# Const

### `NSWindowStyleMask` constants are used to determine the type of window that is created via then newWindow() proc, and should be self explanatory.

### StyleMasks are typically `or'd` together

NSWindowStyleMaskBorderless*             = 0
NSWindowStyleMaskTitled*                 = 1 shl 0
NSWindowStyleMaskClosable*               = 1 shl 1
NSWindowStyleMaskMiniaturizable*         = 1 shl 2
NSWindowStyleMaskResizable*              = 1 shl 3
NSWindowStyleMaskUtilityWindow*          = 1 shl 4
NSWindowStyleMaskDocModalWindow*         = 1 shl 6
NSWindowStyleMaskNonactivatingPanel*     = 1 shl 7
NSWindowStyleMaskUnifiedTitleAndToolbar* = 1 shl 12
NSWindowStyleMaskHUDWindow*              = 1 shl 13
NSWindowStyleMaskFullScreen*             = 1 shl 14
NSWindowStyleMaskFullSizeContentView*    = 1 shl 15


# Flags for the GUI Anchor System

### These flags inform the GUI object how they should react when the window is resized.

### There is no need for a box/container paradigm because of this.  You can determine both how a widget resizes, and how it 'flows' on resize events. Below is a breakdown of what each flag does.

## # akNone                 No Anchor

## # akRight                 Anchor to Right of Window

## # akWidth                Anchor to Left and Right (width)

## # akLeft                    Anchor to Left

## # akBottom             Anchor to Bottom

## # akHeight              Anchor to Top and Bottom

## # akFull                    Anchor to Left/Right/Top/Bottom

## # akTop                    Anchor to Top

akNone*      = 0
akRight*     = 1
akWidth*     = 2
akLeft*      = 4
akBottom*    = 8
akHeight*    = 16
akFull*      = 18
akTop*       = 32



# Procs

## Cocoa_Init*

proc Cocoa_Init*() {.cdecl, importc: "Cocoa_Init".}

#### **REQUIRED**

#### Initializes the Cocoa Runtime.  Place before any GUI instantiation.


## Cocoa_Run*

proc Cocoa_Run*(a2: ID) {.cdecl, importc: "Cocoa_Run".}

#### **REQUIRED**

#### Launches the Cocoa Runtime. Place after GUI instantiation is complete, passing the mainwindow as a parameter.


## Cocoa_Quit*

proc Cocoa_Quit*(a2: ID) {.cdecl, importc: "Cocoa_Quit".}

### Exits the Cocoa Runtime when early exit is desired.


## Cocoa_About*

proc Cocoa_About*() {.cdecl, importc: "Cocoa_About".}

### Shows an About dialog


## anchor=*

proc `anchor=`*(widget: ID; value: cint) {.cdecl, importc: "Pin".}

### Used to set the anchor flags for an object


## text=*

proc `text=`*(widget: ID; txt: cstring) {.cdecl, importc: "SetText".}

### Sets the text/label of an object


## text*

proc text*(widget: ID): cstring {.cdecl, importc: "GetText".}

### Retrieves the text/label value of an object


## value*

proc value*(widget: ID): cint {.cdecl, importc: "GetValue".}

### Retrieves the numerical value of an object


## value=*

proc `value=`*(widget: ID; value: cint) {.cdecl, importc: "SetValue".}

### Sets the numerical value of an object


## add*

proc add*(widget: ID; txt: cstring) {.cdecl, importc: "AddItem".}

### Adds a string value to a Combobox/Listbox


## `action=`*

proc `action=`*(widget: ID; `func`: ACTION) {.cdecl, importc: "SetAction".}

### Sets the callback proc for an object that supports callbacks


## state=*

proc `state=`*(widget: ID; state: bool) {.cdecl, importc: "SetState".}

### Sets the state of RadioButton/Checkbox objects


## state*

proc state*(widget: ID): cint {.cdecl, importc: "State".}

### Retrieves the state of RadioButton/Checkbox objects


## clear*

proc clear*(widget: ID) {.cdecl, importc: "LB_Clear".}

### Clears a ListBox object


## `item=`

proc `item=`(widget: ID; pos: cint) {.cdecl, importc: "SetItem".}

### Not Used


## remove*

proc remove*(widget: ID; pos: cint) {.cdecl, importc: "RemoveItem".}

### Not Used


## getColor*

proc getColor*(panel: ID): cstring {.cdecl, importc: "getColor".}

### Not Used


## hexColor*

proc hexColor*(cPanel: ID): cstring {.cdecl, importc: "hexColor".}

### Not Used


## Notify*

proc Notify*(title: cstring; subtitle: cstring; text: cstring) {.cdecl, importc: "Notify".}

### Sends Notification to the macOS Notification Center


## newSeparator*

proc newSeparator*(parent: ID; x: cint; y: cint; width: cint): ID {.cdecl, importc: "createLine".}

### Creates a line to separate objects on a window form
