Root"; else return "Root"; } else if ($id < 0) { return "All"; } $result = db_query("SELECT name, id, parent_id FROM link WHERE id = $id"); $category = ""; if ($result) { $row = db_next($result); if ($row) { if ($with_links || $row['parent_id'] > 0) $category = get_category($row['parent_id'], 1) . "/"; if ($with_links == 1) $category .= "" . htmlspecialchars($row[name]) . ""; else $category .= htmlspecialchars($row['name']); } db_free($result); } return ($category); } // // 'select_category()' - Get a list of all categories. // function select_category($parent_id = 0, // I - Parent ID $is_category = 0) // I - Selecting for category? { // Scan the table for categories... We add "C" to the ID to // avoid PHP thinking we want an actual index in the array. $result = db_query("SELECT name,id FROM link " ."WHERE is_published != 0 AND is_category != 0 " ."ORDER BY name"); $cats = array(); while ($row = db_next($result)) $cats["C$row[id]"] = get_category($row['id'], 0); db_free($result); // Add the Root category if we are adding or modifying a category. if ($is_category) $cats["C0"] = "Root"; // Sort the category list... asort($cats); // List the categories for selection... print(""); } // Set globals... $id = 0; $parent_id = 0; $query = ''; if ($LOGIN_LEVEL >= AUTH_DEVEL) { $op = 'Z'; } else { $op = 'L'; } // Get command-line options... // // Usage: links.php [operation] [options] // // Operations: // // LA = List all links // LC = List links by category // LU = List unpublished links // R# = Rate listing # // SH# = Show homepage for listing # // SD# = Show download for listing # // UC = Add new category // UC# = Modify category # // UL = Add new listing // UL# = Modify listing # // V# = View listing # // X# = Delete category or listing # // // Options: // // P# = Set parent ID // Qtext = Set search text $search = ""; $op = "L"; $listtype = "C"; for ($i = 0; $i < $argc; $i ++) { switch ($argv[$i][0]) { case 'L' : // List or search $op = 'L'; if (strlen($argv[$i]) > 1) { $listtype = $argv[$i][1]; if ($listtype != 'C') $parent_id = -1; } break; case 'P' : // Parent $parent_id = (int)substr($argv[$i], 1); break; case 'Q' : // Set search text $search = $option; $i ++; while ($i < $argc) { $search .= " $argv[$i]"; $i ++; } break; case 'R' : // Rate $op = $argv[$i][0]; $id = (int)substr($argv[$i], 1); break; case 'S' : // Show web or download page $op = $argv[$i][0]; $type = $argv[$i][1]; $id = (int)substr($argv[$i], 2); break; case 'U' : // Update/add $op = $argv[$i][0]; $type = $argv[$i][1]; $id = (int)substr($argv[$i], 2); break; case 'V' : // View $op = 'V'; $id = (int)substr($argv[$i], 1); break; case 'X' : // Delete $op = 'X'; $id = (int)substr($argv[$i], 1); break; default : header("Location: $PHP_SELF"); exit(); } } if (array_key_exists("SEARCH", $_POST)) $search = $_POST["SEARCH"]; // Encode the search parameters so they can be propagated... $options = "+Q" . urlencode($search); // Now do operation.. switch ($op) { case 'L' : // List... html_header("Links"); html_start_links(1); html_link("Show All Listings", "$PHP_SELF?LA$options"); html_link("Show Listings By Category", "$PHP_SELF?LC$options"); if ($LOGIN_LEVEL >= AUTH_DEVEL) html_link("Show Unpublished Listings", "$PHP_SELF?LU$options"); html_end_links(); print("


\n"); print("
\n" ."
" ."" ."" ."
\n" ."
\n" ."
\n"); if ($search != "") { // Construct a query... $search_string = $search; $search_string = str_replace("'", " ", $search_string); $search_string = str_replace("\"", " ", $search_string); $search_string = str_replace("\\", " ", $search_string); $search_string = str_replace("%20", " ", $search_string); $search_string = str_replace("%27", " ", $search_string); $search_string = str_replace(" ", " ", $search_string); $search_words = explode(' ', $search_string); // Loop through the array of words, adding them to the $prefix = ""; $next = "OR"; reset($search_words); while ($keyword = current($search_words)) { next($search_words); $keyword = ltrim(rtrim($keyword)); if (strcasecmp($keyword, 'or') == 0) { $next = 'OR'; if ($prefix != '') $prefix = 'OR'; } else if (strcasecmp($keyword, 'and') == 0) { $next = 'AND'; if ($prefix != '') $prefix = 'AND'; } else { $query = "$query $prefix name LIKE '%$keyword%'"; $prefix = $next; } } } if ($search == "") $category = get_category($parent_id); else $category = "Search"; if ($listtype == 'U') $is_published = "is_published = 0 AND "; else if ($LOGIN_LEVEL >= AUTH_DEVEL) $is_published = ""; else $is_published = "is_published = 1 AND "; // Show the categories... if ($query != "") $result = db_query("SELECT * FROM link " ."WHERE ${is_published}is_category = 1 AND " ."($query) " ."ORDER BY name"); else if ($parent_id >= 0) $result = db_query("SELECT * FROM link " ."WHERE ${is_published}is_category = 1 AND " ."parent_id = $parent_id " ."ORDER BY name"); else $result = db_query("SELECT * FROM link " ."WHERE ${is_published}is_category = 1 " ."ORDER BY name"); if ($parent_id < 0) print("

All Categories

\n"); else print("

Categories in $category

\n"); print("\n"); html_start_links(); html_link("Submit New Category", "$PHP_SELF?UC+P$parent_id$options"); html_end_links(); db_free($result); // Then show the listings... if ($query != "") $result = db_query("SELECT * FROM link " ."WHERE ${is_published}is_category = 0 AND " ."($query) " ."ORDER BY name"); else if ($parent_id >= 0) $result = db_query("SELECT * FROM link " ."WHERE ${is_published}is_category = 0 AND " ."parent_id = $parent_id " ."ORDER BY name"); else $result = db_query("SELECT * FROM link " ."WHERE ${is_published}is_category = 0 " ."ORDER BY name"); if ($parent_id < 0) print("

All Listings

\n"); else print("

Listings in $category

\n"); print("\n"); html_start_links(); html_link("Submit New Listing", "$PHP_SELF?UL+P$parent_id$options"); html_end_links(); db_free($result); html_footer(); break; case 'U' : // Add or update category or listing... if ($id > 0) { // Get current link data from database... $result = db_query("SELECT * FROM link WHERE id = $id"); if (db_count($result) != 1) { // Link doesn't exist! db_free($result); header("Location: $PHP_SELF"); exit(); } $row = db_next($result); if ($LOGIN_LEVEL < AUTH_DEVEL && $LOGIN_USER != $row["create_user"]) { // No permission! db_free($result); header("Location: $PHP_SELF"); exit(); } $is_category = $row['is_category']; $is_published = $row['is_published']; $name = $row['name']; $version = $row['version']; $license = $row['license']; $author = $row['author']; $email = $row['email']; $homepage_url = $row['homepage_url']; $download_url = $row['download_url']; $description = $row['description']; db_free($result); } else { // Use default information for type... if ($type == 'C') $is_category = 1; else $is_category = 0; if ($LOGIN_LEVEL >= AUTH_DEVEL) $is_published = 1; else $is_published = 0; $name = ""; $version = ""; $license = ""; $author = ""; $email = ""; $homepage_url = "http://"; $download_url = "ftp://"; $description = ""; } $announcement = ""; if ($REQUEST_METHOD == "POST") { if (array_key_exists("PARENT_ID", $_POST)) $parent_id = (int)$_POST["PARENT_ID"]; if ($LOGIN_LEVEL >= AUTH_DEVEL && array_key_exists("IS_PUBLISHED", $_POST)) $is_published = (int)$_POST["IS_PUBLISHED"]; if (array_key_exists("NAME", $_POST)) $name = $_POST["NAME"]; if (array_key_exists("VERSION", $_POST)) $version = $_POST["VERSION"]; if (array_key_exists("LICENSE", $_POST)) $license = $_POST["LICENSE"]; if (array_key_exists("AUTHOR", $_POST)) $author = $_POST["AUTHOR"]; if (array_key_exists("EMAIL", $_POST)) $email = $_POST["EMAIL"]; if (array_key_exists("HOMEPAGE_URL", $_POST)) $homepage_url = $_POST["HOMEPAGE_URL"]; if (array_key_exists("DOWNLOAD_URL", $_POST)) $download_url = $_POST["DOWNLOAD_URL"]; if (array_key_exists("DESCRIPTION", $_POST)) $description = $_POST["DESCRIPTION"]; if (array_key_exists("ANNOUNCEMENT", $_POST) && $type == 'L') $announcement = $_POST["ANNOUNCEMENT"]; if ($name != "" && ($is_category || ($version != "" && $license != "" && $author != "" && $description != "" && $homepage_url != "http://" && $download_url != "ftp://"))) $havedata = 1; else $havedata = 0; } else $havedata = 0; if ($type == 'C') $typename = 'Category'; else $typename = 'Listing'; if ($id > 0) $opname = 'Update'; else $opname = 'Create'; if ($havedata) $heading = htmlspecialchars("${opname}d $typename $name"); else $heading = htmlspecialchars("$opname $typename $name"); html_header($heading); html_start_links(1); html_link("Show All Listings", "$PHP_SELF?LA$options"); html_link("Show Listings By Category", "$PHP_SELF?LC$options"); if ($LOGIN_LEVEL >= AUTH_DEVEL) html_link("Show Unpublished Listings", "$PHP_SELF?LU$options"); html_end_links(); print("


\n"); if ($havedata) { $name = db_escape($name); $version = db_escape($version); $license = db_escape($license); $author = db_escape($author); $email = db_escape($email); $homepage_url = db_escape($homepage_url); $download_url = db_escape($download_url); $user = db_escape($LOGIN_USER); $date = time(); $what = strtolower("${opname}d"); if ($id == 0) { // Insert a new record... db_query("INSERT INTO link VALUES(NULL,$parent_id," ."$is_category,$is_published," ."'$name','$version','$license'," ."'$author','$email','$homepage_url','$download_url'," ."'$description',5,1,0,0,$date,'$user',$date,'$user')"); $id = db_insert_id(); } else { // Modify the existing record... db_query("UPDATE link SET is_published=$is_published," ."parent_id=$parent_id," ."name='$name',version='$version',license='$license'," ."author='$author',email='$email'," ."homepage_url='$homepage_url',download_url='$download_url'," ."description='$description',modify_date=$date," ."modify_user='$user' " ."WHERE id=$id"); } if ($announcement != "") { $links = "

[ More Info"; if ($homepage_url != "") $links .= " | Home Page"; if ($download_url != "") $links .= " | Download"; $links .= " ]

\n"; $abstract = db_escape(abbreviate($announcement, 80)); $announcement = db_escape($links . $announcement); db_query("INSERT INTO article VALUES(NULL,0," ."'$name $version','$abstract','$announcement',$date," ."'$user',$date,'$user')"); $article_id = db_insert_id(); // Notify the admin about the new article... mail($PROJECT_EMAIL, "$PROJECT_NAME Article #$article_id created", wordwrap("$user has created an article titled, " ."'$name $version' with the following abstract:\n\n" ." $abstract\n\n" ."Please approve or delete this article via the following " ."page:\n\n" ." $PHP_URL?L$article_id\n"), "From: $PROJECT_EMAIL\r\n"); } if ($is_published == 0) { // Send email to moderators... $message = wordwrap("'$name' has been $what on the $PROJECT_NAME " ."links page and requires your approval before " ."it will be made visible on the $PROJECT_NAME " ."site. Please go to the following link to " ."process the submission:\n\n" ." $PHP_URL?U$type$id\n"); mail($PROJECT_EMAIL, "$PROJECT_NAME $typename ${opname}d", $message, "From: $PROJECT_EMAIL\r\n"); // Let the user know that the moderator must approve it... print("

Your submission will be made visible as soon as one of " ."moderators approves it.

\n"); } else { print("

Thank you, your submission is now visible on the site.

\n"); if ($announcement != "") print("

Your news announcement will be made visible as soon as " ."one of moderators approves it.

\n"); } html_start_links(); html_link("Return to Listing", "$PHP_SELF?L+P$parent_id"); html_end_links(); } else { if ($REQUEST_METHOD == "POST") { $what = strtolower($typename); print("

Error: Please fill in the fields marked in " ."bold red below and resubmit " ."your $what.

\n"); $hstart = ""; $hend = ""; } else { $hstart = ""; $hend = ""; } $name = htmlspecialchars($name, ENT_QUOTES); $version = htmlspecialchars($version, ENT_QUOTES); $license = htmlspecialchars($license, ENT_QUOTES); $author = htmlspecialchars($author, ENT_QUOTES); $email = htmlspecialchars($email, ENT_QUOTES); $homepage_url = htmlspecialchars($homepage_url, ENT_QUOTES); $download_url = htmlspecialchars($download_url, ENT_QUOTES); $abstract = htmlspecialchars($announcement, ENT_QUOTES); print("
\n" ."
\n"); if ($LOGIN_LEVEL >= AUTH_DEVEL) { print("\n"); } else { print("\n"); } if ($name == "") print(""); else print(""); print("" ."\n"); print("\n"); if (!$is_category) { if ($version == "") print(""); else print(""); print("\n"); if ($license == "") print(""); else print(""); print("\n"); if ($author == "") print(""); else print(""); print("\n"); if (!validate_email($email) && $email != "") print(""); else print(""); print("\n"); if ($homepage_url == "http://") print(""); else print(""); print("\n"); if ($download_url == "ftp://") print(""); else print(""); print("\n"); if ($description == "") print(""); else print(""); print("\n"); print(""); print("\n"); } print("" ."" ."\n"); print("
Published:"); select_is_published($is_published); print("
Category:"); select_category($parent_id, $is_category); print("
${hstart}Home Page URL:${hend}
Home Page URL:
${hstart}Download URL:${hend}
Download URL:
Description:" ."

The description may contain the following " ."HTML elements: A, B, BLOCKQUOTE, " ."CODE, EM, H1, H2, " ."H3, H4, H5, H6, I, " ."IMG, LI, OL, P, PRE, " ."TT, U, UL

Announcment:" ."

The announcement may contain the following " ."HTML elements: A, B, BLOCKQUOTE, " ."CODE, EM, H1, H2, " ."H3, H4, H5, H6, I, " ."IMG, LI, OL, P, PRE, " ."TT, U, UL

\n"); print("
"); } html_footer(); break; case 'V' : // View a listing... $result = db_query("SELECT * FROM link WHERE id = $id"); if (db_count($result) != 1) { db_free($result); header("Location: $PHP_SELF"); exit(); } $row = db_next($result); if ($row["is_published"] == 0 && $LOGIN_LEVEL < AUTH_DEVEL && $LOGIN_USER != $row["create_user"]) { // No permission! db_free($result); header("Location: $PHP_SELF"); exit(); } $name = htmlspecialchars($row['name'], ENT_QUOTES); $version = htmlspecialchars($row['version'], ENT_QUOTES); $license = htmlspecialchars($row['license'], ENT_QUOTES); $author = htmlspecialchars($row['author'], ENT_QUOTES); $email = htmlspecialchars($row['email'], ENT_QUOTES); $homepage_url = htmlspecialchars($row['homepage_url'], ENT_QUOTES); $download_url = htmlspecialchars($row['download_url'], ENT_QUOTES); $description = format_text($row['description']); $create_date = date("M d, Y", $row['create_date']); $modify_date = date("M d, Y", $row['modify_date']); $category = get_category($row['parent_id']); $rating = (int)(100 * $row['rating_total'] / $row['rating_count']) * 0.01; $email = sanitize_email($row['email']); if (($row['homepage_visits'] + $row['download_visits']) > 0) { $visits = db_query("SELECT MAX(homepage_visits), " ."MAX(download_visits) FROM link"); $visrow = db_next($visits); $popularity = (int)(100 * ($row['homepage_visits'] + $row['download_visits']) / ($visrow['MAX(homepage_visits)'] + $visrow['MAX(download_visits)'])); if ($popularity < 0) $popularity = 0; db_free($visits); } else { $popularity = "???"; } html_header("$name $version"); html_start_links(1); html_link("Back To Listings", "$PHP_SELF?L+P$parent_id$options"); html_link("Show Comments", "#_USER_COMMENTS"); html_link("Submit Comment", "comment.php?r0+plinks.php_V$id"); if ($LOGIN_LEVEL >= AUTH_DEVEL || $LOGIN_USER == $row["create_user"]) { html_link("Delete Listing", "$PHP_SELF?X$id$options"); html_link("Edit Listing", "$PHP_SELF?UL$id$options"); } html_end_links(); print("

$name $version

\n"); print("\n"); print("" ."" ."" ."" ."" ."\n"); print("" ."" ."" ."" ."" ."\n"); print("" ."" ."" ."" ."" ."\n"); print("" ."" ."" ."" ."" ."\n"); print("" ."" ."" ."\n"); print("" ."" ."" ."\n"); print("" ."" ."" ."\n"); print("
$rating " ."" ."
" ."
Home Page:$homepage_url " ."($row[homepage_visits] visits)
Download:$download_url " ."($row[download_visits] visits)
\n"); db_free($result); print("
\n" ."


\n"); html_start_links(); html_link("Submit Comment", "comment.php?r0+plinks.php_V$id"); html_end_links(); show_comments("links.php_V$id"); html_footer(); break; case 'X' : // Delete listing... $result = db_query("SELECT * FROM link WHERE id = $id"); if (db_count($result) != 1) { db_free($result); header("Location: $PHP_SELF?L$options"); exit(); } $row = db_next($result); if ($LOGIN_LEVEL < AUTH_DEVEL && $LOGIN_USER != $row["create_user"]) { db_free($result); header("Location: $PHP_SELF?L$options"); exit(); } $name = htmlspecialchars($row["name"], ENT_QUOTES); db_free($result); if ($REQUEST_METHOD == "POST") { // Already confirmed it... db_query("DELETE FROM link WHERE id = $id"); html_header("$name Deleted"); html_start_links(1); html_link("Return To Listings", "$PHP_SELF?L+P$parent_id$options"); html_end_links(); print("

$name Deleted

\n"); print("

The listing for '$name' has been deleted.

\n"); html_footer(); } else { // Confirm deletion... html_header("Delete $name"); html_start_links(1); html_link("Return To $name", "$PHP_SELF?V$id+P$parent_id$options"); html_link("Return To Listings", "$PHP_SELF?L+P$parent_id$options"); html_end_links(); print("

Delete $name

\n"); print("
\n" ."
" ."
\n"); html_footer(); } break; case 'R' : // Rate this entry... if (array_key_exists("RATING", $_POST)) { $rating = (int)$_POST["RATING"]; if ($rating < 0) $rating = 0; else if ($rating > 10) $rating = 10; if (db_query("INSERT INTO vote VALUES('link_${id}_${REMOTE_ADDR}')")) db_query("UPDATE link SET rating_count = rating_count + 1, " ."rating_total = rating_total + $rating WHERE id = $id"); } header("Location: $PHP_SELF?V$id$options"); break; case 'S' : // Show home or download page... $result = db_query("SELECT * FROM link WHERE id = $id"); if (db_count($result) != 1) { db_free($result); header("Location: $PHP_SELF?L$options"); exit(); } $row = db_next($result); if ($type == 'H' && $row["homepage_url"] != "") { db_query("UPDATE link SET homepage_visits = homepage_visits + 1 " ."WHERE id = $id"); header("Location: $row[homepage_url]"); } else if ($type == 'D' && $row["download_url"] != "") { db_query("UPDATE link SET download_visits = download_visits + 1 " ."WHERE id = $id"); header("Location: $row[download_url]"); } else header("Location: $PHP_SELF?V$id$options"); db_free($result); break; } db_close(); // // End of "$Id: links.php,v 1.3 2004/05/20 21:37:57 mike Exp $". // ?>