TODO - 2008-11-19 ----------------- - Add access methods and make node structure opaque. -- To allow for C++ migration -- To make future binary compatibility easier - Add C++ class/struct. -- Make this the core implementation which the C API accesses? -- Class would allow for subclassing, is that necessary? - Binary XML support??? - Add "--docset foo" option to generate an Xcode docset bundle, "--feed-name bar" and "--feed-url http://..." docset Contents Info.plist Nodes.xml Resources Documents index.html Tokens.xml Run /Developer/usr/bin/docsetutil to generate index files Info.plist: DocSetFeedName ("", "Easy Software Products", etc.) DocSetFeedURL ("") CFBundleName (title) CFBundleIdentifier (docset) Nodes.xml: name index.html Tokens.xml: c or cpp type classname anchor string summary prototype OR //apple_ref/lang/type/scope/name ... types: tag struct, union, or enum tag econst an enumerated constant—that is, a symbol defined inside an enum tdef typedef name (or Pascal type) data global or file-static data func function name (without '()') cl class name instm an instance method 'clm' a class (or static [in java or c++]) method func C++ scoped function (i.e. not extern 'C'); includes return type and signature.