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<H2><A NAME="5_2">Commenting Your Code</A></H2>
<P>As noted previously, <TT>mxmldoc</TT> looks for in-line comments to
describe the functions, types, and constants in your code. <TT>Mxmldoc</TT>
will document all public names it finds in your source files - any
names starting with the underscore character (_) or names that are
documented with the <A HREF="#ATDIRECTIVES">@private@</A> directive are
treated as private and are undocumented.</P>
<P>Comments appearing directly before a function or type definition are
used to document that function or type. Comments appearing after
argument, definition, return type, or variable declarations are used to
document that argument, definition, return type, or variable. For
example, the following code excerpt defines a key/value structure and a
function that creates a new instance of that structure:</P>
/* A key/value pair. This is used with the
dictionary structure. */
struct keyval
char *key; /* Key string */
char *val; /* Value string */
/* Create a new key/value pair. */
struct keyval * /* New key/value pair */
const char *key, /* Key string */
const char *val) /* Value string */
<P><TT>Mxmldoc</TT> also knows to remove extra asterisks (*) from the
comment string, so the comment string:</P>
* Compute the value of PI.
* The function connects to an Internet server
* that streams audio of mathematical monks
* chanting the first 100 digits of PI.
<P>will be shown as:</P>
Compute the value of PI.
The function connects to an Internet server
that streams audio of mathematical monks
chanting the first 100 digits of PI.
<P><A name="ATDIRECTIVES">Comments</A> can also include the following
special <TT>@name ...@</TT> directive strings:</P>
<LI><TT>@deprecated@</TT> - flags the item as deprecated to discourage
its use</LI>
<LI><TT>@private@</TT> - flags the item as private so it will not be
included in the documentation</LI>
<LI><TT>@since ...@</TT> - flags the item as new since a particular
release. The text following the <TT>@since</TT> up to the closing <TT>@</TT>
is highlighted in the generated documentation, e.g. <TT>@since CUPS
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