mirror of
synced 2025-03-12 16:55:30 +00:00
Branching, \s and \d metachars added
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
* Copyright (c) 2004-2013 Sergey Lyubka <valenok@gmail.com>
* Copyright (c) 2013 Cesanta Limited
* Copyright (c) 2013 Cesanta Software Limited
* All rights reserved
* This library is dual-licensed: you can redistribute it and/or modify
@ -32,7 +32,6 @@ static const char *static_error_invalid_metacharacter = "Invalid metacharacter";
#define MAX_BRANCHES 100
#define MAX_BRACKETS 100
#define ARRAY_SIZE(ar) (int) (sizeof(ar) / sizeof((ar)[0]))
#define FAIL_IF(cond,msg) do { if (cond) \
{info->error_msg = msg; return 0; }} while (0)
@ -49,19 +48,20 @@ struct regex_info {
* First entry is always present, and grabs the whole regex.
struct bracket_pair {
const char *opening_bracket;
const char *closing_bracket;
int nesting_depth;
const char *ptr; /* Points to the first char after '(' in regex */
int len; /* Length of the text between '(' and ')' */
int branches; /* Index in the branches array for this pair */
int num_branches; /* Number of '|' in this bracket pair */
} brackets[MAX_BRACKETS];
int num_bracket_pairs;
int num_brackets;
* Describes alternations ('|' operators) in the regular expression.
* Each branch falls into a specific branch pair.
struct branch {
int bracket_pair_index; /* index into 'brackets' array defined above */
const char *schlong; /* points to the '|' character in the regex */
int bracket_index; /* index into 'brackets' array defined above */
const char *schlong; /* points to the '|' character in the regex */
} branches[MAX_BRANCHES];
int num_branches;
@ -81,37 +81,24 @@ static int is_quantifier(const char *re) {
return re[0] == '*' || re[0] == '+' || re[0] == '?';
static int get_brackets_index(const char *p, const struct regex_info *info) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < info->num_bracket_pairs; i++)
if (info->brackets[i].opening_bracket == p)
return i;
return 0;
static int doh(const char *s, int s_len,
struct slre_cap *caps, struct regex_info *info, int bi);
static int get_brackets_length(const char *p, const struct regex_info *info) {
int i = get_brackets_index(p, info);
return info->brackets[i].closing_bracket - info->brackets[i].opening_bracket;
static int m1(const char *re, int re_len, const char *s, int s_len,
struct slre_cap *caps, struct regex_info *info) {
/* i is offset in re, j is offset in s */
int i, j, step;
static int bar(const char *re, int re_len, const char *s, int s_len,
struct slre_cap *caps, struct regex_info *info, int bi) {
/* i is offset in re, j is offset in s, bi is brackets index */
int i, j, n, step;
(void) caps;
DBG(("%s [%.*s] [%.*s]\n", __func__, re_len, re, s_len, s));
for (i = j = 0; i < re_len && j < s_len; i += step) {
step = re[i] == '(' ?
get_brackets_length(re + i, info) : get_op_len(re + i);
step = get_op_len(re + i);
#if 1
DBG(("%s [%.*s] [%.*s] re_len=%d step=%d i=%d j=%d\n",
__func__, re_len - i, re + i,
s_len - j, s + j, re_len, step, i, j));
FAIL_IF(is_quantifier(&re[i]), static_error_unexpected_quantifier);
FAIL_IF(step <= 0, static_error_internal);
@ -119,7 +106,7 @@ static int m1(const char *re, int re_len, const char *s, int s_len,
/* Handle quantifiers. Look ahead. */
if (i + step < re_len && is_quantifier(re + i + step)) {
if (re[i + step] == '?') {
j += m1(re + i, step, s + j, s_len - j, caps, info);
j += bar(re + i, step, s + j, s_len - j, caps, info, bi);
} else if (re[i + step] == '+' || re[i + step] == '*') {
@ -133,12 +120,13 @@ static int m1(const char *re, int re_len, const char *s, int s_len,
ni = i + step + next_step;
while ((n1 = m1(re + i, step, s + j2, s_len - j2, caps, info)) > 0) {
while ((n1 = bar(re + i, step, s + j2, s_len - j2,
caps, info, bi)) > 0) {
if (ni >= re_len) {
/* After quantifier, there is nothing */
nj = j2 + n1;
} else if ((n2 = m1(re + ni, re_len - ni, s + j2 + n1,
s_len - (j2 + n1), caps, info)) > 0) {
} else if ((n2 = bar(re + ni, re_len - ni, s + j2 + n1,
s_len - (j2 + n1), caps, info, bi)) > 0) {
nj = j2 + n1 + n2;
if (nj > 0 && non_greedy) break;
@ -158,14 +146,18 @@ static int m1(const char *re, int re_len, const char *s, int s_len,
case '+':
case '?':
case '*':
case '\\':
case '(':
case ')':
case '^':
case '$':
case 's':
FAIL_IF(!isspace(((unsigned char *) s)[j]), static_error_no_match);
case 'd':
FAIL_IF(!isdigit(((unsigned char *) s)[j]), static_error_no_match);
case '+': case '?': case '*': case '\\': case '(': case ')':
case '^': case '$':
FAIL_IF(re[i + 1] != s[j], static_error_no_match);
@ -177,25 +169,29 @@ static int m1(const char *re, int re_len, const char *s, int s_len,
case '(':
int n = m1(re + i + 1, step - 1, s + j, s_len - j, caps, info);
DBG(("CAPTURING [%.*s] [%.*s] => %d\n", step - 1, re + i + 1,
s_len - j, s + j, n));
FAIL_IF(n <= 0, static_error_no_match);
if (caps != NULL) {
int bi = get_brackets_index(re + i, info);
caps[bi].ptr = s + j;
caps[bi].len = n;
j += n;
FAIL_IF(bi + 1 >= info->num_brackets, static_error_internal);
DBG(("CAPTURING [%.*s] [%.*s]\n", info->brackets[bi + 1].len + 2,
re + i, s_len - j, s + j));
n = doh(s + j, s_len - j, caps, info, bi + 1);
DBG(("CAPTURED [%.*s] [%.*s]:%d\n", info->brackets[bi + 1].len + 2,
re + i, s_len - j, s + j, n));
FAIL_IF(n <= 0, static_error_no_match);
if (caps != NULL) {
caps[bi].ptr = s + j;
caps[bi].len = n;
j += n;
i += info->brackets[bi + 1].len + 1;
case '^':
FAIL_IF(j != 0, static_error_no_match);
case '|':
FAIL_IF(1, static_error_internal);
case '$':
/* $ anchor handling is at the end of this function */
FAIL_IF(1, static_error_no_match);
@ -222,51 +218,108 @@ static int m1(const char *re, int re_len, const char *s, int s_len,
return j;
/* Step 1. Process brackets and branches. */
static int m(const char *re, int re_len, const char *s, int s_len,
struct slre_cap *caps, struct regex_info *info) {
/* Process branch points */
static int doh(const char *s, int s_len,
struct slre_cap *caps, struct regex_info *info, int bi) {
const struct bracket_pair *b = &info->brackets[bi];
int i = 0, len, result;
const char *p;
do {
p = i == 0 ? b->ptr : info->branches[b->branches + i - 1].schlong + 1;
len = b->num_branches == 0 ? b->len :
i == b->num_branches ? b->ptr + b->len - p :
info->branches[b->branches + i].schlong - p;
DBG(("%s %d %d [%.*s]\n", __func__, bi, i, len, p));
result = bar(p, len, s, s_len, caps, info, bi);
} while (i++ < b->num_branches); /* At least 1 iteration */
return result;
static void setup_branch_points(struct regex_info *info) {
int i, j;
struct branch tmp;
/* First, sort branches. Must be stable, no qsort. Use bubble algo. */
for (i = 0; i < info->num_branches; i++) {
for (j = i + 1; j < info->num_branches; j++) {
if (info->branches[i].bracket_index > info->branches[j].bracket_index) {
tmp = info->branches[i];
info->branches[i] = info->branches[j];
info->branches[j] = tmp;
* For each bracket, set their branch points. This way, for every bracket
* (i.e. every chunk of regex) we know all branch points before matching.
for (i = j = 0; i < info->num_brackets; i++) {
info->brackets[i].num_branches = 0;
info->brackets[i].branches = j;
while (j < info->num_branches && info->branches[j].bracket_index == i) {
static int foo(const char *re, int re_len, const char *s, int s_len,
struct slre_cap *caps, struct regex_info *info) {
int result, i, step, depth = 0;
const char *stack[ARRAY_SIZE(info->brackets)];
stack[0] = re;
info->brackets[0].opening_bracket = re - 1; /* Imaginary ( before re */
info->brackets[0].closing_bracket = re + re_len; /* Imaginary ) after re */
info->brackets[0].nesting_depth = 0;
info->num_bracket_pairs = 1;
/* First bracket captures everything */
info->brackets[0].ptr = re;
info->brackets[0].len = re_len;
info->num_brackets = 1;
/* Make a single pass over regex string, memorize brackets and branches */
for (i = 0; i < re_len; i += step) {
step = get_op_len(&re[i]);
if (re[i] == '|') {
FAIL_IF(info->num_branches >= ARRAY_SIZE(info->branches),
"Too many |. Increase MAX_BRANCHES");
info->branches[info->num_branches].bracket_pair_index =
info->num_bracket_pairs - 1;
info->branches[info->num_branches].bracket_index =
info->brackets[info->num_brackets - 1].len == -1 ?
info->num_brackets - 1 : depth;
info->branches[info->num_branches].schlong = &re[i];
} else if (re[i] == '(') {
FAIL_IF(info->num_bracket_pairs >= ARRAY_SIZE(info->brackets),
FAIL_IF(info->num_brackets >= ARRAY_SIZE(info->brackets),
"Too many (. Increase MAX_BRACKETS");
depth++; /* Order is important here. Depth increments first. */
stack[depth] = &re[i];
info->brackets[info->num_bracket_pairs].opening_bracket = &re[i];
info->brackets[info->num_bracket_pairs].nesting_depth = depth;
info->brackets[info->num_brackets].ptr = re + i + 1;
info->brackets[info->num_brackets].len = -1;
} else if (re[i] == ')') {
info->brackets[info->num_bracket_pairs - 1].closing_bracket = &re[i];
int ind = info->brackets[info->num_brackets - 1].len == -1 ?
info->num_brackets - 1 : depth;
info->brackets[ind].len = &re[i] - info->brackets[ind].ptr;
DBG(("SETTING BRACKET %d [%.*s]\n",
ind, info->brackets[ind].len, info->brackets[ind].ptr));
FAIL_IF(depth < 0, static_error_unbalanced_brackets);
FAIL_IF(i > 0 && re[i - 1] == '(', static_error_no_match);
FAIL_IF(depth != 0, static_error_unbalanced_brackets);
/* Scan the string from left to right, applying the regex. Stop on match. */
result = 0;
for (i = 0; i < s_len; i++) {
result = m1(re, re_len, s + i, s_len - i, caps, info);
DBG((" m1 -> %d [%.*s] [%.*s] [%s]\n", result, re_len, re,
result = doh(s + i, s_len - i, caps, info, 0);
DBG((" (iter) -> %d [%.*s] [%.*s] [%s]\n", result, re_len, re,
s_len - i, s + i, info->error_msg));
if (result > 0 || re[0] == '^') {
result += i;
@ -282,11 +335,12 @@ int slre_match(const char *regexp, const char *s, int s_len,
struct regex_info info;
int result;
memset(&info, 0, sizeof(info));
/* Initialize info structure */
info.flags = info.num_brackets = info.num_branches = 0;
info.error_msg = static_error_no_match;
DBG(("========================> [%s] [%.*s]\n", regexp, s_len, s));
result = m(regexp, strlen(regexp), s, s_len, caps, &info);
result = foo(regexp, strlen(regexp), s, s_len, caps, &info);
if (error_msg != NULL) {
*error_msg = info.error_msg;
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
* Copyright (c) 2004-2013 Sergey Lyubka <valenok@gmail.com>
* Copyright (c) 2013 Cesanta Limited
* Copyright (c) 2013 Cesanta Software Limited
* All rights reserved
* This library is dual-licensed: you can redistribute it and/or modify
@ -20,6 +20,10 @@
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
* This is a regular expression library that implements a subset of Perl RE.
* Please refer to http://cesanta.com/docs/slre for detailed reference.
@ -82,4 +86,8 @@ int slre_match(const char *regexp, const char *buf, int buf_len,
* }
#ifdef __cplusplus
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
* Copyright (c) 2004-2013 Sergey Lyubka <valenok@gmail.com>
* Copyright (c) 2013 Cesanta Limited
* Copyright (c) 2013 Cesanta Software Limited
* All rights reserved
* This library is dual-licensed: you can redistribute it and/or modify
@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ static int static_failed_tests = 0;
int main(void) {
const char *msg = "";
struct slre_cap caps[10];
#if 0
@ -78,10 +79,21 @@ int main(void) {
ASSERT(slre_match("fa?b", "fooklmn", 7, NULL, &msg) == 0);
/* Brackets & capturing */
ASSERT(slre_match("^(te)", "tenacity subdues all", 20, NULL, &msg) == 2);
ASSERT(slre_match("(bc)", "abcdef", 6, NULL, &msg) == 3);
ASSERT(slre_match(".(d.)", "abcdef", 6, NULL, &msg) == 5);
ASSERT(slre_match(".(d.)\\)?", "abcdef", 6, NULL, &msg) == 5);
ASSERT(slre_match("^(te)", "tenacity subdues all", 20, caps, &msg) == 2);
ASSERT(slre_match("(bc)", "abcdef", 6, caps, &msg) == 3);
ASSERT(slre_match(".(d.)", "abcdef", 6, caps, &msg) == 5);
ASSERT(slre_match(".(d.)\\)?", "abcdef", 6, caps, &msg) == 5);
ASSERT(caps[0].len == 2);
ASSERT(memcmp(caps[0].ptr, "de", 2) == 0);
ASSERT(slre_match("(.+)", "123", 3, caps, &msg) == 3);
ASSERT(slre_match("(2.+)", "123", 3, caps, &msg) == 3);
ASSERT(caps[0].len == 2);
ASSERT(memcmp(caps[0].ptr, "23", 2) == 0);
ASSERT(slre_match("(.+2)", "123", 3, caps, &msg) == 2);
ASSERT(caps[0].len == 2);
ASSERT(memcmp(caps[0].ptr, "12", 2) == 0);
ASSERT(slre_match("(.*(2.))", "123", 3, caps, &msg) == 3);
ASSERT(slre_match("(.)(.)", "123", 3, caps, &msg) == 2);
/* Greedy vs non-greedy */
ASSERT(slre_match(".+c", "abcabc", 6, NULL, &msg) == 6);
@ -90,6 +102,30 @@ int main(void) {
ASSERT(slre_match(".*c", "abcabc", 6, NULL, &msg) == 6);
ASSERT(slre_match("bc.d?k?b+", "abcabc", 6, NULL, &msg) == 5);
/* Branching */
ASSERT(slre_match("|", "abc", 3, NULL, &msg) == 0);
ASSERT(slre_match("|.", "abc", 3, NULL, &msg) == 1);
ASSERT(slre_match("x|y|b", "abc", 3, NULL, &msg) == 2);
ASSERT(slre_match("k(xx|yy)|ca", "abcabc", 6, NULL, &msg) == 4);
ASSERT(slre_match("k(xx|yy)|ca|bc", "abcabc", 6, NULL, &msg) == 3);
ASSERT(slre_match("(|.c)", "abc", 3, caps, &msg) == 3);
ASSERT(caps[0].len == 2);
ASSERT(memcmp(caps[0].ptr, "bc", 2) == 0);
ASSERT(slre_match("(\\S+)\\s+(\\S+)\\s+HTTP/(\\d)", "POST /x HTTP/1.1", 16,
caps, &msg) == 16);
#if 0
/* HTTP request */
static const char *req = "POST /x HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\nPOST DATA";
int len = strlen(req);
req, len, caps, &msg) == len);
printf("Unit test %s (total test: %d, failed tests: %d)\n",
static_failed_tests > 0 ? "FAILED" : "PASSED",
static_total_tests, static_failed_tests);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user