You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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import Cocoa / [NSFunctions, NSWindow, NSRadioButton,
NSLabel, NSContainer, NSTabView, NSComboBox]
winStyle = NSWindowStyleMaskTitled or NSWindowStyleMaskClosable
var win, radio1, radio2, radio3, radioContainer, tab, lbl1: ID
var cbo: ID
proc radioCB(sender: ID) {.cdecl.} =
lbl1.text = "Selected: " & $sender.text
proc comboCB(sender: ID) {.cdecl.} =
lbl1.text = "Selected: " & $sender.text
win = newWindow("NimCocoa Group Box Demo", 400, 200, winStyle)
tab = newTabBox(win,"First|Second|Third", 10, 10, 380, 160)
# # for x in ["Second", "Third"]: tab.addTab(x)
# tab.addTab("Fourth")
# radioContainer = newContainer(win, "Radio Buttons",20,20,200,120)
var tvitem = tab.getTab("First")
radio1 = newRadioButton(tvitem,"Radio 1",10,10,100,24,radioCB)
radio2 = newRadioButton(tvitem,"Radio 2",10,35,100,24,radioCB)
radio3 = newRadioButton(tvitem,"Radio 3",10,60,100,24,radioCB)
lbl1 = newLabel(win, "Selected: None", 20, 170, 200,24)
tvitem = tab.getTab("Second")
cbo = newComboBox(tvitem,10,10,200,26, comboCB)
for x in ["Apples","Oranges","Peaches"]: cbo.add(x)
cbo.text = "Apples"