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#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
#include "col.h"
@implementation awColorPanel
@synthesize theColor;
- (void)colorUpdate:(awColorPanel*)colorPanel{
theColor = colorPanel.color;
// printf("%s\n",[self hexColor]);
- (const char *) hexColor {
NSString* hexString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%02X%02X%02X",
(int) (theColor.redComponent * 0xFF),
(int) (theColor.greenComponent * 0xFF),
(int) (theColor.blueComponent * 0xFF)];
return [hexString UTF8String];
id createColorDialog() {
NSColorPanel *cp = [awColorPanel sharedColorPanel];
[cp setTarget:cp];
[cp setAction:@selector(colorUpdate:)];
// [NSApp runModalForWindow: cp];
[cp makeKeyAndOrderFront:nil];
return cp;
const char* hexColor(awColorPanel* cPanel) {
return [cPanel hexColor];
// @interface NSColorPanel (CPL)
// - (void)disablePanel;
// - (void)enablePanel;
// + (NSString *)strColor;
// @end
// #include <tgmath.h>
// static BOOL colorPanelEnabled = YES;
// @implementation NSColorPanel (CPL)
// - (void)disablePanel {
// colorPanelEnabled = NO;
// }
// - (void)enablePanel {
// colorPanelEnabled = YES;
// }
// - (void)orderFront:(id)sender {
// if (colorPanelEnabled) {
// NSColorPanel *panel = [BFColorPickerPopover sharedPopover].colorPanel;
// if (panel) {
// self.contentView = panel.contentView;
// }
// [super orderFront:sender];
// } else {
// // Don't do anything.
// }
// }
// + (NSString *)strColor {
// NSColorPanel *panel = [NSColorPanel sharedColorPanel];
// [panel orderFront:nil];
// NSColor *color = [panel.color colorUsingColorSpaceName: NSDeviceRGBColorSpace];
// return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"r: %d, g: %d, b: %d, a: %d",
// (int)round([color redComponent]*255),
// (int)round([color greenComponent]*255),
// (int)round([color blueComponent]*255),
// (int)round([color alphaComponent]*255)];
// // return @"";
// }
// @end
// const char* ColorDialog() {
// NSColorPanel *panel = [NSColorPanel sharedColorPanel];
// [panel orderFront:nil];
// NSString *aColor = [NSColorPanel strColor];
// return [[NSString stringWithFormat:@"r: %d, g: %d, b: %d, a: %d",
// (int)round([color redComponent]*255),
// (int)round([color greenComponent]*255),
// (int)round([color blueComponent]*255),
// (int)round([color alphaComponent]*255)] UTF8String];
// return [aColor UTF8String];
// }