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Titles, Sections, and Introductions

Mxmldoc also provides options to set the title, section, and introduction text for the generated documentation. The --title text option specifies the title for the documentation. The title string is usually put in quotes:

    mxmldoc filename.xml \
        --title "My Famous Documentation" \
        >filename.html ENTER

The --section name option specifies the section for the documentation. For HTML documentation, the name is placed in a HTML comment such as:

    <!-- SECTION: name -->

For man pages, the section name is usually just a number ("3"), or a number followed by a vendor name ("3acme"). The section name is used in the .TH directive in the man page:

    .TH mylibrary 3acme "My Title" ...

The default section name for man page output is "3". There is no default section name for HTML output.

Finally, the --intro filename option specifies a file to embed after the title and section but before the generated documentation. For HTML documentation, the file must consist of valid HTML without the usual DOCTYPE, html, and body elements. For man page documentation, the file must consist of valid nroff(1) text.

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