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<TITLE>Mini-XML Programmers Manual, Version 2.0</TITLE>
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<H2><A NAME="1_3">Organization of This Document</A></H2>
<P>This manual is organized into the following chapters and appendices:</P>
<LI>Chapter 1, &quot;<A href="install.html#INSTALL">Building, Installing, and
Packaging Mini-XML</A>&quot;, provides compilation, installation, and
packaging instructions for Mini-XML.</LI>
<LI>Chapter 2, &quot;<A href="basics.html#BASICS">Getting Started with
Mini-XML</A>&quot;, shows how to use the Mini-XML library in your programs.</LI>
<LI>Chapter 3, &quot;<A href="advanced.html#ADVANCED">More Mini-XML
Programming Techniques</A>&quot;, shows additional ways to use the Mini-XML
<LI>Chapter 4, &quot;<A href="mxmldoc.html#MXMLDOC">Using the mxmldoc Utility</A>
&quot;, describes how to use the <TT>mxmldoc(1)</TT> program to generate
software documentation.</LI>
<LI>Appendix A, &quot;<A href="license.html#LICENSE">GNU Library General
Public License</A>&quot;, provides the terms and conditions for using and
distributing Mini-XML.</LI>
<LI>Appendix B, &quot;<A href="relnotes.html#RELNOTES">Release Notes</A>&quot;,
lists the changes in each release of Mini-XML.</LI>
<LI>Appendix C, &quot;<A href="refapp.html#REFERENCE">Library Reference</A>&quot;,
contains a complete reference for Mini-XML, generated by <TT>mxmldoc</TT>
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