You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

93 lines
2.9 KiB

21 years ago
// "$Id: index.php,v 1.3 2004/05/19 14:02:38 mike Exp $"
21 years ago
// Mini-XML home page...
include_once "phplib/html.php";
include_once "phplib/common.php";
21 years ago
print("<h1 align='center'>Mini-XML Home Page</h1>");
print("<p><table width='100%' height='100%' border='0' cellpadding='0' "
."<tr><td valign='top' width='40%'>");
html_start_table(array("Quick Info"), "100%", "100%");
."<p align='center'>Stable Release: <a href='software.php?1.3'>v1.3, "
."December 21, 2003</a><br />"
."Developer Release: <a href='software.php?2.0rc1'>v2.0rc1, "
."May 20, 2004</a></p>\n"
."<small><p>Mini-XML is a small XML parsing library that you can use to "
."read XML and XML-like data files in your application without "
."requiring large non-standard libraries. Mini-XML only requires "
."an ANSI C compatible compiler (GCC works, as do most vendors' "
."ANSI C compilers) and a 'make' program.</p>\n"
."<p>Mini-XML provides the following functionality:</p>\n"
."<li>Reading of UTF-8 and UTF-16 and writing of UTF-8 encoded "
."XML files and strings.</li>\n"
."<li>Data is stored in a linked-list tree structure, "
."preserving the XML data hierarchy.</li>\n"
."<li>Supports arbitrary element names, attributes, and "
."attribute values with no preset limits, just available "
."<li>Supports integer, real, opaque (\"cdata\"), and text "
."data types in \"leaf\" nodes.</li>\n"
."<li>Functions for creating, indexing, and managing trees of data.</li>\n"
."<li>\"Find\" and \"walk\" functions for easily locating and "
."navigating trees of data.</li>\n"
."<td valign='top' width='60%'>"
."<h2>Recent Articles [&nbsp;<a href='articles.php'>View&nbsp;All</a>"
$result = db_query("SELECT * FROM article WHERE is_published = 1 "
."ORDER BY modify_date DESC LIMIT 4");
$count = db_count($result);
if ($count == 0)
print("<p>No articles found.</p>\n");
21 years ago
while ($row = db_next($result))
$id = $row['id'];
$title = htmlspecialchars($row['title'], ENT_QUOTES);
$abstract = htmlspecialchars($row['abstract'], ENT_QUOTES);
$date = date("H:i M d, Y", $row['modify_date']);
$count = count_comments("articles.php_L$id");
if ($count == 1)
$count .= " comment";
$count .= " comments";
print("<h3><a href='articles.php?L$id'>$title</a></h3>\n"
."<p><i>$date, $count</i><br />$abstract [&nbsp;"
."<a href='articles.php?L$id'>Read</a>&nbsp;]</p>\n");
21 years ago
21 years ago
21 years ago
// End of "$Id: index.php,v 1.3 2004/05/19 14:02:38 mike Exp $".
21 years ago