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Command '$op' requires an ID!\n"); html_footer(); exit(); } if ($op == 'B' && $LOGIN_LEVEL < AUTH_DEVEL) { html_header("Article Error"); print("

You don't have permission to use command '$op'!\n"); html_footer(); exit(); } if (($op == 'D' || $op == 'M') && $LOGIN_LEVEL < AUTH_DEVEL) { $result = db_query("SELECT * FROM article WHERE id = $id"); if (db_count($result) != 1) { db_free($result); html_header("Article Error"); print("

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You don't have permission to use command '$op'!\n"); html_footer(); exit(); } db_free($result); } if ($op == 'N' && $id) { html_header("Article Error"); print("

Command '$op' may not have an ID!\n"); html_footer(); exit(); } for ($i = 1; $i < $argc; $i ++) { $option = substr($argv[$i], 1); switch ($argv[$i][0]) { case 'Q' : // Set search text $search = urldecode($option); $i ++; while ($i < $argc) { $search .= urldecode(" $argv[$i]"); $i ++; } break; case 'I' : // Set first STR $index = (int)$option; if ($index < 0) $index = 0; break; default : html_header("Article Error"); print("

Bad option '$argv[$i]'!

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Error: Article #$id was not found!

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This article is " ."currently hidden from public view.
" ."
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Error: Article #$id was not found!

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This article is currently hidden from " ."public view.

\n"); print("

$date by $create_user

\n" ."$contents\n" ."


\n"); html_start_links(); html_link("Submit Comment", "comment.php?r0+particles.php_L$id"); html_end_links(); show_comments("articles.php_L$id"); db_free($result); } else { html_header("Articles"); html_start_links(1); html_link("Submit Article", "$PHP_SELF?N$options"); html_end_links(); print("

" ."Search Words:  " ."

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No Articles found.

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private = hidden from public view

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Error: Article #$id was not found!

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Contents:\n" ."

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" ."
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Error: Please fill in the fields marked in " ."bold red below and resubmit " ."your article.

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Please use this form to post announcements, how-to's, " ."examples, and case studies showing how you use $PROJECT_NAME. " ."We will proofread your article, and if we determine it is " ."appropriate for the site, we will make the article public " ."on the site. Thank you for supporting $PROJECT_NAME!

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" ."
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