cpp-peglib ========== [![](https://github.com/yhirose/cpp-peglib/workflows/CMake/badge.svg)](https://github.com/yhirose/cpp-peglib/actions) [![Bulid Status](https://ci.appveyor.com/api/projects/status/github/yhirose/cpp-peglib?branch=master&svg=true)](https://ci.appveyor.com/project/yhirose/cpp-peglib) C++17 header-only [PEG](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parsing_expression_grammar) (Parsing Expression Grammars) library. You can start using it right away just by including `peglib.h` in your project. Since this library only supports C++17 compilers, please make sure that compiler the option `-std=c++17` is enabled. (`/std:c++17 /Zc:__cplusplus` for MSVC) You can also try the online version, PEG Playground at https://yhirose.github.io/cpp-peglib. The PEG syntax is well described on page 2 in the [document](http://www.brynosaurus.com/pub/lang/peg.pdf) by Bryan Ford. *cpp-peglib* also supports the following additional syntax for now: * `'...'i` (Case-insensitive literal operator) * `[...]i` (Case-insensitive character class operator) * `[^...]` (Negated character class operator) * `[^...]i` (Case-insensitive negated character class operator) * `{2,5}` (Regex-like repetition operator) * `<` ... `>` (Token boundary operator) * `~` (Ignore operator) * `\x20` (Hex number char) * `\u10FFFF` (Unicode char) * `%whitespace` (Automatic whitespace skipping) * `%word` (Word expression) * `$name(` ... `)` (Capture scope operator) * `$name<` ... `>` (Named capture operator) * `$name` (Backreference operator) * `|` (Dictionary operator) * `↑` (Cut operator) * `MACRO_NAME(` ... `)` (Parameterized rule or Macro) * `{ precedence L - + L / * }` (Parsing infix expression) * `%recovery(` ... `)` (Error recovery operator) * `exp⇑label` or `exp^label` (Syntax sugar for `(exp / %recover(label))`) * `label { error_message "..." }` (Error message instruction) * `{ no_ast_opt }` (No AST node optimazation instruction) 'End of Input' check will be done as default. In order to disable the check, please call `disable_eoi_check`. This library supports the linear-time parsing known as the [*Packrat*](http://pdos.csail.mit.edu/~baford/packrat/thesis/thesis.pdf) parsing. IMPORTANT NOTE for some Linux distributions such as Ubuntu and CentOS: Need `-pthread` option when linking. See [#23](https://github.com/yhirose/cpp-peglib/issues/23#issuecomment-261126127), [#46](https://github.com/yhirose/cpp-peglib/issues/46#issuecomment-417870473) and [#62](https://github.com/yhirose/cpp-peglib/issues/62#issuecomment-492032680). How to use ---------- This is a simple calculator sample. It shows how to define grammar, associate semantic actions to the grammar, and handle semantic values. ```cpp // (1) Include the header file #include #include #include using namespace peg; using namespace std; int main(void) { // (2) Make a parser parser parser(R"( # Grammar for Calculator... Additive <- Multitive '+' Additive / Multitive Multitive <- Primary '*' Multitive / Primary Primary <- '(' Additive ')' / Number Number <- < [0-9]+ > %whitespace <- [ \t]* )"); assert(static_cast(parser) == true); // (3) Setup actions parser["Additive"] = [](const SemanticValues &vs) { switch (vs.choice()) { case 0: // "Multitive '+' Additive" return any_cast(vs[0]) + any_cast(vs[1]); default: // "Multitive" return any_cast(vs[0]); } }; parser["Multitive"] = [](const SemanticValues &vs) { switch (vs.choice()) { case 0: // "Primary '*' Multitive" return any_cast(vs[0]) * any_cast(vs[1]); default: // "Primary" return any_cast(vs[0]); } }; parser["Number"] = [](const SemanticValues &vs) { return vs.token_to_number(); }; // (4) Parse parser.enable_packrat_parsing(); // Enable packrat parsing. int val; parser.parse(" (1 + 2) * 3 ", val); assert(val == 9); } ``` To show syntax errors in grammar text: ```cpp auto grammar = R"( # Grammar for Calculator... Additive <- Multitive '+' Additive / Multitive Multitive <- Primary '*' Multitive / Primary Primary <- '(' Additive ')' / Number Number <- < [0-9]+ > %whitespace <- [ \t]* )"; parser parser; parser.set_logger([](size_t line, size_t col, const string& msg, const string &rule) { cerr << line << ":" << col << ": " << msg << "\n"; }); auto ok = parser.load_grammar(grammar); assert(ok); ``` There are four semantic actions available: ```cpp [](const SemanticValues& vs, any& dt) [](const SemanticValues& vs) [](SemanticValues& vs, any& dt) [](SemanticValues& vs) ``` `SemanticValues` value contains the following information: - Semantic values - Matched string information - Token information if the rule is literal or uses a token boundary operator - Choice number when the rule is 'prioritized choice' `any& dt` is a 'read-write' context data which can be used for whatever purposes. The initial context data is set in `peg::parser::parse` method. A semantic action can return a value of arbitrary data type, which will be wrapped by `peg::any`. If a user returns nothing in a semantic action, the first semantic value in the `const SemanticValues& vs` argument will be returned. (Yacc parser has the same behavior.) Here shows the `SemanticValues` structure: ```cpp struct SemanticValues : protected std::vector { // Input text const char* path; const char* ss; // Matched string std::string_view sv() const { return sv_; } // Line number and column at which the matched string is std::pair line_info() const; // Tokens std::vector tokens; std::string_view token(size_t id = 0) const; // Token conversion std::string token_to_string(size_t id = 0) const; template T token_to_number() const; // Choice number (0 based index) size_t choice() const; // Transform the semantic value vector to another vector template vector transform(size_t beg = 0, size_t end = -1) const; } ``` The following example uses `<` ... `>` operator, which is *token boundary* operator. ```cpp peg::parser parser(R"( ROOT <- _ TOKEN (',' _ TOKEN)* TOKEN <- < [a-z0-9]+ > _ _ <- [ \t\r\n]* )"); parser["TOKEN"] = [](const SemanticValues& vs) { // 'token' doesn't include trailing whitespaces auto token = vs.token(); }; auto ret = parser.parse(" token1, token2 "); ``` We can ignore unnecessary semantic values from the list by using `~` operator. ```cpp peg::parser parser(R"( ROOT <- _ ITEM (',' _ ITEM _)* ITEM <- ([a-z0-9])+ ~_ <- [ \t]* )"); parser["ROOT"] = [&](const SemanticValues& vs) { assert(vs.size() == 2); // should be 2 instead of 5. }; auto ret = parser.parse(" item1, item2 "); ``` The following grammar is same as the above. ```cpp peg::parser parser(R"( ROOT <- ~_ ITEM (',' ~_ ITEM ~_)* ITEM <- ([a-z0-9])+ _ <- [ \t]* )"); ``` *Semantic predicate* support is available with a *predicate* action. ```cpp peg::parser parser("NUMBER <- [0-9]+"); parser["NUMBER"] = [](const SemanticValues &vs) { return vs.token_to_number(); }; parser["NUMBER"].predicate = [](const SemanticValues &vs, const std::any & /*dt*/, std::string &msg) { if (vs.token_to_number() != 100) { msg = "value error!!"; return false; } return true; }; long val; auto ret = parser.parse("100", val); assert(ret == true); assert(val == 100); ret = parser.parse("200", val); assert(ret == false); ``` *enter* and *leave* actions are also available. ```cpp parser["RULE"].enter = [](const Context &c, const char* s, size_t n, any& dt) { std::cout << "enter" << std::endl; }; parser["RULE"] = [](const SemanticValues& vs, any& dt) { std::cout << "action!" << std::endl; }; parser["RULE"].leave = [](const Context &c, const char* s, size_t n, size_t matchlen, any& value, any& dt) { std::cout << "leave" << std::endl; }; ``` You can receive error information via a logger: ```cpp parser.set_logger([](size_t line, size_t col, const string& msg) { ... }); parser.set_logger([](size_t line, size_t col, const string& msg, const string &rule) { ... }); ``` Ignoring Whitespaces -------------------- As you can see in the first example, we can ignore whitespaces between tokens automatically with `%whitespace` rule. `%whitespace` rule can be applied to the following three conditions: * trailing spaces on tokens * leading spaces on text * trailing spaces on literal strings in rules These are valid tokens: ``` KEYWORD <- 'keyword' KEYWORDI <- 'case_insensitive_keyword' WORD <- < [a-zA-Z0-9] [a-zA-Z0-9-_]* > # token boundary operator is used. IDNET <- < IDENT_START_CHAR IDENT_CHAR* > # token boundary operator is used. ``` The following grammar accepts ` one, "two three", four `. ``` ROOT <- ITEM (',' ITEM)* ITEM <- WORD / PHRASE WORD <- < [a-z]+ > PHRASE <- < '"' (!'"' .)* '"' > %whitespace <- [ \t\r\n]* ``` Word expression --------------- ```cpp peg::parser parser(R"( ROOT <- 'hello' 'world' %whitespace <- [ \t\r\n]* %word <- [a-z]+ )"); parser.parse("hello world"); // OK parser.parse("helloworld"); // NG ``` Capture/Backreference --------------------- ```cpp peg::parser parser(R"( ROOT <- CONTENT CONTENT <- (ELEMENT / TEXT)* ELEMENT <- $(STAG CONTENT ETAG) STAG <- '<' $tag< TAG_NAME > '>' ETAG <- '' TAG_NAME <- 'b' / 'u' TEXT <- TEXT_DATA TEXT_DATA <- ![<] . )"); parser.parse("This is a test text."); // OK parser.parse("This is a test text."); // NG parser.parse("This is a test text."); // NG ``` Dictionary ---------- `|` operator allows us to make a word dictionary for fast lookup by using Trie structure internally. We don't have to worry about the order of words. ```peg START <- 'This month is ' MONTH '.' MONTH <- 'Jan' | 'January' | 'Feb' | 'February' | '...' ``` Cut operator ------------ `↑` operator could mitigate backtrack performance problem, but has a risk to change the meaning of grammar. ```peg S <- '(' ↑ P ')' / '"' ↑ P '"' / P P <- 'a' / 'b' / 'c' ``` When we parse `(z` with the above grammar, we don't have to backtrack in `S` after `(` is matched, because a cut operator is inserted there. Parameterized Rule or Macro --------------------------- ```peg # Syntax Start ← _ Expr Expr ← Sum Sum ← List(Product, SumOpe) Product ← List(Value, ProOpe) Value ← Number / T('(') Expr T(')') # Token SumOpe ← T('+' / '-') ProOpe ← T('*' / '/') Number ← T([0-9]+) ~_ ← [ \t\r\n]* # Macro List(I, D) ← I (D I)* T(x) ← < x > _ ``` Parsing infix expression by Precedence climbing ----------------------------------------------- Regarding the *precedence climbing algorithm*, please see [this article](https://eli.thegreenplace.net/2012/08/02/parsing-expressions-by-precedence-climbing). ```cpp parser parser(R"( EXPRESSION <- INFIX_EXPRESSION(ATOM, OPERATOR) ATOM <- NUMBER / '(' EXPRESSION ')' OPERATOR <- < [-+/*] > NUMBER <- < '-'? [0-9]+ > %whitespace <- [ \t]* # Declare order of precedence INFIX_EXPRESSION(A, O) <- A (O A)* { precedence L + - L * / } )"); parser["INFIX_EXPRESSION"] = [](const SemanticValues& vs) -> long { auto result = any_cast(vs[0]); if (vs.size() > 1) { auto ope = any_cast(vs[1]); auto num = any_cast(vs[2]); switch (ope) { case '+': result += num; break; case '-': result -= num; break; case '*': result *= num; break; case '/': result /= num; break; } } return result; }; parser["OPERATOR"] = [](const SemanticValues& vs) { return *vs.sv(); }; parser["NUMBER"] = [](const SemanticValues& vs) { return vs.token_to_number(); }; long val; parser.parse(" -1 + (1 + 2) * 3 - -1", val); assert(val == 9); ``` *precedence* instruction can be applied only to the following 'list' style rule. ``` Rule <- Atom (Operator Atom)* { precedence L - + L / * R ^ } ``` *precedence* instruction contains precedence info entries. Each entry starts with *associativity* which is 'L' (left) or 'R' (right), then operator *literal* tokens follow. The first entry has the highest order level. AST generation -------------- *cpp-peglib* is able to generate an AST (Abstract Syntax Tree) when parsing. `enable_ast` method on `peg::parser` class enables the feature. NOTE: An AST node holds a corresponding token as `std::string_vew` for performance and less memory usage. It is users' responsibility to keep the original source text along with the generated AST tree. ``` peg::parser parser(R"( ... defenition1 <- ... { no_ast_opt } defenition2 <- ... { no_ast_opt } ... )"); parser.enable_ast(); shared_ptr ast; if (parser.parse("...", ast)) { cout << peg::ast_to_s(ast); ast = parser.optimize_ast(ast); cout << peg::ast_to_s(ast); } ``` `optimize_ast` removes redundant nodes to make a AST simpler. If you want to disable this behavior from particular rules, `no_ast_opt` instruction can be used. It internally calls `peg::AstOptimizer` to do the job. You can make your own AST optimizers to fit your needs. See actual usages in the [AST calculator example](https://github.com/yhirose/cpp-peglib/blob/master/example/calc3.cc) and [PL/0 language example](https://github.com/yhirose/cpp-peglib/blob/master/pl0/pl0.cc). Make a parser with parser combinators ------------------------------------- Instead of making a parser by parsing PEG syntax text, we can also construct a parser by hand with *parser combinators*. Here is an example: ```cpp using namespace peg; using namespace std; vector tags; Definition ROOT, TAG_NAME, _; ROOT <= seq(_, zom(seq(chr('['), TAG_NAME, chr(']'), _))); TAG_NAME <= oom(seq(npd(chr(']')), dot())), [&](const SemanticValues& vs) { tags.push_back(vs.token_to_string()); }; _ <= zom(cls(" \t")); auto ret = ROOT.parse(" [tag1] [tag:2] [tag-3] "); ``` The following are available operators: | Operator | Description | Operator | Description | | :------- | :------------------------------ | :------- | :------------------- | | seq | Sequence | cho | Prioritized Choice | | zom | Zero or More | oom | One or More | | opt | Optional | apd | And predicate | | npd | Not predicate | lit | Literal string | | liti | Case-insensitive Literal string | cls | Character class | | ncls | Negated Character class | chr | Character | | dot | Any character | tok | Token boundary | | ign | Ignore semantic value | csc | Capture scope | | cap | Capture | bkr | Back reference | | dic | Dictionary | pre | Infix expression | | rec | Infix expression | usr | User defined parser | | rep | Repetition | | | Adjust definitions ------------------ It's possible to add/override definitions. ```cpp auto syntax = R"( ROOT <- _ 'Hello' _ NAME '!' _ )"; Rules additional_rules = { { "NAME", usr([](const char* s, size_t n, SemanticValues& vs, any& dt) -> size_t { static vector names = { "PEG", "BNF" }; for (const auto& name: names) { if (name.size() <= n && !name.compare(0, name.size(), s, name.size())) { return name.size(); // processed length } } return -1; // parse error }) }, { "~_", zom(cls(" \t\r\n")) } }; auto g = parser(syntax, additional_rules); assert(g.parse(" Hello BNF! ")); ``` Unicode support --------------- cpp-peglib accepts UTF8 text. `.` matches a Unicode codepoint. Also, it supports `\u????`. Error report and recovery ------------------------- cpp-peglib supports the furthest failure error position report as described in the Bryan Ford original document. For better error report and recovery, cpp-peglib supports 'recovery' operator with label which can be associated with a recovery expression and a custom error message. This idea comes from the fantastic ["Syntax Error Recovery in Parsing Expression Grammars"](https://arxiv.org/pdf/1806.11150.pdf) paper by Sergio Medeiros and Fabio Mascarenhas. The custom message supports `%t` which is a place holder for the unexpected token, and `%c` for the unexpected Unicode char. Here is an example of Java-like grammar: ```peg # java.peg Prog ← 'public' 'class' NAME '{' 'public' 'static' 'void' 'main' '(' 'String' '[' ']' NAME ')' BlockStmt '}' BlockStmt ← '{' (!'}' Stmt^stmtb)* '}' # Annotated with `stmtb` Stmt ← IfStmt / WhileStmt / PrintStmt / DecStmt / AssignStmt / BlockStmt IfStmt ← 'if' '(' Exp ')' Stmt ('else' Stmt)? WhileStmt ← 'while' '(' Exp^condw ')' Stmt # Annotated with `condw` DecStmt ← 'int' NAME ('=' Exp)? ';' AssignStmt ← NAME '=' Exp ';'^semia # Annotated with `semi` PrintStmt ← 'System.out.println' '(' Exp ')' ';' Exp ← RelExp ('==' RelExp)* RelExp ← AddExp ('<' AddExp)* AddExp ← MulExp (('+' / '-') MulExp)* MulExp ← AtomExp (('*' / '/') AtomExp)* AtomExp ← '(' Exp ')' / NUMBER / NAME NUMBER ← < [0-9]+ > NAME ← < [a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]* > %whitespace ← [ \t\n]* %word ← NAME # Recovery operator labels semia ← '' { error_message "missing semicolon in assignment." } stmtb ← (!(Stmt / 'else' / '}') .)* { error_message "invalid statement" } condw ← &'==' ('==' RelExp)* / &'<' ('<' AddExp)* / (!')' .)* ``` For instance, `';'^semi` is a syntactic sugar for `(';' / %recovery(semi))`. `%recover` operator tries to recover the error at ';' by skipping input text with the recovery expression `semi`. Also `semi` is associated with a custom message "missing semicolon in assignment.". Here is the result: ```java > cat sample.java public class Example { public static void main(String[] args) { int n = 5; int f = 1; while( < n) { f = f * n; n = n - 1 }; System.out.println(f); } } > peglint java.peg sample.java sample.java:5:12: syntax error, unexpected '<', expecting '(', , . sample.java:8:5: missing semicolon in assignment. sample.java:8:6: invalid statement ``` As you can see, it can now show more than one error, and provide more meaningful error messages than the default messages. ### Custom error message for definitions We can associate custom error messages to definitions. ```peg # custom_message.peg START <- CODE (',' CODE)* CODE <- < '0x' [a-fA-F0-9]+ > { error_message 'code format error...' } %whitespace <- [ \t]* ``` ``` > cat custom_message.txt 0x1234,0x@@@@,0xABCD > peglint custom_message.peg custom_message.txt custom_message.txt:1:8: code format error... ``` NOTE: If there are more than one elements with error message instruction in a prioritized choice, this feature may not work as you expect. peglint - PEG syntax lint utility --------------------------------- ### Build peglint ``` > cd lint > mkdir build > cd build > cmake .. > make > ./peglint usage: grammar_file_path [source_file_path] options: --source: source text --packrat: enable packrat memoise --ast: show AST tree --opt, --opt-all: optimize all AST nodes except nodes selected with `no_ast_opt` instruction --opt-only: optimize only AST nodes selected with `no_ast_opt` instruction --trace: show concise trace messages --profile: show profile report --verbose: verbose output for trace and profile ``` ### Grammar check ``` > cat a.peg Additive <- Multitive '+' Additive / Multitive Multitive <- Primary '*' Multitive / Primary Primary <- '(' Additive ')' / Number %whitespace <- [ \t\r\n]* > peglint a.peg [commendline]:3:35: 'Number' is not defined. ``` ### Source check ``` > cat a.peg Additive <- Multitive '+' Additive / Multitive Multitive <- Primary '*' Multitive / Primary Primary <- '(' Additive ')' / Number Number <- < [0-9]+ > %whitespace <- [ \t\r\n]* > peglint --source "1 + a * 3" a.peg [commendline]:1:3: syntax error ``` ### AST ``` > cat a.txt 1 + 2 * 3 > peglint --ast a.peg a.txt + Additive + Multitive + Primary - Number (1) + Additive + Multitive + Primary - Number (2) + Multitive + Primary - Number (3) ``` ### AST optimazation ``` > peglint --ast --opt --source "1 + 2 * 3" a.peg + Additive - Multitive[Number] (1) + Additive[Multitive] - Primary[Number] (2) - Multitive[Number] (3) ``` ### Adjust AST optimazation with `no_ast_opt` instruction ``` > cat a.peg Additive <- Multitive '+' Additive / Multitive Multitive <- Primary '*' Multitive / Primary Primary <- '(' Additive ')' / Number { no_ast_opt } Number <- < [0-9]+ > %whitespace <- [ \t\r\n]* > peglint --ast --opt --source "1 + 2 * 3" a.peg + Additive/0 + Multitive/1[Primary] - Number (1) + Additive/1[Multitive] + Primary/1 - Number (2) + Multitive/1[Primary] - Number (3) > peglint --ast --opt-only --source "1 + 2 * 3" a.peg + Additive/0 + Multitive/1 - Primary/1[Number] (1) + Additive/1 + Multitive/0 - Primary/1[Number] (2) + Multitive/1 - Primary/1[Number] (3) ``` Sample codes ------------ * [Calculator](https://github.com/yhirose/cpp-peglib/blob/master/example/calc.cc) * [Calculator (with parser operators)](https://github.com/yhirose/cpp-peglib/blob/master/example/calc2.cc) * [Calculator (AST version)](https://github.com/yhirose/cpp-peglib/blob/master/example/calc3.cc) * [Calculator (parsing expressions by precedence climbing)](https://github.com/yhirose/cpp-peglib/blob/master/example/calc4.cc) * [Calculator (AST version and parsing expressions by precedence climbing)](https://github.com/yhirose/cpp-peglib/blob/master/example/calc5.cc) * [A tiny PL/0 JIT compiler in less than 900 LOC with LLVM and PEG parser](https://github.com/yhirose/pl0-jit-compiler) * [A Programming Language just for writing Fizz Buzz program. :)](https://github.com/yhirose/fizzbuzzlang) License ------- MIT license (© 2022 Yuji Hirose)