/* * Copyright (c) 2004-2013 Sergey Lyubka * Copyright (c) 2013 Cesanta Software Limited * All rights reserved * * This library is dual-licensed: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as * published by the Free Software Foundation. For the terms of this * license, see . * * You are free to use this library under the terms of the GNU General * Public License, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied * warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * Alternatively, you can license this library under a commercial * license, as set out in . */ #include #include #include #include #include "slre.h" static const char *static_error_no_match = "No match"; static const char *static_error_unexpected_quantifier = "Unexpected quantifier"; static const char *static_error_unbalanced_brackets = "Unbalanced brackets"; static const char *static_error_internal = "Internal error"; static const char *static_error_invalid_set = "Invalid [] spec"; static const char *static_error_invalid_metacharacter = "Invalid metacharacter"; static const char *static_error_more_caps = "Caps array is too small"; static const char *static_metacharacters = "^$().[]*+?|\\"; #define MAX_BRANCHES 100 #define MAX_BRACKETS 100 #define ARRAY_SIZE(ar) (int) (sizeof(ar) / sizeof((ar)[0])) #define FAIL_IF(cond,msg) do { if (cond) \ {info->error_msg = msg; return 0; }} while (0) #ifdef SLRE_DEBUG #define DBG(x) printf x #else #define DBG(x) #endif struct regex_info { /* * Describes all bracket pairs in the regular expression. * First entry is always present, and grabs the whole regex. */ struct bracket_pair { const char *ptr; /* Points to the first char after '(' in regex */ int len; /* Length of the text between '(' and ')' */ int branches; /* Index in the branches array for this pair */ int num_branches; /* Number of '|' in this bracket pair */ } brackets[MAX_BRACKETS]; int num_brackets; /* * Describes alternations ('|' operators) in the regular expression. * Each branch falls into a specific branch pair. */ struct branch { int bracket_index; /* index into 'brackets' array defined above */ const char *schlong; /* points to the '|' character in the regex */ } branches[MAX_BRANCHES]; int num_branches; /* Array of captures provided by the user */ struct slre_cap *caps; int num_caps; /* Error message to be returned to the user */ const char *error_msg; /* E.g. IGNORE_CASE. See enum below */ int flags; }; enum { IGNORE_CASE = 1 }; static int is_metacharacter(const unsigned char *s) { return strchr(static_metacharacters, *s) != NULL; } static int op_len(const char *re) { return re[0] == '\\' && re[1] == 'x' ? 4 : re[0] == '\\' ? 2 : 1; } static int set_len(const char *re, int re_len) { int len = 0; while (len < re_len && re[len] != ']') { len += op_len(re + len); } return len <= re_len ? len + 1 : -1; } static int get_op_len(const char *re, int re_len) { return re[0] == '[' ? set_len(re + 1, re_len - 1) + 1 : op_len(re); } static int is_quantifier(const char *re) { return re[0] == '*' || re[0] == '+' || re[0] == '?'; } static int toi(int x) { return isdigit(x) ? x - '0' : x - 'W'; } static int hextoi(const unsigned char *s) { return (toi(tolower(s[0])) << 4) | toi(tolower(s[1])); } static int match_op(const unsigned char *re, const unsigned char *s, struct regex_info *info) { int result = 0; switch (*re) { case '\\': /* Metacharacters */ switch (re[1]) { case 'S': FAIL_IF(isspace(*s), static_error_no_match); result++; break; case 's': FAIL_IF(!isspace(*s), static_error_no_match); result++; break; case 'd': FAIL_IF(!isdigit(*s), static_error_no_match); result++; break; case 'x': /* Match byte, \xHH where HH is hexadecimal byte representaion */ FAIL_IF(!(isxdigit(re[2]) && isxdigit(re[3])), static_error_invalid_metacharacter); FAIL_IF(hextoi(re + 2) != *s, static_error_no_match); result++; break; default: if (is_metacharacter(re + 1)) { FAIL_IF(re[1] != s[0], static_error_no_match); result++; } else { FAIL_IF(1, static_error_invalid_metacharacter); } break; } break; case '|': FAIL_IF(1, static_error_internal); break; case '$': FAIL_IF(1, static_error_no_match); break; case '.': result++; break; default: if (info->flags & IGNORE_CASE) { FAIL_IF(tolower(*re) != tolower(*s), static_error_no_match); } else { FAIL_IF(*re != *s, static_error_no_match); } result++; break; } return result; } static int match_set(const char *re, int re_len, const char *s, struct regex_info *info) { int len = 0, result = 0, invert = re[0] == '^'; if (invert) re++, re_len--; while (len <= re_len && re[len] != ']' && result == 0) { /* Support character range */ if (re[len] != '-' && re[len + 1] == '-' && re[len + 2] != ']' && re[len + 2] != '\0') { result = info->flags && IGNORE_CASE ? *s >= re[len] && *s <= re[len + 2] : tolower(*s) >= tolower(re[len]) && tolower(*s) <= tolower(re[len + 2]); len += 3; } else { result = match_op((unsigned char *) re + len, (unsigned char *) s, info); len += op_len(re + len); } } return (!invert && result) || (invert && !result) ? 1 : 0; } static int doh(const char *s, int s_len, struct regex_info *info, int bi); static int bar(const char *re, int re_len, const char *s, int s_len, struct regex_info *info, int bi) { /* i is offset in re, j is offset in s, bi is brackets index */ int i, j, n, step; DBG(("%s [%.*s] [%.*s]\n", __func__, re_len, re, s_len, s)); for (i = j = 0; i < re_len && j < s_len; i += step) { /* Handle quantifiers. Get the length of the chunk. */ step = re[i] == '(' ? info->brackets[bi + 1].len + 2 : get_op_len(re + i, re_len - i); DBG(("%s [%.*s] [%.*s] re_len=%d step=%d i=%d j=%d\n", __func__, re_len - i, re + i, s_len - j, s + j, re_len, step, i, j)); FAIL_IF(is_quantifier(&re[i]), static_error_unexpected_quantifier); FAIL_IF(step <= 0, static_error_invalid_set); if (i + step < re_len && is_quantifier(re + i + step)) { DBG(("QUANTIFIER: [%.*s] %c\n", step, re + i, re[i + step])); if (re[i + step] == '?') { j += bar(re + i, step, s + j, s_len - j, info, bi); i++; continue; } else if (re[i + step] == '+' || re[i + step] == '*') { int j2 = j, nj = 0, n1, n2, ni, non_greedy = 0; /* Points to the regexp code after the quantifier */ ni = i + step + 1; if (ni < re_len && re[ni] == '?') { non_greedy = 1; ni++; } while ((n1 = bar(re + i, step, s + j2, s_len - j2, info, bi)) > 0) { if (ni >= re_len) { /* After quantifier, there is nothing */ nj = j2 + n1; } else if ((n2 = bar(re + ni, re_len - ni, s + j2 + n1, s_len - (j2 + n1), info, bi)) > 0) { nj = j2 + n1 + n2; } if (nj > 0 && non_greedy) break; j2 += n1; } FAIL_IF(re[i + step] == '+' && nj == 0, static_error_no_match); return nj; } } if (re[i] == '[') { n = match_set(re + i + 1, re_len - (i + 2), s + j, info); DBG(("SET %.*s [%.*s] -> %d\n", step, re + i, s_len - j, s + j, n)); FAIL_IF(n <= 0, static_error_no_match); j += n; } else if (re[i] == '(') { bi++; FAIL_IF(bi >= info->num_brackets, static_error_internal); DBG(("CAPTURING [%.*s] [%.*s]\n", step, re + i, s_len - j, s + j)); n = doh(s + j, s_len - j, info, bi); DBG(("CAPTURED [%.*s] [%.*s]:%d\n", step, re + i, s_len - j, s + j, n)); FAIL_IF(n <= 0, info->error_msg); if (info->caps != NULL) { info->caps[bi - 1].ptr = s + j; info->caps[bi - 1].len = n; } j += n; } else if (re[i] == '^') { FAIL_IF(j != 0, static_error_no_match); } else { n = match_op((unsigned char *) (re + i), (unsigned char *) (s + j), info); FAIL_IF(n <= 0, info->error_msg); j += n; } } /* * Process $ anchor here. If we've reached the end of the string, * but did not exhaust regexp yet, this is no match. */ FAIL_IF(i < re_len && !(re[i] == '$' && i + 1 == re_len), static_error_no_match); return j; } /* Process branch points */ static int doh(const char *s, int s_len, struct regex_info *info, int bi) { const struct bracket_pair *b = &info->brackets[bi]; int i = 0, len, result; const char *p; do { p = i == 0 ? b->ptr : info->branches[b->branches + i - 1].schlong + 1; len = b->num_branches == 0 ? b->len : i == b->num_branches ? b->ptr + b->len - p : info->branches[b->branches + i].schlong - p; DBG(("%s %d %d [%.*s]\n", __func__, bi, i, len, p)); result = bar(p, len, s, s_len, info, bi); } while (i++ < b->num_branches); /* At least 1 iteration */ return result; } static void setup_branch_points(struct regex_info *info) { int i, j; struct branch tmp; /* First, sort branches. Must be stable, no qsort. Use bubble algo. */ for (i = 0; i < info->num_branches; i++) { for (j = i + 1; j < info->num_branches; j++) { if (info->branches[i].bracket_index > info->branches[j].bracket_index) { tmp = info->branches[i]; info->branches[i] = info->branches[j]; info->branches[j] = tmp; } } } /* * For each bracket, set their branch points. This way, for every bracket * (i.e. every chunk of regex) we know all branch points before matching. */ for (i = j = 0; i < info->num_brackets; i++) { info->brackets[i].num_branches = 0; info->brackets[i].branches = j; while (j < info->num_branches && info->branches[j].bracket_index == i) { info->brackets[i].num_branches++; j++; } } } static int foo(const char *re, int re_len, const char *s, int s_len, struct regex_info *info) { int result, i, step, depth = 0; const char *stack[ARRAY_SIZE(info->brackets)]; stack[0] = re; /* First bracket captures everything */ info->brackets[0].ptr = re; info->brackets[0].len = re_len; info->num_brackets = 1; /* Make a single pass over regex string, memorize brackets and branches */ for (i = 0; i < re_len; i += step) { step = get_op_len(re + i, re_len - i); if (re[i] == '|') { FAIL_IF(info->num_branches >= ARRAY_SIZE(info->branches), "Too many |. Increase MAX_BRANCHES"); info->branches[info->num_branches].bracket_index = info->brackets[info->num_brackets - 1].len == -1 ? info->num_brackets - 1 : depth; info->branches[info->num_branches].schlong = &re[i]; info->num_branches++; } else if (re[i] == '(') { FAIL_IF(info->num_brackets >= ARRAY_SIZE(info->brackets), "Too many (. Increase MAX_BRACKETS"); depth++; /* Order is important here. Depth increments first. */ stack[depth] = &re[i]; info->brackets[info->num_brackets].ptr = re + i + 1; info->brackets[info->num_brackets].len = -1; info->num_brackets++; FAIL_IF(info->num_caps > 0 && info->num_brackets - 1 > info->num_caps, static_error_more_caps); } else if (re[i] == ')') { int ind = info->brackets[info->num_brackets - 1].len == -1 ? info->num_brackets - 1 : depth; info->brackets[ind].len = &re[i] - info->brackets[ind].ptr; DBG(("SETTING BRACKET %d [%.*s]\n", ind, info->brackets[ind].len, info->brackets[ind].ptr)); depth--; FAIL_IF(depth < 0, static_error_unbalanced_brackets); FAIL_IF(i > 0 && re[i - 1] == '(', static_error_no_match); } } FAIL_IF(depth != 0, static_error_unbalanced_brackets); setup_branch_points(info); /* Scan the string from left to right, applying the regex. Stop on match. */ result = 0; for (i = 0; i < s_len; i++) { result = doh(s + i, s_len - i, info, 0); DBG((" (iter %d) -> %d [%.*s] [%.*s] [%s]\n", i, result, re_len, re, s_len - i, s + i, info->error_msg)); if (result > 0 || re[0] == '^') { result += i; break; } } return result; } int slre_match(const char *regexp, const char *s, int s_len, struct slre_cap *caps, int num_caps, const char **error_msg) { struct regex_info info; int result; /* Initialize info structure */ info.flags = info.num_brackets = info.num_branches = 0; info.error_msg = ""; info.num_caps = num_caps; info.caps = caps; DBG(("========================> [%s] [%.*s]\n", regexp, s_len, s)); /* Handle regexp flags. At the moment, only 'i' is supported */ if (memcmp(regexp, "(?i)", 4) == 0) { info.flags |= IGNORE_CASE; regexp += 4; } result = foo(regexp, strlen(regexp), s, s_len, &info); if (error_msg != NULL) { *error_msg = info.error_msg; } return result; } /*****************************************************************************/ /********************************** UNIT TEST ********************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ #ifdef SLRE_UNIT_TEST static int static_total_tests = 0; static int static_failed_tests = 0; #define FAIL(str, line) do { \ printf("Fail on line %d: [%s]\n", line, str); \ static_failed_tests++; \ } while (0) #define ASSERT(expr) do { \ static_total_tests++; \ if (!(expr)) FAIL(#expr, __LINE__); \ } while (0) /* Regex must have exactly one bracket pair */ static char *slre_replace(const char *regex, const char *buf, const char *sub) { char *s = NULL; int n, n1, n2, n3, s_len, len = strlen(buf); struct slre_cap cap = { NULL, 0 }; do { s_len = s == NULL ? 0 : strlen(s); if ((n = slre_match(regex, buf, len, &cap, 1, NULL)) > 0) { n1 = cap.ptr - buf, n2 = strlen(sub), n3 = &buf[n] - &cap.ptr[cap.len]; } else { n1 = len, n2 = 0, n3 = 0; } s = realloc(s, s_len + n1 + n2 + n3 + 1); memcpy(s + s_len, buf, n1); memcpy(s + s_len + n1, sub, n2); memcpy(s + s_len + n1 + n2, cap.ptr + cap.len, n3); s[s_len + n1 + n2 + n3] = '\0'; buf += n > 0 ? n : len; len -= n > 0 ? n : len; } while (len > 0); return s; } int main(void) { const char *msg = ""; struct slre_cap caps[10]; /* Character sets */ ASSERT(slre_match("[abc]", "1c2", 3, NULL, 0, &msg) == 2); ASSERT(slre_match("[abc]", "1C2", 3, NULL, 0, &msg) == 0); ASSERT(slre_match("(?i)[abc]", "1C2", 3, NULL, 0, &msg) == 2); ASSERT(slre_match("[.2]", "1C2", 3, NULL, 0, &msg) == 1); ASSERT(slre_match("[\\S]+", "ab cd", 5, NULL, 0, &msg) == 2); ASSERT(slre_match("[\\S]+\\s+[tyc]*", "ab cd", 5, NULL, 0, &msg) == 4); ASSERT(slre_match("[\\d]", "ab cd", 5, NULL, 0, &msg) == 0); ASSERT(slre_match("[^\\d]", "ab cd", 5, NULL, 0, &msg) == 1); ASSERT(slre_match("[^\\d]+", "abc123", 6, NULL, 0, &msg) == 3); ASSERT(slre_match("[1-5]+", "123456789", 9, NULL, 0, &msg) == 5); ASSERT(slre_match("[1-5a-c]+", "123abcdef", 9, NULL, 0, &msg) == 6); ASSERT(slre_match("[1-5a-]+", "123abcdef", 9, NULL, 0, &msg) == 4); ASSERT(slre_match("[1-5a-]+", "123a--2oo", 9, NULL, 0, &msg) == 7); ASSERT(slre_match("[htps]+://", "https://", 8, NULL, 0, &msg) == 8); ASSERT(slre_match("[^\\s]+", "abc def", 7, NULL, 0, &msg) == 3); ASSERT(slre_match("[^fc]+", "abc def", 7, NULL, 0, &msg) == 2); ASSERT(slre_match("[^d\\sf]+", "abc def", 7, NULL, 0, &msg) == 3); /* Flags - case sensitivity */ ASSERT(slre_match("FO", "foo", 3, NULL, 0, &msg) == 0); ASSERT(slre_match("(?i)FO", "foo", 3, NULL, 0, &msg) == 2); ASSERT(slre_match("(?m)FO", "foo", 3, NULL, 0, &msg) == 0); ASSERT(slre_match("(?m)x", "foo", 3, NULL, 0, &msg) == 0); ASSERT(strcmp(msg, static_error_unexpected_quantifier) == 0); ASSERT(slre_match("fo", "foo", 3, NULL, 0, &msg) == 2); ASSERT(slre_match(".+", "foo", 3, NULL, 0, &msg) == 3); ASSERT(slre_match(".+k", "fooklmn", 7, NULL, 0, &msg) == 4); ASSERT(slre_match(".+k.", "fooklmn", 7, NULL, 0, &msg) == 5); ASSERT(slre_match("p+", "fooklmn", 7, NULL, 0, &msg) == 0); ASSERT(slre_match("ok", "fooklmn", 7, NULL, 0, &msg) == 4); ASSERT(slre_match("lmno", "fooklmn", 7, NULL, 0, &msg) == 0); ASSERT(slre_match("mn.", "fooklmn", 7, NULL, 0, &msg) == 0); ASSERT(slre_match("o", "fooklmn", 7, NULL, 0, &msg) == 2); ASSERT(slre_match("^o", "fooklmn", 7, NULL, 0, &msg) == 0); ASSERT(slre_match("^", "fooklmn", 7, NULL, 0, &msg) == 0); ASSERT(slre_match("n$", "fooklmn", 7, NULL, 0, &msg) == 7); ASSERT(slre_match("n$k", "fooklmn", 7, NULL, 0, &msg) == 0); ASSERT(slre_match("l$", "fooklmn", 7, NULL, 0, &msg) == 0); ASSERT(slre_match(".$", "fooklmn", 7, NULL, 0, &msg) == 7); ASSERT(slre_match("a?", "fooklmn", 7, NULL, 0, &msg) == 0); ASSERT(slre_match("\\_", "fooklmn", 7, NULL, 0, &msg) == 0); ASSERT(strcmp(msg, static_error_invalid_metacharacter) == 0); ASSERT(slre_match("+", "fooklmn", 7, NULL, 0, &msg) == 0); ASSERT(strcmp(msg, static_error_unexpected_quantifier) == 0); ASSERT(slre_match("()+", "fooklmn", 7, NULL, 0, &msg) == 0); ASSERT(strcmp(msg, static_error_no_match) == 0); ASSERT(slre_match("\\x", "12", 2, NULL, 0, &msg) == 0); ASSERT(strcmp(msg, static_error_invalid_metacharacter) == 0); ASSERT(slre_match("\\xhi", "12", 2, NULL, 0, &msg) == 0); ASSERT(strcmp(msg, static_error_invalid_metacharacter) == 0); ASSERT(slre_match("\\x20", "_ J", 3, NULL, 0, &msg) == 2); ASSERT(slre_match("\\x4A", "_ J", 3, NULL, 0, &msg) == 3); ASSERT(slre_match("\\d+", "abc123def", 9, NULL, 0, &msg) == 6); /* Balancing brackets */ ASSERT(slre_match("(x))", "fooklmn", 7, NULL, 0, &msg) == 0); ASSERT(strcmp(msg, static_error_unbalanced_brackets) == 0); ASSERT(slre_match("(", "fooklmn", 7, NULL, 0, &msg) == 0); ASSERT(strcmp(msg, static_error_unbalanced_brackets) == 0); ASSERT(slre_match("klz?mn", "fooklmn", 7, NULL, 0, &msg) == 7); ASSERT(slre_match("fa?b", "fooklmn", 7, NULL, 0, &msg) == 0); /* Brackets & capturing */ ASSERT(slre_match("^(te)", "tenacity subdues all", 20, caps, 10, &msg) == 2); ASSERT(slre_match("(bc)", "abcdef", 6, caps, 10, &msg) == 3); ASSERT(slre_match(".(d.)", "abcdef", 6, caps, 10, &msg) == 5); ASSERT(slre_match(".(d.)\\)?", "abcdef", 6, caps, 10, &msg) == 5); ASSERT(caps[0].len == 2); ASSERT(memcmp(caps[0].ptr, "de", 2) == 0); ASSERT(slre_match("(.+)", "123", 3, caps, 10, &msg) == 3); ASSERT(slre_match("(2.+)", "123", 3, caps, 10, &msg) == 3); ASSERT(caps[0].len == 2); ASSERT(memcmp(caps[0].ptr, "23", 2) == 0); ASSERT(slre_match("(.+2)", "123", 3, caps, 10, &msg) == 2); ASSERT(caps[0].len == 2); ASSERT(memcmp(caps[0].ptr, "12", 2) == 0); ASSERT(slre_match("(.*(2.))", "123", 3, caps, 10, &msg) == 3); ASSERT(slre_match("(.)(.)", "123", 3, caps, 10, &msg) == 2); ASSERT(slre_match("(\\d+)\\s+(\\S+)", "12 hi", 5, caps, 10, &msg) == 5); ASSERT(slre_match("ab(cd)+ef", "abcdcdef", 8, NULL, 0, &msg) == 8); ASSERT(slre_match("ab(cd)*ef", "abcdcdef", 8, NULL, 0, &msg) == 8); ASSERT(slre_match("ab(cd)+?ef", "abcdcdef", 8, NULL, 0, &msg) == 8); ASSERT(slre_match("ab(cd)+?.", "abcdcdef", 8, NULL, 0, &msg) == 5); ASSERT(slre_match("ab(cd)?", "abcdcdef", 8, NULL, 0, &msg) == 4); ASSERT(slre_match("a(b)(cd)", "abcdcdef", 8, caps, 1, &msg) == 0); ASSERT(strcmp(msg, static_error_more_caps) == 0); ASSERT(slre_match("(.+/\\d+\\.\\d+)\\.jpg$", "/foo/bar/12.34.jpg", 18, caps, 1, &msg) == 18); /* Greedy vs non-greedy */ ASSERT(slre_match(".+c", "abcabc", 6, NULL, 0, &msg) == 6); ASSERT(slre_match(".+?c", "abcabc", 6, NULL, 0, &msg) == 3); ASSERT(slre_match(".*?c", "abcabc", 6, NULL, 0, &msg) == 3); ASSERT(slre_match(".*c", "abcabc", 6, NULL, 0, &msg) == 6); ASSERT(slre_match("bc.d?k?b+", "abcabc", 6, NULL, 0, &msg) == 5); /* Branching */ ASSERT(slre_match("|", "abc", 3, NULL, 0, &msg) == 0); ASSERT(slre_match("|.", "abc", 3, NULL, 0, &msg) == 1); ASSERT(slre_match("x|y|b", "abc", 3, NULL, 0, &msg) == 2); ASSERT(slre_match("k(xx|yy)|ca", "abcabc", 6, NULL, 0, &msg) == 4); ASSERT(slre_match("k(xx|yy)|ca|bc", "abcabc", 6, NULL, 0, &msg) == 3); ASSERT(slre_match("(|.c)", "abc", 3, caps, 10, &msg) == 3); ASSERT(caps[0].len == 2); ASSERT(memcmp(caps[0].ptr, "bc", 2) == 0); { /* Example: HTTP request */ const char *error_msg, *request = " GET /index.html HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n"; struct slre_cap caps[4]; if (slre_match("^\\s*(\\S+)\\s+(\\S+)\\s+HTTP/(\\d)\\.(\\d)", request, strlen(request), caps, 4, &error_msg)) { printf("Method: [%.*s], URI: [%.*s]\n", caps[0].len, caps[0].ptr, caps[1].len, caps[1].ptr); } else { printf("Error parsing [%s]: [%s]\n", request, error_msg); } ASSERT(caps[1].len == 11); ASSERT(memcmp(caps[1].ptr, "/index.html", caps[1].len) == 0); } { /* Example: string replacement */ char *s = slre_replace("({{.+?}})", "Good morning, {{foo}}. How are you, {{bar}}?", "Bob"); printf("%s\n", s); ASSERT(strcmp(s, "Good morning, Bob. How are you, Bob?") == 0); free(s); } { /* Example: find all URLs in a string */ static const char *str = " " " some link"; static const char *regex = "(?i)((https?://)[^\\s/'\"<>]+/?[^\\s'\"<>]*)"; struct slre_cap caps[2]; int i, j = 0, str_len = strlen(str); while (j < str_len && (i = slre_match(regex, str + j, str_len - j, caps, 2, NULL)) > 0) { printf("Found URL: [%.*s]\n", caps[0].len, caps[0].ptr); j += i; } } printf("Unit test %s (total test: %d, failed tests: %d)\n", static_failed_tests > 0 ? "FAILED" : "PASSED", static_total_tests, static_failed_tests); return static_failed_tests == 0 ? EXIT_SUCCESS : EXIT_FAILURE; } #endif /* SLRE_UNIT_TEST */