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title: "Find all URLs in a string"
static const char *str =
"<img src=\"HTTPS://FOO.COM/x?b#c=tab1\"/> "
" <a href=\"\">some link</a>";
static const char *regex = "((https?://)[^\\s/'\"<>]+/?[^\\s'\"<>]*)";
struct slre_cap caps[2];
int i, j = 0, str_len = strlen(str);
while (j < str_len &&
(i = slre_match(regex, str + j, str_len - j, caps, 2, SLRE_IGNORE_CASE)) > 0) {
printf("Found URL: [%.*s]\n", caps[0].len, caps[0].ptr);
j += i;
Found URL: [HTTPS://FOO.COM/x?b#c=tab1]
Found URL: []