Mini-XML 4.0 Programming Manual

Michael R Sweet

Copyright © 2003-2025, All Rights Reserved.



Mini-XML is a small XML parsing library that you can use to read XML data files or strings in your application without requiring large non-standard libraries. Mini-XML provides the following functionality:

Mini-XML doesn't do validation or other types of processing on the data based upon schema files or other sources of definition information.


Mini-XML was initially developed for the Gutenprint project to replace the rather large and unwieldy libxml2 library with something substantially smaller and easier-to-use. It all began one morning in June of 2003 when Robert posted the following sentence to the developer's list:

It's bad enough that we require libxml2, but rolling our own XML parser is a bit more than we can handle.

I then replied with:

Given the limited scope of what you use in XML, it should be trivial to code a mini-XML API in a few hundred lines of code.

I took my own challenge and coded furiously for two days to produce the initial public release of Mini-XML, total lines of code: 696. Robert promptly integrated Mini-XML into Gutenprint and removed libxml2.

Thanks to lots of feedback and support from various developers, Mini-XML has evolved since then to provide a more complete XML implementation and now stands at a whopping 3,491 lines of code, compared to 175,808 lines of code for libxml2 version 2.11.7.


The Mini-XML home page can be found at From there you can download the current version of Mini-XML, access the issue tracker, and find other resources.

Mini-XML v4 has a slightly different API than prior releases. See the Migrating from Mini-XML v3.x chapter for details.

The Mini-XML library is copyright © 2003-2024 by Michael R Sweet and is provided under the Apache License Version 2.0 with an (optional) exception to allow linking against GPL2/LGPL2-only software. See the files "LICENSE" and "NOTICE" for more information.

Using Mini-XML

Mini-XML provides a single header file which you include:

#include <mxml.h>

The Mini-XML library is included with your program using the -lmxml4 option:

gcc -o myprogram myprogram.c -lmxml4

If you have the pkg-config software installed, you can use it to determine the proper compiler and linker options for your installation:

gcc `pkg-config --cflags mxml4` -o myprogram myprogram.c `pkg-config --libs mxml4`

> Note: The library name "mxml4" is a configure-time option. If you use the

--disable-libmxml4-prefix configure option the library is named "mxml".

API Basics

Every piece of information in an XML file is stored in memory in "nodes". Nodes are represented by mxml_node_t pointers. Each node has an associated type, value(s), a parent node, sibling nodes (previous and next), potentially first and last child nodes, and an optional user data pointer.

For example, if you have an XML file like the following:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

the node tree for the file would look like the following in memory:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<node> - <node> - <node> - <group> - <node> - <node>
  |        |        |         |        |        |
 val1     val2     val3       |       val7     val8
                            <node> - <node> - <node>
                              |        |        |
                             val4     val5     val6

where "-" is a pointer to the sibling node and "|" is a pointer to the first child or parent node.

The mxmlGetType function gets the type of a node which is represented as a mxml_type_t enumeration value:

The parent, sibling, and child nodes are accessed using the mxmlGetParent, mxmlGetNextSibling, mxmlGetPreviousSibling, mxmlGetFirstChild, and mxmlGetLastChild functions.

The value(s) of a node are accessed using the mxmlGetCDATA, mxmlGetComment, mxmlGetDeclaration, mxmlGetDirective, mxmlGetElement, mxmlElementGetAttr, mxmlGetInteger, mxmlGetOpaque, mxmlGetReal, and mxmlGetText functions.

Loading an XML File

You load an XML file using the mxmlLoadFilename function:

mxml_node_t *
mxmlLoadFilename(mxml_node_t *top, mxml_options_t *options,
                 const char *filename);

Mini-XML also provides functions to load from a FILE pointer, a file descriptor, a string, or using a callback:

mxml_node_t *
mxmlLoadFd(mxml_node_t *top, mxml_options_t *options,
           int fd);

mxml_node_t *
mxmlLoadFile(mxml_node_t *top, mxml_options_t *options,
             FILE *fp);

mxml_node_t *
mxmlLoadIO(mxml_node_t *top, mxml_options_t *options,
           mxml_io_cb_t io_cb, void *io_cbdata);

mxml_node_t *
mxmlLoadString(mxml_node_t *top, mxml_options_t *options,
               const char *s);

Each accepts a pointer to the top-most ("root") node (usually NULL) you want to add the XML data to, any load options, and the content to be loaded. For example, the following code will load an XML file called "example.xml" using the default load options:

mxml_node_t *xml;

xml = mxmlLoadFilename(/*top*/NULL, /*options*/NULL,

Load Options

Load options are specified using a mxml_options_t pointer, which you create using the mxmlOptionsNew function:

mxml_options_t *options = mxmlOptionsNew();

The default load options will treat any values in your XML as whitespace- delimited text (MXML_TYPE_TEXT). You can specify a different type of values using the mxmlOptionsSetTypeValue function. For example, the following will specify that values are opaque text strings, including whitespace (MXML_TYPE_OPAQUE):

mxmlOptionsSetTypeValue(options, MXML_TYPE_OPAQUE);

For more complex XML documents, you can specify a callback that returns the type of value for a given element node using the mxmlOptionsSetTypeCallback function. For example, to specify a callback function called my_type_cb that has no callback data:

mxmlOptionsSetTypeCallback(options, my_type_cb, /*cbdata*/NULL);

The my_type_cb function accepts the callback data pointer (NULL in this case) and the mxml_node_t pointer for the current element and returns a mxml_type_t enumeration value specifying the value type for child nodes. For example, the following function looks at the "type" attribute and the element name to determine the value types of the node's children:

my_load_cb(void *cbdata, mxml_node_t *node)
  const char *type;

  * You can lookup attributes and/or use the element name,
  * hierarchy, etc...

  type = mxmlElementGetAttr(node, "type");
  if (type == NULL)
    type = mxmlGetElement(node);
  if (type == NULL)
    type = "text";

  if (!strcmp(type, "integer"))
    return (MXML_TYPE_INTEGER);
  else if (!strcmp(type, "opaque"))
    return (MXML_TYPE_OPAQUE);
  else if (!strcmp(type, "real"))
    return (MXML_TYPE_REAL);
    return (MXML_TYPE_TEXT);

Finding Nodes

The mxmlFindPath function finds the (first) value node under a specific element using a path. The path string can contain the "*" wildcard to match a single element node in the hierarchy. For example, the following code will find the first "node" element under the "group" element, first using an explicit path and then using a wildcard:

mxml_node_t *directnode = mxmlFindPath(xml, "data/group/node");

mxml_node_t *wildnode = mxmlFindPath(xml, "data/*/node");

The mxmlFindElement function can be used to find a named element, optionally matching an attribute and value:

mxml_node_t *
mxmlFindElement(mxml_node_t *node, mxml_node_t *top,
                const char *element, const char *attr,
                const char *value, int descend);

The element, attr, and value arguments can be passed as NULL to act as wildcards, e.g.:

mxml_node_t *node;

/* Find the first "a" element */
node = mxmlFindElement(tree, tree, "a", NULL, NULL,

/* Find the first "a" element with "href" attribute */
node = mxmlFindElement(tree, tree, "a", "href", NULL,

/* Find the first "a" element with "href" to a URL */
node = mxmlFindElement(tree, tree, "a", "href",

/* Find the first element with a "src" attribute*/
node = mxmlFindElement(tree, tree, NULL, "src", NULL,

/* Find the first element with a "src" = "foo.jpg" */
node = mxmlFindElement(tree, tree, NULL, "src", "foo.jpg",

You can also iterate with the same function:

mxml_node_t *node;

for (node = mxmlFindElement(tree, tree, "element", NULL,
                            NULL, MXML_DESCEND_ALL);
     node != NULL;
     node = mxmlFindElement(node, tree, "element", NULL,
                            NULL, MXML_DESCEND_ALL))
  ... do something ...

The descend argument (MXML_DESCEND_ALL in the previous examples) can be one of three constants:

Getting the Value(s) from Nodes

Once you have the node you can use one of the mxmlGetXxx functions to retrieve its value(s).

Element (MXML_TYPE_ELEMENT) nodes have an associated name and zero or more named attributes with (string) values. The mxmlGetElement function retrieves the element name while the mxmlElementGetAttr function retrieves the value string for a named attribute. For example, the following code looks for HTML heading elements and, when found, displays the "id" attribute for the heading:

const char *elemname = mxmlGetElement(node);
const char *id_value = mxmlElementGetAttr(node, "id");

if ((*elemname == 'h' || *elemname == 'H') &&
    elemname[1] >= '1' && elemname[1] <= '6' &&
    id_value != NULL)
  printf("%s: %s\n", elemname, id_value);

The mxmlElementGetAttrByIndex and mxmlElementGetAttrCount functions allow you to iterate all attributes of an element. For example, the following code prints the element name and each of its attributes:

const char *elemname = mxmlGetElement(node);
printf("%s:\n", elemname);

size_t i, count;
for (i = 0, count = mxmlElementGetAttrCount(node); i < count; i ++)
  const char *attrname, *attrvalue;

  attrvalue = mxmlElementGetAttrByIndex(node, i, &attrname);

  printf("    %s=\"%s\"\n", attrname, attrvalue);

CDATA (MXML_TYPE_CDATA) nodes have an associated string value consisting of the text between the <![CDATA[ and ]]> delimiters. The mxmlGetCDATA function retrieves the CDATA string pointer for a node. For example, the following code gets the CDATA string value:

const char *cdatavalue = mxmlGetCDATA(node);

Comment (MXML_TYPE_COMMENT) nodes have an associated string value consisting of the text between the <!-- and --> delimiters. The mxmlGetComment function retrieves the comment string pointer for a node. For example, the following code gets the comment string value:

const char *commentvalue = mxmlGetComment(node);

Processing instruction (MXML_TYPE_DIRECTIVE) nodes have an associated string value consisting of the text between the <? and ?> delimiters. The mxmlGetDirective function retrieves the processing instruction string for a node. For example, the following code gets the processing instruction string value:

const char *instrvalue = mxmlGetDirective(node);

Integer (MXML_TYPE_INTEGER) nodes have an associated long value. The mxmlGetInteger function retrieves the integer value for a node. For example, the following code gets the integer value:

long intvalue = mxmlGetInteger(node);

Opaque string (MXML_TYPE_OPAQUE) nodes have an associated string value consisting of the text between elements. The mxmlGetOpaque function retrieves the opaque string pointer for a node. For example, the following code gets the opaque string value:

const char *opaquevalue = mxmlGetOpaque(node);

Real number (MXML_TYPE_REAL) nodes have an associated double value. The mxmlGetReal function retrieves the real number for a node. For example, the following code gets the real value:

double realvalue = mxmlGetReal(node);

Whitespace-delimited text string (MXML_TYPE_TEXT) nodes have an associated whitespace indicator and string value extracted from the text between elements. The mxmlGetText function retrieves the text string pointer and whitespace boolean value for a node. For example, the following code gets the text and whitespace indicator:

const char *textvalue;
bool whitespace;

textvalue = mxmlGetText(node, &whitespace);

Saving an XML File

You save an XML file using the mxmlSaveFilename function:

mxmlSaveFilename(mxml_node_t *node, mxml_options_t *options,
                 const char *filename);

Mini-XML also provides functions to save to a FILE pointer, a file descriptor, a string, or using a callback:

char *
mxmlSaveAllocString(mxml_node_t *node, mxml_options_t *options);

mxmlSaveFd(mxml_node_t *node, mxml_options_t *options,
           int fd);

mxmlSaveFile(mxml_node_t *node, mxml_options_t *options,
             FILE *fp);

mxmlSaveIO(mxml_node_t *node, mxml_options_t *options,
           mxml_io_cb_t *io_cb, void *io_cbdata);

mxmlSaveString(mxml_node_t *node, mxml_options_t *options,
               char *buffer, size_t bufsize);

Each accepts a pointer to the top-most ("root") node, any save options, and (as needed) the destination. For example, the following code saves an XML file to the file "example.xml" with the default options:

mxmlSaveFile(xml, /*options*/NULL, "example.xml");

Save Options

Save options are specified using a mxml_options_t pointer, which you create using the mxmlOptionsNew function:

mxml_options_t *options = mxmlOptionsNew();

The default save options will wrap output lines at column 72 but not add any additional whitespace otherwise. You can change the wrap column using the mxmlOptionsSetWrapMargin function. For example, the following will set the wrap column to 0 which disables wrapping:

mxmlOptionsSetWrapMargin(options, 0);

To add additional whitespace to the output, set a whitespace callback using the mxmlOptionsSetWhitespaceCallback function. A whitespace callback accepts a callback data pointer, the current node, and a whitespace position value of MXML_WS_BEFORE_OPEN, MXML_WS_AFTER_OPEN, MXML_WS_BEFORE_CLOSE, or MXML_WS_AFTER_CLOSE. The callback should return NULL if no whitespace is to be inserted or a string of spaces, tabs, carriage returns, and newlines to insert otherwise.

The following whitespace callback can be used to add whitespace to XHTML output to make it more readable in a standard text editor:

const char *
whitespace_cb(void *cbdata, mxml_node_t *node, mxml_ws_t where)
  const char *element;

  * We can conditionally break to a new line before or after
  * any element.  These are just common HTML elements...

  element = mxmlGetElement(node);

  if (!strcmp(element, "html") ||
      !strcmp(element, "head") ||
      !strcmp(element, "body") ||
      !strcmp(element, "pre") ||
      !strcmp(element, "p") ||
      !strcmp(element, "h1") ||
      !strcmp(element, "h2") ||
      !strcmp(element, "h3") ||
      !strcmp(element, "h4") ||
      !strcmp(element, "h5") ||
      !strcmp(element, "h6"))
    * Newlines before open and after close...

    if (where == MXML_WS_BEFORE_OPEN ||
        where == MXML_WS_AFTER_CLOSE)
      return ("\n");
  else if (!strcmp(element, "dl") ||
           !strcmp(element, "ol") ||
           !strcmp(element, "ul"))
    * Put a newline before and after list elements...

    return ("\n");
  else if (!strcmp(element, "dd") ||
           !strcmp(element, "dt") ||
           !strcmp(element, "li"))
    * Put a tab before <li>'s, <dd>'s, and <dt>'s, and a
    * newline after them...

    if (where == MXML_WS_BEFORE_OPEN)
      return ("\t");
    else if (where == MXML_WS_AFTER_CLOSE)
      return ("\n");

  * Otherwise return NULL for no added whitespace...

  return (NULL);

The following code will set the whitespace callback for the save options:

mxmlOptionsSetWhitespaceCallback(options, whitespace_cb, /*cbdata*/NULL);

Freeing Memory

Once you are done with the XML data, use the mxmlDelete function to free the memory that is used for a particular node and its children. For example, the following code frees the XML data loaded by the previous examples:


Creating New XML Documents

You can create new and update existing XML documents in memory using the various mxmlNewXxx functions. The following code will create the XML document described in the Using Mini-XML chapter:

mxml_node_t *xml;    /* <?xml version="1.0" charset="utf-8"?> */
mxml_node_t *data;   /* <data> */
mxml_node_t *node;   /* <node> */
mxml_node_t *group;  /* <group> */

xml = mxmlNewXML("1.0");

data = mxmlNewElement(xml, "data");

  node = mxmlNewElement(data, "node");
  mxmlNewText(node, false, "val1");
  node = mxmlNewElement(data, "node");
  mxmlNewText(node, false, "val2");
  node = mxmlNewElement(data, "node");
  mxmlNewText(node, false, "val3");

  group = mxmlNewElement(data, "group");

    node = mxmlNewElement(group, "node");
    mxmlNewText(node, false, "val4");
    node = mxmlNewElement(group, "node");
    mxmlNewText(node, false, "val5");
    node = mxmlNewElement(group, "node");
    mxmlNewText(node, false, "val6");

  node = mxmlNewElement(data, "node");
  mxmlNewText(node, false, "val7");
  node = mxmlNewElement(data, "node");
  mxmlNewText(node, false, "val8");

We start by creating the processing instruction node common to all XML files using the mxmlNewXML function:

xml = mxmlNewXML("1.0");

We then create the <data> node used for this document using the mxmlNewElement function. The first argument specifies the parent node (xml) while the second specifies the element name (data):

data = mxmlNewElement(xml, "data");

Each <node>...</node> in the file is created using the mxmlNewElement and mxmlNewText functions. The first argument of mxmlNewText specifies the parent node (node). The second argument specifies whether whitespace appears before the text - false in this case. The last argument specifies the actual text to add:

node = mxmlNewElement(data, "node");
mxmlNewText(node, false, "val1");

The resulting in-memory XML document can then be saved or processed just like one loaded from disk or a string.

Element Nodes

Element (MXML_TYPE_ELEMENT) nodes are created using the mxmlNewElement function. Element attributes are set using the mxmlElementSetAttr and mxmlElementSetAttrf functions and cleared using the mxmlElementClearAttr function:

mxml_node_t *
mxmlNewElement(mxml_node_t *parent, const char *name);

mxmlElementClearAttr(mxml_node_t *node, const char *name);

mxmlElementSetAttr(mxml_node_t *node, const char *name,
                   const char *value);

mxmlElementSetAttrf(mxml_node_t *node, const char *name,
                    const char *format, ...);


CDATA (MXML_TYPE_CDATA) nodes are created using the mxmlNewCDATA and mxmlNewCDATAf functions and set using the mxmlSetCDATA and mxmlSetCDATAf functions:

mxml_node_t *
mxmlNewCDATA(mxml_node_t *parent, const char *string);

mxml_node_t *
mxmlNewCDATAf(mxml_node_t *parent, const char *format, ...);

mxmlSetCDATA(mxml_node_t *node, const char *string);

mxmlSetCDATAf(mxml_node_t *node, const char *format, ...);

Comment Nodes

Comment (MXML_TYPE_COMMENT) nodes are created using the mxmlNewComment and mxmlNewCommentf functions and set using the mxmlSetComment and mxmlSetCommentf functions:

mxml_node_t *
mxmlNewComment(mxml_node_t *parent, const char *string);

mxml_node_t *
mxmlNewCommentf(mxml_node_t *parent, const char *format, ...);

mxmlSetComment(mxml_node_t *node, const char *string);

mxmlSetCommentf(mxml_node_t *node, const char *format, ...);

Processing Instruction Nodes

Processing instruction (MXML_TYPE_DIRECTIVE) nodes are created using the mxmlNewDirective and mxmlNewDirectivef functions and set using the mxmlSetDirective and mxmlSetDirectivef functions:

mxml_node_t *node = mxmlNewDirective("xml-stylesheet type=\"text/css\" href=\"style.css\"");

mxml_node_t *node = mxmlNewDirectivef("xml version=\"%s\"", version);

The mxmlNewXML function can be used to create the top-level "xml" processing instruction with an associated version number:

mxml_node_t *
mxmlNewXML(const char *version);

Integer Nodes

Integer (MXML_TYPE_INTEGER) nodes are created using the mxmlNewInteger function and set using the mxmlSetInteger function:

mxml_node_t *
mxmlNewInteger(mxml_node_t *parent, long integer);

mxmlSetInteger(mxml_node_t *node, long integer);

Opaque String Nodes

Opaque string (MXML_TYPE_OPAQUE) nodes are created using the mxmlNewOpaque and mxmlNewOpaquef functions and set using the mxmlSetOpaque and mxmlSetOpaquef functions:

mxml_node_t *
mxmlNewOpaque(mxml_node_t *parent, const char *opaque);

mxml_node_t *
mxmlNewOpaquef(mxml_node_t *parent, const char *format, ...);

mxmlSetOpaque(mxml_node_t *node, const char *opaque);

mxmlSetOpaquef(mxml_node_t *node, const char *format, ...);

Real Number Nodes

Real number (MXML_TYPE_REAL) nodes are created using the mxmlNewReal function and set using the mxmlSetReal function:

mxml_node_t *
mxmlNewReal(mxml_node_t *parent, double real);

mxmlSetReal(mxml_node_t *node, double real);

Text Nodes

Whitespace-delimited text string (MXML_TYPE_TEXT) nodes are created using the mxmlNewText and mxmlNewTextf functions and set using the mxmlSetText and mxmlSetTextf functions. Each text node consists of a text string and (leading) whitespace boolean value.

mxml_node_t *
mxmlNewText(mxml_node_t *parent, bool whitespace,
            const char *string);

mxml_node_t *
mxmlNewTextf(mxml_node_t *parent, bool whitespace,
             const char *format, ...);

mxmlSetText(mxml_node_t *node, bool whitespace,
            const char *string);

mxmlSetTextf(mxml_node_t *node, bool whitespace,
             const char *format, ...);

Iterating and Indexing the Tree

Iterating Nodes

While the mxmlFindNode and mxmlFindPath functions will find a particular element node, sometimes you need to iterate over all nodes. The mxmlWalkNext and mxmlWalkPrev functions can be used to iterate through the XML node tree:

mxml_node_t *
mxmlWalkNext(mxml_node_t *node, mxml_node_t *top,
             int descend);

mxml_node_t *
mxmlWalkPrev(mxml_node_t *node, mxml_node_t *top,
             int descend);

Depending on the value of the descend argument, these functions will automatically traverse child, sibling, and parent nodes until the top node is reached. For example, the following code will iterate over all of the nodes in the sample XML document in the Using Mini-XML chapter:

mxml_node_t *node;

for (node = xml;
     node != NULL;
     node = mxmlWalkNext(node, xml, MXML_DESCEND_ALL))
  ... do something ...

The nodes will be returned in the following order:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


The mxmlIndexNew function allows you to create an index of nodes for faster searching and enumeration:

mxml_index_t *
mxmlIndexNew(mxml_node_t *node, const char *element,
             const char *attr);

The element and attr arguments control which elements are included in the index. If element is not NULL then only elements with the specified name are added to the index. Similarly, if attr is not NULL then only elements containing the specified attribute are added to the index. The nodes are sorted in the index.

For example, the following code creates an index of all "id" values in an XML document:

mxml_index_t *ind = mxmlIndexNew(xml, NULL, "id");

Once the index is created, the mxmlIndexFind function can be used to find a matching node:

mxml_node_t *
mxmlIndexFind(mxml_index_t *ind, const char *element,
              const char *value);

For example, the following code will find the element whose "id" string is "42":

mxml_node_t *node = mxmlIndexFind(ind, NULL, "42");

Alternately, the mxmlIndexReset and mxmlIndexEnum functions can be used to enumerate the nodes in the index:

mxml_node_t *
mxmlIndexReset(mxml_index_t *ind);

mxml_node_t *
mxmlIndexEnum(mxml_index_t *ind);

Typically these functions will be used in a for loop:

mxml_node_t *node;

for (node = mxmlIndexReset(ind);
     node != NULL;
     node = mxmlIndexEnum(ind))
  ... do something ...

The mxmlIndexCount function returns the number of nodes in the index:

mxmlIndexGetCount(mxml_index_t *ind);

Finally, the mxmlIndexDelete function frees all memory associated with the index:

mxmlIndexDelete(mxml_index_t *ind);

Advanced Usage

Custom Data Types

Mini-XML supports custom data types via load and save callback options. Only a single set of callbacks can be active at any time for a mxml_options_t pointer, however your callbacks can store additional information in order to support multiple custom data types as needed. The MXML_TYPE_CUSTOM node type identifies custom data nodes.

The mxmlGetCustom function retrieves the custom value pointer for a node.

const void *
mxmlGetCustom(mxml_node_t *node);

Custom (MXML_TYPE_CUSTOM) nodes are created using the mxmlNewCustom function or using the custom load callback specified using the mxmlOptionsSetCustomCallbacks function:

typedef void (*mxml_custfree_cb_t)(void *cbdata, void *data);
typedef bool (*mxml_custload_cb_t)(void *cbdata, mxml_node_t *, const char *);
typedef char *(*mxml_custsave_cb_t)(void *cbdata, mxml_node_t *);

mxml_node_t *
mxmlNewCustom(mxml_node_t *parent, void *data,
              mxml_custfree_cb_t free_cb, void *free_cbdata);

mxmlSetCustom(mxml_node_t *node, void *data,
              mxml_custfree_cb_t free_cb, void *free_cbdata);

mxmlOptionsSetCustomCallbacks(mxml_option_t *options,
                              mxml_custload_cb_t load_cb,
                              mxml_custsave_cb_t save_cb,
                              void *cbdata);

The load callback receives the callback data pointer, a pointer to the current data node, and a string of opaque character data from the XML source with character entities converted to the corresponding UTF-8 characters. For example, if we wanted to support a custom date/time type whose value is encoded as "yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ" (ISO 8601 format), the load callback would look like the following:

typedef struct iso_date_time_s
  unsigned year,    /* Year */
           month,   /* Month */
           day,     /* Day */
           hour,    /* Hour */
           minute,  /* Minute */
           second;  /* Second */
  time_t   unix;    /* UNIX time */
} iso_date_time_t;

custom_load_cb(void *cbdata, mxml_node_t *node, const char *data)
  iso_date_time_t *dt;
  struct tm tmdata;

  * Allocate data structure...

  dt = calloc(1, sizeof(iso_date_time_t));

  * Try reading 6 unsigned integers from the data string...

  if (sscanf(data, "%u-%u-%uT%u:%u:%uZ", &(dt->year),
             &(dt->month), &(dt->day), &(dt->hour),
             &(dt->minute), &(dt->second)) != 6)
    * Unable to read numbers, free the data structure and
    * return an error...


    return (false);

  * Range check values...

  if (dt->month < 1 || dt->month > 12 ||
      dt->day < 1 || dt->day > 31 ||
      dt->hour < 0 || dt->hour > 23 ||
      dt->minute < 0 || dt->minute > 59 ||
      dt->second < 0 || dt->second > 60)
    * Date information is out of range...


    return (false);

  * Convert ISO time to UNIX time in seconds...

  tmdata.tm_year = dt->year - 1900;
  tmdata.tm_mon  = dt->month - 1;
  tmdata.tm_day  = dt->day;
  tmdata.tm_hour = dt->hour;
  tmdata.tm_min  = dt->minute;
  tmdata.tm_sec  = dt->second;

  dt->unix = gmtime(&tmdata);

  * Assign custom node data and free callback function/data...

  mxmlSetCustom(node, data, custom_free_cb, cbdata);

  * Return with no errors...

  return (true);

The function itself can return true on success or false if it is unable to decode the custom data or the data contains an error. Custom data nodes contain a void pointer to the allocated custom data for the node and a pointer to a destructor function which will free the custom data when the node is deleted. In this example, we use the standard free function since everything is contained in a single calloc'd block.

The save callback receives the node pointer and returns an allocated string containing the custom data value. The following save callback could be used for our ISO date/time type:

char *
custom_save_cb(void *cbdata, mxml_node_t *node)
  char data[255];
  iso_date_time_t *dt;

  dt = (iso_date_time_t *)mxmlGetCustom(node);

  snprintf(data, sizeof(data),
           dt->year, dt->month, dt->day, dt->hour,
           dt->minute, dt->second);

  return (strdup(data));

You register these callback functions using the mxmlOptionsSetCustomCallbacks function:

mxmlOptionsSetCustomCallbacks(options, custom_load_cb,
                              custom_save_cb, /*cbdata*/NULL);

SAX (Stream) Loading of Documents

Mini-XML supports an implementation of the Simple API for XML (SAX) which allows you to load and process an XML document as a stream of nodes. Aside from allowing you to process XML documents of any size, the Mini-XML implementation also allows you to retain portions of the document in memory for later processing.

The mxmlLoadXxx functions support a SAX option that is enabled by setting a callback function and data pointer with the mxmlOptionsSetSAXCallback function. The callback function receives the data pointer you supplied, the node, and an event code and returns true to continue processing or false to stop:

sax_cb(void *cbdata, mxml_node_t *node,
       mxml_sax_event_t event)
  ... do something ...

  // Continue processing...
  return (true);

The event will be one of the following:

Elements are released after the close element is processed. All other nodes are released after they are processed. The SAX callback can retain the node using the mxmlRetain function. For example, the following SAX callback will retain all nodes, effectively simulating a normal in-memory load:

sax_cb(void *cbdata, mxml_node_t *node, mxml_sax_event_t event)
  if (event != MXML_SAX_ELEMENT_CLOSE)

  return (true);

More typically the SAX callback will only retain a small portion of the document that is needed for post-processing. For example, the following SAX callback will retain the title and headings in an XHTML file. It also retains the (parent) elements like <html>, <head>, and <body>, and processing directives like <?xml ... ?> and declarations like <!DOCTYPE ... >:

sax_cb(void *cbdata, mxml_node_t *node,
       mxml_sax_event_t event)
  if (event == MXML_SAX_ELEMENT_OPEN)
    * Retain headings and titles...

    const char *element = mxmlGetElement(node);

    if (!strcmp(element, "html") ||
        !strcmp(element, "head") ||
        !strcmp(element, "title") ||
        !strcmp(element, "body") ||
        !strcmp(element, "h1") ||
        !strcmp(element, "h2") ||
        !strcmp(element, "h3") ||
        !strcmp(element, "h4") ||
        !strcmp(element, "h5") ||
        !strcmp(element, "h6"))
  else if (event == MXML_SAX_DECLARATION)
  else if (event == MXML_SAX_DIRECTIVE)
  else if (event == MXML_SAX_DATA)
    if (mxmlGetRefCount(mxmlGetParent(node)) > 1)
      * If the parent was retained, then retain this data
      * node as well.


  return (true);

The resulting skeleton document tree can then be searched just like one loaded without the SAX callback function. For example, a filter that reads an XHTML document from stdin and then shows the title and headings in the document would look like:

mxml_options_t *options;
mxml_node_t *xml, *title, *body, *heading;

options = mxmlOptionsNew();
mxmlOptionsSetSAXCallback(options, sax_cb,

xml = mxmlLoadFd(/*top*/NULL, options, /*fd*/0);

title = mxmlFindElement(doc, doc, "title", NULL, NULL,

if (title)

body = mxmlFindElement(doc, doc, "body", NULL, NULL,

if (body)
  for (heading = mxmlGetFirstChild(body);
       heading = mxmlGetNextSibling(heading))


The print_children function is:

print_children(mxml_node_t *parent)
  mxml_node_t *node;
  const char *text;
  bool whitespace;

  for (node = mxmlGetFirstChild(parent);
       node != NULL;
       node = mxmlGetNextSibling(node))
    text = mxmlGetText(node, &whitespace);

    if (whitespace)
      putchar(' ');

    fputs(text, stdout);


User Data

Each node has an associated user data pointer that can be used to store useful information for your application. The memory used by the data pointer is not managed by Mini-XML so it is up to you to free it as necessary.

The mxmlSetUserData function sets any user (application) data associated with the node while the mxmlGetUserData function gets any user (application) data associated with the node:

void *
mxmlGetUserData(mxml_node_t *node);

mxmlSetUserData(mxml_node_t *node, void *user_data);

Memory Management

Nodes support reference counting to manage memory usage. The mxmlRetain and mxmlRelease functions increment and decrement a node's reference count, respectively. When the reference count goes to zero, mxmlRelease calls mxmlDelete to actually free the memory used by the node tree. New nodes start with a reference count of 1. You can get a node's current reference count using the mxmlGetRefCount function.

Strings can also support different kinds of memory management. The default is to use the standard C library strdup and free functions. To use alternate an alternate mechanism, call the mxmlSetStringCallbacks function to set string copy and free callbacks. The copy callback receives the callback data pointer and the string to copy, and returns a new string that will persist for the life of the XML data. The free callback receives the callback data pointer and the copied string and potentially frees the memory used for it. For example, the following code implements a simple string pool that eliminates duplicate strings:

typedef struct string_pool_s
  size_t num_strings;   // Number of strings
  size_t alloc_strings; // Allocated strings
  char   **strings;      // Array of strings
} string_pool_t;

char *
copy_string(string_pool_t *pool, const char *s)
  size_t i;     // Looping var
  char   *news; // Copy of string

  // See if the string is already in the pool...
  for (i = 0; i < pool->num_strings; i ++)
    if (!strcmp(pool->strings[i], s))
      return (pool->strings[i]);

  // Not in the pool, add new string
  if (pool->num_strings >= pool->alloc_strings)
    // Expand the string pool...
    char **temp; // New strings array

    temp = realloc(pool->strings,
                   (pool->alloc_strings + 32) *
                       sizeof(char *));

    if (temp == NULL)
      return (NULL);

    pool->alloc_strings += 32;
    pool->strings = temp;

  if ((news = strdup(s)) != NULL)
    pool->strings[pool->num_strings ++] = news;

  return (news);

free_string(string_pool_t *pool, char *s)
  // Do nothing here...

free_all_strings(string_pool_t *pool)
  size_t i; // Looping var

  for (i = 0; i < pool->num_strings; i ++)


// Setup the string pool...
string_pool_t pool = { 0, 0, NULL };


// Load an XML file...
mxml_node_t *xml;

xml = mxmlLoadFilename(/*top*/NULL, /*options*/NULL,

// Process the XML file...

// Free memory used by the XML file...

// Free all strings in the pool...

Migrating from Mini-XML v3.x

The following incompatible API changes were made in Mini-XML v4.0:



Add a node to a tree.

void mxmlAdd(mxml_node_t *parent, mxml_add_t add, mxml_node_t *child, mxml_node_t *node);


parent Parent node
child Child node for where or MXML_ADD_TO_PARENT
node Node to add


This function adds the specified node node to the parent. If the child argument is not NULL, the new node is added before or after the specified child depending on the value of the add argument. If the child argument is NULL, the new node is placed at the beginning of the child list (MXML_ADD_BEFORE) or at the end of the child list (MXML_ADD_AFTER).


Delete a node and all of its children.

void mxmlDelete(mxml_node_t *node);


node Node to delete


This function deletes the node node and all of its children. If the specified node has a parent, this function first removes the node from its parent using the mxmlRemove function.


Remove an attribute from an element.

void mxmlElementClearAttr(mxml_node_t *node, const char *name);


node Element
name Attribute name


This function removes the attribute name from the element node.


Get the value of an attribute.

const char *mxmlElementGetAttr(mxml_node_t *node, const char *name);


node Element node
name Name of attribute

Return Value

Attribute value or NULL


This function gets the value for the attribute name from the element node. NULL is returned if the node is not an element or the named attribute does not exist.


Get an attribute by index.

const char *mxmlElementGetAttrByIndex(mxml_node_t *node, size_t idx, const char **name);


node Node
idx Attribute index, starting at 0
name Attribute name or NULL to not return it

Return Value

Attribute value


This function returned the Nth (idx) attribute for element node. The attribute name is optionallly returned in the name argument. NULL is returned if node is not an element or the specified index is out of range.


Get the number of element attributes.

size_t mxmlElementGetAttrCount(mxml_node_t *node);


node Node

Return Value

Number of attributes


This function returns the number of attributes for the element node. 0 is returned if the node is not an element or there are no attributes for the element.


Set an attribute for an element.

void mxmlElementSetAttr(mxml_node_t *node, const char *name, const char *value);


node Element node
name Name of attribute
value Attribute value


This function sets attribute name to the string value for the element node. If the named attribute already exists, the value of the attribute is replaced by the new string value. The string value is copied.


Set an attribute with a formatted value.

void mxmlElementSetAttrf(mxml_node_t *node, const char *name, const char *format, ...);


node Element node
name Name of attribute
format Printf-style attribute value
... Additional arguments as needed


This function sets attribute name to the formatted value of format for the element node. If the named attribute already exists, the value of the attribute is replaced by the new formatted string value.


Find the named element.

mxml_node_t *mxmlFindElement(mxml_node_t *node, mxml_node_t *top, const char *element, const char *attr, const char *value, mxml_descend_t descend);


node Current node
top Top node
element Element name or NULL for any
attr Attribute name, or NULL for none
value Attribute value, or NULL for any

Return Value

Element node or NULL


This function finds the named element element in XML tree top starting at node node. The search is constrained by element name element, attribute name attr, and attribute value value - NULL names or values are treated as wildcards, so different kinds of searches can be implemented by looking for all elements of a given name or all elements with a specific attribute.

The descend argument determines whether the search descends into child nodes; normally you will use MXML_DESCEND_FIRST for the initial search and MXML_DESCEND_NONE to find additional direct descendents of the node.


Find a node with the given path.

mxml_node_t *mxmlFindPath(mxml_node_t *top, const char *path);


top Top node
path Path to element

Return Value

Found node or NULL


This function finds a node in XML tree top using a slash-separated list of element names in path. The name "" is considered a wildcard for one or more levels of elements, for example, "foo/one/two", "bar/two/one", "/one", and so forth.

The first child node of the found node is returned if the given node has children and the first child is a value node.


Get the value for a CDATA node.

const char *mxmlGetCDATA(mxml_node_t *node);


node Node to get

Return Value

CDATA value or NULL


This function gets the string value of a CDATA node. NULL is returned if the node is not a CDATA element.


Get the value for a comment node.

const char *mxmlGetComment(mxml_node_t *node);


node Node to get

Return Value

Comment value or NULL


This function gets the string value of a comment node. NULL is returned if the node is not a comment.


Get the value for a custom node.

const void *mxmlGetCustom(mxml_node_t *node);


node Node to get

Return Value

Custom value or NULL


This function gets the binary value of a custom node. NULL is returned if the node (or its first child) is not a custom value node.


Get the value for a declaration node.

const char *mxmlGetDeclaration(mxml_node_t *node);


node Node to get

Return Value

Declaraction value or NULL


This function gets the string value of a declaraction node. NULL is returned if the node is not a declaration.


Get the value for a processing instruction node.

const char *mxmlGetDirective(mxml_node_t *node);


node Node to get

Return Value

Comment value or NULL


This function gets the string value of a processing instruction. NULL is returned if the node is not a processing instruction.


Get the name for an element node.

const char *mxmlGetElement(mxml_node_t *node);


node Node to get

Return Value

Element name or NULL


This function gets the name of an element node. NULL is returned if the node is not an element node.


Get the first child of a node.

mxml_node_t *mxmlGetFirstChild(mxml_node_t *node);


node Node to get

Return Value

First child or NULL


This function gets the first child of a node. NULL is returned if the node has no children.


Get the integer value from the specified node or its first child.

long mxmlGetInteger(mxml_node_t *node);


node Node to get

Return Value

Integer value or 0


This function gets the value of an integer node. 0 is returned if the node (or its first child) is not an integer value node.


Get the last child of a node.

mxml_node_t *mxmlGetLastChild(mxml_node_t *node);


node Node to get

Return Value

Last child or NULL


This function gets the last child of a node. NULL is returned if the node has no children.


mxml_node_t *mxmlGetNextSibling(mxml_node_t *node);


node Node to get

Return Value

Get the next node for the current parent.

This function gets the next node for the current parent. NULL is returned if this is the last child for the current parent.


Get an opaque string value for a node or its first child.

const char *mxmlGetOpaque(mxml_node_t *node);


node Node to get

Return Value

Opaque string or NULL


This function gets the string value of an opaque node. NULL is returned if the node (or its first child) is not an opaque value node.


Get the parent node.

mxml_node_t *mxmlGetParent(mxml_node_t *node);


node Node to get

Return Value

Parent node or NULL


This function gets the parent of a node. NULL is returned for a root node.


Get the previous node for the current parent.

mxml_node_t *mxmlGetPrevSibling(mxml_node_t *node);


node Node to get

Return Value

Previous node or NULL


This function gets the previous node for the current parent. NULL is returned if this is the first child for the current parent.


Get the real value for a node or its first child.

double mxmlGetReal(mxml_node_t *node);


node Node to get

Return Value

Real value or 0.0


This function gets the value of a real value node. 0.0 is returned if the node (or its first child) is not a real value node.


Get the current reference (use) count for a node.

size_t mxmlGetRefCount(mxml_node_t *node);


node Node

Return Value

Reference count


The initial reference count of new nodes is 1. Use the mxmlRetain and mxmlRelease functions to increment and decrement a node's reference count.


Get the text value for a node or its first child.

const char *mxmlGetText(mxml_node_t *node, bool *whitespace);


node Node to get
whitespace true if string is preceded by whitespace, false otherwise

Return Value

Text string or NULL


This function gets the string and whitespace values of a text node. NULL and false are returned if the node (or its first child) is not a text node. The whitespace argument can be NULL if you don't want to know the whitespace value.

Note: Text nodes consist of whitespace-delimited words. You will only get single words of text when reading an XML file with MXML_TYPE_TEXT nodes. If you want the entire string between elements in the XML file, you MUST read the XML file with MXML_TYPE_OPAQUE nodes and get the resulting strings using the mxmlGetOpaque function instead.


Get the node type.

mxml_type_t mxmlGetType(mxml_node_t *node);


node Node to get

Return Value

Type of node


This function gets the type of node. MXML_TYPE_IGNORE is returned if node is NULL.


Get the user data pointer for a node.

void *mxmlGetUserData(mxml_node_t *node);


node Node to get

Return Value

User data pointer


This function gets the user data pointer associated with node.


Delete an index.

void mxmlIndexDelete(mxml_index_t *ind);


ind Index to delete


Return the next node in the index.

mxml_node_t *mxmlIndexEnum(mxml_index_t *ind);


ind Index to enumerate

Return Value

Next node or NULL if there is none


This function returns the next node in index ind.

You should call mxmlIndexReset prior to using this function to get the first node in the index. Nodes are returned in the sorted order of the index.


Find the next matching node.

mxml_node_t *mxmlIndexFind(mxml_index_t *ind, const char *element, const char *value);


ind Index to search
element Element name to find, if any
value Attribute value, if any

Return Value

Node or NULL if none found


This function finds the next matching node in index ind.

You should call mxmlIndexReset prior to using this function for the first time with a particular set of element and value strings. Passing NULL for both element and value is equivalent to calling mxmlIndexEnum.


Get the number of nodes in an index.

size_t mxmlIndexGetCount(mxml_index_t *ind);


ind Index of nodes

Return Value

Number of nodes in index


Create a new index.

mxml_index_t *mxmlIndexNew(mxml_node_t *node, const char *element, const char *attr);


node XML node tree
element Element to index or NULL for all
attr Attribute to index or NULL for none

Return Value

New index


This function creates a new index for XML tree node.

The index will contain all nodes that contain the named element and/or attribute. If both element and attr are NULL, then the index will contain a sorted list of the elements in the node tree. Nodes are sorted by element name and optionally by attribute value if the attr argument is not NULL.


Reset the enumeration/find pointer in the index and return the first node in the index.

mxml_node_t *mxmlIndexReset(mxml_index_t *ind);


ind Index to reset

Return Value

First node or NULL if there is none


This function resets the enumeration/find pointer in index ind and should be called prior to using mxmlIndexEnum or mxmlIndexFind for the first time.


Load a file descriptor into an XML node tree.

mxml_node_t *mxmlLoadFd(mxml_node_t *top, mxml_options_t *options, int fd);


top Top node
options Options
fd File descriptor to read from

Return Value

First node or NULL if the file could not be read.


This function loads the file descriptor fd into an XML node tree. The nodes in the specified file are added to the specified node top - if NULL the XML file MUST be well-formed with a single parent processing instruction node like <?xml version="1.0"?> at the start of the file.

Load options are provides via the options argument. If NULL, all values will be loaded into MXML_TYPE_TEXT nodes. Use the mxmlOptionsNew function to create options when loading XML data.


Load a file into an XML node tree.

mxml_node_t *mxmlLoadFile(mxml_node_t *top, mxml_options_t *options, FILE *fp);


top Top node
options Options
fp File to read from

Return Value

First node or NULL if the file could not be read.


This function loads the FILE pointer fp into an XML node tree. The nodes in the specified file are added to the specified node top - if NULL the XML file MUST be well-formed with a single parent processing instruction node like <?xml version="1.0"?> at the start of the file.

Load options are provides via the options argument. If NULL, all values will be loaded into MXML_TYPE_TEXT nodes. Use the mxmlOptionsNew function to create options when loading XML data.


Load a file into an XML node tree.

mxml_node_t *mxmlLoadFilename(mxml_node_t *top, mxml_options_t *options, const char *filename);


top Top node
options Options
filename File to read from

Return Value

First node or NULL if the file could not be read.


This function loads the named file filename into an XML node tree. The nodes in the specified file are added to the specified node top - if NULL the XML file MUST be well-formed with a single parent processing instruction node like <?xml version="1.0"?> at the start of the file.

Load options are provides via the options argument. If NULL, all values will be loaded into MXML_TYPE_TEXT nodes. Use the mxmlOptionsNew function to create options when loading XML data.


Load an XML node tree using a read callback.

mxml_node_t *mxmlLoadIO(mxml_node_t *top, mxml_options_t *options, mxml_io_cb_t io_cb, void *io_cbdata);


top Top node
options Options
io_cb Read callback function
io_cbdata Read callback data

Return Value

First node or NULL if the file could not be read.


This function loads data into an XML node tree using a read callback. The nodes in the specified file are added to the specified node top - if NULL the XML file MUST be well-formed with a single parent processing instruction node like <?xml version="1.0"?> at the start of the file.

Load options are provides via the options argument. If NULL, all values will be loaded into MXML_TYPE_TEXT nodes. Use the mxmlOptionsNew function to create options when loading XML data.

The read callback function io_cb is called to read a number of bytes from the source. The callback data pointer io_cbdata is passed to the read callback with a pointer to a buffer and the maximum number of bytes to read, for example:

`c size_t my_io_cb(void cbdata, void buffer, size_t bytes) { ... copy up to "bytes" bytes into buffer ... ... return the number of bytes "read" or 0 on error ... } `


Load a string into an XML node tree.

mxml_node_t *mxmlLoadString(mxml_node_t *top, mxml_options_t *options, const char *s);


top Top node
options Options
s String to load

Return Value

First node or NULL if the string has errors.


This function loads the string into an XML node tree. The nodes in the specified file are added to the specified node top - if NULL the XML file MUST be well-formed with a single parent processing instruction node like <?xml version="1.0"?> at the start of the file.

Load options are provides via the options argument. If NULL, all values will be loaded into MXML_TYPE_TEXT nodes. Use the mxmlOptionsNew function to create options when loading XML data.


Create a new CDATA node.

mxml_node_t *mxmlNewCDATA(mxml_node_t *parent, const char *data);


parent Parent node or NULL
data Data string

Return Value

New node


The new CDATA node is added to the end of the specified parent's child list. The constant NULL can be used to specify that the new CDATA node has no parent. The data string must be nul-terminated and is copied into the new node.


Create a new formatted CDATA node.

mxml_node_t *mxmlNewCDATAf(mxml_node_t *parent, const char *format, ...);


parent Parent node or NULL
format Printf-style format string
... Additional args as needed

Return Value

New node


The new CDATA node is added to the end of the specified parent's child list. The constant NULL can be used to specify that the new opaque string node has no parent. The format string must be nul-terminated and is formatted into the new node.


Create a new comment node.

mxml_node_t *mxmlNewComment(mxml_node_t *parent, const char *comment);


parent Parent node or NULL
comment Comment string

Return Value

New node


The new comment node is added to the end of the specified parent's child list. The constant NULL can be used to specify that the new comment node has no parent. The comment string must be nul-terminated and is copied into the new node.


Create a new formatted comment string node.

mxml_node_t *mxmlNewCommentf(mxml_node_t *parent, const char *format, ...);


parent Parent node or NULL
format Printf-style format string
... Additional args as needed

Return Value

New node


The new comment string node is added to the end of the specified parent's child list. The constant NULL can be used to specify that the new opaque string node has no parent. The format string must be nul-terminated and is formatted into the new node.


Create a new custom data node.

mxml_node_t *mxmlNewCustom(mxml_node_t *parent, void *data, mxml_custfree_cb_t free_cb, void *free_cbdata);


parent Parent node or NULL
data Pointer to data
free_cb Free callback function or NULL if none needed
free_cbdata Free callback data

Return Value

New node


The new custom node is added to the end of the specified parent's child list. The free_cb argument specifies a function to call to free the custom data when the node is deleted.


Create a new declaraction node.

mxml_node_t *mxmlNewDeclaration(mxml_node_t *parent, const char *declaration);


parent Parent node or NULL
declaration Declaration string

Return Value

New node


The new declaration node is added to the end of the specified parent's child list. The constant NULL can be used to specify that the new declaration node has no parent. The declaration string must be nul- terminated and is copied into the new node.


Create a new formatted declaration node.

mxml_node_t *mxmlNewDeclarationf(mxml_node_t *parent, const char *format, ...);


parent Parent node or NULL
format Printf-style format string
... Additional args as needed

Return Value

New node


The new declaration node is added to the end of the specified parent's child list. The constant NULL can be used to specify that the new opaque string node has no parent. The format string must be nul-terminated and is formatted into the new node.


Create a new processing instruction node.

mxml_node_t *mxmlNewDirective(mxml_node_t *parent, const char *directive);


parent Parent node or NULL
directive Directive string

Return Value

New node


The new processing instruction node is added to the end of the specified parent's child list. The constant NULL can be used to specify that the new processing instruction node has no parent. The data string must be nul-terminated and is copied into the new node.


Create a new formatted processing instruction node.

mxml_node_t *mxmlNewDirectivef(mxml_node_t *parent, const char *format, ...);


parent Parent node or NULL
format Printf-style format string
... Additional args as needed

Return Value

New node


The new processing instruction node is added to the end of the specified parent's child list. The constant NULL can be used to specify that the new opaque string node has no parent. The format string must be nul-terminated and is formatted into the new node.


Create a new element node.

mxml_node_t *mxmlNewElement(mxml_node_t *parent, const char *name);


parent Parent node or NULL
name Name of element

Return Value

New node


The new element node is added to the end of the specified parent's child list. The constant NULL can be used to specify that the new element node has no parent.


Create a new integer node.

mxml_node_t *mxmlNewInteger(mxml_node_t *parent, long integer);


parent Parent node or NULL
integer Integer value

Return Value

New node


The new integer node is added to the end of the specified parent's child list. The constant NULL can be used to specify that the new integer node has no parent.


Create a new opaque string.

mxml_node_t *mxmlNewOpaque(mxml_node_t *parent, const char *opaque);


parent Parent node or NULL
opaque Opaque string

Return Value

New node


The new opaque string node is added to the end of the specified parent's child list. The constant NULL can be used to specify that the new opaque string node has no parent. The opaque string must be nul-terminated and is copied into the new node.


Create a new formatted opaque string node.

mxml_node_t *mxmlNewOpaquef(mxml_node_t *parent, const char *format, ...);


parent Parent node or NULL
format Printf-style format string
... Additional args as needed

Return Value

New node


The new opaque string node is added to the end of the specified parent's child list. The constant NULL can be used to specify that the new opaque string node has no parent. The format string must be nul-terminated and is formatted into the new node.


Create a new real number node.

mxml_node_t *mxmlNewReal(mxml_node_t *parent, double real);


parent Parent node or NULL
real Real number value

Return Value

New node


The new real number node is added to the end of the specified parent's child list. The constant NULL can be used to specify that the new real number node has no parent.


Create a new text fragment node.

mxml_node_t *mxmlNewText(mxml_node_t *parent, bool whitespace, const char *string);


parent Parent node or NULL
whitespace true = leading whitespace, false = no whitespace
string String

Return Value

New node


The new text node is added to the end of the specified parent's child list. The constant NULL can be used to specify that the new text node has no parent. The whitespace parameter is used to specify whether leading whitespace is present before the node. The text string must be nul-terminated and is copied into the new node.


Create a new formatted text fragment node.

mxml_node_t *mxmlNewTextf(mxml_node_t *parent, bool whitespace, const char *format, ...);


parent Parent node or NULL
whitespace true = leading whitespace, false = no whitespace
format Printf-style format string
... Additional args as needed

Return Value

New node


The new text node is added to the end of the specified parent's child list. The constant NULL can be used to specify that the new text node has no parent. The whitespace parameter is used to specify whether leading whitespace is present before the node. The format string must be nul-terminated and is formatted into the new node.


Create a new XML document tree.

mxml_node_t *mxmlNewXML(const char *version);


version Version number to use

Return Value

New ?xml node


The "version" argument specifies the version number to put in the ?xml directive node. If NULL, version "1.0" is assumed.


Free load/save options.

void mxmlOptionsDelete(mxml_options_t *options);


options Options


Allocate load/save options.

mxml_options_t *mxmlOptionsNew(void);

Return Value



This function creates a new set of load/save options to use with the mxmlLoadFd, mxmlLoadFile, mxmlLoadFilename, mxmlLoadIO, mxmlLoadString, mxmlSaveAllocString, mxmlSaveFd, mxmlSaveFile, mxmlSaveFilename, mxmlSaveIO, and mxmlSaveString functions. Options can be reused for multiple calls to these functions and should be freed using the mxmlOptionsDelete function.

The default load/save options load values using the constant type MXML_TYPE_TEXT and save XML data with a wrap margin of 72 columns. The various mxmlOptionsSet functions are used to change the defaults, for example:

mxml_options_t *options = mxmlOptionsNew();

/* Load values as opaque strings */
mxmlOptionsSetTypeValue(options, MXML_TYPE_OPAQUE);
Note: The most common programming error when using the Mini-XML library is to load an XML file using the MXML_TYPE_TEXT node type, which returns inline text as a series of whitespace-delimited words, instead of using the MXML_TYPE_OPAQUE node type which returns the inline text as a single string (including whitespace).


Set the custom data callbacks.

void mxmlOptionsSetCustomCallbacks(mxml_options_t *options, mxml_custload_cb_t load_cb, mxml_custsave_cb_t save_cb, void *cbdata);


options Options
load_cb Custom load callback function
save_cb Custom save callback function
cbdata Custom callback data


This function sets the callbacks that are used for loading and saving custom data types. The load callback load_cb accepts the callback data pointer cbdata, a node pointer, and a data string and returns true on success and false on error, for example:

`c typedef struct { unsigned year, / Year / month, / Month / day, / Day / hour, / Hour / minute, / Minute / second; / Second / time_t unix; / UNIX time / } iso_date_time_t;

void my_custom_free_cb(void cbdata, void data) { free(data); }

bool my_custom_load_cb(void cbdata, mxml_node_t node, const char data) { iso_date_time_t dt; struct tm tmdata;

/ Allocate custom data structure ... / dt = calloc(1, sizeof(iso_date_time_t));

/ Parse the data string... / if (sscanf(data, "%u-%u-%uT%u:%u:%uZ", &(dt->year), &(dt->month), &(dt->day), &(dt->hour), &(dt->minute), &(dt->second)) != 6) { / Unable to parse date and time numbers... / free(dt); return (false); }

/ Range check values... / if (dt->month 1 || dt-month > 12 || dt->day 1 || dt-day > 31 || dt->hour 0 || dt-hour > 23 || dt->minute 0 || dt-minute > 59 || dt->second 0 || dt-second > 60) { / Date information is out of range... / free(dt); return (false); }

/ Convert ISO time to UNIX time in seconds... / tmdata.tm_year = dt->year - 1900; tmdata.tm_mon = dt->month - 1; tmdata.tm_day = dt->day; tmdata.tm_hour = dt->hour; tmdata.tm_min = dt->minute; tmdata.tm_sec = dt->second;

dt->unix = gmtime(&tmdata);

/ Set custom data and free function... / mxmlSetCustom(node, data, my_custom_free, /cbdata/NULL);

/ Return with no errors... / return (true); }

The save callback `save_cb` accepts the callback data pointer `cbdata` and a
node pointer and returns a malloc'd string on success and `NULL` on error,
for example:

char *
my_custom_save_cb(void *cbdata, mxml_node_t *node)
  char data[255];
  iso_date_time_t *dt;

  /* Get the custom data structure */
  dt = (iso_date_time_t *)mxmlGetCustom(node);

  /* Generate string version of the date/time... */
  snprintf(data, sizeof(data), "%04u-%02u-%02uT%02u:%02u:%02uZ",
           dt->year, dt->month, dt->day, dt->hour, dt->minute, dt->second);

  /* Duplicate the string and return... */
  return (strdup(data));


Set the entity lookup callback to use when loading XML data.

void mxmlOptionsSetEntityCallback(mxml_options_t *options, mxml_entity_cb_t cb, void *cbdata);


options Options
cb Entity callback function
cbdata Entity callback data


This function sets the callback that is used to lookup named XML character entities when loading XML data. The callback function cb accepts the callback data pointer cbdata and the entity name. The function returns a Unicode character value or -1 if the entity is not known. For example, the following entity callback supports the "euro" entity:

`c int my_entity_cb(void cbdata, const char name) { if (!strcmp(name, "euro")) return (0x20ac); else return (-1); }

Mini-XML automatically supports the "amp", "gt", "lt", and "quot" character
entities which are required by the base XML specification.
char *data) { iso_date_time_t


Set the error message callback.

void mxmlOptionsSetErrorCallback(mxml_options_t *options, mxml_error_cb_t cb, void *cbdata);


options Options
cb Error callback function
cbdata Error callback data


This function sets a function to use when reporting errors. The callback cb accepts the data pointer cbdata and a string pointer containing the error message:

`c void my_error_cb(void cbdata, const char message) { fprintf(stderr, "myprogram: %sn", message); }

The default error callback writes the error message to the `stderr` file.
ack supports the "euro" entity:



Set the SAX callback to use when reading XML data.

void mxmlOptionsSetSAXCallback(mxml_options_t *options, mxml_sax_cb_t cb, void *cbdata);


options Options
cb SAX callback function
cbdata SAX callback data


This function sets a SAX callback to use when reading XML data. The SAX callback function cb and associated callback data cbdata are used to enable the Simple API for XML streaming mode. The callback is called as the XML node tree is parsed and receives the cbdata pointer, the mxml_node_t pointer, and an event code. The function returns true to continue processing or false to stop:

`c bool sax_cb(void cbdata, mxml_node_t node, mxml_sax_event_t event) { ... do something ...

/ Continue processing... / return (true); }

The event will be one of the following:

- `MXML_SAX_EVENT_CDATA`: CDATA was just read.
- `MXML_SAX_EVENT_COMMENT`: A comment was just read.
- `MXML_SAX_EVENT_DATA`: Data (integer, opaque, real, or text) was just read.
- `MXML_SAX_EVENT_DECLARATION`: A declaration was just read.
- `MXML_SAX_EVENT_DIRECTIVE`: A processing directive/instruction was just read.
- `MXML_SAX_EVENT_ELEMENT_CLOSE` - A close element was just read (`</element>`)
- `MXML_SAX_EVENT_ELEMENT_OPEN` - An open element was just read (`<element>`)

Elements are *released* after the close element is processed.  All other nodes
are released after they are processed.  The SAX callback can *retain* the node
using the [mxmlRetain](@@) function.
/* Date information is out of range...


Set the type callback for child/value nodes.

void mxmlOptionsSetTypeCallback(mxml_options_t *options, mxml_type_cb_t cb, void *cbdata);


options Options
cb Type callback function
cbdata Type callback data


The load callback function cb is called to obtain the node type child/value nodes and receives the cbdata pointer and the mxml_node_t pointer, for example:

`c mxml_type_t my_type_cb(void cbdata, mxml_node_t node) { const char type; / You can lookup attributes and/or use the element name, hierarchy, etc... */

type = mxmlElementGetAttr(node, "type"); if (type == NULL) type = mxmlGetElement(node); if (type == NULL) type = "text";

if (!strcmp(type, "integer")) return (MXML_TYPE_INTEGER); else if (!strcmp(type, "opaque")) return (MXML_TYPE_OPAQUE); else if (!strcmp(type, "real")) return (MXML_TYPE_REAL); else return (MXML_TYPE_TEXT); } `


Set the type to use for all child/value nodes.

void mxmlOptionsSetTypeValue(mxml_options_t *options, mxml_type_t type);


options Options
type Value node type


This functions sets a constant node type to use for all child/value nodes.


Set the whitespace callback.

void mxmlOptionsSetWhitespaceCallback(mxml_options_t *options, mxml_ws_cb_t cb, void *cbdata);


options Options
cb Whitespace callback function
cbdata Whitespace callback data


This function sets the whitespace callback that is used when saving XML data. The callback function cb specifies a function that returns a whitespace string or NULL before and after each element. The function receives the callback data pointer cbdata, the mxml_node_t pointer, and a "when" value indicating where the whitespace is being added, for example:

`c const char my_whitespace_cb(void cbdata, mxml_node_t *node, mxml_ws_t when) { if (when == MXML_WS_BEFORE_OPEN || when == MXML_WS_AFTER_CLOSE) return ("n"); else return (NULL); } `


Set the wrap margin when saving XML data.

void mxmlOptionsSetWrapMargin(mxml_options_t *options, int column);


options Options
column Wrap column


This function sets the wrap margin used when saving XML data. Wrapping is disabled when column is 0.


Release a node.

int mxmlRelease(mxml_node_t *node);


node Node

Return Value

New reference count


When the reference count reaches zero, the node (and any children) is deleted via mxmlDelete.


Remove a node from its parent.

void mxmlRemove(mxml_node_t *node);


node Node to remove


This function does not free memory used by the node - use mxmlDelete for that. This function does nothing if the node has no parent.


Retain a node.

int mxmlRetain(mxml_node_t *node);


node Node

Return Value

New reference count


Save an XML tree to an allocated string.

char *mxmlSaveAllocString(mxml_node_t *node, mxml_options_t *options);


node Node to write
options Options

Return Value

Allocated string or NULL


This function saves the XML tree node to an allocated string. The string should be freed using free (or the string free callback set using mxmlSetStringCallbacks) when you are done with it.

NULL is returned if the node would produce an empty string or if the string cannot be allocated.

Save options are provides via the options argument. If NULL, the XML output will be wrapped at column 72 with no additional whitespace. Use the mxmlOptionsNew function to create options for saving XML data.


Save an XML tree to a file descriptor.

bool mxmlSaveFd(mxml_node_t *node, mxml_options_t *options, int fd);


node Node to write
options Options
fd File descriptor to write to

Return Value

true on success, false on error.


This function saves the XML tree node to a file descriptor.

Save options are provides via the options argument. If NULL, the XML output will be wrapped at column 72 with no additional whitespace. Use the mxmlOptionsNew function to create options for saving XML data.


Save an XML tree to a file.

bool mxmlSaveFile(mxml_node_t *node, mxml_options_t *options, FILE *fp);


node Node to write
options Options
fp File to write to

Return Value

true on success, false on error.


This function saves the XML tree node to a stdio FILE.

Save options are provides via the options argument. If NULL, the XML output will be wrapped at column 72 with no additional whitespace. Use the mxmlOptionsNew function to create options for saving XML data.


Save an XML tree to a file.

bool mxmlSaveFilename(mxml_node_t *node, mxml_options_t *options, const char *filename);


node Node to write
options Options
filename File to write to

Return Value

true on success, false on error.


This function saves the XML tree node to a named file.

Save options are provides via the options argument. If NULL, the XML output will be wrapped at column 72 with no additional whitespace. Use the mxmlOptionsNew function to create options for saving XML data.


Save an XML tree using a callback.

bool mxmlSaveIO(mxml_node_t *node, mxml_options_t *options, mxml_io_cb_t io_cb, void *io_cbdata);


node Node to write
options Options
io_cb Write callback function
io_cbdata Write callback data

Return Value

true on success, false on error.


This function saves the XML tree node using a write callback function io_cb. The write callback is called with the callback data pointer io_cbdata, a buffer pointer, and the number of bytes to write, for example:

`c size_t my_io_cb(void cbdata, const void buffer, size_t bytes) { ... write/copy bytes from buffer to the output ... ... return the number of bytes written/copied or 0 on error ... }

Save options are provides via the `options` argument.  If `NULL`, the XML
output will be wrapped at column 72 with no additional whitespace.  Use the
@link mxmlOptionsNew@ function to create options for saving XML data.
, "real")) return (MXML_TYPE_REAL); else return (MXML_TYPE_TEXT); } `


Save an XML node tree to a string.

size_t mxmlSaveString(mxml_node_t *node, mxml_options_t *options, char *buffer, size_t bufsize);


node Node to write
options Options
buffer String buffer
bufsize Size of string buffer

Return Value

Size of string


This function saves the XML tree node to a fixed-size string buffer.

Save options are provides via the options argument. If NULL, the XML output will be wrapped at column 72 with no additional whitespace. Use the mxmlOptionsNew function to create options for saving XML data.


Set the data for a CDATA node.

bool mxmlSetCDATA(mxml_node_t *node, const char *data);


node Node to set
data New data string

Return Value

true on success, false on failure


This function sets the value string for a CDATA node. The node is not changed if it (or its first child) is not a CDATA node.


Set the data for a CDATA to a formatted string.

bool mxmlSetCDATAf(mxml_node_t *node, const char *format, ...);


node Node
format printf-style format string
... Additional arguments as needed

Return Value

true on success, false on failure


This function sets the formatted string value of a CDATA node. The node is not changed if it (or its first child) is not a CDATA node.


Set a comment to a literal string.

bool mxmlSetComment(mxml_node_t *node, const char *comment);


node Node
comment Literal string

Return Value

true on success, false on failure


This function sets the string value of a comment node.


Set a comment to a formatted string.

bool mxmlSetCommentf(mxml_node_t *node, const char *format, ...);


node Node
format printf-style format string
... Additional arguments as needed

Return Value

true on success, false on failure


This function sets the formatted string value of a comment node.


Set the data and destructor of a custom data node.

bool mxmlSetCustom(mxml_node_t *node, void *data, mxml_custfree_cb_t free_cb, void *free_cbdata);


node Node to set
data New data pointer
free_cb Free callback function
free_cbdata Free callback data

Return Value

true on success, false on failure


This function sets the data pointer data and destructor callback destroy_cb of a custom data node. The node is not changed if it (or its first child) is not a custom node.


Set a declaration to a literal string.

bool mxmlSetDeclaration(mxml_node_t *node, const char *declaration);


node Node
declaration Literal string

Return Value

true on success, false on failure


This function sets the string value of a declaration node.


Set a declaration to a formatted string.

bool mxmlSetDeclarationf(mxml_node_t *node, const char *format, ...);


node Node
format printf-style format string
... Additional arguments as needed

Return Value

true on success, false on failure


This function sets the formatted string value of a declaration node.


Set a processing instruction to a literal string.

bool mxmlSetDirective(mxml_node_t *node, const char *directive);


node Node
directive Literal string

Return Value

true on success, false on failure


This function sets the string value of a processing instruction node.


Set a processing instruction to a formatted string.

bool mxmlSetDirectivef(mxml_node_t *node, const char *format, ...);


node Node
format printf-style format string
... Additional arguments as needed

Return Value

true on success, false on failure


This function sets the formatted string value of a processing instruction node.


Set the name of an element node.

bool mxmlSetElement(mxml_node_t *node, const char *name);


node Node to set
name New name string

Return Value

true on success, false on failure


This function sets the name of an element node. The node is not changed if it is not an element node.


Set the value of an integer node.

bool mxmlSetInteger(mxml_node_t *node, long integer);


node Node to set
integer Integer value

Return Value

true on success, false on failure


This function sets the value of an integer node. The node is not changed if it (or its first child) is not an integer node.


Set the value of an opaque node.

bool mxmlSetOpaque(mxml_node_t *node, const char *opaque);


node Node to set
opaque Opaque string

Return Value

true on success, false on failure


This function sets the string value of an opaque node. The node is not changed if it (or its first child) is not an opaque node.


Set the value of an opaque string node to a formatted string.

bool mxmlSetOpaquef(mxml_node_t *node, const char *format, ...);


node Node to set
format Printf-style format string
... Additional arguments as needed

Return Value

true on success, false on failure


This function sets the formatted string value of an opaque node. The node is not changed if it (or its first child) is not an opaque node.


Set the value of a real value node.

bool mxmlSetReal(mxml_node_t *node, double real);


node Node to set
real Real number value

Return Value

true on success, false on failure


This function sets the value of a real value node. The node is not changed if it (or its first child) is not a real value node.


Set the value of a text node.

bool mxmlSetText(mxml_node_t *node, bool whitespace, const char *string);


node Node to set
whitespace true = leading whitespace, false = no whitespace
string String

Return Value

true on success, false on failure


This function sets the string and whitespace values of a text node. The node is not changed if it (or its first child) is not a text node.


Set the value of a text node to a formatted string.

bool mxmlSetTextf(mxml_node_t *node, bool whitespace, const char *format, ...);


node Node to set
whitespace true = leading whitespace, false = no whitespace
format Printf-style format string
... Additional arguments as needed

Return Value

true on success, false on failure


This function sets the formatted string and whitespace values of a text node. The node is not changed if it (or its first child) is not a text node.


Set the user data pointer for a node.

bool mxmlSetUserData(mxml_node_t *node, void *data);


node Node to set
data User data pointer

Return Value

true on success, false on failure


Walk to the next logical node in the tree.

mxml_node_t *mxmlWalkNext(mxml_node_t *node, mxml_node_t *top, mxml_descend_t descend);


node Current node
top Top node

Return Value

Next node or NULL


This function walks to the next logical node in the tree. The descend argument controls whether the first child is considered to be the next node. The top argument constrains the walk to that node's children.


Walk to the previous logical node in the tree.

mxml_node_t *mxmlWalkPrev(mxml_node_t *node, mxml_node_t *top, mxml_descend_t descend);


node Current node
top Top node

Return Value

Previous node or NULL


This function walks to the previous logical node in the tree. The descend argument controls whether the first child is considered to be the next node. The top argument constrains the walk to that node's children.

Data Types


mxmlAdd add values

typedef enum mxml_add_e mxml_add_t;


Custom data destructor

typedef void (*mxml_custfree_cb_t)(void *cbdata void *custdata);


Custom data load callback function

typedef bool (*mxml_custload_cb_t)(void *cbdata mxml_node_t *node const char *s);


Custom data save callback function

typedef char *(*mxml_custsave_cb_t)(void *cbdata mxml_node_t *node);


mxmlFindElement, mxmlWalkNext, and mxmlWalkPrev descend values

typedef enum mxml_descend_e mxml_descend_t;


Entity callback function

typedef int (*mxml_entity_cb_t)(void *cbdata const char *name);


Error callback function

typedef void (*mxml_error_cb_t)(void *cbdata const char *message);


An XML node index

typedef struct _mxml_index_s mxml_index_t;


Read/write callback function

typedef size_t (*mxml_io_cb_t)(void *cbdata void *buffer size_t bytes);


An XML node

typedef struct _mxml_node_s mxml_node_t;


XML options

typedef struct _mxml_options_s mxml_options_t;


SAX callback function

typedef bool (*mxml_sax_cb_t)(void *cbdata mxml_node_t *node mxml_sax_event_t event);


SAX event type.

typedef enum mxml_sax_event_e mxml_sax_event_t;


String copy/allocation callback

typedef char *(*mxml_strcopy_cb_t)(void *cbdata const char *s);


String free callback

typedef void (*mxml_strfree_cb_t)(void *cbdata char *s);


Type callback function

typedef mxml_type_t (*mxml_type_cb_t)(void *cbdata mxml_node_t *node);


The XML node type.

typedef enum mxml_type_e mxml_type_t;


Whitespace callback function

typedef const char *(*mxml_ws_cb_t)(void *cbdata mxml_node_t *node mxml_ws_t when);


Whitespace periods

typedef enum mxml_ws_e mxml_ws_t;



mxmlAdd add values


MXML_ADD_AFTER Add node after specified node
MXML_ADD_BEFORE Add node before specified node


mxmlFindElement, mxmlWalkNext, and mxmlWalkPrev descend values


MXML_DESCEND_ALL Descend when finding/walking
MXML_DESCEND_FIRST Descend for first find
MXML_DESCEND_NONE Don't descend when finding/walking


SAX event type.


MXML_SAX_EVENT_DIRECTIVE Processing instruction node


The XML node type.


MXML_TYPE_COMMENT Comment ("!--...--")
MXML_TYPE_DECLARATION Declaration ("!...")
MXML_TYPE_DIRECTIVE Processing instruction ("?...?")
MXML_TYPE_ELEMENT XML element with attributes
MXML_TYPE_IGNORE Ignore/throw away node
MXML_TYPE_OPAQUE Opaque string
MXML_TYPE_TEXT Text fragment


Whitespace periods


MXML_WS_AFTER_CLOSE Callback for after close tag
MXML_WS_AFTER_OPEN Callback for after open tag
MXML_WS_BEFORE_CLOSE Callback for before close tag
MXML_WS_BEFORE_OPEN Callback for before open tag