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Creating XML Documents

You can create and update XML documents in memory using the various mxmlNew functions. The following code will create the XML document described in the previous section:

    mxml_node_t *xml;    /* <?xml ... ?> */
    mxml_node_t *data;   /* <data> */
    mxml_node_t *node;   /* <node> */
    mxml_node_t *group;  /* <group> */

    xml = mxmlNewXML("1.0");

    data = mxmlNewElement(xml, "data");

        node = mxmlNewElement(data, "node");
        mxmlNewText(node, 0, "val1");
        node = mxmlNewElement(data, "node");
        mxmlNewText(node, 0, "val2");
        node = mxmlNewElement(data, "node");
        mxmlNewText(node, 0, "val3");

        group = mxmlNewElement(data, "group");

            node = mxmlNewElement(group, "node");
            mxmlNewText(node, 0, "val4");
            node = mxmlNewElement(group, "node");
            mxmlNewText(node, 0, "val5");
            node = mxmlNewElement(group, "node");
            mxmlNewText(node, 0, "val6");

        node = mxmlNewElement(data, "node");
        mxmlNewText(node, 0, "val7");
        node = mxmlNewElement(data, "node");
        mxmlNewText(node, 0, "val8");

We start by creating the <?xml version="1.0"?> node common to all XML files using the mxmlNewXML function:

    xml = mxmlNewXML("1.0");

We then create the <data> node used for this document using the mxmlNewElement function. The first argument specifies the parent node (xml ) while the second specifies the element name (data):

    data = mxmlNewElement(xml, "data");

Each <node>...</node> in the file is created using the mxmlNewElement and mxmlNewText functions. The first argument of mxmlNewText specifies the parent node (node). The second argument specifies whether whitespace appears before the text - 0 or false in this case. The last argument specifies the actual text to add:

    node = mxmlNewElement(data, "node");
    mxmlNewText(node, 0, "val1");

The resulting in-memory XML document can then be saved or processed just like one loaded from disk or a string.

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