-- -- "$Id: mxml.sql,v 1.2 2004/05/17 20:28:52 mike Exp $" -- -- Database schema for the Mini-XML web pages. -- -- This SQL file is specifically for use with the SQLite database -- engine, but is probably portable to other databases like MySQL -- and Postgresql. -- -- Revision History: -- -- M. Sweet 05/17/2004 Initial revision. -- -- -- Schema for table 'article' -- -- This table lists the available articles for each application. -- Articles correspond roughly to FAQs, HOWTOs, and news announcements, -- and they can be searched. -- CREATE TABLE article ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, -- Article number is_published INTEGER, -- 0 = private, 1 = public title VARCHAR(255), -- Title of article abstract VARCHAR(255), -- Plain text abstract of article contents TEXT, -- Contents of article create_date INTEGER, -- Time/date of creation create_user VARCHAR(255), -- User that created the article modify_date INTEGER, -- Time/date of last change modify_user VARCHAR(255) -- User that made the last change ); -- -- Schema for table 'carboncopy' -- -- This table tracks users that want to be notified when a resource is -- modified. Resources are tracked by filename/URL... -- -- This is used to notify users whenever a STR or article is updated. -- CREATE TABLE carboncopy ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, -- Carbon copy ID url VARCHAR(255), -- File or URL email VARCHAR(255) -- Email address ); -- -- Schema for table 'comment' -- -- This table tracks comments that are added to a page on the web site. -- Comments are associated with a specific URL, so you can make comments -- on any page on the site... -- CREATE TABLE comment ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, -- Comment ID number parent_id INTEGER, -- Parent comment ID number (reply-to) status INTEGER, -- Moderation status, 0 = dead to 5 = great url VARCHAR(255), -- File/link this comment applies to contents text, -- Comment message create_date INTEGER, -- Date the comment was posted create_user VARCHAR(255) -- Author name/email ); -- -- Schema for table 'str' -- -- This table stores software trouble reports. -- CREATE TABLE str ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, -- STR number master_id INTEGER, -- "Duplicate of" number is_published INTEGER, -- 0 = private, 1 = public status INTEGER, -- 1 = closed/resolved, -- 2 = closed/unresolved, -- 3 = active, 4 = pending, 5 = new priority INTEGER, -- 1 = rfe, 2 = low, 3 = moderate, -- 4 = high, 5 = critical scope INTEGER, -- 1 = unit, 2 = function, 3 = software summary text, -- Plain text summary subsystem VARCHAR(255), -- Subsystem name str_version VARCHAR(16), -- Software version for STR fix_version VARCHAR(16), -- Software version for fix manager_email VARCHAR(255), -- Manager of STR create_date INTEGER, -- Time/date of creation create_user VARCHAR(255), -- User that created the STR modify_date INTEGER, -- Time/date of last change modify_user VARCHAR(255) -- User that made the last change ); -- -- Schema for table 'strfile' -- -- This table tracks the files that are attached to a STR. -- CREATE TABLE strfile ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, -- File ID str_id INTEGER, -- STR number is_published INTEGER, -- 0 = private, 1 = public filename VARCHAR(255), -- Name of file create_date INTEGER, -- Time/date of creation create_user VARCHAR(255) -- User that posted the file ); -- -- Schema for table 'strtext' -- -- This table tracks the text messages that are attached to a STR. -- CREATE TABLE strtext ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, -- Text ID str_id INTEGER, -- STR number is_published INTEGER, -- 0 = private, 1 = public contents TEXT -- Text message create_date INTEGER, -- Time/date of creation create_user VARCHAR(255) -- User that posted the text ); -- -- Schema for table 'users' -- -- This table lists the users that work on Mini-XML. Various pages use -- this table when doing login/logout stuff and when listing the available -- users to assign stuff to. -- CREATE TABLE users ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, -- ID is_published INTEGER, -- 0 = private, 1 = public name VARCHAR(255), -- Login name email VARCHAR(255), -- Name/email address hash CHAR(32), -- MD5 hash of name:password level INTEGER, -- 0 = normal user, 100 = admin user create_date INTEGER, -- Time/date of creation create_user VARCHAR(255), -- User that created the user modify_date INTEGER, -- Time/date of last change modify_user VARCHAR(255) -- User that made the last change ); INSERT INTO users VALUES(NULL, 1, 'mike', 'Michael Sweet ', '195c416888c3151df53ae9f38c67afcc', 100, 1084823565, 'mike', 1084823565, 'mike'); -- -- End of "$Id: mxml.sql,v 1.2 2004/05/17 20:28:52 mike Exp $". --