"California, USA via FTP", "http://ftp.easysw.com/pub" => "California, USA via HTTP", "http://www.nu6.org/_/mirror/ftp.easysw.com/pub" => "Gustavsberg, Sweden via HTTP", "http://ftp.funet.fi/pub/mirrors/ftp.easysw.com/pub" => "Espoo, Finland via HTTP", "ftp://ftp.funet.fi/pub/mirrors/ftp.easysw.com/pub" => "Espoo, Finland via FTP", ); // Get the list of software files... $fp = fopen("data/software.md5", "r"); $files = array(); while ($line = fgets($fp, 255)) $files[sizeof($files)] = trim($line); fclose($fp); // Get form data, if any... if (array_key_exists("FILE", $_GET)) $file = $_GET["FILE"]; else $file = ""; if (array_key_exists("SITE", $_GET)) { $site = $_GET["SITE"]; setcookie("SITE", $site, time() + 90 * 86400, "/"); } else if (array_key_exists("SITE", $_COOKIE) && array_key_exists($_COOKIE["SITE"], $sitelist)) $site = $_COOKIE["SITE"]; else $site = ""; if (array_key_exists("VERSION", $_GET)) $version = $_GET["VERSION"]; else { $data = explode(" ", $files[0]); $version = $data[1]; } // Show the standard header... if ($site != "" && $file != "") html_header("Download", "", "$site/$file"); else html_header("Download"); html_start_links(1); $curversion = ""; for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($files); $i ++) { // Grab the data for the current file... $data = explode(" ", $files[$i]); $fversion = $data[1]; if ($fversion != $curversion) { $curversion = $fversion; html_link("v$fversion", "$PHP_SELF?VERSION=$fversion"); } } html_link("Subversion", "$PHP_SELF#SVN"); html_end_links(); print("


\n"); // Show files or sites... if ($file != "") { if ($site != "") print("

Your download should begin shortly. If not, please " ."click here to download the file " ."from the current mirror.

\n" ."

Change Mirror Site:

\n"); else print("

Please select a mirror site below to begin the download.

\n" ."

Select Mirror Site:

\n"); print("
\n" ."\n" ."\n"); if ($site == "") print("None
\n"); reset($sitelist); while (list($key, $val) = each($sitelist)) { print("$val
\n"); } if ($site != "") print("\n"); else print("\n"); print("
\n"); } else { // Show files... print("


\n"); html_start_table(array("Version", "Filename", "Size", "MD5 Sum")); $curversion = ""; for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($files); $i ++) { // Grab the data for the current file... $data = explode(" ", $files[$i]); $md5 = $data[0]; $fversion = $data[1]; $filename = $data[2]; $basename = basename($filename); html_start_row(); if ($fversion == $version) { $cs = ""; $ce = ""; } else { $cs = ""; $ce = ""; } if ($fversion != $curversion) { if ($curversion != "") { print(""); html_end_row(); html_start_row(); } $curversion = $fversion; print("$cs$fversion$ce"); } else print("$cs$ce"); $kbytes = (int)((filesize("/home/ftp.easysw.com/pub/$filename") + 1023) / 1024); print("$cs" ."$basename$ce" ."$cs${kbytes}k$ce" ."$cs$md5$ce"); html_end_row(); } html_end_table(); print("

Subversion Access

\n" ."

The $PROJECT_NAME software is available via Subversion " ."using the following URL:

\n" ."
       ."    "
\n" ."

The following command can be used to checkout the current " ."$PROJECT_NAME source from Subversion:

\n" ."
       ."    svn co http://svn.easysw.com/public/$PROJECT_MODULE/trunk/ $PROJECT_MODULE\n"
\n"); } // Show the standard footer... html_footer(); // // End of "$Id$". // ?>