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The Basics

Originally developed to generate the Mini-XML and CUPS API documentation, mxmldoc is now a general-purpose utility which scans C and C++ source files to produce HTML and man page documentation along with an XML file representing the functions, types, and definitions in those source files. Unlike popular documentation generators like Doxygen or Javadoc, mxmldoc uses in-line comments rather than comment headers, allowing for more "natural" code documentation.

By default, mxmldoc produces HTML documentation. For example, the following command will scan all of the C source and header files in the current directory and produce a HTML documentation file called filename.html:

    mxmldoc *.h *.c >filename.html ENTER

You can also specify an XML file to create which contains all of the information from the source files. For example, the following command creates an XML file called filename.xml in addition to the HTML file:

    mxmldoc filename.xml *.h *.c >filename.html ENTER

The --no-output option disables the normal HTML output:

    mxmldoc --no-output filename.xml *.h *.c ENTER

You can then run mxmldoc again with the XML file alone to generate the HTML documentation:

    mxmldoc filename.xml >filename.html ENTER

The --man filename option tells mxmldoc to create a man page instead of HTML documentation, for example:

    mxmldoc --man filename filename.xml \
        > ENTER

    mxmldoc --man filename *.h *.c \
        > ENTER

    mxmldoc --man filename filename.xml *.h *.c \
        > ENTER

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