--- author: Martin Wimpress date: July 24, 2022 footer: quickemu_conf header: Quickemu Configuration Manual section: 1 title: QUICKEMU_CONF --- # NAME quickemu_conf - Options and parameters in the quickemu \.conf # DESCRIPTION **quickemu** will create and run highly optimised desktop virtual machines for Linux, macOS and Windows. It uses sensible defaults, but many configuration options can be overridden in the required configuration file, which will as a minimum specify the path to the installation ISO and QEMU disk for the installed VM # OPTIONS These are the options and defaults for the \.conf file ``` bash # Lowercase variables are used in the VM config file only boot="efi" bridge="" cpu_cores="" disk_img="" disk_size="" fixed_iso="" floppy="" guest_os="linux" img="" iso="" macos_release="" port_forwards=() preallocation="off" ram="" secureboot="off" tpm="off" usb_devices=() ``` # EXAMPLES ``` bash guest_os="linux" disk_img="debian-bullseye/disk.qcow2" iso="debian-bullseye/firmware-11.0.0-amd64-DVD-1.iso" ``` The default macOS configuration looks like this: ``` bash guest_os="macos" img="macos-catalina/RecoveryImage.img" disk_img="macos-catalina/disk.qcow2" macos_release="catalina" ``` - `guest_os="macos"` instructs Quickemu to optimise for macOS. - `macos_release="catalina"` instructs Quickemu to optimise for a particular macOS release. - For example VirtIO Network and Memory Ballooning are available in Big Sur and newer, but not previous releases. - And VirtIO Block Media (disks) are supported/stable in Catalina and newer. The default Windows 11 configuration looks like this: ``` bash guest_os="windows" disk_img="windows-11/disk.qcow2" iso="windows-11/Win11_EnglishInternational_x64.iso" fixed_iso="windows-11/virtio-win.iso" tpm="on" ``` - `guest_os="windows"` instructs `quickemu` to optimise for Windows. - `fixed_iso=` specifies the ISO image that provides VirtIO drivers. - `tpm="on"` instructs `quickemu` to create a software emulated TPM device using `swtpm`. # BIOS and EFI Since Quickemu 2.1.0 `efi` is the default boot option. If you want to override this behaviour then add the following line to you VM configuration to enable legacy BIOS. - `boot="legacy"` - Enable Legacy BIOS boot # Tuning CPU cores, RAM & disks By default, Quickemu will calculate the number of CPUs cores and RAM to allocate to a VM based on the specifications of your host computer. You can override this default behaviour and tune the VM configuration to your liking. Add additional lines to your virtual machine configuration: - `cpu_cores="4"` - Specify the number of CPU cores allocated to the VM - `ram="4G"` - Specify the amount of RAM to allocate to the VM - `disk_size="16G"` - Specify the size of the virtual disk allocated to the VM ## Disk preallocation Preallocation mode (allowed values: `off` (default), `metadata`, `falloc`, `full`). An image with preallocated metadata is initially larger but can improve performance when the image needs to grow. Specify what disk preallocation should be used, if any, when creating the system disk image by adding a line like this to your VM configuration. - `preallocation="metadata"` ## CD-ROM disks If you want to expose an ISO image from the host to guest add the following line to the VM configuration: - `fixed_iso="/path/to/image.iso"` ## Floppy disks If you're like [Alan Pope](https://popey.com) you'll probably want to mount a floppy disk image in the guest. To do so add the following line to the VM configuration: - `floppy="/path/to/floppy.img"` # File Sharing All File Sharing options will only expose `~/Public` (or localised variations) for the current user to the guest VMs. ## Samba 🐧 🍏 🪟 If `smbd` is available on the host, Quickemu will automatically enable the built-in QEMU support for exposing a Samba share from the host to the guest. You can install the minimal Samba components on Ubuntu using: ``` bash sudo apt install --no-install-recommends samba ``` If everything is set up correctly, the `smbd` address will be printed when the virtual machine is started. For example: - smbd: On guest: smb:// If using a Windows guest, right-click on "This PC", click "Add a network location", and paste this address, removing `smb:` and replacing forward slashes with backslashes (in this example `\\\qemu`). ## SPICE WebDAV 🐧 🪟 - TBD ## VirtIO-9P 🐧 🍏 - TBD # Network port forwarding Add an additional line to your virtual machine configuration. For example: - `port_forwards=("8123:8123" "8888:80")` In the example above: - Port 8123 on the host is forwarded to port 8123 on the guest. - Port 8888 on the host is forwarded to port 80 on the guest. # Bridged networking Connect your virtual machine to a preconfigured network bridge. Add an additional line to your virtual machine configuration - `bridge="br0"` # USB redirection Quickemu supports USB redirection via SPICE pass-through and host pass-through. ## SPICE redirection (recommended) Using SPICE for USB pass-through is easiest as it doesn't require any elevated permission, start Quickemu with `--display spice` and then select `Input` -\> `Select USB Device for redirection` from the menu to choose which device(s) you want to attach to the guest. ## Host redirection **NOT Recommended** **USB host redirection is not recommended**, it is provided purely for backwards compatibility to older versions of Quickemu. Using SPICE is preferred, see above. Add an additional line to your virtual machine configuration. For example: - `usb_devices=("046d:082d" "046d:085e")` In the example above: - The USB device with vendor_id 046d and product_id 082d will be exposed to the guest. - The USB device with vendor_id 046d and product_id 085e will be exposed to the guest. If the USB devices are not writable, `quickemu` will display the appropriate commands to modify the USB device(s) access permissions, like this: - USB: Host pass-through requested: - Sennheiser Communications EPOS GTW 270 on bus 001 device 005 needs permission changes: sudo chown -v root:user /dev/bus/usb/001/005 ERROR! USB permission changes are required 👆 # TPM Since Quickemu 2.2.0 a software emulated TPM device can be added to guest virtual machines. Just add `tpm="on"` to your VM configuration. `quickget` will automatically add this line to Windows 11 virtual machines. # AUTHORS Written by Martin Wimpress. # BUGS Submit bug reports online at: # SEE ALSO Full sources at: quickget(1), quickemu(1), quickgui(1)