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<H2><A NAME="3_4">Saving XML</A></H2>
<P>You save an XML file using the <A href="mxmlSaveFile.html#mxmlSaveFile">
<TT>mxmlSaveFile()</TT></A> function:</P>
FILE *fp;
<A href="mxmlnodet.html#mxml_node_t">mxml_node_t</A> *tree;
fp = fopen(&quot;filename.xml&quot;, &quot;w&quot;);
<A href="mxmlSaveFile.html#mxmlSaveFile">mxmlSaveFile</A>(tree, fp, MXML_NO_CALLBACK);
<P>The first argument is the XML node tree to save. It should normally
be a pointer to the top-level <TT>?xml</TT> node in your XML document.</P>
<P>The second argument is the stdio file to write to, as opened by <TT>
fopen()</TT> or <TT>popen()</TT>. You can also use <TT>stdout</TT> if
you are implementing an XML filter program.</P>
<P>The third argument is the whitespace callback to use when saving the
file. Whitespace callbacks are covered in detail in <A href="SAVE_CALLBACKS">
Chapter 3</A>. The example code above uses the <TT>MXML_NO_CALLBACK</TT>
constant to specify that no special whitespace handling is required.</P>
<P>The <A href="mxmlSaveAllocString.html#mxmlSaveAllocString"><TT>
mxmlSaveAllocString()</TT></A>, and <A href="mxmlSaveString.html#mxmlSaveString">
<TT>mxmlSaveString()</TT></A> functions save XML node trees to strings:</P>
char buffer[8192];
char *ptr;
<A href="mxmlnodet.html#mxml_node_t">mxml_node_t</A> *tree;
<A href="mxmlSaveString.html#mxmlSaveString">mxmlSaveString</A>(tree, buffer, sizeof(buffer), MXML_NO_CALLBACK);
ptr = <A href="mxmlSaveAllocString.html#mxmlSaveAllocString">mxmlSaveAllocString</A>(tree, MXML_NO_CALLBACK);
<P>The first and last arguments are the same as used for <TT>
mxmlSaveFile()</TT>. The <TT>mxmlSaveString()</TT> function takes
pointer and size arguments for saving the XML document to a fixed-size
buffer, while <TT>mxmlSaveAllocString()</TT> returns a string buffer
that was allocated using <TT>malloc()</TT>.</P>
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