md5 =\n"); //print_r($md5); //print("\n"); fclose($fp); // Show files... html_header("Download"); reset($files); if ($argc >= 1) $firstversion = $argv[0]; else $firstversion = current($files); html_start_links(1); html_link("CVS", "#CVS"); $curversion = ""; while (list($file, $version) = each($files)) if ($version != $curversion) { $curversion = $version; html_link("v$version", "$PHP_SELF?$version"); } html_end_links(); print("


"); html_start_table(array("Version", "Filename", "Size", "MD5 Sum")); reset($files); $curversion = ""; while (list($file, $version) = each($files)) { html_start_row(); if ($version == $firstversion) { $cs = ""; $ce = ""; } else { $cs = ""; $ce = ""; } if ($version != $curversion) { if ($curversion != "") { print(""); html_end_row(); html_start_row(); } $curversion = $version; print("$cs$version$ce"); } else print("$cs$ce"); $kbytes = (int)((filesize("swfiles/$file") + 1023) / 1024); $filemd5 = $md5["$file"]; print("$cs$file$ce" ."$cs${kbytes}k$ce" ."$cs$filemd5$ce"); html_end_row(); } html_end_table(); print("

CVS Access

\n" ."

The $PROJECT_NAME software is available via anonymous CVS " ."using the following CVS root:

\n" ."
\n" ."

The module name is $PROJECT_MODULE. The following " ."command can be used to checkout the $PROJECT_NAME source from " ."CVS:

\n" ."
     ."    cvs get $PROJECT_MODULE\n"
\n"); html_footer(); // // End of "$Id: software.php,v 1.4 2004/05/19 22:45:23 mike Exp $". // ?>