#include "jade.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include class MyApp: public wxApp { // override base class virtuals // ---------------------------- public: virtual bool OnInit(); virtual int OnExit(); /* Sub that Responds to idle event */ void OnIdle(wxIdleEvent& event); private: bool m_exitIfNoMainWindow; wxHtmlHelpController* help; wxFileName fName; DECLARE_EVENT_TABLE() }; /* Connect to idle event */ BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(MyApp, wxApp) EVT_IDLE(MyApp::OnIdle) END_EVENT_TABLE() /* Implement the Application Object */ IMPLEMENT_APP(MyApp) /* Initialize Application */ FUNCTION BOOL MyApp::OnInit() DO INT i; /* Used as Exit status flag */ m_exitIfNoMainWindow = FALSE; /* Assign the name of the HelpFile to the wxFileName object */ fName.Assign( wxT("book.htb") ); /* Dont exit immediately when app window is closed */ #ifdef __APPLE__ SetExitOnFrameDelete(false); #endif /* Initialize all available image handlers */ wxInitAllImageHandlers(); /* Enable virtual Zip FileSystem */ wxFileSystem::AddHandler(new wxZipFSHandler); /* Set the Application Name (NOT SHOWN ON TITLEBAR!) */ SetAppName( wxT("Help Viewer") ); /* Initialize the HelpController Object */ help = new wxHtmlHelpController(wxHF_DEFAULT_STYLE|wxHF_OPEN_FILES); /* Add the HelpFile to the HelpController */ help->AddBook(fName); /* Show the HelpFile */ help->DisplayContents(); /* Set the Help windows as topmost */ SetTopWindow( help->GetFrame() ); /* Set the exit flag to true */ m_exitIfNoMainWindow = TRUE; RETURN TRUE; ENDFUNCTION /* Idle Event */ SUB MyApp::OnIdle(wxIdleEvent &event) DO /* Exit if Window is closed */ IF (m_exitIfNoMainWindow AND NOT GetTopWindow()) THEN ExitMainLoop(); ENDIF /* Sort of like DoEvents */ event.Skip(); event.RequestMore(); ENDSUB /* Called when Application Exits */ FUNCTION INT MyApp::OnExit() DO /* Delete the HelpController Object */ delete help; RETURN 0; ENDFUNCTION