Delete Comment #$id\n"); print("

Click the button below to confirm the deletion.

\n" ."
" ."
" ."
\n"); html_footer(); break; case 'D' : // Delete comment (confirmed) db_query("DELETE FROM comment WHERE id = $id"); header("Location: $PHP_SELF"); break; case 'e' : // Edit comment case 'r' : // New comment $havedata = 0; if ($REQUEST_METHOD == "POST") { if ($LOGIN_USER != "" && $LOGIN_LEVEL < AUTH_DEVEL) $create_user = $LOGIN_USER; else if (array_key_exists("AUTHOR", $_POST)) $create_user = trim($_POST["AUTHOR"]); else $create_user = ""; if (array_key_exists("FILE", $_POST)) $file = $_POST["FILE"]; else $file = ""; if (array_key_exists("STATUS", $_POST)) $status = (int)$_POST["STATUS"]; else $status = 2; if (array_key_exists("MESSAGE", $_POST)) $contents = trim($_POST["MESSAGE"]); else $contents = ""; if (strpos($contents, "http:") === FALSE && strpos($contents, "https:") === FALSE && strpos($contents, "ftp:") === FALSE && strpos($contents, "mailto:") === FALSE && $contents != "" && $create_user != "" && $file != "") $havedata = 1; if ($create_user != "" && $id == 0 && !$LOGIN_USER) setcookie("FROM", $create_user, time() + 90 * 86400, "/"); } else { if ($id) { $result = db_query("SELECT * FROM comment WHERE id = $id"); if (db_count($result) > 0) { $row = db_next($result); $create_user = $row['create_user']; $contents = $row['contents']; $status = $row['status']; } else { if ($LOGIN_USER != "") $create_user = $LOGIN_USER; else if (array_key_exists("FROM", $_COOKIE)) $create_user = $_COOKIE["FROM"]; else $create_user = "Anonymous "; $contents = ""; $status = 2; } db_free($result); } else { if ($LOGIN_USER != "") $create_user = $LOGIN_USER; else if (array_key_exists("FROM", $_COOKIE)) $create_user = $_COOKIE["FROM"]; else $create_user = "Anonymous "; $contents = ""; $status = 2; } } if ($havedata) { $create_user = db_escape($create_user); $file = db_escape($file); $contents = db_escape($contents); if ($id) { // Update existing record. db_query("UPDATE comment SET create_user='$create_user',url='$file'," ."status=$status,contents='$contents' WHERE id = $id"); } else { // Add new record. $create_date = time(); db_query("INSERT INTO comment VALUES(NULL,$refer_id,2,'$file'," ."'$contents',$create_date,'$create_user')"); $id = db_insert_id(); } $location = str_replace("_", "?", $path); header("Location: $location#_USER_COMMENT_$id"); } else { if ($id) { html_header("Edit Comment"); print("

Edit Comment

\n"); } else { html_header("Add Comment"); print("

Add Comment

\n"); } if ($REQUEST_METHOD == "POST") { print("

Your comment posting is missing required information. " ."Please fill in all fields marked in " ."red and resubmit your comments.

\n"); $hstart = ""; $hend = ""; } else { $hstart = ""; $hend = ""; } if ($op == "e") print("
\n" ."
\n"); else print("\n" ."
\n"); $create_user = htmlspecialchars($create_user); if ($create_user == "") print("" ."\n"); else print("" ."\n"); $contents = htmlspecialchars($contents); if ($contents == "") print("" ."" ."\n"); if ($LOGIN_LEVEL >= AUTH_DEVEL) { print("" ."\n"); print("" ."\n"); } else { print("\n"); print("\n"); } if ($id) print("\n"); else print("\n"); print("
${hstart}Message:${hend}"); else print("
Message:"); print("

Comments may contain the following " ."HTML elements: A, B, BLOCKQUOTE, " ."CODE, EM, H1, H2, " ."H3, H4, H5, H6, I, " ."IMG, LI, OL, P, PRE, " ."TT, U, UL

File Path:
\n" ."
\n"); html_footer(); } break; case 'L' : // List all comments... case 'l' : // List unapproved comments... html_header("Comments"); print("


\n"); if ($LOGIN_LEVEL < AUTH_DEVEL) { $result = db_query("SELECT * FROM comment WHERE status = 1 AND " ."url LIKE '${listpath}%' ORDER BY id"); } else { if ($op == 'L') { $result = db_query("SELECT * FROM comment WHERE " ."url LIKE '${listpath}%' ORDER BY id"); print("

Show Hidden Comments ]

\n"); } else { $result = db_query("SELECT * FROM comment WHERE status = 0 AND " ."url LIKE '${listpath}%' ORDER BY id"); print("

Show All Comments ]

\n"); } } if (db_count($result) == 0) { if ($LOGIN_LEVEL >= AUTH_DEVEL && $op == 'l') print("

No hidden comments.

\n"); else print("

No visible comments.

\n"); } else { print("\n"); } db_free($result); html_footer(); break; case 'm' : // Moderate if (array_key_exists("MODPOINTS", $_COOKIE)) $modpoints = $_COOKIE["MODPOINTS"]; else $modpoints = 5; if ($modpoints > 0) { $modpoints --; setcookie("MODPOINTS", $modpoints, time() + 2 * 86400, "/"); $result = db_query("SELECT status FROM comment WHERE id=$id"); $row = db_next($result); if ($dir == 'd') { // Moderate down... if ($row['status'] > 0) db_query("UPDATE comment SET status = status - 1 WHERE id=$id"); } else { // Moderate down... if ($row['status'] < 5) db_query("UPDATE comment SET status = status + 1 WHERE id=$id"); } db_free($result); } $location = str_replace("_", "?", $path); header("Location: $location#_USER_COMMENT_$id"); break; } } // // End of "$Id: comment.php,v 1.7 2004/05/20 02:04:44 mike Exp $". // ?>