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<TITLE>Mini-XML Programmers Manual, Version 2.3</TITLE>
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<H3><A NAME="2_1_2">Compiling with Command-Line Tools</A></H3>
<P>Type the following command to configure the Mini-XML source code for
your system:</P>
<KBD>./configure ENTER</KBD>
<P>The default install prefix is<VAR> /usr/local</VAR>, which can be
overridden using the <KBD>--prefix</KBD> option:</P>
<KBD>./configure --prefix=/foo ENTER</KBD>
<P>Other configure options can be found using the <KBD>--help</KBD>
<KBD>./configure --help ENTER</KBD>
<P>Once you have configured the software, use the <TT>make(1)</TT>
program to do the build and run the test program to verify that things
are working, as follows:</P>
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