#include #include #include #include namespace culebra { const auto grammar_ = R"( PROGRAM <- _ STATEMENTS STATEMENTS <- (EXPRESSION (';' _)?)* EXPRESSION <- ASSIGNMENT / LOGICAL_OR ASSIGNMENT <- MUTABLE IDENTIFIER '=' _ EXPRESSION WHILE <- 'while' _ EXPRESSION BLOCK IF <- 'if' _ EXPRESSION BLOCK ('else' _ 'if' _ EXPRESSION BLOCK)* ('else' _ BLOCK)? LOGICAL_OR <- LOGICAL_AND ('||' _ LOGICAL_AND)* LOGICAL_AND <- CONDITION ('&&' _ CONDITION)* CONDITION <- ADDITIVE (CONDITION_OPERATOR ADDITIVE)* ADDITIVE <- UNARY_PLUS (ADDITIVE_OPERATOR UNARY_PLUS)* UNARY_PLUS <- UNARY_PLUS_OPERATOR? UNARY_MINUS UNARY_MINUS <- UNARY_MINUS_OPERATOR? UNARY_NOT UNARY_NOT <- UNARY_NOT_OPERATOR? MULTIPLICATIVE MULTIPLICATIVE <- CALL (MULTIPLICATIVE_OPERATOR CALL)* CALL <- PRIMARY (ARGUMENTS / INDEX / DOT)* ARGUMENTS <- '(' _ (EXPRESSION (',' _ EXPRESSION)*)? ')' _ INDEX <- '[' _ EXPRESSION ']' _ DOT <- '.' _ IDENTIFIER PRIMARY <- WHILE / IF / FUNCTION / OBJECT / ARRAY / UNDEFINED / BOOLEAN / NUMBER / IDENTIFIER / STRING / INTERPOLATED_STRING / '(' _ EXPRESSION ')' _ FUNCTION <- 'fn' _ PARAMETERS BLOCK PARAMETERS <- '(' _ (PARAMETER (',' _ PARAMETER)*)? ')' _ PARAMETER <- MUTABLE IDENTIFIER BLOCK <- '{' _ STATEMENTS '}' _ CONDITION_OPERATOR <- < ('==' / '!=' / '<=' / '<' / '>=' / '>') > _ ADDITIVE_OPERATOR <- < [-+] > _ UNARY_PLUS_OPERATOR <- < '+' > _ UNARY_MINUS_OPERATOR <- < '-' > _ UNARY_NOT_OPERATOR <- < '!' > _ MULTIPLICATIVE_OPERATOR <- < [*/%] > _ IDENTIFIER <- < [a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]* > _ OBJECT <- '{' _ (OBJECT_PROPERTY (',' _ OBJECT_PROPERTY)*)? '}' _ OBJECT_PROPERTY <- IDENTIFIER ':' _ EXPRESSION ARRAY <- '[' _ (EXPRESSION (',' _ EXPRESSION)*)? ']' _ UNDEFINED <- < 'undefined' > _ BOOLEAN <- < ('true' / 'false') > _ NUMBER <- < [0-9]+ > _ STRING <- ['] < (!['] .)* > ['] _ INTERPOLATED_STRING <- '"' ('{' _ EXPRESSION '}' / INTERPOLATED_CONTENT)* '"' _ INTERPOLATED_CONTENT <- (!["{] .) (!["{] .)* MUTABLE <- < 'mut'? > _ ~_ <- (Space / EndOfLine / Comment)* Space <- ' ' / '\t' EndOfLine <- '\r\n' / '\n' / '\r' EndOfFile <- !. Comment <- '/*' (!'*/' .)* '*/' / ('#' / '//') (!(EndOfLine / EndOfFile) .)* (EndOfLine / EndOfFile) )"; inline peglib::peg& get_parser() { static peglib::peg parser; static bool initialized = false; if (!initialized) { initialized = true; parser.log = [&](size_t ln, size_t col, const std::string& msg) { std::cerr << ln << ":" << col << ": " << msg << std::endl; }; if (!parser.load_grammar(grammar_)) { throw std::logic_error("invalid peg grammar"); } parser.enable_ast(true, { "PARAMETERS", "ARGUMENTS" }); } return parser; } struct Value; struct Environment; struct FunctionValue { struct Parameter { std::string name; bool mut; }; struct Data { std::vector params; std::function env)> eval; }; FunctionValue( const std::vector& params, const std::function env)>& eval) { data = std::make_shared(); data->params = params; data->eval = eval; } std::shared_ptr data; }; struct ObjectValue { bool has_property(const std::string& name) const; Value get_property(const std::string& name) const; virtual std::map& builtins(); std::shared_ptr> properties = std::make_shared>(); }; struct ArrayValue : public ObjectValue { std::map& builtins() override; std::shared_ptr> values = std::make_shared>(); }; struct Value { enum Type { Undefined, Bool, Long, String, Object, Array, Function }; Value() : type(Undefined) { //std::cout << "Val::def ctor: " << std::endl; } Value(const Value& rhs) : type(rhs.type), v(rhs.v) { //std::cout << "Val::copy ctor: " << *this << std::endl; } Value(Value&& rhs) : type(rhs.type), v(rhs.v) { //std::cout << "Val::move ctor: " << *this << std::endl; } Value& operator=(const Value& rhs) { if (this != &rhs) { type = rhs.type; v = rhs.v; //std::cout << "Val::copy=: " << *this << std::endl; } return *this; } Value& operator=(Value&& rhs) { type = rhs.type; v = rhs.v; //std::cout << "Val::move=: " << *this << std::endl; return *this; } explicit Value(bool b) : type(Bool), v(b) {} explicit Value(long l) : type(Long), v(l) {} explicit Value(std::string&& s) : type(String), v(s) {} explicit Value(ObjectValue&& o) : type(Object), v(o) {} explicit Value(ArrayValue&& a) : type(Array), v(a) {} explicit Value(FunctionValue&& f) : type(Function), v(f) {} Type get_type() const { return type; } bool to_bool() const { switch (type) { case Bool: return v.get(); case Long: return v.get() != 0; default: throw std::runtime_error("type error."); } } long to_long() const { switch (type) { case Bool: return v.get(); case Long: return v.get(); default: throw std::runtime_error("type error."); } } std::string to_string() const { switch (type) { case String: return v.get(); default: throw std::runtime_error("type error."); } } ObjectValue to_object() const { switch (type) { case Object: return v.get(); default: throw std::runtime_error("type error."); } } ArrayValue to_array() const { switch (type) { case Array: return v.get(); default: throw std::runtime_error("type error."); } } FunctionValue to_function() const { switch (type) { case Function: return v.get(); default: throw std::runtime_error("type error."); } } Value get_property(const std::string& name) const { switch (type) { case Object: return to_object().get_property(name); case Array: return to_array().get_property(name); default: throw std::runtime_error("type error."); } } std::string str_object() const { const auto& properties = *to_object().properties; std::string s = "{"; auto it = properties.begin(); for (; it != properties.end(); ++it) { if (it != properties.begin()) { s += ", "; } s += '"' + it->first + '"'; s += ": "; s += it->second.str(); } s += "}"; return s; } std::string str_array() const { const auto& values = *to_array().values; std::string s = "["; for (auto i = 0u; i < values.size(); i++) { if (i != 0) { s += ", "; } s += values[i].str(); } s += "]"; return s; } std::string str() const { switch (type) { case Undefined: return "undefined"; case Bool: return to_bool() ? "true" : "false"; case Long: return std::to_string(to_long()); break; case String: return to_string(); case Object: return str_object(); case Array: return str_array(); case Function: return "[function]"; default: throw std::logic_error("invalid internal condition."); } // NOTREACHED } std::ostream& out(std::ostream& os) const { os << str(); return os; } bool operator==(const Value& rhs) const { switch (type) { case Undefined: return rhs.type == Undefined; case Bool: return to_bool() == rhs.to_bool(); case Long: return to_long() == rhs.to_long(); case String: return to_string() == rhs.to_string(); // TODO: Object and Array support default: throw std::logic_error("invalid internal condition."); } // NOTREACHED } bool operator!=(const Value& rhs) const { switch (type) { case Undefined: return rhs.type != Undefined; case Bool: return to_bool() != rhs.to_bool(); case Long: return to_long() != rhs.to_long(); case String: return to_string() != rhs.to_string(); // TODO: Object and Array support default: throw std::logic_error("invalid internal condition."); } // NOTREACHED } bool operator<=(const Value& rhs) const { switch (type) { case Undefined: return false; case Bool: return to_bool() <= rhs.to_bool(); case Long: return to_long() <= rhs.to_long(); case String: return to_string() <= rhs.to_string(); // TODO: Object and Array support default: throw std::logic_error("invalid internal condition."); } // NOTREACHED } bool operator<(const Value& rhs) const { switch (type) { case Undefined: return false; case Bool: return to_bool() < rhs.to_bool(); case Long: return to_long() < rhs.to_long(); case String: return to_string() < rhs.to_string(); // TODO: Object and Array support default: throw std::logic_error("invalid internal condition."); } // NOTREACHED } bool operator>=(const Value& rhs) const { switch (type) { case Undefined: return false; case Bool: return to_bool() >= rhs.to_bool(); case Long: return to_long() >= rhs.to_long(); case String: return to_string() >= rhs.to_string(); // TODO: Object and Array support default: throw std::logic_error("invalid internal condition."); } // NOTREACHED } bool operator>(const Value& rhs) const { switch (type) { case Undefined: return false; case Bool: return to_bool() > rhs.to_bool(); case Long: return to_long() > rhs.to_long(); case String: return to_string() > rhs.to_string(); // TODO: Object and Array support default: throw std::logic_error("invalid internal condition."); } // NOTREACHED } private: friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, const Value&); Type type; peglib::any v; }; inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Value& val) { return val.out(os); } struct Environment { Environment() = default; void set_object(const ObjectValue& obj) { obj_ = obj; } void set_outer(std::shared_ptr outer) { outer_ = outer; } void append_outer(std::shared_ptr outer) { if (outer_) { outer_->append_outer(outer); } else { outer_ = outer; } } bool has(const std::string& s) const { if (dic_.find(s) != dic_.end()) { return true; } if (obj_.has_property(s)) { return true; } return outer_ && outer_->has(s); } Value get(const std::string& s) const { if (dic_.find(s) != dic_.end()) { return dic_.at(s).val; } if (obj_.has_property(s)) { return obj_.get_property(s); } if (outer_) { return outer_->get(s); } std::string msg = "undefined variable '" + s + "'..."; throw std::runtime_error(msg); } void assign(const std::string& s, const Value& val) { if (dic_.find(s) != dic_.end()) { auto& sym = dic_[s]; if (!sym.mut) { std::string msg = "immutable variable '" + s + "'..."; throw std::runtime_error(msg); } //std::cout << "Env::assgin: " << s << std::endl; sym.val = val; return; } if (outer_ && outer_->has(s)) { outer_->assign(s, val); return; } // NOTREACHED throw std::logic_error("invalid internal condition."); } void initialize(const std::string& s, const Value& val, bool mut) { //std::cout << "Env::initialize: " << s << std::endl; dic_[s] = Symbol{val, mut}; } private: struct Symbol { Value val; bool mut; }; std::shared_ptr outer_; std::map dic_; ObjectValue obj_; }; inline bool ObjectValue::has_property(const std::string& name) const { if (properties->find(name) == properties->end()) { const auto& proto = const_cast(this)->builtins(); return proto.find(name) != proto.end(); } return true; } inline Value ObjectValue::get_property(const std::string& name) const { if (properties->find(name) == properties->end()) { const auto& proto = const_cast(this)->builtins(); return proto.at(name); } return properties->at(name); } inline std::map& ObjectValue::builtins() { static std::map proto_ = { { "size", Value(FunctionValue( {}, [](std::shared_ptr callEnv) { const auto& val = callEnv->get("this"); long n = val.to_object().properties->size(); return Value(n); } )) } }; return proto_; } inline std::map& ArrayValue::builtins() { static std::map proto_ = { { "size", Value(FunctionValue( {}, [](std::shared_ptr callEnv) { const auto& val = callEnv->get("this"); long n = val.to_array().values->size(); return Value(n); } )) }, { "push", Value(FunctionValue { { {"arg", false} }, [](std::shared_ptr callEnv) { const auto& val = callEnv->get("this"); const auto& arg = callEnv->get("arg"); val.to_array().values->push_back(arg); return Value(); } }) } }; return proto_; } inline void setup_built_in_functions(Environment& env) { { auto f = FunctionValue( { {"arg", true} }, [](std::shared_ptr env) { std::cout << env->get("arg").str() << std::endl; return Value(); } ); env.initialize("puts", Value(std::move(f)), false); } { auto f = FunctionValue( { {"arg", true} }, [](std::shared_ptr env) { auto cond = env->get("arg").to_bool(); if (!cond) { auto line = env->get("__LINE__").to_long(); auto column = env->get("__COLUMN__").to_long(); std::string msg = "assert failed at " + std::to_string(line) + ":" + std::to_string(column) + "."; throw std::runtime_error(msg); } return Value(); } ); env.initialize("assert", Value(std::move(f)), false); } } struct Eval { static Value eval(const peglib::Ast& ast, std::shared_ptr env) { using peglib::operator"" _; switch (ast.tag) { case "STATEMENTS"_: return eval_statements(ast, env); case "WHILE"_: return eval_while(ast, env); case "IF"_: return eval_if(ast, env); case "FUNCTION"_: return eval_function(ast, env); case "CALL"_: return eval_call(ast, env); case "ASSIGNMENT"_: return eval_assignment(ast, env); case "LOGICAL_OR"_: return eval_logical_or(ast, env); case "LOGICAL_AND"_: return eval_logical_and(ast, env); case "CONDITION"_: return eval_condition(ast, env); case "UNARY_PLUS"_: return eval_unary_plus(ast, env); case "UNARY_MINUS"_: return eval_unary_minus(ast, env); case "UNARY_NOT"_: return eval_unary_not(ast, env); case "ADDITIVE"_: case "MULTIPLICATIVE"_: return eval_bin_expression(ast, env); case "IDENTIFIER"_: return eval_identifier(ast, env); case "OBJECT"_: return eval_object(ast, env); case "ARRAY"_: return eval_array(ast, env); case "UNDEFINED"_: return eval_undefined(ast, env); case "BOOLEAN"_: return eval_bool(ast, env); case "NUMBER"_: return eval_number(ast, env); case "INTERPOLATED_STRING"_: return eval_interpolated_string(ast, env); } if (ast.is_token) { return Value(std::string(ast.token)); } // NOTREACHED throw std::logic_error("invalid Ast type"); } private: static Value eval_statements(const peglib::Ast& ast, std::shared_ptr env) { if (ast.is_token) { return eval(ast, env); } else if (ast.nodes.empty()) { return Value(); } auto it = ast.nodes.begin(); while (it != ast.nodes.end() - 1) { eval(**it, env); ++it; } return eval(**it, env); } static Value eval_while(const peglib::Ast& ast, std::shared_ptr env) { for (;;) { auto cond = eval(*ast.nodes[0], env); if (!cond.to_bool()) { break; } eval(*ast.nodes[1], env); } return Value(); } static Value eval_if(const peglib::Ast& ast, std::shared_ptr env) { const auto& nodes = ast.nodes; for (auto i = 0u; i < nodes.size(); i += 2) { if (i + 1 == nodes.size()) { return eval(*nodes[i], env); } else { auto cond = eval(*nodes[i], env); if (cond.to_bool()) { return eval(*nodes[i + 1], env); } } } return Value(); } static Value eval_function(const peglib::Ast& ast, std::shared_ptr env) { std::vector params; for (auto node: ast.nodes[0]->nodes) { auto mut = node->nodes[0]->token == "mut"; const auto& name = node->nodes[1]->token; params.push_back({ name, mut }); } auto body = ast.nodes[1]; auto f = FunctionValue( params, [=](std::shared_ptr callEnv) { callEnv->append_outer(env); return eval(*body, callEnv); } ); return Value(std::move(f)); }; static Value eval_call(const peglib::Ast& ast, std::shared_ptr env) { using peglib::operator"" _; Value val = eval(*ast.nodes[0], env); for (auto i = 1u; i < ast.nodes.size(); i++) { const auto& n = *ast.nodes[i]; if (n.original_tag == "ARGUMENTS"_) { // Function call const auto& f = val.to_function(); const auto& params = f.data->params; const auto& args = n.nodes; if (params.size() <= args.size()) { auto callEnv = std::make_shared(); callEnv->initialize("self", val, false); for (auto iprm = 0u; iprm < params.size(); iprm++) { auto param = params[iprm]; auto arg = args[iprm]; auto val = eval(*arg, env); callEnv->initialize(param.name, val, param.mut); } callEnv->initialize("__LINE__", Value((long)ast.line), false); callEnv->initialize("__COLUMN__", Value((long)ast.column), false); val = f.data->eval(callEnv); } else { std::string msg = "arguments error..."; throw std::runtime_error(msg); } } else if (n.original_tag == "INDEX"_) { // Array reference const auto& arr = val.to_array(); auto idx = eval(n, env).to_long(); if (0 <= idx && idx < static_cast(arr.values->size())) { val = arr.values->at(idx); } } else if (n.original_tag == "DOT"_) { // Property auto name = n.token; auto prop = val.get_property(name); if (prop.get_type() == Value::Function) { const auto& pf = prop.to_function(); auto f = FunctionValue( pf.data->params, [=](std::shared_ptr callEnv) { callEnv->initialize("this", val, false); if (val.get_type() == Value::Object) { callEnv->set_object(val.to_object()); } return pf.data->eval(callEnv); } ); val = Value(std::move(f)); } else { val = prop; } } else { throw std::logic_error("invalid internal condition."); } } return val; } static Value eval_logical_or(const peglib::Ast& ast, std::shared_ptr env) { if (ast.nodes.size() == 1) { return eval(*ast.nodes[0], env); } else { Value ret; for (auto node: ast.nodes) { ret = eval(*node, env); if (ret.to_bool()) { return ret; } } return ret; } } static Value eval_logical_and(const peglib::Ast& ast, std::shared_ptr env) { Value ret; for (auto node: ast.nodes) { ret = eval(*node, env); if (!ret.to_bool()) { return ret; } } return ret; } static Value eval_condition(const peglib::Ast& ast, std::shared_ptr env) { if (ast.nodes.size() == 1) { return eval(*ast.nodes[0], env); } else { auto lhs = eval(*ast.nodes[0], env); auto ope = eval(*ast.nodes[1], env).to_string(); auto rhs = eval(*ast.nodes[2], env); if (ope == "==") { return Value(lhs == rhs); } else if (ope == "!=") { return Value(lhs != rhs); } else if (ope == "<=") { return Value(lhs <= rhs); } else if (ope == "<") { return Value(lhs < rhs); } else if (ope == ">=") { return Value(lhs >= rhs); } else if (ope == ">") { return Value(lhs > rhs); } else { throw std::logic_error("invalid internal condition."); } } } static Value eval_unary_plus(const peglib::Ast& ast, std::shared_ptr env) { if (ast.nodes.size() == 1) { return eval(*ast.nodes[0], env); } else { return eval(*ast.nodes[1], env); } } static Value eval_unary_minus(const peglib::Ast& ast, std::shared_ptr env) { if (ast.nodes.size() == 1) { return eval(*ast.nodes[0], env); } else { return Value(eval(*ast.nodes[1], env).to_long() * -1); } } static Value eval_unary_not(const peglib::Ast& ast, std::shared_ptr env) { if (ast.nodes.size() == 1) { return eval(*ast.nodes[0], env); } else { return Value(!eval(*ast.nodes[1], env).to_bool()); } } static Value eval_bin_expression(const peglib::Ast& ast, std::shared_ptr env) { auto ret = eval(*ast.nodes[0], env).to_long(); for (auto i = 1u; i < ast.nodes.size(); i += 2) { auto val = eval(*ast.nodes[i + 1], env).to_long(); auto ope = eval(*ast.nodes[i], env).to_string()[0]; switch (ope) { case '+': ret += val; break; case '-': ret -= val; break; case '*': ret *= val; break; case '/': ret /= val; break; case '%': ret %= val; break; } } return Value(ret); } static Value eval_assignment(const peglib::Ast& ast, std::shared_ptr env) { const auto& mut = ast.nodes[0]->token; const auto& var = ast.nodes[1]->token; auto val = eval(*ast.nodes[2], env); if (env->has(var)) { env->assign(var, val); } else { env->initialize(var, val, mut == "mut"); } return val; }; static Value eval_identifier(const peglib::Ast& ast, std::shared_ptr env) { const auto& var = ast.token; return env->get(var); }; static Value eval_object(const peglib::Ast& ast, std::shared_ptr env) { ObjectValue obj; for (auto i = 0u; i < ast.nodes.size(); i++) { const auto& prop = *ast.nodes[i]; const auto& name = prop.nodes[0]->token; auto val = eval(*prop.nodes[1], env); obj.properties->emplace(name, val); } return Value(std::move(obj)); } static Value eval_array(const peglib::Ast& ast, std::shared_ptr env) { ArrayValue arr; for (auto i = 0u; i < ast.nodes.size(); i++) { auto expr = ast.nodes[i]; auto val = eval(*expr, env); arr.values->push_back(val); } return Value(std::move(arr)); } static Value eval_undefined(const peglib::Ast& ast, std::shared_ptr env) { return Value(); }; static Value eval_bool(const peglib::Ast& ast, std::shared_ptr env) { return Value(ast.token == "true"); }; static Value eval_number(const peglib::Ast& ast, std::shared_ptr env) { return Value(stol(ast.token)); }; static Value eval_interpolated_string(const peglib::Ast& ast, std::shared_ptr env) { std::string s; for (auto node: ast.nodes) { const auto& val = eval(*node, env); s += val.str(); } return Value(std::move(s)); }; }; inline bool run( const std::string& path, std::shared_ptr env, const char* expr, size_t len, Value& val, std::string& msg, bool print_ast) { try { std::shared_ptr ast; auto& parser = get_parser(); parser.log = [&](size_t ln, size_t col, const std::string& err_msg) { std::stringstream ss; ss << path << ":" << ln << ":" << col << ": " << err_msg << std::endl; msg = ss.str(); }; if (parser.parse_n(expr, len, ast)) { if (print_ast) { ast->print(); } val = Eval::eval(*ast, env); return true; } } catch (std::runtime_error& e) { msg = e.what(); } return false; } } // namespace culebra