0) { $op = $argv[0][0]; $argv[0][0] = ' '; $poll = (int)$argv[0]; } else if ($LOGIN_LEVEL >= AUTH_DEVEL) $op = 'l'; else $op = 'c'; if ($poll == 0 && $op != 'u' && $op != 'n') $poll = get_recent_poll(); // Do it! switch ($op) { case 'c' : // Show a poll html_header("Poll #$poll"); print("

Poll #$poll

\n"); show_poll($poll); html_footer(); break; case 'l' : // List all polls html_header("Polls"); if ($LOGIN_LEVEL > AUTH_USER) { // Show all polls and allow poll creation... $result = db_query("SELECT * FROM poll ORDER BY id DESC"); html_start_links(1); html_link("Add New Poll", "$PHP_SELF?n"); html_end_links(1); } else { // Only show published polls... $result = db_query("SELECT * FROM poll WHERE is_published = 1 " ."ORDER BY id DESC"); } print("


\n"); html_start_table(array("ID", "Question::2")); while ($row = db_next($result)) { $id = $row['id']; $votes = $row['votes']; $question = htmlspecialchars($row['question']); $ccount = count_comments("poll.php_r$id"); if ($ccount == 1) $ccount .= " comment"; else $ccount .= " comments"; html_start_row(); print("#$row[id]" ."$question"); if (!$row['is_published']) print(" private"); print("Vote | " ."Results"); if ($LOGIN_LEVEL > AUTH_USER) print(" | Edit"); print(" ($votes total votes, $ccount)"); html_end_row(); } html_end_table(); db_free($result); html_footer(); break; case 'r' : // Show results html_header("Poll #$poll"); html_start_links(1); html_link("Show All Polls", "$PHP_SELF?l"); html_link("Show Comments", "#_USER_COMMENTS"); html_link("Submit Comment", "comment.php?r0+ppoll.php_r$poll"); html_end_links(1); print("

Poll #$poll

\n"); $result = db_query("SELECT * FROM poll WHERE id = $poll"); $row = db_next($result); $votes = $row['votes']; for ($max_count = 0, $i = 0; $i < 10; $i ++) { if ($row["count$i"] > $max_count) $max_count = $row["count$i"]; } if ($votes == 0) print("

No votes for this poll yet...

\n"); else { $question = htmlspecialchars($row['question']); print("
\n"); print("\n"); for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i ++) { if ($row["answer$i"] != "") { $percent = (int)(100 * $row["count$i"] / $votes); $size = (int)(300 * $row["count$i"] / $max_count); $answer = htmlspecialchars($row["answer$i"]); $count = $row["count$i"]; print("\n"); } } print("\n"); print("
$answer" ." $count / $percent%
$votes total votes.
\n"); } print("
\n" ."

User Comments

\n"); html_start_links(); html_link("Submit Comment", "comment.php?r0+ppoll.php_r$poll"); html_end_links(); show_comments("poll.php_r$poll"); db_free($result); html_footer(); break; case 'v' : // Vote on a poll $answers = ""; if ($REQUEST_METHOD == "POST") { if (array_key_exists("ANSWER", $_POST)) { $answer = (int)$_POST["ANSWER"]; $answers = ",count$answer=count$answer+1"; } else { for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i ++) { if (array_key_exists("ANSWER$i", $_POST)) $answers .= ",count$i=count$i+1"; } } } if ($answers != "") { if (!db_query("INSERT INTO vote VALUES('poll_${poll}_${REMOTE_ADDR}')") && $LOGIN_LEVEL < AUTH_DEVEL) { html_header("Poll Error"); print("

Poll Error

\n"); print("

Sorry, it appears that you or someone else using your IP " ."address has already voted for " ."poll #$poll.\n"); html_footer(); } else { db_query("UPDATE poll SET votes=votes+1$answers WHERE id = $poll"); header("Location: $PHP_SELF?r$poll"); } } else { header("Location: $PHP_SELF?c$poll"); } break; case 'n' : // New poll case 'e' : // Edit poll if (!$LOGIN_USER) { header("Location:$PHP_SELF?r$poll"); break; } if ($poll) { html_header("Poll #$poll"); print("

Poll #$poll

\n"); $result = db_query("SELECT * FROM poll WHERE id = $poll"); $row = db_next($result); $question = htmlspecialchars($row['question']); $poll_type = $row['poll_type']; for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i ++) { if ($row["answer$i"]) $answer[$i] = htmlspecialchars($row["answer$i"], ENT_QUOTES); else $answer[$i] = ""; } $is_published = $row['is_published']; db_free($result); } else { html_header("New Poll"); print("

New Poll

\n"); $question = ""; $poll_type = $POLL_TYPE_PICKONE; $answer[0] = ""; $answer[1] = ""; $answer[2] = ""; $answer[3] = ""; $answer[4] = ""; $answer[5] = ""; $answer[6] = ""; $answer[7] = ""; $answer[8] = ""; $answer[9] = ""; $is_published = 0; } print("
\n"); print("
\n" ."\n"); print("\n"); print("\n"); for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i ++) { $number = $i + 1; print("\n"); } if ($poll) print("\n"); else print("\n"); print("
Question:" ."
Type:" ."
Published:"); select_is_published($is_published); print("
Answer #$number" ."
\n"); print("
\n"); html_footer(); break; case 'u' : // Update poll header("Location:$PHP_SELF?l"); if ($LOGIN_LEVEL < AUTH_DEVEL) break; $is_published = (int)$_POST["IS_PUBLISHED"]; $question = db_escape($_POST["QUESTION"]); $poll_type = (int)$_POST["POLLTYPE"]; $answer0 = db_escape($_POST["ANSWER0"]); $answer1 = db_escape($_POST["ANSWER1"]); $answer2 = db_escape($_POST["ANSWER2"]); $answer3 = db_escape($_POST["ANSWER3"]); $answer4 = db_escape($_POST["ANSWER4"]); $answer5 = db_escape($_POST["ANSWER5"]); $answer6 = db_escape($_POST["ANSWER6"]); $answer7 = db_escape($_POST["ANSWER7"]); $answer8 = db_escape($_POST["ANSWER8"]); $answer9 = db_escape($_POST["ANSWER9"]); $date = time(); if ($poll) { // Update an existing poll... db_query("UPDATE poll SET " ."question='$question'," ."is_published=$is_published," ."poll_type=$poll_type," ."answer0='$answer0'," ."answer1='$answer1'," ."answer2='$answer2'," ."answer3='$answer3'," ."answer4='$answer4'," ."answer5='$answer5'," ."answer6='$answer6'," ."answer7='$answer7'," ."answer8='$answer8'," ."answer9='$answer9'," ."modify_date=$date," ."modify_user='$LOGIN_USER' " ."WHERE id = $poll"); } else { // Create a new poll... db_query("INSERT INTO poll VALUES(NULL," ."$is_published," ."$poll_type," ."'$question'," ."'$answer0',0," ."'$answer1',0," ."'$answer2',0," ."'$answer3',0," ."'$answer4',0," ."'$answer5',0," ."'$answer6',0," ."'$answer7',0," ."'$answer8',0," ."'$answer9',0," ."0," ."$date,'$LOGIN_USER'," ."$date,'$LOGIN_USER')"); } break; } db_close(); // // End of "$Id: poll.php,v 1.1 2004/05/20 03:38:42 mike Exp $". // ?>