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2015-06-23 21:32:06 -03:00
.gitignore Added Makefile and .gitignore 2015-06-23 21:32:06 -03:00
LICENSE URL fixed 2014-02-11 13:36:36 +00:00
Makefile Added Makefile and .gitignore 2015-06-23 21:32:06 -03:00
README.md Add contribution section to readme 2015-03-18 15:50:12 +00:00
slre.c Fix SLRE_IGNORE_CASE handling 2015-06-10 11:19:43 +01:00
slre.h Flags setting moved to the API 2014-07-14 11:32:14 +01:00
unit_test.c Fix SLRE_IGNORE_CASE handling 2015-06-10 11:19:43 +01:00

SLRE: Super Light Regular Expression library

SLRE is an ISO C library that implements a subset of Perl regular expression syntax. Main features of SLRE are:

  • Written in strict ANSI C'89
  • Small size (compiled x86 code is about 5kB)
  • Uses little stack and does no dynamic memory allocation
  • Provides simple intuitive API
  • Implements most useful subset of Perl regex syntax (see below)
  • Easily extensible. E.g. if one wants to introduce a new metacharacter \i, meaning "IPv4 address", it is easy to do so with SLRE.

SLRE is perfect for tasks like parsing network requests, configuration files, user input, etc, when libraries like PCRE are too heavyweight for the given task. Developers of embedded systems would benefit most.

Supported Syntax

(?i)    Must be at the beginning of the regex. Makes match case-insensitive
^       Match beginning of a buffer
$       Match end of a buffer
()      Grouping and substring capturing
\s      Match whitespace
\S      Match non-whitespace
\d      Match decimal digit
\n      Match new line character
\r      Match line feed character
\f      Match form feed character
\v      Match vertical tab character
\t      Match horizontal tab character
\b      Match backspace character
+       Match one or more times (greedy)
+?      Match one or more times (non-greedy)
*       Match zero or more times (greedy)
*?      Match zero or more times (non-greedy)
?       Match zero or once (non-greedy)
x|y     Match x or y (alternation operator)
\meta   Match one of the meta character: ^$().[]*+?|\
\xHH    Match byte with hex value 0xHH, e.g. \x4a
[...]   Match any character from set. Ranges like [a-z] are supported
[^...]  Match any character but ones from set

Under development: Unicode support.


int slre_match(const char *regexp, const char *buf, int buf_len,
               struct slre_cap *caps, int num_caps, int flags);

slre_match() matches string buffer buf of length buf_len against regular expression regexp, which should conform the syntax outlined above. If regular expression regexp contains brackets, slre_match() can capture the respective substrings into the array of struct slre_cap structures:

/* Stores matched fragment for the expression inside brackets */
struct slre_cap {
  const char *ptr;  /* Points to the matched fragment */
  int len;          /* Length of the matched fragment */

N-th member of the caps array will contain fragment that corresponds to the N-th opening bracket in the regex, N is zero-based. slre_match() returns number of bytes scanned from the beginning of the string. If return value is greater or equal to 0, there is a match. If return value is less then 0, there is no match. Negative return codes are as follows:

#define SLRE_NO_MATCH               -1
#define SLRE_INTERNAL_ERROR         -4
#define SLRE_TOO_MANY_BRANCHES      -8
#define SLRE_TOO_MANY_BRACKETS      -9

Example: parsing HTTP request line

const char *request = " GET /index.html HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n";
struct slre_cap caps[4];

if (slre_match("^\\s*(\\S+)\\s+(\\S+)\\s+HTTP/(\\d)\\.(\\d)",
               request, strlen(request), caps, 4, 0) > 0) {
  printf("Method: [%.*s], URI: [%.*s]\n",
         caps[0].len, caps[0].ptr,
         caps[1].len, caps[1].ptr);
} else {
  printf("Error parsing [%s]\n", request);

Example: find all URLs in a string

static const char *str =
  "<img src=\"HTTPS://FOO.COM/x?b#c=tab1\"/> "
  "  <a href=\"http://cesanta.com\">some link</a>";

static const char *regex = "(?i)((https?://)[^\\s/'\"<>]+/?[^\\s'\"<>]*)";
struct slre_cap caps[2];
int i, j = 0, str_len = strlen(str);

while (j < str_len &&
       (i = slre_match(regex, str + j, str_len - j, caps, 2, 0)) > 0) {
  printf("Found URL: [%.*s]\n", caps[0].len, caps[0].ptr);
  j += i;


Found URL: [HTTPS://FOO.COM/x?b#c=tab1]
Found URL: [http://cesanta.com]


People who have agreed to the Cesanta CLA can make contributions. Note that the CLA isn't a copyright assigment but rather a copyright license. You retain the copyright on your contributions.


SLRE is released under GNU GPL v.2. Businesses have an option to get non-restrictive, royalty-free commercial license and professional support from Cesanta.