You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
yhirose f0351a9909 Fixed sample. 10 years ago
example Removed the name vector and added the context data in semantic action. 10 years ago
lint Changed the interfaces. 10 years ago
test Fixed sample. 10 years ago
.gitignore Updated .gitignore. 10 years ago
LICENSE Initial commit 10 years ago Fixed sample. 10 years ago
peglib.h Added 'anchor' support. Removed implecit cast operators from 'any'. 10 years ago


C++11 header-only PEG (Parsing Expression Grammars) library.

cpp-peglib tries to provide more expressive parsing experience in a simple way. This library depends on only one header file. So, you can start using it right away just by including peglib.h in your project.

The PEG syntax is well described on page 2 in the document. cpp-peglib also supports the following additional syntax for now:

  • < and > (Capture operators)

How to use

This is a simple calculator sample. It shows how to define grammar, associate samantic actions to the grammar and handle semantic values.

#include <assert.h>

// (1) Include the header file
#include <peglib.h>

using namespace peglib;
using namespace std;

int main(void) {

    // (2) Make a parser
    auto syntax = R"(
        # Grammar for Calculator...
        Additive  <- Multitive '+' Additive / Multitive
        Multitive <- Primary '*' Multitive / Primary
        Primary   <- '(' Additive ')' / Number
        Number    <- [0-9]+

    peg parser(syntax);

    // (3) Setup an action
    parser["Additive"] = {
        nullptr,                                      // Default action
        [](const vector<any>& v) {
            return v[0].get<int>() + v[1].get<int>(); // 1st choice
        [](const vector<any>& v) { return v[0]; }     // 2nd choice

    parser["Multitive"] = {
        nullptr,                                      // Default action
        [](const vector<any>& v) {
            return v[0].get<int>() * v[1].get<int>(); // 1st choice
        [](const vector<any>& v) { return v[0]; }     // 2nd choice

    /* This action is not necessary.
    parser["Primary"] = [](const vector<any>& v) {
        return v[0];

    parser["Number"] = [](const char* s, size_t l) {
        return stoi(string(s, l), nullptr, 10);

    // (4) Parse
    int val;
    parser.parse("(1+2)*3", val);

    assert(val == 9);

Here is a complete list of available actions:

[](const char* s, size_t l, const std::vector<peglib::any>& v, any& c)
[](const char* s, size_t l, const std::vector<peglib::any>& v)
[](const char* s, size_t l)
[](const std::vector<peglib::any>& v, any& c)
[](const std::vector<peglib::any>& v)

const char* s, size_t l gives a pointer and length of the matched string.

const std::vector<peglib::any>& v contains semantic values. peglib::any class is very similar to boost::any. You can obtain a value by castning it to the actual type. In order to determine the actual type, you have to check the return value type of the child action for the semantic value.

any& c is a context data which can be used by the user for whatever purposes.

The following example uses < and > operators. They are the capture operators. Each capture operator creates a semantic value that contains const char* of the position. It could be useful to eliminate unnecessary characters.

auto syntax = R"(
    ROOT  <- _ TOKEN (',' _ TOKEN)*
    TOKEN <- < [a-z0-9]+ > _
    _     <- [ \t\r\n]*

peg pg(syntax);

pg["TOKEN"] = [](const char* s, size_t l, const vector<any>& v) {
    auto b = v[0].get<const char*>(); // '<'
    auto e = v[1].get<const char*>(); // '>'
    auto token = string(b, e - b);    // 'token' doesn't include trailing whitespaces

auto ret = pg.parse(" token1, token2 ");

Simple interface

cpp-peglib provides std::regex-like simple interface for trivial tasks.

peglib::peg_match tries to capture strings in the < ... > operator and store them into peglib::match object.

peglib::match m;
auto ret = peglib::peg_match(
        ROOT      <-  _ ('[' < TAG_NAME > ']' _)*
        TAG_NAME  <-  (!']' .)+
        _         <-  [ \t]*
    " [tag1] [tag:2] [tag-3] ",

assert(ret == true);
assert(m.size() == 4);
assert(m.str(1) == "tag1");
assert(m.str(2) == "tag:2");
assert(m.str(3) == "tag-3");

There are some ways to search a peg pattern in a document.

using namespace peglib;

auto syntax = R"(
ROOT <- '[' < [a-z0-9]+ > ']'

auto s = " [tag1] [tag2] [tag3] ";

// peglib::peg_search
peg pg(syntax);
size_t pos = 0;
auto l = strlen(s);
match m;
while (peg_search(pg, s + pos, l - pos, m)) {
  cout << m.str()  << endl; // entire match
  cout << m.str(1) << endl; // submatch #1
  pos += m.length();

// peglib::peg_token_iterator
peg_token_iterator it(syntax, s);
while (it != peg_token_iterator()) {
  cout << it->str()  << endl; // entire match
  cout << it->str(1) << endl; // submatch #1

// peglib::peg_token_range
for (auto& m: peg_token_range(syntax, s)) {
  cout << m.str()  << endl; // entire match
  cout << m.str(1) << endl; // submatch #1

Make a parser with parser operators

Instead of makeing a parser by parsing PEG syntax text, we can also construct a parser by hand with parser operators. Here is an example:

using namespace peglib;
using namespace std;

vector<string> tags;

Definition ROOT, TAG_NAME, _;
ROOT     <= seq(_, zom(seq(chr('['), TAG_NAME, chr(']'), _)));
TAG_NAME <= oom(seq(npd(chr(']')), dot())), [&](const char* s, size_t l) {
                tags.push_back(string(s, l));
_        <= zom(cls(" \t"));

auto ret = ROOT.parse(" [tag1] [tag:2] [tag-3] ");

The following are available operators:

Operator Description
seq Sequence
cho Prioritized Choice
zom Zero or More
oom One or More
opt Optional
apd And predicate
npd Not predicate
lit Literal string
cls Character class
chr Character
dot Any character

Sample codes

Tested Compilers

  • Visual Studio 2013
  • Clang 3.5


  • Linear-time parsing (Packrat parsing)
  • Optimization of grammars
  • Unicode support

Other C++ PEG parser libraries

Thanks to the authors of the libraries that inspired cpp-peglib.

  • Boost Spirit X3 - A set of C++ libraries for parsing and output generation implemented as Domain Specific Embedded Languages (DSEL) using Expression templates and Template Meta-Programming
  • PEGTL - Parsing Expression Grammar Template Library
  • lars::Parser - A header-only linear-time c++ parsing expression grammar (PEG) parser generator supporting left-recursion and grammar ambiguity


MIT license (© 2015 Yuji Hirose)