKEN TOKEN <- [A-Za-z]+ )"); parser["LTOKEN"].enter = [&](any& dt) { auto& require_upper_case = *dt.get(); require_upper_case = false; }; parser["LTOKEN"].leave = [&](any& dt) { auto& require_upper_case = *dt.get(); require_upper_case = true; }; auto message = "should be upper case string..."; parser["TOKEN"] = [&](const SemanticValues& sv, any& dt) { auto& require_upper_case = *dt.get(); if (require_upper_case) { const auto& s = sv.str(); if (!std::all_of(s.begin(), s.end(), ::isupper)) { throw parse_error(message); } } }; bool require_upper_case = false; any dt = &require_upper_case; REQUIRE(parser.parse("hello=world", dt) == false); REQUIRE(parser.parse("HELLO=world", dt) == false); REQUIRE(parser.parse("hello=WORLD", dt) == true); REQUIRE(parser.parse("HELLO=WORLD", dt) == true); parser.log = [&](size_t ln, size_t col, const string& msg) { REQUIRE(ln == 1); REQUIRE(col == 7); REQUIRE(msg == message); }; parser.parse("hello=world", dt); } TEST_CASE("WHITESPACE test", "[general]") { peg::parser parser(R"( # Rules ROOT <- ITEM (',' ITEM)* ITEM <- WORD / PHRASE # Tokens WORD <- < [a-zA-Z0-9_]+ > PHRASE <- < '"' (!'"' .)* '"' > %whitespace <- [ \t\r\n]* )"); auto ret = parser.parse(R"( one, "two, three", four )"); REQUIRE(ret == true); } TEST_CASE("WHITESPACE test2", "[general]") { peg::parser parser(R"( # Rules ROOT <- ITEM (',' ITEM)* ITEM <- '[' < [a-zA-Z0-9_]+ > ']' %whitespace <- (SPACE / TAB)* SPACE <- ' ' TAB <- '\t' )"); vector items; parser["ITEM"] = [&](const SemanticValues& sv) { items.push_back(sv.token()); }; auto ret = parser.parse(R"([one], [two] ,[three] )"); REQUIRE(ret == true); REQUIRE(items.size() == 3); REQUIRE(items[0] == "one"); REQUIRE(items[1] == "two"); REQUIRE(items[2] == "three"); } TEST_CASE("Word expression test", "[general]") { peg::parser parser(R"( ROOT <- 'hello' ','? 'world' %whitespace <- [ \t\r\n]* %word <- [a-z]+ )"); REQUIRE(parser.parse("helloworld") == false); REQUIRE(parser.parse("hello world") == true); REQUIRE(parser.parse("hello,world") == true); REQUIRE(parser.parse("hello, world") == true); REQUIRE(parser.parse("hello , world") == true); } TEST_CASE("Skip token test", "[general]") { peg::parser parser( " ROOT <- _ ITEM (',' _ ITEM _)* " " ITEM <- ([a-z0-9])+ " " ~_ <- [ \t]* " ); parser["ROOT"] = [&](const SemanticValues& sv) { REQUIRE(sv.size() == 2); }; auto ret = parser.parse(" item1, item2 "); REQUIRE(ret == true); } TEST_CASE("Skip token test2", "[general]") { peg::parser parser(R"( ROOT <- ITEM (',' ITEM)* ITEM <- < ([a-z0-9])+ > %whitespace <- [ \t]* )"); parser["ROOT"] = [&](const SemanticValues& sv) { REQUIRE(sv.size() == 2); }; auto ret = parser.parse(" item1, item2 "); REQUIRE(ret == true); } TEST_CASE("Backtracking test", "[general]") { parser parser( " START <- PAT1 / PAT2 " " PAT1 <- HELLO ' One' " " PAT2 <- HELLO ' Two' " " HELLO <- 'Hello' " ); size_t count = 0; parser["HELLO"] = [&](const SemanticValues& /*sv*/) { count++; }; parser.enable_packrat_parsing(); bool ret = parser.parse("Hello Two"); REQUIRE(ret == true); REQUIRE(count == 1); // Skip second time } TEST_CASE("Backtracking with AST", "[general]") { parser parser(R"( S <- A? B (A B)* A A <- 'a' B <- 'b' )"); parser.enable_ast(); shared_ptr ast; bool ret = parser.parse("ba", ast); REQUIRE(ret == true); REQUIRE(ast->nodes.size() == 2); } TEST_CASE("Octal/Hex value test", "[general]") { peg::parser parser( R"( ROOT <- '\132\x7a' )" ); auto ret = parser.parse("Zz"); REQUIRE(ret == true); } TEST_CASE("mutable lambda test", "[general]") { vector vec; parser pg("ROOT <- 'mutable lambda test'"); // This test makes sure if the following code can be compiled. pg["TOKEN"] = [=](const SemanticValues& sv) mutable { vec.push_back(sv.str()); }; } TEST_CASE("Simple calculator test", "[general]") { auto syntax = " Additive <- Multitive '+' Additive / Multitive " " Multitive <- Primary '*' Multitive / Primary " " Primary <- '(' Additive ')' / Number " " Number <- [0-9]+ "; parser parser(syntax); parser["Additive"] = [](const SemanticValues& sv) { switch (sv.choice()) { case 0: return sv[0].get() + sv[1].get(); default: return sv[0].get(); } }; parser["Multitive"] = [](const SemanticValues& sv) { switch (sv.choice()) { case 0: return sv[0].get() * sv[1].get(); default: return sv[0].get(); } }; parser["Number"] = [](const SemanticValues& sv) { return atoi(sv.c_str()); }; int val; parser.parse("(1+2)*3", val); REQUIRE(val == 9); } TEST_CASE("Calculator test", "[general]") { // Construct grammer Definition EXPRESSION, TERM, FACTOR, TERM_OPERATOR, FACTOR_OPERATOR, NUMBER; EXPRESSION <= seq(TERM, zom(seq(TERM_OPERATOR, TERM))); TERM <= seq(FACTOR, zom(seq(FACTOR_OPERATOR, FACTOR))); FACTOR <= cho(NUMBER, seq(chr('('), EXPRESSION, chr(')'))); TERM_OPERATOR <= cls("+-"); FACTOR_OPERATOR <= cls("*/"); NUMBER <= oom(cls("0-9")); // Setup actions auto reduce = [](const SemanticValues& sv) -> long { long ret = sv[0].get(); for (auto i = 1u; i < sv.size(); i += 2) { auto num = sv[i + 1].get(); switch (sv[i].get()) { case '+': ret += num; break; case '-': ret -= num; break; case '*': ret *= num; break; case '/': ret /= num; break; } } return ret; }; EXPRESSION = reduce; TERM = reduce; TERM_OPERATOR = [](const SemanticValues& sv) { return *sv.c_str(); }; FACTOR_OPERATOR = [](const SemanticValues& sv) { return *sv.c_str(); }; NUMBER = [](const SemanticValues& sv) { return stol(sv.str(), nullptr, 10); }; // Parse long val; auto r = EXPRESSION.parse_and_get_value("1+2*3*(4-5+6)/7-8", val); REQUIRE(r.ret == true); REQUIRE(val == -3); } TEST_CASE("Calculator test2", "[general]") { // Parse syntax auto syntax = " # Grammar for Calculator...\n " " EXPRESSION <- TERM (TERM_OPERATOR TERM)* " " TERM <- FACTOR (FACTOR_OPERATOR FACTOR)* " " FACTOR <- NUMBER / '(' EXPRESSION ')' " " TERM_OPERATOR <- [-+] " " FACTOR_OPERATOR <- [/*] " " NUMBER <- [0-9]+ " ; string start; auto grammar = ParserGenerator::parse(syntax, strlen(syntax), start, nullptr); auto& g = *grammar; // Setup actions auto reduce = [](const SemanticValues& sv) -> long { long ret = sv[0].get(); for (auto i = 1u; i < sv.size(); i += 2) { auto num = sv[i + 1].get(); switch (sv[i].get()) { case '+': ret += num; break; case '-': ret -= num; break; case '*': ret *= num; break; case '/': ret /= num; break; } } return ret; }; g["EXPRESSION"] = reduce; g["TERM"] = reduce; g["TERM_OPERATOR"] = [](const SemanticValues& sv) { return *sv.c_str(); }; g["FACTOR_OPERATOR"] = [](const SemanticValues& sv) { return *sv.c_str(); }; g["NUMBER"] = [](const SemanticValues& sv) { return stol(sv.str(), nullptr, 10); }; // Parse long val; auto r = g[start].parse_and_get_value("1+2*3*(4-5+6)/7-8", val); REQUIRE(r.ret == true); REQUIRE(val == -3); } TEST_CASE("Calculator test3", "[general]") { // Parse syntax parser parser( " # Grammar for Calculator...\n " " EXPRESSION <- TERM (TERM_OPERATOR TERM)* " " TERM <- FACTOR (FACTOR_OPERATOR FACTOR)* " " FACTOR <- NUMBER / '(' EXPRESSION ')' " " TERM_OPERATOR <- [-+] " " FACTOR_OPERATOR <- [/*] " " NUMBER <- [0-9]+ " ); auto reduce = [](const SemanticValues& sv) -> long { long ret = sv[0].get(); for (auto i = 1u; i < sv.size(); i += 2) { auto num = sv[i + 1].get(); switch (sv[i].get()) { case '+': ret += num; break; case '-': ret -= num; break; case '*': ret *= num; break; case '/': ret /= num; break; } } return ret; }; // Setup actions parser["EXPRESSION"] = reduce; parser["TERM"] = reduce; parser["TERM_OPERATOR"] = [](const SemanticValues& sv) { return static_cast(*sv.c_str()); }; parser["FACTOR_OPERATOR"] = [](const SemanticValues& sv) { return static_cast(*sv.c_str()); }; parser["NUMBER"] = [](const SemanticValues& sv) { return stol(sv.str(), nullptr, 10); }; // Parse long val; auto ret = parser.parse("1+2*3*(4-5+6)/7-8", val); REQUIRE(ret == true); REQUIRE(val == -3); } TEST_CASE("Calculator test with AST", "[general]") { parser parser( " EXPRESSION <- _ TERM (TERM_OPERATOR TERM)* " " TERM <- FACTOR (FACTOR_OPERATOR FACTOR)* " " FACTOR <- NUMBER / '(' _ EXPRESSION ')' _ " " TERM_OPERATOR <- < [-+] > _ " " FACTOR_OPERATOR <- < [/*] > _ " " NUMBER <- < [0-9]+ > _ " " ~_ <- [ \t\r\n]* " ); parser.enable_ast(); function eval = [&](const Ast& ast) { if (ast.name == "NUMBER") { return stol(ast.token); } else { const auto& nodes = ast.nodes; auto result = eval(*nodes[0]); for (auto i = 1u; i < nodes.size(); i += 2) { auto num = eval(*nodes[i + 1]); auto ope = nodes[i]->token[0]; switch (ope) { case '+': result += num; break; case '-': result -= num; break; case '*': result *= num; break; case '/': result /= num; break; } } return result; } }; shared_ptr ast; auto ret = parser.parse("1+2*3*(4-5+6)/7-8", ast); ast = peg::AstOptimizer(true).optimize(ast); auto val = eval(*ast); REQUIRE(ret == true); REQUIRE(val == -3); } TEST_CASE("Ignore semantic value test", "[general]") { parser parser( " START <- ~HELLO WORLD " " HELLO <- 'Hello' _ " " WORLD <- 'World' _ " " _ <- [ \t\r\n]* " ); parser.enable_ast(); shared_ptr ast; auto ret = parser.parse("Hello World", ast); REQUIRE(ret == true); REQUIRE(ast->nodes.size() == 1); REQUIRE(ast->nodes[0]->name == "WORLD"); } TEST_CASE("Ignore semantic value of 'or' predicate test", "[general]") { parser parser( " START <- _ !DUMMY HELLO_WORLD '.' " " HELLO_WORLD <- HELLO 'World' _ " " HELLO <- 'Hello' _ " " DUMMY <- 'dummy' _ " " ~_ <- [ \t\r\n]* " ); parser.enable_ast(); shared_ptr ast; auto ret = parser.parse("Hello World.", ast); REQUIRE(ret == true); REQUIRE(ast->nodes.size() == 1); REQUIRE(ast->nodes[0]->name == "HELLO_WORLD"); } TEST_CASE("Ignore semantic value of 'and' predicate test", "[general]") { parser parser( " START <- _ &HELLO HELLO_WORLD '.' " " HELLO_WORLD <- HELLO 'World' _ " " HELLO <- 'Hello' _ " " ~_ <- [ \t\r\n]* " ); parser.enable_ast(); shared_ptr ast; auto ret = parser.parse("Hello World.", ast); REQUIRE(ret == true); REQUIRE(ast->nodes.size() == 1); REQUIRE(ast->nodes[0]->name == "HELLO_WORLD"); } TEST_CASE("Literal token on AST test1", "[general]") { parser parser(R"( STRING_LITERAL <- '"' (('\\"' / '\\t' / '\\n') / (!["] .))* '"' )"); parser.enable_ast(); shared_ptr ast; auto ret = parser.parse(R"("a\tb")", ast); REQUIRE(ret == true); REQUIRE(ast->is_token == true); REQUIRE(ast->token == R"("a\tb")"); REQUIRE(ast->nodes.empty()); } TEST_CASE("Literal token on AST test2", "[general]") { parser parser(R"( STRING_LITERAL <- '"' (ESC / CHAR)* '"' ESC <- ('\\"' / '\\t' / '\\n') CHAR <- (!["] .) )"); parser.enable_ast(); shared_ptr ast; auto ret = parser.parse(R"("a\tb")", ast); REQUIRE(ret == true); REQUIRE(ast->is_token == false); REQUIRE(ast->token.empty()); REQUIRE(ast->nodes.size() == 3); } TEST_CASE("Literal token on AST test3", "[general]") { parser parser(R"( STRING_LITERAL <- < '"' (ESC / CHAR)* '"' > ESC <- ('\\"' / '\\t' / '\\n') CHAR <- (!["] .) )"); parser.enable_ast(); shared_ptr ast; auto ret = parser.parse(R"("a\tb")", ast); REQUIRE(ret == true); REQUIRE(ast->is_token == true); REQUIRE(ast->token == R"("a\tb")"); REQUIRE(ast->nodes.empty()); } TEST_CASE("Missing missing definitions test", "[general]") { parser parser( " A <- B C " ); REQUIRE(!parser); } TEST_CASE("Definition duplicates test", "[general]") { parser parser( " A <- ''" " A <- ''" ); REQUIRE(!parser); } TEST_CASE("Backreference test", "[backreference]") { parser parser(R"( START <- _ LQUOTE < (!RQUOTE .)* > RQUOTE _ LQUOTE <- 'R"' $delm< [a-zA-Z]* > '(' RQUOTE <- ')' $delm '"' ~_ <- [ \t\r\n]* )"); std::string token; parser["START"] = [&](const SemanticValues& sv) { token = sv.token(); }; { token.clear(); auto ret = parser.parse(R"delm( R"("hello world")" )delm"); REQUIRE(ret == true); REQUIRE(token == "\"hello world\""); } { token.clear(); auto ret = parser.parse(R"delm( R"foo("(hello world)")foo" )delm"); REQUIRE(ret == true); REQUIRE(token == "\"(hello world)\""); } { token.clear(); auto ret = parser.parse(R"delm( R"foo("(hello world)foo")foo" )delm"); REQUIRE(ret == false); REQUIRE(token == "\"(hello world"); } { token.clear(); auto ret = parser.parse(R"delm( R"foo("(hello world)")bar" )delm"); REQUIRE(ret == false); REQUIRE(token.empty()); } } TEST_CASE("Invalid backreference test", "[backreference]") { parser parser(R"( START <- _ LQUOTE (!RQUOTE .)* RQUOTE _ LQUOTE <- 'R"' $delm< [a-zA-Z]* > '(' RQUOTE <- ')' $delm2 '"' ~_ <- [ \t\r\n]* )"); REQUIRE_THROWS_AS( parser.parse(R"delm( R"foo("(hello world)")foo" )delm"), std::runtime_error); } TEST_CASE("Nested capture test", "[backreference]") { parser parser(R"( ROOT <- CONTENT CONTENT <- (ELEMENT / TEXT)* ELEMENT <- $(STAG CONTENT ETAG) STAG <- '<' $tag< TAG_NAME > '>' ETAG <- '' TAG_NAME <- 'b' / 'u' TEXT <- TEXT_DATA TEXT_DATA <- ![<] . )"); REQUIRE(parser.parse("This is a test text.")); REQUIRE(!parser.parse("This is a test text.")); REQUIRE(!parser.parse("This is a test text.")); REQUIRE(!parser.parse("This is a test text.")); } TEST_CASE("Backreference with Prioritized Choice test", "[backreference]") { parser parser(R"( TREE <- WRONG_BRANCH / CORRECT_BRANCH WRONG_BRANCH <- BRANCH THAT IS_capture WRONG CORRECT_BRANCH <- BRANCH THAT IS_backref CORRECT BRANCH <- 'branch' THAT <- 'that' IS_capture <- $ref<..> IS_backref <- $ref WRONG <- 'wrong' CORRECT <- 'correct' )"); REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(parser.parse("branchthatiscorrect"), std::runtime_error); } TEST_CASE("Backreference with Zero or More test", "[backreference]") { parser parser(R"( TREE <- WRONG_BRANCH* CORRECT_BRANCH WRONG_BRANCH <- BRANCH THAT IS_capture WRONG CORRECT_BRANCH <- BRANCH THAT IS_backref CORRECT BRANCH <- 'branch' THAT <- 'that' IS_capture <- $ref<..> IS_backref <- $ref WRONG <- 'wrong' CORRECT <- 'correct' )"); REQUIRE(parser.parse("branchthatiswrongbranchthatiscorrect")); REQUIRE(!parser.parse("branchthatiswrongbranchthatIscorrect")); REQUIRE(!parser.parse("branchthatiswrongbranchthatIswrongbranchthatiscorrect")); REQUIRE(parser.parse("branchthatiswrongbranchthatIswrongbranchthatIscorrect")); REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(parser.parse("branchthatiscorrect"), std::runtime_error); REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(parser.parse("branchthatiswron_branchthatiscorrect"), std::runtime_error); } TEST_CASE("Backreference with One or More test", "[backreference]") { parser parser(R"( TREE <- WRONG_BRANCH+ CORRECT_BRANCH WRONG_BRANCH <- BRANCH THAT IS_capture WRONG CORRECT_BRANCH <- BRANCH THAT IS_backref CORRECT BRANCH <- 'branch' THAT <- 'that' IS_capture <- $ref<..> IS_backref <- $ref WRONG <- 'wrong' CORRECT <- 'correct' )"); REQUIRE(parser.parse("branchthatiswrongbranchthatiscorrect")); REQUIRE(!parser.parse("branchthatiswrongbranchthatIscorrect")); REQUIRE(!parser.parse("branchthatiswrongbranchthatIswrongbranchthatiscorrect")); REQUIRE(parser.parse("branchthatiswrongbranchthatIswrongbranchthatIscorrect")); REQUIRE(!parser.parse("branchthatiscorrect")); REQUIRE(!parser.parse("branchthatiswron_branchthatiscorrect")); } TEST_CASE("Backreference with Option test", "[backreference]") { parser parser(R"( TREE <- WRONG_BRANCH? CORRECT_BRANCH WRONG_BRANCH <- BRANCH THAT IS_capture WRONG CORRECT_BRANCH <- BRANCH THAT IS_backref CORRECT BRANCH <- 'branch' THAT <- 'that' IS_capture <- $ref<..> IS_backref <- $ref WRONG <- 'wrong' CORRECT <- 'correct' )"); REQUIRE(parser.parse("branchthatiswrongbranchthatiscorrect")); REQUIRE(!parser.parse("branchthatiswrongbranchthatIscorrect")); REQUIRE(!parser.parse("branchthatiswrongbranchthatIswrongbranchthatiscorrect")); REQUIRE(!parser.parse("branchthatiswrongbranchthatIswrongbranchthatIscorrect")); REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(parser.parse("branchthatiscorrect"), std::runtime_error); REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(parser.parse("branchthatiswron_branchthatiscorrect"), std::runtime_error); } TEST_CASE("Left recursive test", "[left recursive]") { parser parser( " A <- A 'a'" " B <- A 'a'" ); REQUIRE(!parser); } TEST_CASE("Left recursive with option test", "[left recursive]") { parser parser( " A <- 'a' / 'b'? B 'c' " " B <- A " ); REQUIRE(!parser); } TEST_CASE("Left recursive with zom test", "[left recursive]") { parser parser( " A <- 'a'* A* " ); REQUIRE(!parser); } TEST_CASE("Left recursive with empty string test", "[left recursive]") { parser parser( " A <- '' A" ); REQUIRE(!parser); } TEST_CASE("Semantic predicate test", "[predicate]") { parser parser("NUMBER <- [0-9]+"); parser["NUMBER"] = [](const SemanticValues& sv) { auto val = stol(sv.token(), nullptr, 10); if (val != 100) { throw parse_error("value error!!"); } return val; }; long val; auto ret = parser.parse("100", val); REQUIRE(ret == true); REQUIRE(val == 100); ret = parser.parse("200", val); REQUIRE(ret == false); } TEST_CASE("Japanese character", "[unicode]") { peg::parser parser(u8R"( 文 <- 修飾語? 主語 述語 '。' 主語 <- 名詞 助詞 述語 <- 動詞 助詞 修飾語 <- 形容詞 名詞 <- 'サーバー' / 'クライアント' 形容詞 <- '古い' / '新しい' 動詞 <- '落ち' / '復旧し' 助詞 <- 'が' / 'を' / 'た' / 'ます' / 'に' )"); auto ret = parser.parse(u8R"(サーバーを復旧します。)"); REQUIRE(ret == true); } TEST_CASE("Macro simple test", "[macro]") { parser parser(R"( S <- HELLO WORLD HELLO <- T('hello') WORLD <- T('world') T(a) <- a [ \t]* )"); REQUIRE(parser.parse("hello \tworld ")); } TEST_CASE("Macro two parameters", "[macro]") { parser parser(R"( S <- HELLO_WORLD HELLO_WORLD <- T('hello', 'world') T(a, b) <- a [ \t]* b [ \t]* )"); REQUIRE(parser.parse("hello \tworld ")); } TEST_CASE("Macro syntax error", "[macro]") { parser parser(R"( S <- T('hello') T (a) <- a [ \t]* )"); bool ret = parser; REQUIRE(ret == false); } TEST_CASE("Macro missing argument", "[macro]") { parser parser(R"( S <- T ('hello') T(a, b) <- a [ \t]* b )"); bool ret = parser; REQUIRE(ret == false); } TEST_CASE("Macro reference syntax error", "[macro]") { parser parser(R"( S <- T ('hello') T(a) <- a [ \t]* )"); bool ret = parser; REQUIRE(ret == false); } TEST_CASE("Macro invalid macro reference error", "[macro]") { parser parser(R"( S <- T('hello') T <- 'world' )"); bool ret = parser; REQUIRE(ret == false); } TEST_CASE("Macro calculator", "[macro]") { // Create a PEG parser parser parser(R"( # Grammar for simple calculator... EXPRESSION <- _ LIST(TERM, TERM_OPERATOR) TERM <- LIST(FACTOR, FACTOR_OPERATOR) FACTOR <- NUMBER / T('(') EXPRESSION T(')') TERM_OPERATOR <- T([-+]) FACTOR_OPERATOR <- T([/*]) NUMBER <- T([0-9]+) ~_ <- [ \t]* LIST(I, D) <- I (D I)* T(S) <- < S > _ )"); // Setup actions auto reduce = [](const SemanticValues& sv) -> long { auto result = sv[0].get(); for (auto i = 1u; i < sv.size(); i += 2) { auto num = sv[i + 1].get(); auto ope = sv[i].get(); switch (ope) { case '+': result += num; break; case '-': result -= num; break; case '*': result *= num; break; case '/': result /= num; break; } } return result; }; parser["EXPRESSION"] = reduce; parser["TERM"] = reduce; parser["TERM_OPERATOR"] = [](const SemanticValues& sv) { return static_cast(*sv.c_str()); }; parser["FACTOR_OPERATOR"] = [](const SemanticValues& sv) { return static_cast(*sv.c_str()); }; parser["NUMBER"] = [](const SemanticValues& sv) { return atol(sv.c_str()); }; bool ret = parser; REQUIRE(ret == true); auto expr = " 1 + 2 * 3 * (4 - 5 + 6) / 7 - 8 "; long val = 0; ret = parser.parse(expr, val); REQUIRE(ret == true); REQUIRE(val == -3); } TEST_CASE("Macro expression arguments", "[macro]") { parser parser(R"( S <- M('hello' / 'Hello', 'world' / 'World') M(arg0, arg1) <- arg0 [ \t]+ arg1 )"); REQUIRE(parser.parse("Hello world")); } TEST_CASE("Macro recursive", "[macro]") { parser parser(R"( S <- M('abc') M(s) <- !s / s ' ' M(s / '123') / s )"); REQUIRE(parser.parse("")); REQUIRE(parser.parse("abc")); REQUIRE(parser.parse("abc abc")); REQUIRE(parser.parse("abc 123 abc")); } TEST_CASE("Macro recursive2", "[macro]") { auto syntaxes = std::vector{ "S <- M('abc') M(s) <- !s / s ' ' M(s* '-' '123') / s", "S <- M('abc') M(s) <- !s / s ' ' M(s+ '-' '123') / s", "S <- M('abc') M(s) <- !s / s ' ' M(s? '-' '123') / s", "S <- M('abc') M(s) <- !s / s ' ' M(&s s+ '-' '123') / s", "S <- M('abc') M(s) <- !s / s ' ' M(s '-' !s '123') / s", "S <- M('abc') M(s) <- !s / s ' ' M(< s > '-' '123') / s", "S <- M('abc') M(s) <- !s / s ' ' M(~s '-' '123') / s", }; for (const auto& syntax: syntaxes) { parser parser(syntax); REQUIRE(parser.parse("abc abc-123")); } } TEST_CASE("Macro exclusive modifiers", "[macro]") { parser parser(R"( S <- Modifiers(!"") _ Modifiers(Appeared) <- (!Appeared) ( Token('public') Modifiers(Appeared / 'public') / Token('static') Modifiers(Appeared / 'static') / Token('final') Modifiers(Appeared / 'final') / "") Token(t) <- t _ _ <- [ \t\r\n]* )"); REQUIRE(parser.parse("public")); REQUIRE(parser.parse("static")); REQUIRE(parser.parse("final")); REQUIRE(parser.parse("public static final")); REQUIRE(!parser.parse("public public")); REQUIRE(!parser.parse("public static public")); } TEST_CASE("Macro token check test", "[macro]") { parser parser(R"( # Grammar for simple calculator... EXPRESSION <- _ LIST(TERM, TERM_OPERATOR) TERM <- LIST(FACTOR, FACTOR_OPERATOR) FACTOR <- NUMBER / T('(') EXPRESSION T(')') TERM_OPERATOR <- T([-+]) FACTOR_OPERATOR <- T([/*]) NUMBER <- T([0-9]+) ~_ <- [ \t]* LIST(I, D) <- I (D I)* T(S) <- < S > _ )"); REQUIRE(parser["EXPRESSION"].is_token == false); REQUIRE(parser["TERM"].is_token == false); REQUIRE(parser["FACTOR"].is_token == false); REQUIRE(parser["FACTOR_OPERATOR"].is_token == true); REQUIRE(parser["NUMBER"].is_token == true); REQUIRE(parser["_"].is_token == true); REQUIRE(parser["LIST"].is_token == false); REQUIRE(parser["T"].is_token == true); } TEST_CASE("Line information test", "[line information]") { parser parser(R"( S <- _ (WORD _)+ WORD <- [A-Za-z]+ ~_ <- [ \t\r\n]+ )"); std::vector> locations; parser["WORD"] = [&](const peg::SemanticValues& sv) { locations.push_back(sv.line_info()); }; bool ret = parser; REQUIRE(ret == true); ret = parser.parse(" Mon Tue Wed \nThu Fri Sat\nSun\n"); REQUIRE(ret == true); REQUIRE(locations[0] == std::make_pair(1, 2)); REQUIRE(locations[1] == std::make_pair(1, 6)); REQUIRE(locations[2] == std::make_pair(1, 10)); REQUIRE(locations[3] == std::make_pair(2, 1)); REQUIRE(locations[4] == std::make_pair(2, 6)); REQUIRE(locations[5] == std::make_pair(2, 11)); REQUIRE(locations[6] == std::make_pair(3, 1)); } bool exact(Grammar& g, const char* d, const char* s) { auto n = strlen(s); auto r = g[d].parse(s, n); return r.ret && r.len == n; } Grammar& make_peg_grammar() { return ParserGenerator::grammar(); } TEST_CASE("PEG Grammar", "[peg]") { auto g = ParserGenerator::grammar(); REQUIRE(exact(g, "Grammar", " Definition <- a / ( b c ) / d \n rule2 <- [a-zA-Z][a-z0-9-]+ ") == true); } TEST_CASE("PEG Definition", "[peg]") { auto g = ParserGenerator::grammar(); REQUIRE(exact(g, "Definition", "Definition <- a / (b c) / d ") == true); REQUIRE(exact(g, "Definition", "Definition <- a / b c / d ") == true); REQUIRE(exact(g, "Definition", u8"Definitiond ← a ") == true); REQUIRE(exact(g, "Definition", "Definition ") == false); REQUIRE(exact(g, "Definition", " ") == false); REQUIRE(exact(g, "Definition", "") == false); REQUIRE(exact(g, "Definition", "Definition = a / (b c) / d ") == false); REQUIRE(exact(g, "Definition", "Macro(param) <- a ") == true); REQUIRE(exact(g, "Definition", "Macro (param) <- a ") == false); } TEST_CASE("PEG Expression", "[peg]") { auto g = ParserGenerator::grammar(); REQUIRE(exact(g, "Expression", "a / (b c) / d ") == true); REQUIRE(exact(g, "Expression", "a / b c / d ") == true); REQUIRE(exact(g, "Expression", "a b ") == true); REQUIRE(exact(g, "Expression", "") == true); REQUIRE(exact(g, "Expression", " ") == false); REQUIRE(exact(g, "Expression", " a b ") == false); } TEST_CASE("PEG Sequence", "[peg]") { auto g = ParserGenerator::grammar(); REQUIRE(exact(g, "Sequence", "a b c d ") == true); REQUIRE(exact(g, "Sequence", "") == true); REQUIRE(exact(g, "Sequence", "!") == false); REQUIRE(exact(g, "Sequence", "<-") == false); REQUIRE(exact(g, "Sequence", " a") == false); } TEST_CASE("PEG Prefix", "[peg]") { auto g = ParserGenerator::grammar(); REQUIRE(exact(g, "Prefix", "&[a]") == true); REQUIRE(exact(g, "Prefix", "![']") == true); REQUIRE(exact(g, "Prefix", "-[']") == false); REQUIRE(exact(g, "Prefix", "") == false); REQUIRE(exact(g, "Prefix", " a") == false); } TEST_CASE("PEG Suffix", "[peg]") { auto g = ParserGenerator::grammar(); REQUIRE(exact(g, "Suffix", "aaa ") == true); REQUIRE(exact(g, "Suffix", "aaa? ") == true); REQUIRE(exact(g, "Suffix", "aaa* ") == true); REQUIRE(exact(g, "Suffix", "aaa+ ") == true); REQUIRE(exact(g, "Suffix", ". + ") == true); REQUIRE(exact(g, "Suffix", "?") == false); REQUIRE(exact(g, "Suffix", "") == false); REQUIRE(exact(g, "Suffix", " a") == false); } TEST_CASE("PEG Primary", "[peg]") { auto g = ParserGenerator::grammar(); REQUIRE(exact(g, "Primary", "_Identifier0_ ") == true); REQUIRE(exact(g, "Primary", "_Identifier0_<-") == false); REQUIRE(exact(g, "Primary", "( _Identifier0_ _Identifier1_ )") == true); REQUIRE(exact(g, "Primary", "'Literal String'") == true); REQUIRE(exact(g, "Primary", "\"Literal String\"") == true); REQUIRE(exact(g, "Primary", "[a-zA-Z]") == true); REQUIRE(exact(g, "Primary", ".") == true); REQUIRE(exact(g, "Primary", "") == false); REQUIRE(exact(g, "Primary", " ") == false); REQUIRE(exact(g, "Primary", " a") == false); REQUIRE(exact(g, "Primary", "") == false); } TEST_CASE("PEG Identifier", "[peg]") { auto g = ParserGenerator::grammar(); REQUIRE(exact(g, "Identifier", "_Identifier0_ ") == true); REQUIRE(exact(g, "Identifier", "0Identifier_ ") == false); REQUIRE(exact(g, "Identifier", "Iden|t ") == false); REQUIRE(exact(g, "Identifier", " ") == false); REQUIRE(exact(g, "Identifier", " a") == false); REQUIRE(exact(g, "Identifier", "") == false); } TEST_CASE("PEG IdentStart", "[peg]") { auto g = ParserGenerator::grammar(); REQUIRE(exact(g, "IdentStart", "_") == true); REQUIRE(exact(g, "IdentStart", "a") == true); REQUIRE(exact(g, "IdentStart", "Z") == true); REQUIRE(exact(g, "IdentStart", "") == false); REQUIRE(exact(g, "IdentStart", " ") == false); REQUIRE(exact(g, "IdentStart", "0") == false); } TEST_CASE("PEG IdentRest", "[peg]") { auto g = ParserGenerator::grammar(); REQUIRE(exact(g, "IdentRest", "_") == true); REQUIRE(exact(g, "IdentRest", "a") == true); REQUIRE(exact(g, "IdentRest", "Z") == true); REQUIRE(exact(g, "IdentRest", "") == false); REQUIRE(exact(g, "IdentRest", " ") == false); REQUIRE(exact(g, "IdentRest", "0") == true); } TEST_CASE("PEG Literal", "[peg]") { auto g = ParserGenerator::grammar(); REQUIRE(exact(g, "Literal", "'abc' ") == true); REQUIRE(exact(g, "Literal", "'a\\nb\\tc' ") == true); REQUIRE(exact(g, "Literal", "'a\\277\tc' ") == true); REQUIRE(exact(g, "Literal", "'a\\77\tc' ") == true); REQUIRE(exact(g, "Literal", "'a\\80\tc' ") == false); REQUIRE(exact(g, "Literal", "'\n' ") == true); REQUIRE(exact(g, "Literal", "'a\\'b' ") == true); REQUIRE(exact(g, "Literal", "'a'b' ") == false); REQUIRE(exact(g, "Literal", "'a\"'b' ") == false); REQUIRE(exact(g, "Literal", "\"'\\\"abc\\\"'\" ") == true); REQUIRE(exact(g, "Literal", "\"'\"abc\"'\" ") == false); REQUIRE(exact(g, "Literal", "abc") == false); REQUIRE(exact(g, "Literal", "") == false); REQUIRE(exact(g, "Literal", u8"日本語") == false); } TEST_CASE("PEG Class", "[peg]") { auto g = ParserGenerator::grammar(); REQUIRE(exact(g, "Class", "[]") == true); REQUIRE(exact(g, "Class", "[a]") == true); REQUIRE(exact(g, "Class", "[a-z]") == true); REQUIRE(exact(g, "Class", "[az]") == true); REQUIRE(exact(g, "Class", "[a-zA-Z-]") == true); REQUIRE(exact(g, "Class", "[a-zA-Z-0-9]") == true); REQUIRE(exact(g, "Class", "[a-]") == false); REQUIRE(exact(g, "Class", "[-a]") == true); REQUIRE(exact(g, "Class", "[") == false); REQUIRE(exact(g, "Class", "[a") == false); REQUIRE(exact(g, "Class", "]") == false); REQUIRE(exact(g, "Class", "a]") == false); REQUIRE(exact(g, "Class", u8"あ-ん") == false); REQUIRE(exact(g, "Class", "[-+]") == true); REQUIRE(exact(g, "Class", "[+-]") == false); } TEST_CASE("PEG Range", "[peg]") { auto g = ParserGenerator::grammar(); REQUIRE(exact(g, "Range", "a") == true); REQUIRE(exact(g, "Range", "a-z") == true); REQUIRE(exact(g, "Range", "az") == false); REQUIRE(exact(g, "Range", "") == false); REQUIRE(exact(g, "Range", "a-") == false); REQUIRE(exact(g, "Range", "-a") == false); } TEST_CASE("PEG Char", "[peg]") { auto g = ParserGenerator::grammar(); REQUIRE(exact(g, "Char", "\\n") == true); REQUIRE(exact(g, "Char", "\\r") == true); REQUIRE(exact(g, "Char", "\\t") == true); REQUIRE(exact(g, "Char", "\\'") == true); REQUIRE(exact(g, "Char", "\\\"") == true); REQUIRE(exact(g, "Char", "\\[") == true); REQUIRE(exact(g, "Char", "\\]") == true); REQUIRE(exact(g, "Char", "\\\\") == true); REQUIRE(exact(g, "Char", "\\000") == true); REQUIRE(exact(g, "Char", "\\377") == true); REQUIRE(exact(g, "Char", "\\477") == false); REQUIRE(exact(g, "Char", "\\087") == false); REQUIRE(exact(g, "Char", "\\079") == false); REQUIRE(exact(g, "Char", "\\00") == true); REQUIRE(exact(g, "Char", "\\77") == true); REQUIRE(exact(g, "Char", "\\80") == false); REQUIRE(exact(g, "Char", "\\08") == false); REQUIRE(exact(g, "Char", "\\0") == true); REQUIRE(exact(g, "Char", "\\7") == true); REQUIRE(exact(g, "Char", "\\8") == false); REQUIRE(exact(g, "Char", "a") == true); REQUIRE(exact(g, "Char", ".") == true); REQUIRE(exact(g, "Char", "0") == true); REQUIRE(exact(g, "Char", "\\") == false); REQUIRE(exact(g, "Char", " ") == true); REQUIRE(exact(g, "Char", " ") == false); REQUIRE(exact(g, "Char", "") == false); REQUIRE(exact(g, "Char", u8"あ") == false); } TEST_CASE("PEG Operators", "[peg]") { auto g = ParserGenerator::grammar(); REQUIRE(exact(g, "LEFTARROW", "<-") == true); REQUIRE(exact(g, "SLASH", "/ ") == true); REQUIRE(exact(g, "AND", "& ") == true); REQUIRE(exact(g, "NOT", "! ") == true); REQUIRE(exact(g, "QUESTION", "? ") == true); REQUIRE(exact(g, "STAR", "* ") == true); REQUIRE(exact(g, "PLUS", "+ ") == true); REQUIRE(exact(g, "OPEN", "( ") == true); REQUIRE(exact(g, "CLOSE", ") ") == true); REQUIRE(exact(g, "DOT", ". ") == true); } TEST_CASE("PEG Comment", "[peg]") { auto g = ParserGenerator::grammar(); REQUIRE(exact(g, "Comment", "# Comment.\n") == true); REQUIRE(exact(g, "Comment", "# Comment.") == false); REQUIRE(exact(g, "Comment", " ") == false); REQUIRE(exact(g, "Comment", "a") == false); } TEST_CASE("PEG Space", "[peg]") { auto g = ParserGenerator::grammar(); REQUIRE(exact(g, "Space", " ") == true); REQUIRE(exact(g, "Space", "\t") == true); REQUIRE(exact(g, "Space", "\n") == true); REQUIRE(exact(g, "Space", "") == false); REQUIRE(exact(g, "Space", "a") == false); } TEST_CASE("PEG EndOfLine", "[peg]") { auto g = ParserGenerator::grammar(); REQUIRE(exact(g, "EndOfLine", "\r\n") == true); REQUIRE(exact(g, "EndOfLine", "\n") == true); REQUIRE(exact(g, "EndOfLine", "\r") == true); REQUIRE(exact(g, "EndOfLine", " ") == false); REQUIRE(exact(g, "EndOfLine", "") == false); REQUIRE(exact(g, "EndOfLine", "a") == false); } TEST_CASE("PEG EndOfFile", "[peg]") { Grammar g = make_peg_grammar(); REQUIRE(exact(g, "EndOfFile", "") == true); REQUIRE(exact(g, "EndOfFile", " ") == false); } // vim: et ts=4 sw=4 cin cino={1s ff=unix