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.TH mxml 3 "Mini-XML API" "10/01/18" "Mini-XML API"
mxml \- Mini-XML API
#include <mxml.h>
Mini-XML is a small XML parsing library that you can use to
read XML and XML-like data files in your application without
requiring large non-standard libraries. Mini-XML only
requires an ANSI C compatible compiler (GCC works, as do
most vendors' ANSI C compilers) and a "make" program.
Mini-XML provides the following functionality:
.IP \(bu 4
Reading of UTF-8 and UTF-16 and writing of UTF-8 encoded XML files and strings.
.IP \(bu 4
Data is stored in a linked-list tree structure,
preserving the XML data hierarchy.
.IP \(bu 4
Supports arbitrary element names, attributes, and attribute
values with no preset limits, just available memory.
.IP \(bu 4
Supports integer, real, opaque ("CDATA"), and text data types in
"leaf" nodes.
.IP \(bu 4
Functions for creating, indexing, and managing trees of data.
.IP \(bu 4
"Find" and "walk" functions for easily locating and navigating
trees of data.
Mini-XML doesn't do validation or other types of processing
on the data based upon schema files or other sources of
definition information, nor does it support character
entities other than those required by the XML
Mini-XML provides a single header file which you include:
#include <mxml.h>
Nodes are defined by the "mxml_node_t" structure; the "type"
member defines the node type (element, integer, opaque,
real, or text) which determines which value you want to look
at in the "value" union. New nodes can be created using the
"mxmlNewElement()", "mxmlNewInteger()", "mxmlNewOpaque()",
"mxmlNewReal()", and "mxmlNewText()" functions. Only
elements can have child nodes, and the top node must be an
element, usually "?xml".
You load an XML file using the "mxmlLoadFile()" function:
FILE *fp;
mxml_node_t *tree;
fp = fopen("filename.xml", "r");
tree = mxmlLoadFile(NULL, fp, MXML_NO_CALLBACK);
Similarly, you save an XML file using the "mxmlSaveFile()"
FILE *fp;
mxml_node_t *tree;
fp = fopen("filename.xml", "w");
mxmlSaveFile(tree, fp, MXML_NO_CALLBACK);
The "mxmlLoadString()", "mxmlSaveAllocString()", and
"mxmlSaveString()" functions load XML node trees from and save
XML node trees to strings:
char buffer[8192];
char *ptr;
mxml_node_t *tree;
tree = mxmlLoadString(NULL, buffer, MXML_NO_CALLBACK);
mxmlSaveString(tree, buffer, sizeof(buffer),
ptr = mxmlSaveAllocString(tree, MXML_NO_CALLBACK);
You can find a named element/node using the "mxmlFindElement()"
mxml_node_t *node = mxmlFindElement(tree, tree, "name",
"attr", "value",
The "name", "attr", and "value" arguments can be passed as
NULL to act as wildcards, e.g.:
/* Find the first "a" element */
node = mxmlFindElement(tree, tree, "a", NULL, NULL,
/* Find the first "a" element with "href" attribute */
node = mxmlFindElement(tree, tree, "a", "href", NULL,
/* Find the first "a" element with "href" to a URL */
node = mxmlFindElement(tree, tree, "a", "href",
/* Find the first element with a "src" attribute*/
node = mxmlFindElement(tree, tree, NULL, "src", NULL,
/* Find the first element with a "src" = "foo.jpg" */
node = mxmlFindElement(tree, tree, NULL, "src",
"foo.jpg", MXML_DESCEND);
You can also iterate with the same function:
mxml_node_t *node;
for (node = mxmlFindElement(tree, tree, "name", NULL,
node != NULL;
node = mxmlFindElement(node, tree, "name", NULL,
... do something ...
To find the value of a specific node in the tree, use the "mxmlFindPath()"
mxml_node_t *value = mxmlFindPath(tree, "path/to/*/foo/bar");
The "mxmlGetInteger()", "mxmlGetOpaque()", "mxmlGetReal()", and "mxmlGetText()"
functions retrieve the value from a node:
mxml_node_t *node;
int intvalue = mxmlGetInteger(node);
const char *opaquevalue = mxmlGetOpaque(node);
double realvalue = mxmlGetReal(node);
int whitespacevalue;
const char *textvalue = mxmlGetText(node, &whitespacevalue);
Finally, once you are done with the XML data, use the
"mxmlDelete()" function to recursively free the memory that
is used for a particular node or the entire tree:
.SS mxml_sax_event_e
SAX event type.
.TP 5
CDATA node
.TP 5
Comment node
.TP 5
Data node
.TP 5
Processing directive node
.TP 5
Element closed
.TP 5
Element opened
.SS mxml_type_e
The XML node type.
.TP 5
Custom data
.TP 5
XML element with attributes
.TP 5
Ignore/throw away node
.TP 5
Integer value
.TP 5
Opaque string
.TP 5
Real value
.TP 5
Text fragment
.SS mxmlAdd
Add a node to a tree.
void mxmlAdd (
mxml_node_t *parent,
int where,
mxml_node_t *child,
mxml_node_t *node
Adds the specified node to the parent. If the child argument is not
\fBNULL\fR, puts the new node before or after the specified child depending
on the value of the where argument. If the child argument is \fBNULL\fR,
puts the new node at the beginning of the child list (\fBMXML_ADD_BEFORE\fR)
or at the end of the child list (\fBMXML_ADD_AFTER\fR). The constant
\fBMXML_ADD_TO_PARENT\fR can be used to specify a \fBNULL\fR child pointer.
.SS mxmlDelete
Delete a node and all of its children.
void mxmlDelete (
mxml_node_t *node
If the specified node has a parent, this function first removes the
node from its parent using the \fImxmlRemove\fR function.
.SS mxmlElementDeleteAttr
Delete an attribute.
void mxmlElementDeleteAttr (
mxml_node_t *node,
const char *name
.SS mxmlElementGetAttr
Get an attribute.
const char * mxmlElementGetAttr (
mxml_node_t *node,
const char *name
This function returns \fBNULL\fR if the node is not an element or the
named attribute does not exist.
.SS mxmlElementGetAttrByIndex
Get an element attribute by index.
const char * mxmlElementGetAttrByIndex (
mxml_node_t *node,
int idx,
const char **name
The index ("idx") is 0-based. \fBNULL\fR is returned if the specified index
is out of range.
.SS mxmlElementGetAttrCount
Get the number of element attributes.
int mxmlElementGetAttrCount (
mxml_node_t *node
.SS mxmlElementSetAttr
Set an attribute.
void mxmlElementSetAttr (
mxml_node_t *node,
const char *name,
const char *value
If the named attribute already exists, the value of the attribute
is replaced by the new string value. The string value is copied
into the element node. This function does nothing if the node is
not an element.
.SS mxmlElementSetAttrf
Set an attribute with a formatted value.
void mxmlElementSetAttrf (
mxml_node_t *node,
const char *name,
const char *format,
If the named attribute already exists, the value of the attribute
is replaced by the new formatted string. The formatted string value is
copied into the element node. This function does nothing if the node
is not an element.
.SS mxmlEntityAddCallback
Add a callback to convert entities to Unicode.
int mxmlEntityAddCallback (
mxml_entity_cb_t cb
.SS mxmlEntityGetName
Get the name that corresponds to the character value.
const char * mxmlEntityGetName (
int val
If val does not need to be represented by a named entity, \fBNULL\fR is returned.
.SS mxmlEntityGetValue
Get the character corresponding to a named entity.
int mxmlEntityGetValue (
const char *name
The entity name can also be a numeric constant. -1 is returned if the
name is not known.
.SS mxmlEntityRemoveCallback
Remove a callback.
void mxmlEntityRemoveCallback (
mxml_entity_cb_t cb
.SS mxmlFindElement
Find the named element.
mxml_node_t * mxmlFindElement (
mxml_node_t *node,
mxml_node_t *top,
const char *element,
const char *attr,
const char *value,
int descend
The search is constrained by the name, attribute name, and value; any
\fBNULL\fR names or values are treated as wildcards, so different kinds of
searches can be implemented by looking for all elements of a given name
or all elements with a specific attribute. The descend argument determines
whether the search descends into child nodes; normally you will use
\fBMXML_DESCEND_FIRST\fR for the initial search and \fBMXML_NO_DESCEND\fR
to find additional direct descendents of the node. The top node argument
constrains the search to a particular node's children.
.SS mxmlFindPath
Find a node with the given path.
mxml_node_t * mxmlFindPath (
mxml_node_t *top,
const char *path
The "path" is a slash-separated list of element names. The name "*" is
considered a wildcard for one or more levels of elements. For example,
"foo/one/two", "bar/two/one", "*/one", and so forth.
The first child node of the found node is returned if the given node has
children and the first child is a value node.
.SS mxmlGetCDATA
Get the value for a CDATA node.
const char * mxmlGetCDATA (
mxml_node_t *node
\fBNULL\fR is returned if the node is not a CDATA element.
.SS mxmlGetCustom
Get the value for a custom node.
const void * mxmlGetCustom (
mxml_node_t *node
\fBNULL\fR is returned if the node (or its first child) is not a custom
value node.
.SS mxmlGetElement
Get the name for an element node.
const char * mxmlGetElement (
mxml_node_t *node
\fBNULL\fR is returned if the node is not an element node.
.SS mxmlGetFirstChild
Get the first child of an element node.
mxml_node_t * mxmlGetFirstChild (
mxml_node_t *node
\fBNULL\fR is returned if the node is not an element node or if the node
has no children.
.SS mxmlGetInteger
Get the integer value from the specified node or its
first child.
int mxmlGetInteger (
mxml_node_t *node
0 is returned if the node (or its first child) is not an integer value node.
.SS mxmlGetLastChild
Get the last child of an element node.
mxml_node_t * mxmlGetLastChild (
mxml_node_t *node
\fBNULL\fR is returned if the node is not an element node or if the node
has no children.
.SS mxmlGetNextSibling
mxml_node_t * mxmlGetNextSibling (
mxml_node_t *node
.SS mxmlGetOpaque
Get an opaque string value for a node or its first child.
const char * mxmlGetOpaque (
mxml_node_t *node
\fBNULL\fR is returned if the node (or its first child) is not an opaque
value node.
.SS mxmlGetParent
Get the parent node.
mxml_node_t * mxmlGetParent (
mxml_node_t *node
\fBNULL\fR is returned for a root node.
.SS mxmlGetPrevSibling
Get the previous node for the current parent.
mxml_node_t * mxmlGetPrevSibling (
mxml_node_t *node
\fBNULL\fR is returned if this is the first child for the current parent.
.SS mxmlGetReal
Get the real value for a node or its first child.
double mxmlGetReal (
mxml_node_t *node
0.0 is returned if the node (or its first child) is not a real value node.
.SS mxmlGetRefCount
Get the current reference (use) count for a node.
int mxmlGetRefCount (
mxml_node_t *node
The initial reference count of new nodes is 1. Use the \fImxmlRetain\fR
and \fImxmlRelease\fR functions to increment and decrement a node's
reference count.
.SS mxmlGetText
Get the text value for a node or its first child.
const char * mxmlGetText (
mxml_node_t *node,
int *whitespace
\fBNULL\fR is returned if the node (or its first child) is not a text node.
The "whitespace" argument can be \fBNULL\fR.
Note: Text nodes consist of whitespace-delimited words. You will only get
single words of text when reading an XML file with \fBMXML_TEXT\fR nodes.
If you want the entire string between elements in the XML file, you MUST read
the XML file with \fBMXML_OPAQUE\fR nodes and get the resulting strings
using the \fImxmlGetOpaque\fR function instead.
.SS mxmlGetType
Get the node type.
mxml_type_t mxmlGetType (
mxml_node_t *node
\fBMXML_IGNORE\fR is returned if "node" is \fBNULL\fR.
.SS mxmlGetUserData
Get the user data pointer for a node.
void * mxmlGetUserData (
mxml_node_t *node
.SS mxmlIndexDelete
Delete an index.
void mxmlIndexDelete (
mxml_index_t *ind
.SS mxmlIndexEnum
Return the next node in the index.
mxml_node_t * mxmlIndexEnum (
mxml_index_t *ind
You should call \fImxmlIndexReset\fR prior to using this function to get
the first node in the index. Nodes are returned in the sorted order of the
.SS mxmlIndexFind
Find the next matching node.
mxml_node_t * mxmlIndexFind (
mxml_index_t *ind,
const char *element,
const char *value
You should call \fImxmlIndexReset\fR prior to using this function for
the first time with a particular set of "element" and "value"
strings. Passing \fBNULL\fR for both "element" and "value" is equivalent
to calling \fImxmlIndexEnum\fR.
.SS mxmlIndexGetCount
Get the number of nodes in an index.
int mxmlIndexGetCount (
mxml_index_t *ind
.SS mxmlIndexNew
Create a new index.
mxml_index_t * mxmlIndexNew (
mxml_node_t *node,
const char *element,
const char *attr
The index will contain all nodes that contain the named element and/or
attribute. If both "element" and "attr" are \fBNULL\fR, then the index will
contain a sorted list of the elements in the node tree. Nodes are
sorted by element name and optionally by attribute value if the "attr"
argument is not NULL.
.SS mxmlIndexReset
Reset the enumeration/find pointer in the index and
return the first node in the index.
mxml_node_t * mxmlIndexReset (
mxml_index_t *ind
This function should be called prior to using \fImxmlIndexEnum\fR or
\fImxmlIndexFind\fR for the first time.
.SS mxmlLoadFd
Load a file descriptor into an XML node tree.
mxml_node_t * mxmlLoadFd (
mxml_node_t *top,
int fd,
mxml_load_cb_t cb
The nodes in the specified file are added to the specified top node.
If no top node is provided, the XML file MUST be well-formed with a
single parent node like <?xml> for the entire file. The callback
function returns the value type that should be used for child nodes.
loading child (data) nodes of the specified type.
Note: The most common programming error when using the Mini-XML library is
to load an XML file using the \fBMXML_TEXT_CALLBACK\fR, which returns inline
text as a series of whitespace-delimited words, instead of using the
\fBMXML_OPAQUE_CALLBACK\fR which returns the inline text as a single string
(including whitespace).
.SS mxmlLoadFile
Load a file into an XML node tree.
mxml_node_t * mxmlLoadFile (
mxml_node_t *top,
FILE *fp,
mxml_load_cb_t cb
The nodes in the specified file are added to the specified top node.
If no top node is provided, the XML file MUST be well-formed with a
single parent node like <?xml> for the entire file. The callback
function returns the value type that should be used for child nodes.
loading child (data) nodes of the specified type.
Note: The most common programming error when using the Mini-XML library is
to load an XML file using the \fBMXML_TEXT_CALLBACK\fR, which returns inline
text as a series of whitespace-delimited words, instead of using the
\fBMXML_OPAQUE_CALLBACK\fR which returns the inline text as a single string
(including whitespace).
.SS mxmlLoadString
Load a string into an XML node tree.
mxml_node_t * mxmlLoadString (
mxml_node_t *top,
const char *s,
mxml_load_cb_t cb
The nodes in the specified string are added to the specified top node.
If no top node is provided, the XML string MUST be well-formed with a
single parent node like <?xml> for the entire string. The callback
function returns the value type that should be used for child nodes.
loading child (data) nodes of the specified type.
Note: The most common programming error when using the Mini-XML library is
to load an XML file using the \fBMXML_TEXT_CALLBACK\fR, which returns inline
text as a series of whitespace-delimited words, instead of using the
\fBMXML_OPAQUE_CALLBACK\fR which returns the inline text as a single string
(including whitespace).
.SS mxmlNewCDATA
Create a new CDATA node.
mxml_node_t * mxmlNewCDATA (
mxml_node_t *parent,
const char *data
The new CDATA node is added to the end of the specified parent's child
list. The constant \fBMXML_NO_PARENT\fR can be used to specify that the new
CDATA node has no parent. The data string must be nul-terminated and
is copied into the new node. CDATA nodes currently use the
.SS mxmlNewCustom
Create a new custom data node.
mxml_node_t * mxmlNewCustom (
mxml_node_t *parent,
void *data,
mxml_custom_destroy_cb_t destroy
The new custom node is added to the end of the specified parent's child
list. The constant \fBMXML_NO_PARENT\fR can be used to specify that the new
element node has no parent. \fBNULL\fR can be passed when the data in the
node is not dynamically allocated or is separately managed.
.SS mxmlNewElement
Create a new element node.
mxml_node_t * mxmlNewElement (
mxml_node_t *parent,
const char *name
The new element node is added to the end of the specified parent's child
list. The constant \fBMXML_NO_PARENT\fR can be used to specify that the new
element node has no parent.
.SS mxmlNewInteger
Create a new integer node.
mxml_node_t * mxmlNewInteger (
mxml_node_t *parent,
int integer
The new integer node is added to the end of the specified parent's child
list. The constant \fBMXML_NO_PARENT\fR can be used to specify that the new
integer node has no parent.
.SS mxmlNewOpaque
Create a new opaque string.
mxml_node_t * mxmlNewOpaque (
mxml_node_t *parent,
const char *opaque
The new opaque string node is added to the end of the specified parent's
child list. The constant \fBMXML_NO_PARENT\fR can be used to specify that
the new opaque string node has no parent. The opaque string must be nul-
terminated and is copied into the new node.
.SS mxmlNewOpaquef
Create a new formatted opaque string node.
mxml_node_t * mxmlNewOpaquef (
mxml_node_t *parent,
const char *format,
The new opaque string node is added to the end of the specified parent's
child list. The constant \fBMXML_NO_PARENT\fR can be used to specify that
the new opaque string node has no parent. The format string must be
nul-terminated and is formatted into the new node.
.SS mxmlNewReal
Create a new real number node.
mxml_node_t * mxmlNewReal (
mxml_node_t *parent,
double real
The new real number node is added to the end of the specified parent's
child list. The constant \fBMXML_NO_PARENT\fR can be used to specify that
the new real number node has no parent.
.SS mxmlNewText
Create a new text fragment node.
mxml_node_t * mxmlNewText (
mxml_node_t *parent,
int whitespace,
const char *string
The new text node is added to the end of the specified parent's child
list. The constant \fBMXML_NO_PARENT\fR can be used to specify that the new
text node has no parent. The whitespace parameter is used to specify
whether leading whitespace is present before the node. The text
string must be nul-terminated and is copied into the new node.
.SS mxmlNewTextf
Create a new formatted text fragment node.
mxml_node_t * mxmlNewTextf (
mxml_node_t *parent,
int whitespace,
const char *format,
The new text node is added to the end of the specified parent's child
list. The constant \fBMXML_NO_PARENT\fR can be used to specify that the new
text node has no parent. The whitespace parameter is used to specify
whether leading whitespace is present before the node. The format
string must be nul-terminated and is formatted into the new node.
.SS mxmlNewXML
Create a new XML document tree.
mxml_node_t * mxmlNewXML (
const char *version
The "version" argument specifies the version number to put in the
?xml element node. If \fBNULL\fR, version "1.0" is assumed.
.SS mxmlRelease
Release a node.
int mxmlRelease (
mxml_node_t *node
When the reference count reaches zero, the node (and any children)
is deleted via \fImxmlDelete\fR.
.SS mxmlRemove
Remove a node from its parent.
void mxmlRemove (
mxml_node_t *node
This function does not free memory used by the node - use \fImxmlDelete\fR
for that. This function does nothing if the node has no parent.
.SS mxmlRetain
Retain a node.
int mxmlRetain (
mxml_node_t *node
.SS mxmlSAXLoadFd
Load a file descriptor into an XML node tree
using a SAX callback.
mxml_node_t * mxmlSAXLoadFd (
mxml_node_t *top,
int fd,
mxml_load_cb_t cb,
mxml_sax_cb_t sax_cb,
void *sax_data
The nodes in the specified file are added to the specified top node.
If no top node is provided, the XML file MUST be well-formed with a
single parent node like <?xml> for the entire file. The callback
function returns the value type that should be used for child nodes.
loading child nodes of the specified type.
The SAX callback must call \fImxmlRetain\fR for any nodes that need to
be kept for later use. Otherwise, nodes are deleted when the parent
node is closed or after each data, comment, CDATA, or directive node.
.SS mxmlSAXLoadFile
Load a file into an XML node tree
using a SAX callback.
mxml_node_t * mxmlSAXLoadFile (
mxml_node_t *top,
FILE *fp,
mxml_load_cb_t cb,
mxml_sax_cb_t sax_cb,
void *sax_data
The nodes in the specified file are added to the specified top node.
If no top node is provided, the XML file MUST be well-formed with a
single parent node like <?xml> for the entire file. The callback
function returns the value type that should be used for child nodes.
loading child nodes of the specified type.
The SAX callback must call \fImxmlRetain\fR for any nodes that need to
be kept for later use. Otherwise, nodes are deleted when the parent
node is closed or after each data, comment, CDATA, or directive node.
.SS mxmlSAXLoadString
Load a string into an XML node tree
using a SAX callback.
mxml_node_t * mxmlSAXLoadString (
mxml_node_t *top,
const char *s,
mxml_load_cb_t cb,
mxml_sax_cb_t sax_cb,
void *sax_data
The nodes in the specified string are added to the specified top node.
If no top node is provided, the XML string MUST be well-formed with a
single parent node like <?xml> for the entire string. The callback
function returns the value type that should be used for child nodes.
loading child nodes of the specified type.
The SAX callback must call \fImxmlRetain\fR for any nodes that need to
be kept for later use. Otherwise, nodes are deleted when the parent
node is closed or after each data, comment, CDATA, or directive node.
.SS mxmlSaveAllocString
Save an XML tree to an allocated string.
char * mxmlSaveAllocString (
mxml_node_t *node,
mxml_save_cb_t cb
This function returns a pointer to a string containing the textual
representation of the XML node tree. The string should be freed
using the free() function when you are done with it. \fBNULL\fR is returned
if the node would produce an empty string or if the string cannot be
The callback argument specifies a function that returns a whitespace
string or NULL before and after each element. If \fBMXML_NO_CALLBACK\fR
is specified, whitespace will only be added before \fBMXML_TEXT\fR nodes
with leading whitespace and before attribute names inside opening
element tags.
.SS mxmlSaveFd
Save an XML tree to a file descriptor.
int mxmlSaveFd (
mxml_node_t *node,
int fd,
mxml_save_cb_t cb
The callback argument specifies a function that returns a whitespace
string or NULL before and after each element. If \fBMXML_NO_CALLBACK\fR
is specified, whitespace will only be added before \fBMXML_TEXT\fR nodes
with leading whitespace and before attribute names inside opening
element tags.
.SS mxmlSaveFile
Save an XML tree to a file.
int mxmlSaveFile (
mxml_node_t *node,
FILE *fp,
mxml_save_cb_t cb
The callback argument specifies a function that returns a whitespace
string or NULL before and after each element. If \fBMXML_NO_CALLBACK\fR
is specified, whitespace will only be added before \fBMXML_TEXT\fR nodes
with leading whitespace and before attribute names inside opening
element tags.
.SS mxmlSaveString
Save an XML node tree to a string.
int mxmlSaveString (
mxml_node_t *node,
char *buffer,
int bufsize,
mxml_save_cb_t cb
This function returns the total number of bytes that would be
required for the string but only copies (bufsize - 1) characters
into the specified buffer.
The callback argument specifies a function that returns a whitespace
string or NULL before and after each element. If \fBMXML_NO_CALLBACK\fR
is specified, whitespace will only be added before \fBMXML_TEXT\fR nodes
with leading whitespace and before attribute names inside opening
element tags.
.SS mxmlSetCDATA
Set the element name of a CDATA node.
int mxmlSetCDATA (
mxml_node_t *node,
const char *data
The node is not changed if it (or its first child) is not a CDATA element node.
.SS mxmlSetCustom
Set the data and destructor of a custom data node.
int mxmlSetCustom (
mxml_node_t *node,
void *data,
mxml_custom_destroy_cb_t destroy
The node is not changed if it (or its first child) is not a custom node.
.SS mxmlSetCustomHandlers
Set the handling functions for custom data.
void mxmlSetCustomHandlers (
mxml_custom_load_cb_t load,
mxml_custom_save_cb_t save
The load function accepts a node pointer and a data string and must
return 0 on success and non-zero on error.
The save function accepts a node pointer and must return a malloc'd
string on success and \fBNULL\fR on error.
.SS mxmlSetElement
Set the name of an element node.
int mxmlSetElement (
mxml_node_t *node,
const char *name
The node is not changed if it is not an element node.
.SS mxmlSetErrorCallback
Set the error message callback.
void mxmlSetErrorCallback (
mxml_error_cb_t cb
.SS mxmlSetInteger
Set the value of an integer node.
int mxmlSetInteger (
mxml_node_t *node,
int integer
The node is not changed if it (or its first child) is not an integer node.
.SS mxmlSetOpaque
Set the value of an opaque node.
int mxmlSetOpaque (
mxml_node_t *node,
const char *opaque
The node is not changed if it (or its first child) is not an opaque node.
.SS mxmlSetOpaquef
Set the value of an opaque string node to a formatted string.
int mxmlSetOpaquef (
mxml_node_t *node,
const char *format,
The node is not changed if it (or its first child) is not an opaque node.
.SS mxmlSetReal
Set the value of a real number node.
int mxmlSetReal (
mxml_node_t *node,
double real
The node is not changed if it (or its first child) is not a real number node.
.SS mxmlSetText
Set the value of a text node.
int mxmlSetText (
mxml_node_t *node,
int whitespace,
const char *string
The node is not changed if it (or its first child) is not a text node.
.SS mxmlSetTextf
Set the value of a text node to a formatted string.
int mxmlSetTextf (
mxml_node_t *node,
int whitespace,
const char *format,
The node is not changed if it (or its first child) is not a text node.
.SS mxmlSetUserData
Set the user data pointer for a node.
int mxmlSetUserData (
mxml_node_t *node,
void *data
.SS mxmlSetWrapMargin
Set the wrap margin when saving XML data.
void mxmlSetWrapMargin (
int column
Wrapping is disabled when "column" is 0.
.SS mxmlWalkNext
Walk to the next logical node in the tree.
mxml_node_t * mxmlWalkNext (
mxml_node_t *node,
mxml_node_t *top,
int descend
The descend argument controls whether the first child is considered
to be the next node. The top node argument constrains the walk to
the node's children.
.SS mxmlWalkPrev
Walk to the previous logical node in the tree.
mxml_node_t * mxmlWalkPrev (
mxml_node_t *node,
mxml_node_t *top,
int descend
The descend argument controls whether the previous node's last child
is considered to be the previous node. The top node argument constrains
the walk to the node's children.
.SS mxml_custom_destroy_cb_t
Custom data destructor
typedef void(*)(void *) mxml_custom_destroy_cb_t;
.SS mxml_custom_load_cb_t
Custom data load callback function
typedef int(*)(mxml_node_t *, const char *) mxml_custom_load_cb_t;
.SS mxml_custom_save_cb_t
Custom data save callback function
typedef char *(*)(mxml_node_t *) mxml_custom_save_cb_t;
.SS mxml_entity_cb_t
Entity callback function
typedef int(*)(const char *) mxml_entity_cb_t;
.SS mxml_error_cb_t
Error callback function
typedef void(*)(const char *) mxml_error_cb_t;
.SS mxml_index_t
An XML node index.
typedef struct mxml_index_s mxml_index_t;
.SS mxml_load_cb_t
Load callback function
typedef mxml_type_t(*)(mxml_node_t *) mxml_load_cb_t;
.SS mxml_node_t
An XML node.
typedef struct mxml_node_s mxml_node_t;
.SS mxml_save_cb_t
Save callback function
typedef const char *(*)(mxml_node_t *, int) mxml_save_cb_t;
.SS mxml_sax_cb_t
SAX callback function
typedef void(*)(mxml_node_t *, mxml_sax_event_t, void *) mxml_sax_cb_t;
.SS mxml_sax_event_t
SAX event type.
typedef enum mxml_sax_event_e mxml_sax_event_t;
.SS mxml_type_t
The XML node type.
typedef enum mxml_type_e mxml_type_t;
mxmldoc(1), Mini-XML Programmers Manual,
Copyright \[co] 2003-2017 by Michael R Sweet.