for the "is published" field... // // // Include necessary headers... // include_once "globals.php"; include_once "auth.php"; // Check for a logout on the command-line... if ($argc == 1 && $argv[0] == "logout") { auth_logout(); $argc = 0; } // Search keywords... $html_keywords = array( "documentation", "functions", "library", "linux", "macos x", "mini-xml", "mxml", "mxmldoc", "software", "unix", "windows", "xml" ); // Figure out the base path... $html_path = dirname($PHP_SELF); if (array_key_exists("PATH_INFO", $_SERVER)) { $i = -1; while (($i = strpos($_SERVER["PATH_INFO"], "/", $i + 1)) !== FALSE) $html_path = dirname($html_path); } if ($html_path == "/") $html_path = ""; // // 'html_header()' - Show the standard page header and navbar... // function // O - User information html_header($title = "", // I - Additional document title $refresh = "") // I - Refresh URL { global $html_keywords, $html_path, $_GET, $LOGIN_USER, $PHP_SELF, $_SERVER; // Common stuff... // header("Cache-Control: no-cache"); print("\n"); print("\n"); print("\n"); // Title... if ($title != "") $html_title = "$title -"; else $html_title = ""; print(" $html_title Mini-XML\n" ." \n" ." \n" ." \n" ." \n"); // If refresh URL is specified, add the META tag... if ($refresh != "") print(" \n"); // Search engine keywords... reset($html_keywords); list($key, $val) = each($html_keywords); print("\n"); print("\n" ."\n"); // Standard navigation stuff... if (array_key_exists("Q", $_GET)) $q = htmlspecialchars($_GET["Q"], ENT_QUOTES); else $q = ""; if (stripos($_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"], "webkit") !== FALSE) { // Use Safari search box... $search = ""; } else { // Use standard HTML text field... $search = ""; } $classes = array("unsel", "unsel", "unsel", "unsel", "unsel", "unsel"); if (strpos($PHP_SELF, "/account.php") !== FALSE || strpos($PHP_SELF, "/login.php") !== FALSE) $classes[0] = "sel"; else if (strpos($PHP_SELF, "/str.php") !== FALSE) $classes[2] = "sel"; else if (strpos($PHP_SELF, "/documentation.php") !== FALSE || strpos($PHP_SELF, "/account.php") !== FALSE) $classes[3] = "sel"; else if (strpos($PHP_SELF, "/software.php") !== FALSE) $classes[4] = "sel"; else if (strpos($PHP_SELF, "/forums.php") !== FALSE) $classes[5] = "sel"; else $classes[1] = "sel"; print("\n" ."" ."" ."" ."" ."" ."" ."" ."" ."" ."\n" ."\n" ."\n" ."
"); if ($LOGIN_USER) print("$LOGIN_USER"); else print("Login"); print("HomeBugs & FeaturesDocumentationDownloadForums" ."
" ."$search
"); } // // 'html_footer()' - Show the standard footer for a page. // function html_footer() { print("
\n" ."\n" ."\n"); } // // 'html_start_links()' - Start of series of hyperlinks. // function html_start_links($center = FALSE) // I - Center links? { global $html_firstlink; $html_firstlink = 1; if ($center) print("

"); } // // 'html_end_links()' - End of series of hyperlinks. // function html_end_links() { print("

\n"); } // // 'html_link()' - Show a single hyperlink. // function html_link($text, // I - Text for hyperlink $link) // I - URL for hyperlink { global $html_firstlink; if ($html_firstlink) $html_firstlink = 0; else print(" · "); $safetext = str_replace(" ", " ", $text); print("$safetext"); } // // 'html_links()' - Show an array of links. // function html_links($links) // I - Associated array of hyperlinks { reset($links); while (list($key, $val) = each($links)) html_link($key, $val); } // // 'html_start_table()' - Start a rounded, shaded table. // function html_start_table($headings, // I - Array of heading strings $width = "100%", // I - Width of table $height = "") // I - Height of table { global $html_row; print("" .""); $html_row = 0; reset($headings); for ($i = 0; $i < count($headings); $i ++) { // // Headings can be in the following forms: // // Mix and match as needed: // // "xxxxxxxx" -- Just a column heading. // "xxxxxxxx:aa" -- Heading with align. // "xxxxxxxx::cc" -- Heading with a colspan. // "xxxxxxxx:::ww" -- Heading with a width. // "xxxxxxxx::cc:ww" -- Heading with colspan and width. // "xxxxxxxx:aa:cc:ww" -- Heading with align, colspan and width. // // etc, etc. // $s_header = ""; $s_colspan = ""; $s_width = ""; $s_align = ""; if (strstr($headings[$i], ":")) { $data = explode(":", $headings[$i]); $s_header = $data[0]; if ($data[1] != "") $s_align = "align=$data[1]"; if ($data[2] > 1) $s_colspan = "colspan=$data[2]"; if ($data[3] > 0) $s_width = "width=$data[3]%"; } else $s_header = $headings[$i]; if (strlen($s_header)) print(""); else print(""); } print("\n"); } // // 'html_end_table()' - End a rounded, shaded table. // function html_end_table() { print("
\n"); } // // 'html_start_row()' - Start a table row. // function html_start_row($classname = "") // I - HTML class to use { global $html_row; if ($classname == "") $classname = "data$html_row"; else $html_row = 1 - $html_row; print(""); } // // 'html_end_row()' - End a table row. // function html_end_row() { global $html_row; $html_row = 1 - $html_row; print("\n"); } // // 'html_search_words()' - Generate an array of search words. // function // O - Array of words html_search_words($search = "") // I - Search string { $words = array(); $temp = ""; $len = strlen($search); for ($i = 0; $i < $len; $i ++) { switch ($search[$i]) { case "\"" : if ($temp != "") { $words[sizeof($words)] = strtolower($temp); $temp = ""; } $i ++; while ($i < $len && $search[$i] != "\"") { $temp .= $search[$i]; $i ++; } $words[sizeof($words)] = strtolower($temp); $temp = ""; break; case " " : case "\t" : case "\n" : if ($temp != "") { $words[sizeof($words)] = strtolower($temp); $temp = ""; } break; default : $temp .= $search[$i]; break; } } if ($temp != "") $words[sizeof($words)] = strtolower($temp); return ($words); } // // 'html_select_is_published()' - Do a "); if ($is_published) { print(""); print(""); } else { print(""); print(""); } print(""); } ?>