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int slre_match(const char *regexp, const char *buf, int buf_len,
               struct slre_cap *caps, int num_caps, int flags);

slre_match() matches string buffer buf of length buf_len against regular expression regexp, which should conform the syntax outlined above. If regular expression regexp contains brackets, slre_match() can capture the respective substrings into the array of struct slre_cap structures:

/* Stores matched fragment for the expression inside brackets */
struct slre_cap {
  const char *ptr;  /* Points to the matched fragment */
  int len;          /* Length of the matched fragment */

N-th member of the caps array will contain fragment that corresponds to the N-th opening bracket in the regex, N is zero-based. slre_match() returns number of bytes scanned from the beginning of the string. If return value is greater or equal to 0, there is a match. If return value is less then 0, there is no match. Negative return codes are as follows:

#define SLRE_NO_MATCH               -1
#define SLRE_INTERNAL_ERROR         -4
#define SLRE_TOO_MANY_BRANCHES      -8
#define SLRE_TOO_MANY_BRACKETS      -9

Valid flags are:

  • SLRE_IGNORE_CASE: do case-insensitive match