

mxmldoc - mini-xml documentation generator


mxmldoc [ --intro introfile.html ] [ --section section ] [ --title title ] [ filename.xml ] [ source file(s) ] > filename.html


mxmldoc scans the specified C and C++ source files to produce an XML representation of globally accessible classes, constants, enumerations, functions, structures, typedefs, unions, and variables. The XML file is updated as necessary and a HTML representation of the XML file is written to the standard output. If no source files are specified then the current XML file is converted to HTML on the standard output.

In general, any C or C++ source code is handled by mxmldoc, however it was specifically written to handle code with documentation that is formatted according to the CUPS Configuration Management Plan which is available at "".


--intro introfile.html
Inserts the specified file at the top of the output documentation.
--section section
Sets the section/keywords in the output documentation.
--title title
Sets the title of the output documentation.

See Also

mxml(3), Mini-XML Programmers Manual,


Copyright 2003-2005 by Michael Sweet.