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// Options functions for Mini-XML, a small XML file parsing library.
// Copyright © 2003-2024 by Michael R Sweet.
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0. See the file "LICENSE" for more
// information.
#include "mxml-private.h"
// 'mxmlOptionsDelete()' - Free load/save options.
mxml_options_t *options) // I - Options
// 'mxmlOptionsNew()' - Allocate load/save options.
mxml_options_t * // O - Options
mxml_options_t *options; // Options
if ((options = (mxml_options_t *)calloc(1, sizeof(mxml_options_t))) != NULL)
// Set default values...
options->type_value = MXML_TYPE_TEXT;
options->wrap = 72;
if ((options->loc = localeconv()) != NULL)
if (!options->loc->decimal_point || !strcmp(options->loc->decimal_point, "."))
options->loc = NULL;
options->loc_declen = strlen(options->loc->decimal_point);
return (options);
// 'mxmlOptionsSetCustomCallbacks()' - Set the custom data callbacks.
// This function sets the callbacks that are used for loading and saving custom
// data types. The load callback `load_cb` accepts the callback data pointer
// `cbdata`, a node pointer, and a data string and returns `true` on success and
// `false` on error, for example:
// ```c
// typedef struct
// {
// unsigned year, /* Year */
// month, /* Month */
// day, /* Day */
// hour, /* Hour */
// minute, /* Minute */
// second; /* Second */
// time_t unix; /* UNIX time */
// } iso_date_time_t;
// void
// my_custom_free_cb(void *cbdata, void *data)
// {
// free(data);
// }
// bool
// my_custom_load_cb(void *cbdata, mxml_node_t *node, const char *data)
// {
// iso_date_time_t *dt;
// struct tm tmdata;
// /* Allocate custom data structure ... */
// dt = calloc(1, sizeof(iso_date_time_t));
// /* Parse the data string... */
// if (sscanf(data, "%u-%u-%uT%u:%u:%uZ", &(dt->year), &(dt->month),
// &(dt->day), &(dt->hour), &(dt->minute), &(dt->second)) != 6)
// {
// /* Unable to parse date and time numbers... */
// free(dt);
// return (false);
// }
// /* Range check values... */
// if (dt->month < 1 || dt->month > 12 || dt->day < 1 || dt->day > 31 ||
// dt->hour < 0 || dt->hour > 23 || dt->minute < 0 || dt->minute > 59 ||
// dt->second < 0 || dt->second > 60)
// {
// /* Date information is out of range... */
// free(dt);
// return (false);
// }
// /* Convert ISO time to UNIX time in seconds... */
// tmdata.tm_year = dt->year - 1900;
// tmdata.tm_mon = dt->month - 1;
// tmdata.tm_day = dt->day;
// tmdata.tm_hour = dt->hour;
// tmdata.tm_min = dt->minute;
// tmdata.tm_sec = dt->second;
// dt->unix = gmtime(&tmdata);
// /* Set custom data and free function... */
// mxmlSetCustom(node, data, my_custom_free, /*cbdata*/NULL);
// /* Return with no errors... */
// return (true);
// }
// ```
// The save callback `save_cb` accepts the callback data pointer `cbdata` and a
// node pointer and returns a malloc'd string on success and `NULL` on error,
// for example:
// ```c
// char *
// my_custom_save_cb(void *cbdata, mxml_node_t *node)
// {
// char data[255];
// iso_date_time_t *dt;
// /* Get the custom data structure */
// dt = (iso_date_time_t *)mxmlGetCustom(node);
// /* Generate string version of the date/time... */
// snprintf(data, sizeof(data), "%04u-%02u-%02uT%02u:%02u:%02uZ",
// dt->year, dt->month, dt->day, dt->hour, dt->minute, dt->second);
// /* Duplicate the string and return... */
// return (strdup(data));
// }
// ```
mxml_options_t *options, // I - Options
mxml_custload_cb_t load_cb, // I - Custom load callback function
mxml_custsave_cb_t save_cb, // I - Custom save callback function
void *cbdata) // I - Custom callback data
if (options)
options->custload_cb = load_cb;
options->custsave_cb = save_cb;
options->cust_cbdata = cbdata;
// 'mxmlOptionsSetEntityCallback()' - Set the entity lookup callback to use when loading XML data.
// This function sets the callback that is used to lookup named XML character
// entities when loading XML data. The callback function `cb` accepts the
// callback data pointer `cbdata` and the entity name. The function returns a
// Unicode character value or `-1` if the entity is not known. For example, the
// following entity callback supports the "euro" entity:
// ```c
// int my_entity_cb(void *cbdata, const char *name)
// {
// if (!strcmp(name, "euro"))
// return (0x20ac);
// else
// return (-1);
// }
// ```
// Mini-XML supports the "amp", "gt", "lt", and "quot" character entities, which
// are required by the base XML specification.
mxml_options_t *options, // I - Options
mxml_entity_cb_t cb, // I - Entity callback function
void *cbdata) // I - Entity callback data
if (options)
options->entity_cb = cb;
options->entity_cbdata = cbdata;
// 'mxmlOptionsSetErrorCallback()' - Set the error message callback.
// This function sets a function to use when reporting errors. The callback
// `cb` accepts the data pointer `cbdata` and a string pointer containing the
// error message:
// ```c
// void my_error_cb(void *cbdata, const char *message)
// {
// fprintf(stderr, "myprogram: %s\n", message);
// }
// ```
// The default error callback writes the error message to the `stderr` file.
mxml_options_t *options, // I - Options
mxml_error_cb_t cb, // I - Error callback function
void *cbdata) // I - Error callback data
if (options)
options->error_cb = cb;
options->error_cbdata = cbdata;
// 'mxmlOptionsSetSAXCallback()' - Set the SAX callback to use when reading XML data.
// This function sets a SAX callback to use when reading XML data. The SAX
// callback function `cb` and associated callback data `cbdata` are used to
// enable the Simple API for XML streaming mode. The callback is called as the
// XML node tree is parsed and receives the `cbdata` pointer, the `mxml_node_t`
// pointer, and an event code. The function returns `true` to continue
// processing or `false` to stop:
// ```c
// bool
// sax_cb(void *cbdata, mxml_node_t *node,
// mxml_sax_event_t event)
// {
// ... do something ...
// /* Continue processing... */
// return (true);
// }
// ```
// The event will be one of the following:
// - `MXML_SAX_EVENT_CDATA`: CDATA was just read.
// - `MXML_SAX_EVENT_COMMENT`: A comment was just read.
// - `MXML_SAX_EVENT_DATA`: Data (integer, opaque, real, or text) was just read.
// - `MXML_SAX_EVENT_DECLARATION`: A declaration was just read.
// - `MXML_SAX_EVENT_DIRECTIVE`: A processing directive/instruction was just read.
// - `MXML_SAX_EVENT_ELEMENT_CLOSE` - A close element was just read \(`</element>`)
// - `MXML_SAX_EVENT_ELEMENT_OPEN` - An open element was just read \(`<element>`)
// Elements are *released* after the close element is processed. All other nodes
// are released after they are processed. The SAX callback can *retain* the node
// using the [mxmlRetain](@@) function.
mxml_options_t *options, // I - Options
mxml_sax_cb_t cb, // I - SAX callback function
void *cbdata) // I - SAX callback data
if (options)
options->sax_cb = cb;
options->sax_cbdata = cbdata;
// 'mxmlOptionsSetTypeCallback()' - Set the type callback for child/value nodes.
// The load callback function `cb` is called to obtain the node type child/value
// nodes and receives the `cbdata` pointer and the `mxml_node_t` pointer, for
// example:
// ```c
// mxml_type_t
// my_type_cb(void *cbdata, mxml_node_t *node)
// {
// const char *type;
// /*
// * You can lookup attributes and/or use the element name,
// * hierarchy, etc...
// */
// type = mxmlElementGetAttr(node, "type");
// if (type == NULL)
// type = mxmlGetElement(node);
// if (type == NULL)
// type = "text";
// if (!strcmp(type, "integer"))
// return (MXML_TYPE_INTEGER);
// else if (!strcmp(type, "opaque"))
// return (MXML_TYPE_OPAQUE);
// else if (!strcmp(type, "real"))
// return (MXML_TYPE_REAL);
// else
// return (MXML_TYPE_TEXT);
// }
// ```
mxml_options_t *options, // I - Options
mxml_type_cb_t cb, // I - Type callback function
void *cbdata) // I - Type callback data
if (options)
options->type_cb = cb;
options->type_cbdata = cbdata;
// 'mxmlOptionsSetTypeValue()' - Set the type to use for all child/value nodes.
// This functions sets a constant node type to use for all child/value nodes.
mxml_options_t *options, // I - Options
mxml_type_t type) // I - Value node type
if (options)
options->type_cb = NULL;
options->type_value = type;
// 'mxmlOptionsSetWhitespaceCallback()' - Set the whitespace callback.
// This function sets the whitespace callback that is used when saving XML data.
// The callback function `cb` specifies a function that returns a whitespace
// string or `NULL` before and after each element. The function receives the
// callback data pointer `cbdata`, the `mxml_node_t` pointer, and a "when"
// value indicating where the whitespace is being added, for example:
// ```c
// const char *my_whitespace_cb(void *cbdata, mxml_node_t *node, mxml_ws_t when)
// {
// if (when == MXML_WS_BEFORE_OPEN || when == MXML_WS_AFTER_CLOSE)
// return ("\n");
// else
// return (NULL);
// }
// ```
mxml_options_t *options, // I - Options
mxml_ws_cb_t cb, // I - Whitespace callback function
void *cbdata) // I - Whitespace callback data
if (options)
options->ws_cb = cb;
options->ws_cbdata = cbdata;
// 'mxmlOptionsSetWrapMargin()' - Set the wrap margin when saving XML data.
// This function sets the wrap margin used when saving XML data. Wrapping is
// disabled when `column` is `0`.
mxml_options_t *options, // I - Options
int column) // I - Wrap column
if (options)
options->wrap = column;
// '_mxml_entity_string()' - Get the entity that corresponds to the character, if any.
const char * // O - Entity or `NULL` for none
_mxml_entity_string(int ch) // I - Character
switch (ch)
case '&' :
return ("&amp;");
case '<' :
return ("&lt;");
case '>' :
return ("&gt;");
case '\"' :
return ("&quot;");
default :
return (NULL);
// '_mxml_entity_value()' - Get the character corresponding to a named entity.
// The entity name can also be a numeric constant. `-1` is returned if the
// name is not known.
int // O - Unicode character
mxml_options_t *options, // I - Options
const char *name) // I - Entity name
int ch = -1; // Unicode character
if (!name)
// No name...
return (-1);
else if (*name == '#')
// Numeric entity...
if (name[1] == 'x')
ch = (int)strtol(name + 2, NULL, 16);
ch = (int)strtol(name + 1, NULL, 10);
else if (!strcmp(name, "amp"))
// Ampersand
ch = '&';
else if (!strcmp(name, "gt"))
// Greater than
ch = '>';
else if (!strcmp(name, "lt"))
// Less than
ch = '<';
else if (!strcmp(name, "quot"))
// Double quote
ch = '\"';
else if (options && options->entity_cb)
// Use callback
ch = (options->entity_cb)(options->entity_cbdata, name);
return (ch);
// '_mxml_error()' - Display an error message.
_mxml_error(mxml_options_t *options, // I - Load/save options
const char *format, // I - Printf-style format string
...) // I - Additional arguments as needed
va_list ap; // Pointer to arguments
char s[1024]; // Message string
// Range check input...
if (!format)
// Format the error message string...
va_start(ap, format);
vsnprintf(s, sizeof(s), format, ap);
// And then display the error message...
if (options->error_cb)
(options->error_cb)(options->error_cbdata, s);
fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", s);