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<TITLE>Mini-XML Programmers Manual, Version 2.1</TITLE>
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<H2><A name="LOAD_CALLBACKS">Load Callbacks</A></H2>
<P><A href="#LOAD_XML">Chapter 2</A> introduced the <A href="mxmlLoadFile.html#mxmlLoadFile">
<TT>mxmlLoadFile()</TT></A> and <A href="mxmlLoadString.html#mxmlLoadString">
<TT>mxmlLoadString()</TT></A> functions. The last argument to these
functions is a callback function which is used to determine the value
type of each data node in an XML document.</P>
<P>Mini-XML defines several standard callbacks for simple XML data
<LI><TT>MXML_INTEGER_CALLBACK</TT> - All data nodes contain
whitespace-separated integers.</LI>
<LI><TT>MXML_OPAQUE_CALLBACK</TT> - All data nodes contain opaque
strings (&quot;CDATA&quot;).</LI>
<LI><TT>MXML_REAL_CALLBACK</TT> - All data nodes contain
whitespace-separated floating-point numbers.</LI>
<LI><TT>MXML_TEXT_CALLBACK</TT> - All data nodes contain
whitespace-separated strings.</LI>
<P>You can provide your own callback functions for more complex XML
documents. Your callback function will receive a pointer to the current
element node and must return the value type of the immediate children
for that element node: <TT>MXML_INTEGER</TT>, <TT>MXML_OPAQUE</TT>, <TT>
MXML_REAL</TT>, or <TT>MXML_TEXT</TT>. The function is called<I> after</I>
the element and its attributes have been read, so you can look at the
element name, attributes, and attribute values to determine the proper
value type to return.</P>
<!-- NEED 2in -->
<P>The following callback function looks for an attribute named &quot;type&quot;
or the element name to determine the value type for its child nodes:</P>
* 'type_cb()' - XML data type callback for mxmlLoadFile()...
mxml_type_t /* O - Data type */
type_cb(mxml_node_t *node) /* I - Element node */
const char *type; /* Type string */
* You can lookup attributes and/or use the element name, hierarchy, etc...
if ((type = mxmlElementGetAttr(node, &quot;type&quot;)) == NULL)
type = node-&gt;;
if (!strcmp(type, &quot;integer&quot;))
return (MXML_INTEGER);
else if (!strcmp(type, &quot;opaque&quot;))
return (MXML_OPAQUE);
else if (!strcmp(type, &quot;real&quot;))
return (MXML_REAL);
return (MXML_TEXT);
<P>To use this callback function, simply use the name when you call any
of the load functions:</P>
FILE *fp;
<A href="mxmlnodet.html#mxml_node_t">mxml_node_t</A> *tree;
fp = fopen(&quot;filename.xml&quot;, &quot;r&quot;);
tree = <A href="mxmlLoadFile.html#mxmlLoadFile">mxmlLoadFile</A>(NULL, fp, <B>type_cb</B>);
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