package handle

import (

var (
	baseDir             = "tmp/"
	subDir              = "sub/"
	subDeepDir          = "sub/deep/"
	tmpIndexName        = "index.html"
	tmpFileName         = "file.txt"
	tmpBadName          = "bad.txt"
	tmpSubIndexName     = "sub/index.html"
	tmpSubFileName      = "sub/file.txt"
	tmpSubBadName       = "sub/bad.txt"
	tmpSubDeepIndexName = "sub/deep/index.html"
	tmpSubDeepFileName  = "sub/deep/file.txt"
	tmpSubDeepBadName   = "sub/deep/bad.txt"

	tmpIndex        = "Space: the final frontier"
	tmpFile         = "These are the voyages of the starship Enterprise."
	tmpSubIndex     = "Its continuing mission:"
	tmpSubFile      = "To explore strange new worlds"
	tmpSubDeepIndex = "To seek out new life and new civilizations"
	tmpSubDeepFile  = "To boldly go where no one has gone before"

	nothing  = ""
	ok       = http.StatusOK
	missing  = http.StatusNotFound
	redirect = http.StatusMovedPermanently
	notFound = "404 page not found\n"

	files = map[string]string{
		baseDir + tmpIndexName:        tmpIndex,
		baseDir + tmpFileName:         tmpFile,
		baseDir + tmpSubIndexName:     tmpSubIndex,
		baseDir + tmpSubFileName:      tmpSubFile,
		baseDir + tmpSubDeepIndexName: tmpSubDeepIndex,
		baseDir + tmpSubDeepFileName:  tmpSubDeepFile,

func TestMain(m *testing.M) {
	code := func(m *testing.M) int {
		if err := setup(); nil != err {
			log.Fatalf("While setting up test got: %v\n", err)
		defer teardown()
		return m.Run()

func setup() (err error) {
	for filename, contents := range files {
		if err = os.MkdirAll(path.Dir(filename), 0700); nil != err {
		if err = ioutil.WriteFile(
		); nil != err {

func teardown() (err error) {
	return os.RemoveAll("tmp")

func TestBasic(t *testing.T) {
	testCases := []struct {
		name     string
		path     string
		code     int
		contents string
		{"Good base dir", "", ok, tmpIndex},
		{"Good base index", tmpIndexName, redirect, nothing},
		{"Good base file", tmpFileName, ok, tmpFile},
		{"Bad base file", tmpBadName, missing, notFound},
		{"Good subdir dir", subDir, ok, tmpSubIndex},
		{"Good subdir index", tmpSubIndexName, redirect, nothing},
		{"Good subdir file", tmpSubFileName, ok, tmpSubFile},

	handler := Basic(baseDir)
	for _, tc := range testCases {
		t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
			fullpath := "http://localhost/" + tc.path
			req := httptest.NewRequest("GET", fullpath, nil)
			w := httptest.NewRecorder()

			handler(w, req)

			resp := w.Result()
			body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
			if nil != err {
				t.Errorf("While reading body got %v", err)
			contents := string(body)
			if tc.code != resp.StatusCode {
					"While retrieving %s expected status code of %d but got %d",
					fullpath, tc.code, resp.StatusCode,
			if tc.contents != contents {
					"While retrieving %s expected contents '%s' but got '%s'",
					fullpath, tc.contents, contents,

func TestPrefix(t *testing.T) {
	prefix := "/my/prefix/path/"

	testCases := []struct {
		name     string
		path     string
		code     int
		contents string
		{"Good base dir", prefix, ok, tmpIndex},
		{"Good base index", prefix + tmpIndexName, redirect, nothing},
		{"Good base file", prefix + tmpFileName, ok, tmpFile},
		{"Bad base file", prefix + tmpBadName, missing, notFound},
		{"Good subdir dir", prefix + subDir, ok, tmpSubIndex},
		{"Good subdir index", prefix + tmpSubIndexName, redirect, nothing},
		{"Good subdir file", prefix + tmpSubFileName, ok, tmpSubFile},
		{"Unknown prefix", tmpFileName, missing, notFound},

	handler := Prefix(baseDir, prefix)
	for _, tc := range testCases {
		t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
			fullpath := "http://localhost" + tc.path
			req := httptest.NewRequest("GET", fullpath, nil)
			w := httptest.NewRecorder()

			handler(w, req)

			resp := w.Result()
			body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
			if nil != err {
				t.Errorf("While reading body got %v", err)
			contents := string(body)
			if tc.code != resp.StatusCode {
					"While retrieving %s expected status code of %d but got %d",
					fullpath, tc.code, resp.StatusCode,
			if tc.contents != contents {
					"While retrieving %s expected contents '%s' but got '%s'",
					fullpath, tc.contents, contents,

func TestIgnoreIndex(t *testing.T) {
	testCases := []struct {
		name     string
		path     string
		code     int
		contents string
		{"Good base dir", "", missing, notFound},
		{"Good base index", tmpIndexName, redirect, nothing},
		{"Good base file", tmpFileName, ok, tmpFile},
		{"Bad base file", tmpBadName, missing, notFound},
		{"Good subdir dir", subDir, missing, notFound},
		{"Good subdir index", tmpSubIndexName, redirect, nothing},
		{"Good subdir file", tmpSubFileName, ok, tmpSubFile},

	handler := IgnoreIndex(Basic(baseDir))
	for _, tc := range testCases {
		t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
			fullpath := "http://localhost/" + tc.path
			req := httptest.NewRequest("GET", fullpath, nil)
			w := httptest.NewRecorder()

			handler(w, req)

			resp := w.Result()
			body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
			if nil != err {
				t.Errorf("While reading body got %v", err)
			contents := string(body)
			if tc.code != resp.StatusCode {
					"While retrieving %s expected status code of %d but got %d",
					fullpath, tc.code, resp.StatusCode,
			if tc.contents != contents {
					"While retrieving %s expected contents '%s' but got '%s'",
					fullpath, tc.contents, contents,

// func TestIgnoreIndex(t *testing.T) {
// 	handler := IgnoreIndex(Basic("tmp"))
// 	testCases := []struct {
// 		name     string
// 		path     string
// 		code     int
// 		contents string
// 	}{}

// 	// Build test cases for directories.
// 	var dirs []string
// 	for filename, contents := range files {
// 		dir := path.Dir(filename)
// 		found := false
// 		for _, other := range dirs {
// 			if other == dir {
// 				found = true
// 				break
// 			}
// 		}
// 		if !found {
// 			dirs = append(dirs, dir)
// 		}
// 	}

// }

func TestListening(t *testing.T) {
	// Choose values for testing.
	called := false
	testBinding := "host:port"
	testError := errors.New("random problem")

	// Create an empty placeholder router function.
	handler := func(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request) {}

	// Override setHandler so that multiple calls to 'http.HandleFunc' doesn't
	// panic.
	setHandler = func(string, func(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request)) {}

	// Override listenAndServe with a function with more introspection and
	// control than 'http.ListenAndServe'.
	listenAndServe = func(
		binding string, handler http.Handler,
	) error {
		if testBinding != binding {
				"While serving expected binding of %s but got %s",
				testBinding, binding,
		called = !called
		if called {
			return nil
		return testError

	// Perform test.
	listener := Listening()
	if err := listener(testBinding, handler); nil != err {
		t.Errorf("While serving first expected nil error but got %v", err)
	if err := listener(testBinding, handler); nil == err {
			"While serving second got nil while expecting %v", testError,

func TestTLSListening(t *testing.T) {
	// Choose values for testing.
	called := false
	testBinding := "host:port"
	testTLSCert := "test/file.pem"
	testTLSKey := "test/file.key"
	testError := errors.New("random problem")

	// Create an empty placeholder router function.
	handler := func(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request) {}

	// Override setHandler so that multiple calls to 'http.HandleFunc' doesn't
	// panic.
	setHandler = func(string, func(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request)) {}

	// Override listenAndServeTLS with a function with more introspection and
	// control than 'http.ListenAndServeTLS'.
	listenAndServeTLS = func(
		binding, tlsCert, tlsKey string, handler http.Handler,
	) error {
		if testBinding != binding {
				"While serving TLS expected binding of %s but got %s",
				testBinding, binding,
		if testTLSCert != tlsCert {
				"While serving TLS expected TLS cert of %s but got %s",
				testTLSCert, tlsCert,
		if testTLSKey != tlsKey {
				"While serving TLS expected TLS key of %s but got %s",
				testTLSKey, tlsKey,
		called = !called
		if called {
			return nil
		return testError

	// Perform test.
	listener := TLSListening(testTLSCert, testTLSKey)
	if err := listener(testBinding, handler); nil != err {
		t.Errorf("While serving first TLS expected nil error but got %v", err)
	if err := listener(testBinding, handler); nil == err {
			"While serving second TLS got nil while expecting %v", testError,